
This thing doesn't even have a Wikipedia article last time I checked (besides it's own Wiki), and I only found out about it by watching Youtubers and it's great animated trailer (that is not in the game).
I've got it for cheap on Steam (if I understand correctly it's the upated comercial edition) and I've wasted more time playing it on Deck that I would dare to admit.
It's a Rouguelike that can be described as a combination of "Binding of Issac and Enter the Gungeon". You start with 2 characters who entered a spooky mansion, and have to climb 4 randomly generated floors, fighting randomly generated enemies and finding/buying randomly generated loot that buff, debuf and change aspects of each character, in order to fight 1 of 2 bosses in each floor. There are chalenge rooms, secret rooms, subfloors, alternative optional floors, the ability to loop the run, 7 additional characters, costumes for each character, secret endings and secret true final bosses. Staying to long in a floor will cause Chunks, an unkillable monster, to chase you, so you shouldn't be wasting to much time.
The usual stuff.
Here's the review that convinced me to give it a go.
Aparently it's currently undergoing an update marathon where 6 major updates will be released.
Besides balances, bug fixes and items, the first added a ton of cutscenes, mostly involving intros for the unlockable characters, the second added the 9th character, and the third is comming tomorow and apparently it's adding new shops, costumes and a progression system.
Hints for beginers:
- Breaking pots often drops money, health and the ocaisonal golden lich that gives a lot of money. Without firepower you'll be breaking them slowlly, so don't waste to much time on them, unless you plan on taking on Chunks.
- Chunks can be defeated despite appearing to be recieving 0 dmg, though it takes a lot of firepower and it's only for the current floor.
- The Doctor's main function is to rise permanently your base health, speed and damage. Don't asume her for just a healer. The Abrosia that heals you is sold in both the normal store and the Doctor. The room only spawns on main floors 1 and 3.
- Don't automatically pick all items. Some have nasty side-effects, especially the toiler paper, that can drop even from pots, and you shound't pick it up unless you are doing a glass canon build.
- Each floor has at least 1 secret room (on harder dificulty there might be more) with a free-be. The entrance is barelly visible upon entering a room, but it can't spawn adjasent to more than 1 room so it's location can be guessed. The cultist rooms on the alternative floors don't aply by this rule and can have multiple entrances.
- To get the true ending you have to Beat the game as both Jeff and Julles to unlock Cordelia. Then beat the game as Cordelia to unlock lore and the alternative floors. Finally go through a run passing from all alternative floors and picking up the key pieces at their end.
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