As much as I like the Yakuza franchise, I skipped Judgement when it originally came out. I remember at the time being underwhelmed by the reveal. Conceptually it sounded interesting and it felt like a chance to make something different from the core Yakuza experience yet here was another game set in Kamurocho, with a story revolving around Yakuza and with nearly identical gameplay and combat.
Still, now that it's on Ps+ Extra I decided to try it out and....it's kinda boring?
I'm 10 hours in and the pacing is terrible, there's zero sense of urgency and it constantly feels like the game is actively stalling the story from progressing in any meaningful way. Some Yakuza games have had slow intros (looking at you Y3), but usually once the story gets going it stays at a good pace and keeps you engaged while the side content offers some lighthearted distractions when you want a break from the drama.
Here though, I'm just constantly being sent from one corner of town to the next to have short meaningless conversations with people, then Yagami just decides to "drop by the office" or go visit some friend. Like yesterday I really wanted to progress the main plot but Yagami just decided to go visit his lawyer friends, then there's this whole sequence about figuring out "who ate the cake that was in fridge", then I'm sent to have a brief conversation with another character and I'm back at the lawyer office and now I have to do a mandatory "side" quest.
The whole detective angle is pretty lame too. You got "evidence gathering" sequences were you just walk around in first person looking for evidence, but there's no challenge or tension because the game won't let you progress until you've seen everything. At other times you are asked to present evidence but again there's no challenge or tension because if you show the wrong one you can just try again and there's also no chance of you having missed key evidence. And that's still better than the 2008 style tailing missions.
Does this ever pick up? Or is the rest of the game 80% filler and mandatory sidequests with 10 minutes worth of actual main plot every chapter?
Still, now that it's on Ps+ Extra I decided to try it out and....it's kinda boring?
I'm 10 hours in and the pacing is terrible, there's zero sense of urgency and it constantly feels like the game is actively stalling the story from progressing in any meaningful way. Some Yakuza games have had slow intros (looking at you Y3), but usually once the story gets going it stays at a good pace and keeps you engaged while the side content offers some lighthearted distractions when you want a break from the drama.
Here though, I'm just constantly being sent from one corner of town to the next to have short meaningless conversations with people, then Yagami just decides to "drop by the office" or go visit some friend. Like yesterday I really wanted to progress the main plot but Yagami just decided to go visit his lawyer friends, then there's this whole sequence about figuring out "who ate the cake that was in fridge", then I'm sent to have a brief conversation with another character and I'm back at the lawyer office and now I have to do a mandatory "side" quest.
The whole detective angle is pretty lame too. You got "evidence gathering" sequences were you just walk around in first person looking for evidence, but there's no challenge or tension because the game won't let you progress until you've seen everything. At other times you are asked to present evidence but again there's no challenge or tension because if you show the wrong one you can just try again and there's also no chance of you having missed key evidence. And that's still better than the 2008 style tailing missions.
Does this ever pick up? Or is the rest of the game 80% filler and mandatory sidequests with 10 minutes worth of actual main plot every chapter?