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LTTP: Dark Forces / Jedi Knight series


Dark Forces(1995)


This is a fantastic old-school shooter in the same vein as DOOM and such. Big open levels, keycards, medpacks, ammo drops, easter eggs, puzzles, boss fights, it's all there. The sprite cutscenes and the in-game sprites look neat, although that comes as no surprise seeing as it's a Lucas Arts game. The level design is top notch, I can recall at least one or two levels that let me progress via multiple paths along with plenty of shortcuts hidden throughout. The characters and story are alright, nothing too special... Yet. To be honest, I'm sort of surprised that this doesn't get much more attention. I would put it up there with Duke Nukem 3D, DOOM I/II, Hexen etc. without a doubt.

If you like old school FPS games, give it a shot.

Dark Forces II / Jedi Knight(1997)


Absolutely magnificent game. I can already hear A Black Falcon running over to praise it as well :p

Like Dark Forces, it's a classic old-school shooter, and as you can sort of see above, we now have 3D graphics similar to Half Life and Quake. However, what makes this so different from the previous entry?

Lightsaber. Force powers. Skill tree.

Holy shit. Force powers certainly help make the game unique, and I would imagine at the time it was mindblowing. You got Force Pull, Push, Heal, Speed, Choke the works! The lightsaber combat is pretty fun too, particularly in the duels with other Jedi.

Of course, that's not the best part.


Live action cutscenes baby. And they're awesome.

Kyle Katarn is one of the most lovable and badass protagonists I've encountered, Jan is a cool sidekick, and overall the story really feels like an actual Star Wars adventure. I was always looking forward to the cutscenes at the end of each level! Always enjoyed them.

It's a better game than the previous Dark Forces in just about every area. Again, if you like old school FPS games, buy this. Also, at one point,
you get to fucking punch dragons.

Mysteries of the Sith Expansion(1998)


Expansion for Dark Forces II. Not much is different, although you do get to play as Mara Jade, protagonist of the adored Thrawn Trilogy. Kinda cool. However, they replaced my beloved live action cutscenes with in-game cutscenes... :( The story is kind of boring too.

Still, it's just about as good as the base game, so if you like that, it's certainly worth playing through.

Jedi Knight 2(2002)


Now that we've got that out of the way, yes, it's an excellent game. The first few levels are kind of a drag, and while I can't quite put my finger on it, the shooting feels... Floaty. There were moments where me and a Stormtrooper were right next to each other and our shots kept flying around each other like the bullets from Wanted.

However, once you get that lightsaber... GODDAMN. They perfected it. It's absolutely amazing, and combine this with the force powers, you actually feel like a Jedi. Almost never need to use those pathetic things called guns ever again. The fights with other Jedis are just fantastic, I love how fights can literally end in just one unlucky hit, even at full health. Then you add different lightsaber styles and it's just UGH SO FUCKING GOOOD OOOOOOOOOOH IT'S LIKE THIS AND LIKE THAT AND LIKE THIS AND A IT'S LIKE THAT AND LIKE THIS AND LIKE THAT IT'S LIKE THIS AND LIKE THAT AND LIKE THIS AND A

I can't. I just can't. I can't stress how good the lightsaber combat is. And then there are those mods / commands for dismemberment I haven't even tried...

Oh, uh, other parts of the game, right. Well, it looks pretty good. The level design is alright, although those Rodian sniper sections are really damn annoying. Story is fun once again, Kyle Katarn rules, the main villain is a dinosaur Jedi, and they got Billy Dee Williams to voice Lando! YAY! Also Luke Skywalker is in it. Cool.

Basically play this game if you like Star Wars or fun

Jedi Academy(2003)


Well, this is it. This is my favorite entry in the entire series. Possibly one of my favorite games ever now.

It still contains the superb combat from the previous game, but it adds more weapons(the staff and dual blades) and force powers. The campaign is incredible. You get to choose the main characters gender / race(Rodian Jedi woo), there's a mission hub, and quite a suprising amount of variety in how the missions play, which range from riding a swoop bike to carefully platforming to avoid being eaten by a giant sandworm. Unlike JK2 you start off with a lightsaber and there's only one level where you need to use guns, but it's an optional mission, and you also have your force powers to make it easier. Like JK1, you get to level up your force powers once again. It's clearly much more focused on the excellent lightsaber combat as there are tons and tons of other Jedi to fight. Everything just feels more polished and I feel like the campaign is much stronger.

My only gripe is how short it is. It took me roughly 6 hours to finish, and I did every mission. However, there are multiple ending and combat styles / powers I couldn't try on my first playthrough, so the replayability is definitely there. I hear the multiplayer is unbalanced, but I strongly prefer the single player in JA to Outcast / JK2.

Welp, that's that. I've been playing through a lot of Star Wars games thanks to that Star Wars collection sale, so I thought I'd throw this up along with the other two LTTPs I did(KOTOR and Republic Commando). I don't think Star Wars games will get better than this series. It's a masterpiece.

Oh, I did beat Force Unleashed 1 and 2 and didn't make a LTTP. In summary, they're pretty shit, okay bye


I did play them all back in the day, especially liked Dark Forces 2 with the lightsaber combat.

I actually like Jedi Academy as well, I think you could customise your character on that one?


I did play them all back in the day, especially liked Dark Forces 2 with the lightsaber combat.

I actually like Jedi Academy as well, I think you could customise your character on that one?

Yup! I love custom characters which probably helped make me love it even more.
Finally someone sees the light when it comes to Jedi Academy campaign in comparison to Jedi Knight 2. The Level design and variety is just way much better


Such great games, imo great stories and well amazing gameplay. (Then again i'm a sucker for almost anything Star Wars related)

Greatest MP ever, i still play MBII.
After 20 years the thing that really sticks out about the Jedi Knight games is the level design. The levels were huge and sprawling. It's something you rarely get in FPS games these days.

Also, I remember being amazed by the colored lighting in Mysteries of the Sith. I remember very little else from that game, aside from your ambush on the Hutt palace.

And it's interesting that Jedi Academy is your favorite of the series. In my mind it's the worst of them.


Finally someone sees the light when it comes to Jedi Academy campaign in comparison to Jedi Knight 2. The Level design and variety is just way much better

Agreed! It's really damn cool, love how different most of the missions are from each other.


For anyone in the know on Star Wars. is that dinosaur like race the villain is in Jedi Knight 2 common in the lore such as the books and what not or is it only really seen in that game?


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
Great, great games. It's painful when you think that Academy was 10 years ago. I'll never understand why Star Wars stopped being taken seriously as a game franchise by LucasArts. Surely it's free money? A quality game with this license is guaranteed bank.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
The Jedi Knight series is some of the best Star Wars games ever made. They really should have made a Jedi Knight 3 rather than the crappy Force Unleashed games, imo.


People playing Jedi Academy need to be made aware of Movie Battles, the greatest add-on for multiplayer combat. You have Mandalores flying around on jetpacks, Jedi with a block function and excellently upgraded lightsaber mechanics.... way too much to mention. Just so much fun. Will take you a while to master, though.


Yeah Jedi Academy is amazing. It nailed lightsaber and force power play fantastically. Maybe one day we will get another game like this. I keep hoping that the modding community will create an awesome Star Wars mod for Chivalry.


After 20 years the thing that really sticks out about the Jedi Knight games is the level design. The levels were huge and sprawling. It's something you rarely get in FPS games these days.

Also, I remember being amazed by the colored lighting in Mysteries of the Sith. I remember very little else from that game, aside from your ambush on the Hutt palace.

And it's interesting that Jedi Academy is your favorite of the series. In my mind it's the worst of them.

Definitely. The open level design was great.

I actually went into Jedi Academy after reading from a few GAF posts that it was a tad weaker than Outcast, but was blown away. I was head over heels from start to fnish.
The best part of Jedi Academy is that crystal canyon level, force pushing a sith off the cliffs to their deaths is the greatest feeling in the world.

I agree that Jedi academy was the best in the series. love to use that dual bladed light saber.
Jedi Academy is amazing. I love, love, love that game. There are some game breaking powers in it (lightning and choke) but the combat is super fun and intense without it. I really love that there aren't combos in it, you just have to sword fight using the proper stance and moves for that, moment. This series really needs to comeback.


I had an unreal amount of fun with Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Academy. What an amazing game.

It's one of the few old PC games I still play and have the disc for. This and Nox I think are the only two disc-based PC games I still play.


I liked the JA single player less than JK's and JO's only because the latter two felt more like Star Wars to me. The good old Star Wars. It had none of that flashy modern nonsense like holding their saber backwards or staves, no unnecessary shoehorned in references like going to Tatooine and Hoth just for the sake of it. Cause everyone loves Tatooine! Throw in Chewbacca and Boba Fett as well! It all felt a bit forced. In terms of gameplay though, it's indisputably the most advanced.


I never quite realized just how much of a Doom clone Dark Forces was when I was a kid. I mean, that was the accepted term before FPS became popularized in the later 90s, but in hindsight the game is practically a Doom WAD.

But hey, there was nothing better for the time and I played the shit out of both DF and the JK series.

Doom holds up in a way Dark Forces doesn't, although that's probably because of the mods and shit like Brutal Doom that has kept it fresh and interesting for me for 20 years.
Loved the shit out of these games as a kid.

The shooting does not hold up in JO and JA, though. Feels so awful. Thank god the saber combat is good.
The source code for JA was released back in April. Anyone know if something awesome has come from it yet? This thread has me interested in playing it again, just need to download it on Steam or dust off the 360.


I loved all these games when they came out due to being a big Star Wars fan.

I can remember getting Dark Forces and playing through all of the custom maps that could be found on BBSs in the mid/late 90s. There was one to infiltrate/destroy a Tie Defender (favorite ship!) facility in a canyon that was really well done, had 3d models of the ships added in and they flew around the map.

Jedi Knight is my favorite out of the series though. I can remember being blown away by the story and cutscenes when I got it. As someone else mentioned, the levels were huge, I was always partial to the refueling one and the canyon/descent ones near the end. The music is memorable to me too (I think it's just that it reinforces the levels for me since the other games had the same music too. Probably that this was CD quality too and played in your stereo.). The multiplayer duels in this one were great too (for the time, JKII obliterated them when it released).

For anyone that is a fan of the first two games in the series there are 3 books that came out after Jedi Knight that tell Kyle Kartan's story during those games. Has great artwork interspaced with the story depicting a scene from it.


For anyone that is a fan of the first two games in the series there are 3 books that came out after Jedi Knight that tell Kyle Kartan's story during those games. Has great artwork interspaced with the story depicting a scene from it.

Ooooh. I might get those, although I kind of want to check out the Thrawn Trilogy after Mysteries of the Sith.


a few weeks ago all the star wars game on steam were on sale and I bought it, all the games here were encluded here, too. So I replayed them all for a bit.

I have very fond memories of dark forces and jedi knight, as a huge star wars and wolf3d/doom fan there games were the gaming highlight of my childhood. the leveldesign was awesome and it shames most of todays shooters. the story was exactly as silly and cheesy as it needed to be. mysteries of the sith was also awesome, with one of the coolest final boss fights of all time.

I didnt like jedi academy and jedi knight 2 that much, but I'd sill love to see a sequel to those games. I am sure raven would not disappoint.
The lightsaber combat in Jedi Knight 2 left me fucking dumbfounded, and I played this shit relatively recently.

The level design was pretty shitty in some parts but damn did I just not care because of the lightsaber combat.
My fav in the series was easily DF2: Jedi Knight for dat skill tree, levels, and cut-scenes.

Loved the other iterations as well.... pretty sad how The Force Unleashed games were like an absolute shadow of these games' glory.


From what I've played of Dark Forces II, the live action cutscenes had some pretty cheesy acting. They were really fun to watch, though.

Also, hearing Billy Dee Williams voicing Lando in Jedi Knight II was awesome.


The original Jedi Knight is good but it's annoying cos I remember beating it on hard mode back in the day when I had patience but playing now.. it's just so god damn cheap, one hit takes about a quarter of your health so it's just a total quick save/load fest. Lot of good memories though, that yellow light saber was so boss.

Johnny M

Dark forces :3 I was playing during months just to complete the single player. JK2 was amazing as well. Those times ....
Yes, Jedi Knight and Jedi Academy were both great.
I remember having to configure those games for a proper dismemberment effect.
I'd use my Jedi power to slow time and just cut through the enemies with the light saber.
Severed arms, hands, legs and heads would be flying everywhere! lol


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
JK2 is amazing, and the mindblowing thing is they did melee/light-saber combat in the Quake 3 Arena engine. How is that possible!?
The Dark Forces series were some of the games that got me into gaming as a kid and as a Star Wars fan they were a dream come true. Lightsaber duel servers on the MSN gaming zone!
Jedi Outcast was fantastic. Outstanding level design in that game. Teaming up with Luke in one of the levels and watching him go all Jedi on Desann's acolytes was, alone, worth the price of admission.


After 20 years the thing that really sticks out about the Jedi Knight games is the level design. The levels were huge and sprawling. It's something you rarely get in FPS games these days.
Yeah! Vast doesn't even begin to describe the draw distances of Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight... the Dark Palace section at its top even gave me that sinking feeling in the stomach when you would suddenly fall from its big heights.

A little creative game inside a game; I always had a gamesave at the Dark Palace's courtyard all cleared up of enemies and with enough ammo and Stormtrooper corpses in front of me (because at the moment you turned around and those were out of sight then disappeared), to make them fly! For this I would:

  1. Put the maximum amount of Sequencer Mines (on the secondary proximity mode) I could, using the 'all weapons' cheat to replenish them, besides a corpse.
  2. Take ten steps behind.
  3. Throw a Thermal Detonator.
  4. See how far above it could reach the sky (if you could even see where it went... they flew fast!).
The sceneries were that tall! Searching for where it went afterwards was another challenge. Steering those poor Stormtroopers corpses through the ground making them rebound while throwing Thermal Detonators needed its good practice as well! >:)

This isn't as sadistic as it sounds, seeing those Stormtrooper totally stiff bodies rebounding was too funny!


JK was the first FPS I played and JO was the first game that really got me into online multiplayer gaming, so it's probably the PC series I feel most emotionally attached to. I still remember that the noclip/flying cheat is called eriamjh on/off the same way Doom fans know the idd...something code even though I've only played through JK once since 1998. Not only are the levels massive in scale, the devs didn't bother having restricting skyboxes. I remember flying to the top of the dark tower and finding a way to jump down several hundred feet onto an angled surface to survive the fall...that's pretty cool when you're 12.

I liked the JA single player less than JK's and JO's only because the latter two felt more like Star Wars to me. The good old Star Wars. It had none of that flashy modern nonsense like holding their saber backwards or staves, no unnecessary shoehorned in references like going to Tatooine and Hoth just for the sake of it. Cause everyone loves Tatooine! Throw in Chewbacca and Boba Fett as well! It all felt a bit forced. In terms of gameplay though, it's indisputably the most advanced.

Yeah, the JA locales seem so phoned in. JA has the highest highs (the gloomy descending level which has you pulling crazy moves against multiple enemies on narrow crumbling platforms; return of the concussion rifle; final boss fight) and the lowest lows (fetch quest; jetpack bullet...eeh sabersponges; lifeless tribute locations). They're both pretty unoriginal compared to JK, tho.


I spent a good chunk of my break playing Jedi Knight (I'm at, couldn't seem to beat Jerec).
I've beaten Jedi Outcast and Academy, but have yet to beat Dark Forces or JK/MOTS in the years I've owned them.


Thanks for making this topic, bringing back a few memories! This is one of those rare series where every game is great without exception. Well, perhaps not the Nar Shaddaa levels in JK2, but everything else was perfect :)
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