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LTTP: The Dark Tower and Other Books by Stephen King


Saint Nic
Wizard and Glass is arguably my favorite book ever. It stands alone as an incredible read, but also gives you so much incredible insight on Roland and what he's become.

Couldn't finish 5 because I got so damn bored after 4.
Wait does King not have an editor?

King definitely does have an editor but for most of the 80's King was super fucked up on a lot of drugs and alcohol. Keep in mind King tried his hand at film directing with 1986's awful Maximum Overdrive. Here's what he had to say about that:

“The problem with that film is that I was coked out of my mind all through its production, and I really didn’t know what I was doing [as the director of the film].”
– Stephen King in Hollywood’s Stephen King in 2003

The first book Stephen King wrote completely sober was 1991's Needful Things. So yeah while King did have an editor on all his major novels through the 80's it was probably hard to edit him seeing as he was pretty messed up at the time. Also his mid 80's writing speed was insane.

Also it's important to note that The Dark Tower books were not edited (I can't remember which interview King said this in but I definitely remember him saying he didn't have an editor for them) so they can be even more out there than some of his other stuff.

Knowing that King was struggling with addiction when he wrote Drawing of the Three makes that book (and Eddie and Henry Dean's story) all the more impactful to me.
So what do you read if you're only interested in the dark tower series?

I tried to get through the stand and just couldn't. I stopped after the tunnel scene like 100 pages in. It just seemed like ranting.
So what do you read if you're only interested in the dark tower series?

You can read all 7 DT books without touching anything else by King. There will be little parts here and there that you can tell are clearly meant to connect to other books but it's never distracting. You'll never feel like you're missing out.

There are plenty of people for whom The Dark Tower is the only King they've read (mainly fantasy fans seems like) and they still love it.

Also as I always say to people: stick with it through book 2. I didn't like book 1 that much and by the end of book 2 I was hooked.


I read Insomnia before ever touching the Dark Tower books. It might be my least favorite novel that I've ever read by choice. It's not bad enough to write off the DT books (at least the three that I've read), but it just sucks.

Hmmm....«Insomnia» is one of my favorite King novels ( and I've read them all). Think of it as sort of his «Twin Peaks - The Return Episode 8» -moment (yes, it is that weird). It is kind of a book where all of King's different connections ( «It», «Dark Tower», Derry etc.) intertwine.


A lot of Kings output since he came back from his accident has ranged from very bad to meh personally. I really do love the ending of The Dark Tower though. Honestly his best book this century for me was Revival, doesn't tie into DT, but it I think it has a similar tone.

I would agree with this, but 11/22/63 was just as awe inspiring as some of his more lauded older works. Just absolutely incredible.

"It" is just really good, and not a bad idea to get through it before the new movie hits. The Stand is also really wonderful. The others are always going to be kind of hit or miss. I was iffy reading the Dome, and the ending made me never want to remember the book again. You'll find endings in general is something King has somewhat of a problem with.

Dark Tower series is really solid as well though. 1st is the weakest book in the series, and that says a lot since it's still a good read. I found 4 to be pretty boring, but apparently I'm in the minority with that. 2 is probably my favorite of the series, though 5 is up there with me.

Considering the import, I really should probably get to Insomnia sometime. Maybe that's what I'll use some of the audible credits I've been hoarding on. :p
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