
When this game was made free on PS Plus, I was so happy! Truly and honestly one of the greatest games of all time. The upgrade is very welcome, this game looks and plays like a classic myth. Playing this game right now, I'm at the seventh boss, the underwater one, and the graphical upgrade is jawdropping. Truly this is one of those games where a good remake only enhances an already epic experience.

At first, I admit, the controls were a bit to get used to. But I wouldn't have it any other way. It uses a lot of fixed camera angles, it has a bit more elegant approach to it. Love how you have get the horse started and he'll just autorun and you can enjoy the beautiful visuals. Love love love all the bosses, the story, the psychedelic tunnel of reincarnation that you fly through every time you kill a boss. What a special game!

A bit of history: I first played SoC in a PS2 emulator on my computer, it was running like 20fpps, but it was just such a cool game i had to play all the way through it.
This remake is really nice. Anything I should look out for or side quests to do?
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