Dead said:
Flash Sideways Day 1:
- Locke gets fired, goes to Temp Agency
- Sayid visits his brother
- Sun and Jin stay ay Hotel
- All events in Happily ever After
Day 2:
- Sayids Brother is attacked
- Keamy visits Sun and Jin
- Locke rips up Jaks business card
- Desmond visits Hurley
Day 3:
- Sayid Kills Keamy
- Jin is in Freezer
- Locke starts job as Substitute
- Sun is shot (very late at night?)
- Hurley has date with Libby
Day 4:
- Desmond runs over Locke (early morning?)
- Sun Rushed to Hospital
- Locke Rushed to Hospital
I think thats the aproximate timeline
Was there any timelapse in The Package when Jin was put in the freezer? Sayid found Jin in the Freezer on his 3rd day for sure.
Day 3 and Day 4 has to be the same day... Desmond ran over Locke the same day as Hurley's date. Also, Sun being shot on Day 3 and rushed to Day 4 is not a "rush to hospital" if you know what I mean.
Here's how it goes:
Day 2:
- Sayids Brother is attacked
- Keamy visits Sun and Jin
- Locke rips up Jaks business card
- Desmond visits Hurley
Day 3:
- Sayid Kills Keamy
- Jin is in Freezer
- Locke starts job as Substitute
- Sun is shot
- Hurley has date with Libby
- Desmond runs over Locke
- Sun Rushed to Hospital
- Locke Rushed to Hospital
The reason being is that Sayid is taken to the restaurant during breakfast time. Keamy be baking eggs and being shot while he's at it. A few hours later (i.e. Afternoon, when school finishes) Sun gets shot while Locke is ran over.