More essentials from Mahhhvel for you to devour
-Uncanny X-Force vol. 1 (if you dig this and want more, the story continues in Uncanny Avengers)
-Superior Foes of Spider-Man
-Astonishing X-Men 1-24 + Giant-Sized Astonishing X-Men (the Whedon run)
-Daredevil: the Bendis/Brubaker runs if you want something darker, the Mark Waid run if you want something lighter and a bit more fun...all great runs. It's hard to go wrong with DD
-Ultimate Spider-Man
-Immortal Iron Fist: the Brubaker/Fraction run
Note that Superior Foes, Hawkeye, Uncanny Avengers and Mark Waid Daredevil are still ongoing so you can't read the whole thing in trade yet, but there's plenty available to get you started. If you're looking for something meaty, Ultimate Spider-Man is the way to go. It is MASSIVE and one of the greatest, most consistent super hero comics out there. You could also start with the Bendis run and go all the way through Mark Waid's current stuff, you'd have a huge helping of Daredevil with very, very few dips in quality. That's a very consistent book.
Marvel just started a bunch of new books that have been highly praised, too, for anyone looking to get into monthlies. Check out Moon Knight, Magneto and Ms. Marvel.