The Big Rig
Can I get a PM of those photos woodchuck?
Jack must decide whether or not to trust Locke after he is asked to follow through on a difficult task.
Written by Elizabeth Sarnoff & Jim Galasso
Directed by Jack Bender
Naveen Andrews as Sayid
Nestor Carbonell as Richard Alpert
Emilie de Ravin as Claire
Michael Emerson as Ben
Jeff Fahey as Frank Lapidus
Matthew Fox as Jack
Jorge Garcia as Hurley
Josh Holloway as Sawyer
Daniel Dae Kim as Jin
Yunjin Kim as Sun
Ken Leung as Miles
Evangeline Lilly as Kate
Terry OQuinn as Locke
Zuleikha Robinson as Ilana
Guest Cast
Alan Dale as Charles Widmore
Kevin Tighe as Anthony Cooper
Sam Anderson as Bernard
Katey Sagal as Helen
Fred Koehler as Seamus
Maile Holck as nurse
Casey Adams as Wheeler
Ken Elliott as orderly
Christopher McGahan as Paul
Alan Seabock as sub captain
Aesius said:Jack Bender! Fuck yeah!
Chipopo said:
Dead said:Episode 14 Press Release is out
Desmond getting shafted in the PR credits once again
except for where its confirmed to beSolo said:OMG The Candidate is.totally a Locke episode![]()
I mean, looking at that cast list - Anothony Cooper and Bernard (since Rose has already been in Locke's sideflash)
Unlike Locke, Jack can hold shit down on his own.Solo said:I know what the wored article says. Just making my own assumptions based off a cast-list that seems not to feature anyone Jack-related.
Lafiel said:Maybe desmond isn't in the next episode?![]()
TheGreatDave said:Unlike Locke, Jack can hold shit down on his own.
DeathNote said:So, I guess no one knows if Christian will be back this season right?
Solo said:I made my 15/3 designation with knowledge of who the remaining eps are about. After 15, nothing can be the same anymore.
Nameless said:I think shit is going to start getting real next episode, actually. Episode 15 might be the most epic...ever, but rumors are. If that's true, and we have no reason to believe it isn't, I'm predicting a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge twist or occurrence half way through The Candidate and fallout for the rest of the features none of the main cast as it chronicles the rise of the Man in Black
No doubt, it's whenBlader5489 said:That's not entirely true. Apparently, it just doesn'tfeature *most* of the regulars. Which, to me, sounds like Illana and/or Richard might show up. And given that 15 sounds like it'll be the big Jacob/MIB backstory ep, an Illana or Richard appearance would make sense.
Whatever the justification, theres no excuse for an episode as bad 'The Last Recruit' this late into the final seasonSolo said:Oh yeah, for sure. I think these final 5 eps are going to analogous to S3's final 5 eps. Which is to say, mindblowingly awesome.
dave is ok said:Whatever the justification, theres no excuse for an episode as bad 'The Last Recruit' this late into the final season
dave is ok said:Whatever the justification, theres no excuse for an episode as bad 'The Last Recruit' this late into the final season
It was a really bad episode. After 'Happily Ever After' and 'Everybody Loves Hugo' picked up the pace a bit, I was thinking we were finally out of the doldrums - but I guess not quite yet.gdt5016 said:You have to be fucking kidding me. You just have to.
Chipopo said:According to one interview its. I wish I were kidding.___________Zoe____________
WHAT THE FUCK. If that's true, I'm fucking finished with this shit.Chipopo said:According to one interview its. I wish I were kidding.___________Zoe____________
Lakitu said:What? That would suck.
SpeedingUptoStop said:So, Chipopo, does your endgame theory still work?
You make no sense.brandonh83 said:I thought Hugo was the worst episode this season and didn't pick anything up at all, especially after Happily Ever After. This episode put several major pieces into place and kicked off the endgame as far as I'm concerned.
dave is ok said:The Last Recruit was two or three groups of people moving from Point A to Point B... and thats about it for plot.
Nope. On the island Locke's camp moved to a beach while the Candidates moved to a boat. In the X timeline Sun, Jin, Locke, Ben and Jack moved to a hospital. That is literally all that happened. Without the Jack/Sawyer conversation and the Kwon reunion it probably would have been the worst episode of the entire series - and it came at a time when they should be actually moving the plot forward instead of just moving the characters around.brandonh83 said:Did your cable cut out any?
You have to move the characters around to move the plot forward.dave is ok said:Nope. On the island Locke's camp moved to a beach while the Candidates moved to a boat. In the X timeline Sun, Jin, Locke, Ben and Jack moved to a hospital. That is literally all that happened. Without the Jack/Sawyer conversation and the Kwon reunion it probably would have been the worst episode of the entire series - and it came at a time when they should be actually moving the plot forward instead of just moving the characters around.
Well, it is a locke/Jack episode, so Locke will probably die again.InaudibleWhispa said:I hope the Candidate is highly rated because of a massive story revelation/twist rather than something like a major death.
I keep hearing the termInaudibleWhispa said:I hope the Candidate is highly rated because of a massive story revelation/twist rather than something like a major death.
hyppeee.InaudibleWhispa said:I hope the Candidate is highly rated because of a massive story revelation/twist rather than something like a major death. A great episode is still a great episode regardless, but now would be the perfect time to blow our minds with mythology to build us up for the finale. I remember Terry O'Quinn talking about a 4 page section of script seeped in mythology and revelation. I think this was before the finale script had been written and maybe even before Across The Sea. I think the timing fits for Lindelofs quote along the lines of, "We just wrote something and looked at each other thinking, 'Wow, I can't believe we're finally writing this'".
dave is ok said:Nope. On the island Locke's camp moved to a beach while the Candidates moved to a boat. In the X timeline Sun, Jin, Locke, Ben and Jack moved to a hospital. That is literally all that happened. Without the Jack/Sawyer conversation and the Kwon reunion it probably would have been the worst episode of the entire series - and it came at a time when they should be actually moving the plot forward instead of just moving the characters around.
The episode directly after it isCostanza said:I keep hearing the termthrown around in regards to that episode.bloodbath
Costanza said:I keep hearing the termthrown around in regards to that episode.bloodbath
Geography is always insignificant. How significant Sayid not shooting Desmond or Kate forcing the people on the boat to allow a psychopath aboard is - will have to wait to be seen.brandonh83 said:Just, to me it's like you're making significant moves sound insignificant