LOST Thread of minor spoilers and speculation (post here or get banned until S6 ends)

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PhoncipleBone said:
I would think so. Wasn't Christian carrying a torch in one episode?

Ghost torch! Appearing to be holding something is different than taking something real.

"Can you help me up?"
"No, I can't."

Dead said:
Who says its a ghost?

So Jacob just got recycled/reborn already? What happens if he throws his own ashes into the stream into the GLOWING HOBBIT HOLE #0? Light Monster?


Vargas said:

Great scene, and rather direct acknowledgment of some very weird shit from two characters that have historically not done that.

I doubt it. It's just build up to the finale, don't expect any huge revelations.

Until ~2 months ago, 6.16 was planned to be part one of a three part finale. So I'd expect quite a bit of framing about what the major conflict is going to be throughout the finale and revaluations about exactly what happened in the last two episodes and why it matters. I swear to Christ, if they title it what they did without answering its question, even I'll be bitching.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Sneak Peeks are good, and #2 further proves:
Jack is so much better than Sawyer. Sawyer would have gone on and on, blaming Jack for Killing them. Jack's putting the blame in the correct place, even though Sawyer was more responsible for Sayid's (2nd death), Jin and Sun's Death, than Jack was for Juliets


I've heard from a couple people the entire final episode has leaked online, but I haven't actually seen a link to it or any hard evidence.
Anyone else heard this rumor?


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
tim1138 said:
I've heard from a couple people the entire final episode has leaked online, but I haven't actually seen a link to it or any hard evidence.
Anyone else heard this rumor?
I watched it, and man oh man, did I not expect to see
Vincent swallow Bernard's 3 year old bottle of viagra and wander around the island for 2.5 hours with a RAGING hard on.


SpeedingUptoStop said:
I watched it, and man oh man, did I not expect to see
Vincent swallow Bernard's 3 year old bottle of viagra and wander around the island for 2.5 hours with a RAGING hard on.

The closest I could find was this, which I personally think they should air as the beginning of the finale.


For clarification the linked video contains no spoilers at all.


If the finale leaked, would you watch it?

I think I would, but then I'd have to watch everything I say for the next two weeks in the official posts.

I think the major spoiler thread would erupt.

And that video sucked. :/ All text no funny.


Arment said:
If the finale leaked, would you watch it?

I think I would, but then I'd have to watch everything I say for the next two weeks in the official posts.

I think the major spoiler thread would erupt.

And that video sucked. :/ All text no funny.

I definitely would watch it if it leaked, wouldn't even think twice about it really.


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
Arment said:
If the finale leaked, would you watch it?

I think I would, but then I'd have to watch everything I say for the next two weeks in the official posts.

I think the major spoiler thread would erupt.
Considering we have one episode left before it?
No. But I would watch it right after next episode.


I like this thread. It' so ...tranquil

anywho, digging both of the sneak peaks. Are there no flashsideways next episode.? Usually one of sneak peak is on island and the other is X-timeline.


Nameless said:
I like this thread. It' so ...tranquil

anywho, digging both of the sneak peaks. Are there no flashsideways next episode.? Usually one of sneak peak is on island and the other is X-timeline.

The guest starring list basically revealed that, yes, there is a Flashsideways, so presumably there will be a Sneak Peek #3 over the the next few days.


Those sneak peaks were good. Like a breath of fresh air after Across the Sea.

Direct Sneak Peak discussion:
Though I did let out a "no no no no" when I saw kid Jacob.


And on the sixth day the LORD David Bowie created man and woman in His image. And he saw that it was good. On the seventh day the LORD created videogames so that He might take the bloody day off for once.
goddam agreed, those sneak peeks are breath of fresh air.

Jack, Sawyer, Hurley.... KATE! I've missed you guys! ;_;

edit- Any idea why there's been
two versions of Jacob running around modern day Island? Creepy kid and adult ghost?


well not really...yet

Okay, finally, I have to ask, simply because it's been driving me nuts for a year and a half: what's going on with showing the other half of the outrigger shootout?

CC: The outrigger shootout is not something we're bending around in gyrations so we can solve it. In the grand scheme of the show, that is a fairly obscure piece of the show. It is your particular obsession...

DL: ...and you're not alone in it.

CC: You're not alone in it. And yes, it would have been great if we had had the opportunity to close the time loop. But you can't get everything done and keeping the narrative going in a straight line. This is one of those things where we made a very conscious choice to ask, "What are the big questions? And most importantly, what are the paths of these characters? Where do they lead?" And we followed those paths and tried not to trip ourselves up getting too diverted from that. We felt that that's the thing that's ultimately going to make the finale work or not work. We got to the point where we made the finale we wanted to make, that was our approach, and I think it was the only approach we could take. We sat here in my office, had breakfast every day for six years, talked about the show, and we used this gut check methodology, where if we both loved something and thought it was cool, that would go in. We applied that same methodology to the finale, and that was the only way we could do it. We came up with a finale that we thought was cool, that was emotional and one we really liked. That's the best we could do.

DL: When we wrote that scene and somebody started shooting at them, we knew exactly who was shooting at them. That is not a dangling thread that we don't know the answer to. That being said, as we started talking about paying that off this season, it felt like the episode was at the service of closing the time loop, as opposed to what the characters might actually be doing in that scenario. It never felt organic. We decided we would rather take our lumps from the people who couldn't scratch that itch than to produce an episode that was in service of putting people in an outrigger and getting shot at.

You put people in a lot of outriggers this season. It feels, frankly, like you're taunting me.

DL: We can't entirely deny that we're taunting you.

CC: Honestly, though, the logistics of getting all the participants in the outriggers in the configuration that was on the A-side of the time loop was actually really daunting.

DL: Considering half of them had been killed off

CC: It's not like we didn't want to do it. Like Damon says, it was just too much of a narrative deviation to do it.

Okay, you've now said at a couple of points here that you're not going to reveal the name of the Man in Black. Is there a significance to that, or you've just decided you prefer the air of mystery it gives the character to not give him a name?

CC: I think for us to explain why we're not giving him a name veers too far into the territory of explaining things that we don't feel the need to explain.

What a load of bullshit


What outrigger is he talking about? The scene in the fifth season where they're being shot at?

Who gives a flying fuck, answer some of the bigger questions.
randomwab said:
What outrigger is he talking about? The scene in the fifth season where they're being shot at?

Who gives a flying fuck, answer some of the bigger questions.
Exactly. It is like asking why didn't Ben want to read Carrie for the book club. It doesnt matter in the end (although I did find his reaction to Juliet reading it funny).
They don't give a name because he represents something, call it human nature, or whatever.

I'm a supporter of the theory that says smokey is not really jacob's brother. So knowing his name is not important, knowing smokey's name? A bit more important maybe but not really necessary.


Well, damn.

I was running the other day and a rabbi pulled up on his bicycle and rode about a mile alongside me, just talking about the show. He was an inordinately bright guy and a devout Lost fan. He said an interesting thing. If you notice, the Smoke Monster goes after people who are not really pure in their intentions. He’s sort of an odd instrument of justice. He said maybe the reason it would be devastating for Smokey to ever get off the island is if he does punish evil, he would probably decimate 80 percent of mankind. There wouldn’t be many people left because there’s so much sin in the world.
Maybe those answers will come through Terry O’Quinn. I’ll have to live vicariously through him — that was my last Lost appearance. It’s been a fun ride.


Shame we won't be seeing any more of Titus.


The outrigger scene seems like it could have been filmed and put into an episode so easily.

I was really convinced it was going to show Juliet shooting either Miles or Sawyer, though.


VistraNorrez said:
Seriously never cared about the outrigger. When I saw people complaining about it, I had to search just to remember what it was.
Considering how many groups had guns, I figured it was one those groups.


Aesius said:
The outrigger scene seems like it could have been filmed and put into an episode so easily.

I was really convinced it was going to show Juliet shooting either Miles or Sawyer, though.

Not really. They're right about that in particular.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Aesius said:
The outrigger scene seems like it could have been filmed and put into an episode so easily.

I was really convinced it was going to show Juliet shooting either Miles or Sawyer, though.
The thing about this though, they way I see it is that you can't really have a scene where a major character gets taken out by a happenstance of time travel. it just wouldn't have a large impact. It'd just be a sudden "wtf!!" followed by a ton of "why would they shoot him like that, that's stupid." And if it was just a random moment where no one was really harmed, people would say "well, that was lame."

It was a plot thread that had an option for continuity, but it wasn't necessary when it came down to crafting where the characters would end up this final season. I'm disappointed they couldn't work it in, but I say that no scene at all is better than having it haphazardly shoved into an episode to please people (when it would actually please no one, since they'd say that the moment was unworthy of the hype).
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