Man, you really have it in for these reviews, Nameless. :lol If anything, I think you take their very existence way more seriously than I do
When I look at these type of early reviews, I'm well aware of the extremely limited circumstances under which the "insiders" evaluate an episode's content. Post production and final edit are key components to enjoying the full LOST experience. Thing is, I read the reviews already knowing they're based on an incomplete product.
Because of that, in no way has it ever factored into my final judgment (or even initial viewing) of an episode. The views they express obviously aren't gospel, and in no way do I treat them as such. However, I'm not going to treat these people's opinions like they have absolutely no merit. Because they do. For the simple fact they've seen and heard more official material than you or me. And from there, I can easily reject or accept the opinions they've presented to whatever degree I choose.
Truth is, any pre-episode material in this thread is going to color a person's expectations. Even just knowing an episode's centricity is bound to influence you. These early reviews are just as harmless/potent as the rest of the stuff in here.
I guess I just don't understand why giving them even an
ounce of merit is frowned upon. :/