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LTTP: FFVIIR | Not a fan


Parody of actual AJUMP23
I liked it, but I loved the original. I do think the pace is pretty bad. I had a good time and I think that is what matters to me. I am sure I will the next 2, but that is for my nostalgia.


I really wonder how they plan to fit the rest of the game into only two more parts. They stretched about a 6 hour part of the original game into 30+ of superfluous padding, are they going to either rush/skip future content from the original?

They aren't going to. It's not a full remake of FF7, it's a riff on the story of FF7 from within the FF7 "universe", or whatever.
It should be obvious we are not at this point going beat-by-beat through the whole story that was in the original game.

Again, you've been warned...
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The original is my first J-RPG. Loved it when it came out, it's still fantastic overall.

I despise FFVIIR with all my heart, but most people liked it. The characters feel like the retarded, anime versions of the original characters. The original story is great, but this remake is 30% that, 70% filler that goes from meh to garbage.

The linearity and the constant squeeze squeeze to mask loading times, the puzzles and the detour there just to make the game longer. Utter trash.

The fighting system is the only good thing it has, though even there I felt it didn't really know what it wanted to be. But at least it was enjoyable.

It's a chore, it's a 30 hour long slog that could have been a decent 15 without the useless content.

That's why I'm shocked all, ALL OF MY FUCKING FRIENDS LOVED IT.

Seriously, it's shit. FFXV is better.
This exactly, plus with it being split its going to take at least 12 years to tell the story


What time is it?
I fell off the game after I got over how beautiful the visuals were which was somewhere near the club infiltration scenario. I just didn't love the mechanics.


  • The combat: I like a good turn-based RPG, and I also like good real-time combat, but I really DON'T like the combination they are trying here. To me it feels like the worst aspects of both systems, rather than the best of each. It's not turn-based enough to feel truly strategic, and it's not real-time enough to feel like I'm actually in full control of what's happening.

Blame the people who wouldn't stop complaining about it not being turn based. Obviously Square Enix was trying to appease both action RPG fans and turn based RPG fans. Same thing happened with FFXV, and it was a joke and combat sucked.


I'd say as a game it surpasses the original in just about every aspect despite not even leaving Midgar.
The characters, dialogue, plot, story are all big improvements, everyone is far more charming and way more interesting to talk to.

I'd say that their are maybe 2 out of the 18 chapters that I think the game could do without or could be shortened and of course the loading squeezes do indeed suck but complaining about stuff like optional sidequests is just silly. I do wish there were a mode that could let me just skip the story totally since I've gone through it 20 times to get to just the fighting.

It has issues, It's also probably just about the best game Squaresoft/enix has made with by far the best combat system they've made, or rather one of the best combat systems for rpg to date.
People say it's "confused" as to what it wants to be but I'd say its issue is that it's too forgiving and lets players mash their way through rather than actually engaging with what it is.
People even complain about having to switch characters sometimes even though when your switching every few seconds is when the game is at its best..

They aren't going to. It's not a full remake of FF7, it's a riff on the story of FF7 from within the FF7 "universe", or whatever.
It should be obvious we are not at this point going beat-by-beat through the whole story that was in the original game.

Again, you've been warned...
They have said not to expect drastic changes in the actual structure and that you will be going to all the places you would expect.
Just like you went to all the places you would expect in Part 1.

Don't expect any major locations to be missing.
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They have said not to expect drastic changes in the actual structure and that you will be going to all the places you would expect.
Just like you went to all the places you would expect in Part 1.

Don't expect any major locations to be missing.

What's the quote source for this? No matter what... what can I say. I'll believe they pulled that off in 2 more games when I see it.

I think more likely that this is PR talk for -- the player will drop in and out of the story, which completely exists as in the original game, but will be represented in gameplay-terms for a number of key sections during which the player has influence in the events as they are unfolding. The first game was focused on Midgar, the 2nd game could be focused on 2/3/4 other key areas, 3rd game focused on 3/4 more.

You cannot possibly expect to be able to go through (and play through) every location that was in the original story... that cannot be done in 2 more games which are in the style of FF7R.
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To be fair after reading the OP's post I think he has a point.

Looking closer




and comparing the two I would agree FFVIIR, not a fan.
Thread saved.


What's the quote source for this? No matter what... what can I say. I'll believe they pulled that off in 2 more games when I see it.

I think more likely that this is PR talk for -- the player will drop in and out of the story, which completely exists as in the original game, but will be represented in gameplay-terms for a number of key sections during which the player has influence in the events as they are unfolding. The first game was focused on Midgar, the 2nd game could be focused on 2/3/4 other key areas, 3rd game focused on 3/4 more.

You cannot possibly expect to be able to go through (and play through) every location that was in the original story... that cannot be done in 2 more games which are in the style of FF7R.

I've only found one right now , there were several specifically dismissing the idea that they would be skipping things and saying that they would be happening but be different. So as a wild example I'd say you'd go through Junon but maybe meet some Wutai soldiers there.

In the next game I expect to travel through and fight in kalm, chocobofarm, mithril mine, maybe fort condor, junon, costa del sol, North corel, golden saucer, corel prison, Gongaga, Nibleheim rocket town and the temple of the ancients, maybe up to the northern crater.

I'm expecting each areas to be as fleshed out as they were in chapter 2, 3 and 4 of remake with some areas being several chapters large. I'm obviously not expecting each area to have much content as the entirety of the first game.

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They aren't going to. It's not a full remake of FF7, it's a riff on the story of FF7 from within the FF7 "universe", or whatever.
It should be obvious we are not at this point going beat-by-beat through the whole story that was in the original game.

Again, you've been warned...
I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up being a completely different thing in the end, but I thought they said that most of the big plot elements wouldn't deviate too much from the original?


Gold Member
The only issue (but a pretty big issue to me) is that, back in the day Square Soft was synonym of the best shit in the biz. Since Soft become Enix they have milked FFVII pretty hard. This remake feels that way. Plus outdated game design...is just disappointed but expected.


The nicest person on this forum
I personally liked FFVIIR, I'm sad that FF will never goes back to turn based but at least FFVIIR is going in to right direction for its action combat.


Can’t Git Gud
Amazingly Bad.

Fortunately, this opinion is wide regarded, even inside square enix (which is the most important)

God for you if you liked it tho.
But what's so bad about it? I've heard for years how bad it is and I was surprised how good it was.
The graphics, atmosphere, friendship, monsters, MUSIC.
The only thing that is lacking a bit is story presentation and maybe combat but it's just weird.
I liked the game on an emotional level. On a game game level it is flawed for sure.
But well worth playing and one of better games I played last year


Gold Member
But what's so bad about it? I've heard for years how bad it is and I was surprised how good it was.
The graphics, atmosphere, friendship, monsters, MUSIC.
The only thing that is lacking a bit is story presentation and maybe combat but it's just weird.
I liked the game on an emotional level. On a game game level it is flawed for sure.
But well worth playing and one of better games I played last year
Ok. This is the thing....Square Enix.

To be quick:

FFVII compilation = Cash Grab.
Fabulla Nova Cristalys= a shit show in so many levels. From this: FFXVersus-13..the game that was supposed to be the "return of form" after another disappointment
With the lighting trilogy.

And we all know how fucked up the FFversus13 development was and a lot of things got changed when that game became XV. (Hardcore fans were/are still not happy/disappointed). People were waiting for this shit like a decade or so...crazy. And the end product felt incomplete, disjointed, incoherent.

As you said:
"The only thing that is lacking a bit is the story"

Well...that alone is a HUGE deal, is a MAJOR aspect when everyone was expecting the contrary. (Specially for a franchise that has been pretty bad in this department and was known to be synonyms of amazing storytelling).

The performance and design were just blunders that make the whole experience even worst.
This exactly, plus with it being split its going to take at least 12 years to tell the story
FFVII Remake April 2020, FFVII Rebirth Winter 2023 maybe 2024... you think FFVII P3 will be out 9 years after?

Just lmao the development is going great. The hyperbole here stays the same however


FFVII Remake April 2020, FFVII Rebirth Winter 2023 maybe 2024... you think FFVII P3 will be out 9 years after?

Just lmao the development is going great. The hyperbole here stays the same however
Ok mayhe an exageration but you get my point. Part one 2020, part 2 2023 nearly 2024, part 3 if all is good 2027/2028, will they need a part 4? If so 2031 assuming 3 to 4 years a game


They confirmed 3 games in their latest stream
Ah well that is good at least. Still, i wish they just did the whole thing. My main thought when playing part one was how much better it woupd have been to have the whole story. We are atill looking at nearly a whole decade to play the entire thing
Ah well that is good at least. Still, i wish they just did the whole thing. My main thought when playing part one was how much better it woupd have been to have the whole story. We are atill looking at nearly a whole decade to play the entire thing
The game would never come out dude, this is the only way


The only issue (but a pretty big issue to me) is that, back in the day Square Soft was synonym of the best shit in the biz. Since Soft become Enix they have milked FFVII pretty hard. This remake feels that way. Plus outdated game design...is just disappointed but expected.
Outdated according to who? What is a not outdated game design?


aside from slaughtering the build up and story I quite enjoyed the gameplay of the remake
VII original is still GOAT though

Once I found the groove in switching characters and executing their moves I quite enjoyed the combat
If I have to squeeze through one more tight spot load barrier I swear...
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That is nonsemse. Why on earth wouldnt it come out? Are you seriously saying we cant make 100hr rpgs anymore? It is much more likely episodic is the way so we essentially all buy the game 3 times.
You literally listed the complaint dude. It would take most likely over 10 years for it to happen. That’s the Elder Scrolls, Starfield approach. It’s not a realistic ask, most companies need a return on their investment sooner than that


You literally listed the complaint dude. It would take most likely over 10 years for it to happen. That’s the Elder Scrolls, Starfield approach. It’s not a realistic ask, most companies need a return on their investment sooner than that
Totally disagree but each to their own I guess

Kev Kev

ngl its refreshing to see there are so many who feel the same way i do about FF7R's flaws.

FF threads on gaf are usually filled with the types who literally believe square is doing gods work. like completely ignoring all the failures of the last 15 years and just pointing to yoshi or nomura with wide, glistening eyes, like everything they are doing and have done is perfect and everything they are going to do is already a 10/10.

minus a few who have been fair and intelligible, despite still disagreeing, i see very little in way of criticism from some of those gaffers. they only look at the good parts and ignore the flaws like they arent even there. im not gonna go as far as to say im getting ganged up on, but its usually like me and 3 other gaffers vs the entire gaf FF fanbase lol.

sometimes i think maybe its just me, then i see this thread and people saying nearly word for word the same complaints i had, and it helps reaffirm it wasnt just me wanting to hate it or whatever.

🤷‍♂️ like ive said in other threads, there are really great things about the direction square and FF are headed, but there are also some really bad ones, and some things that they are simply going backwards on, which is maddening. but im still going to play the rest of the FF7 remake project, bc despite its major flaws remake was pretty good and im expecting the same from rebirth and re-whatever


ngl its refreshing to see there are so many who feel the same way i do about FF7R's flaws.

FF threads on gaf are usually filled with the types who literally believe square is doing gods work. like completely ignoring all the failures of the last 15 years and just pointing to yoshi or nomura with wide, glistening eyes, like everything they are doing and have done is perfect and everything they are going to do is already a 10/10.

minus a few who have been fair and intelligible, despite still disagreeing, i see very little in way of criticism from some of those gaffers. they only look at the good parts and ignore the flaws like they arent even there. im not gonna go as far as to say im getting ganged up on, but its usually like me and 3 other gaffers vs the entire gaf FF fanbase lol.

sometimes i think maybe its just me, then i see this thread and people saying nearly word for word the same complaints i had, and it helps reaffirm it wasnt just me wanting to hate it or whatever.

🤷‍♂️ like ive said in other threads, there are really great things about the direction square and FF are headed, but there are also some really bad ones, and some things that they are simply going backwards on, which is maddening. but im still going to play the rest of the FF7 remake project, bc despite its major flaws remake was pretty good and im expecting the same from rebirth and re-whatever
You were literally angry at people saying they didn’t like FFXV the other day saying everyone was smug for not enjoying it and now are playing the victim card because people actually like FF7R?
The last 15 years include FFXIII and FFXV which received harsh critiques. FFVIIR and KH3 are the first games since XII that the majority of the fanbase collectively enjoyed. I don’t understand you at all.
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Gold Member
Outdated according to who?
Your mom?..sorry I am David Jaffe. But if you need a "voice of authority".


And there are more examples. The point is: this opinion is out there, not a product of my imagination.

As for me: it boils down to these aspects:

level/map design (gave me FF13 PTSD) + Progress structure + hud markers/checkpoints = ruins engaging exploration and breaks immersion.

What is a not outdated game design?
Ok, how can I put this?. One of the big achievements of early final fantasies (specially PSX ones which are the ones I played). Was the illusion of an 'open world' without the crutches designers use nowadays. Even FFXII achieved this. (How can this be?...insane).

Well, to answer you question:

In this context would be that the game level design, exploration and storytelling are so well intertwined that designers shouldn't have the necessity of using eternal graphical elements (HUD and the like) to convey information to the player that should be given organically by the game itself.


Your mom?..sorry I am David Jaffe. But if you need a "voice of authority".


And there are more examples. The point is: this opinion is out there, not a product of my imagination.

As for me: it boils down to these aspects:

level/map design (gave me FF13 PTSD) + Progress structure + hud markers/checkpoints = ruins engaging exploration and breaks immersion.

Ok, how can I put this?. One of the big achievements of early final fantasies (specially PSX ones which are the ones I played). Was the illusion of an 'open world' without the crutches designers use nowadays. Even FFXII achieved this. (How can this be?...insane).

Well, to answer you question:

In this context would be that the game level design, exploration and storytelling are so well intertwined that designers shouldn't have the necessity of using eternal graphical elements (HUD and the like) to convey information to the player that should be given organically by the game itself.

You not liking =/= outdated.
Linearity =/= outdated.
Hard disagree with all this.
But you do you I guess.
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I'm expecting each areas to be as fleshed out as they were in chapter 2, 3 and 4 of remake with some areas being several chapters large. I'm obviously not expecting each area to have much content as the entirety of the first game.

Let me just say I really, really hope you're right! And hope I am very much wrong.

I look forward to seeing more of the game, but I definitely do not expect 8/9/10 or more well-realized wildly different locations per game, that doesn't make sense in terms of what they did with the first game and in terms of what their dev cycle looks like.

The tweet is about the story, which of course they are going to come out and say. That's probably in response to people saying crazy stuff like "they might let us save Aeris!" or whatever. The story not significantly changing isn't the same as having a big limitations of the number of FF7 locations in which we actually spend a significant amount of gameplay time.
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XV is amazing !!!
I got to it right after ff7 remake. I think 7r is better but XV is so good once you get into it.
I played Royal Edition on pc

I can't even lie, I played with about 12 hours on release and it completely lost me. Interminable start to a game, it was mind-blowing to me. But perhaps with the changes and as you progress more it gets better. I dunno. Rep is will earned, in my limited experience.


Versus XIII was literally my most hyped game of all time. What we got with XV is the saddest shit I’ve ever seen.

It wasn’t an F rating but easily the worst Final Fantasy ever made dude
I don't know why people are using my post trying to say FFXV while my point is that to me FFVIIR is so bad I prefer FFXV to it.

XV is not a masterpiece in any way, but at least I liked the characters and the world.


Gold Member
You not liking =/= outdated.
Linearity =/= outdated.
Hard disagree with all this.
But you do you I guess.
Is outdated alright. You could like it or not it dosen't change that fact.

You have linearity (which is fine) and then you have "walking inside a tube".

So, I'm happy you like it. But for me, Square Enix has been a disappointment for year now. (Basically since his inception). But hardcore FF14 fans are pretty excited for 16.

I hope Square Enix finally makes Final Fantasy justice.
I don't know why people are using my post trying to say FFXV while my point is that to me FFVIIR is so bad I prefer FFXV to it.

XV is not a masterpiece in any way, but at least I liked the characters and the world.
Because XV’s characters and world building were dog shit, it needed a 2h CG Movie, a 5 episode anime and a prequel game and 3 DLC’s and fucking directors cut to make the characters even feel relatable
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Can’t Git Gud
Because XV’s characters and world building were dog shit, it needed a 2h CG Movie, a 5 episode anime and a prequel game and 3 DLC’s and fucking directors cut to make the characters even feel relatable
It didn't I never watched a movie or anime and I loved the game


Reseterror Resettler
Because XV’s characters and world building were dog shit, it needed a 2h CG Movie, a 5 episode anime and a prequel game and 3 DLC’s and fucking directors cut to make the characters even feel relatable

This is just patently wrong, and your fanboyism and trolling for internet clout points is really showing.

it's actually seven episodes of anime, a prequel and a sequel novel and five DLC's, on top of the movie, games, and demos. Duh.

So blinded by hate!
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