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I don't think force touch is anything to write home about in terms of actual function.

It's nice knowing it's not a mechanical click from an engineering perspective, but the actual use case for the deep press isn't anything to write home about.

It's certainly handy though having another method of control that doesn't require you to move your hand to the keyboard, though. It's going to take a while for Force Touch to trickle into other programs given how slow third-party devs are about this sort of stuff, but the FCP shortcuts are seriously nice.


No more tick tock. There's gonna be a third generation 14nm chip in 2016, instead of the planned 10nm chip. -_-

Hah, was expecting this, especially since the whole feasibility of 7nm was so up in the air and they don't seem to know what they'd be using instead of silicon. Thank goodness GPUs are still moving forward... though if they can give me 10-12 hour batteries under normal use in my laptops that'd be nice too.
Yeah, my computer is cooked. It just sits there on pinwheel not responding to anything.... Chrome wasn't even booting up without getting an "unresponsive" pop up.

Damn it.


Junior Member
OK so I got a MBPr 13" a couple of weeks back and a few days ago I got an MX Master. One Q: is there something wrong with Bluetooth on OS X? The mouse lags and jumps around at times making it really frustrating to use. It has no issues at all on my PC.

I tried to delete the Bluetooth plist and disabling Handoff as according to some possible fixes online but it didn't do anything. Un-/repairing it does nothing. Anything else I can try?
OK so I got a MBPr 13" a couple of weeks back and a few days ago I got an MX Master. One Q: is there something wrong with Bluetooth on OS X? The mouse lags and jumps around at times making it really frustrating to use. It has no issues at all on my PC.

I tried to delete the Bluetooth plist and disabling Handoff as according to some possible fixes online but it didn't do anything. Un-/repairing it does nothing. Anything else I can try?

Do you happen to have tried any other Bluetooth mice on this Mac? I don't think that OS X itself has Bluetooth problems, at least none I'm aware of, but I wonder if there could be something up with your Mac's Bluetooth? Dunno, just throwing it out there really.


Junior Member
Do you happen to have tried any other Bluetooth mice on this Mac? I don't think that OS X itself has Bluetooth problems, at least none I'm aware of, but I wonder if there could be something up with your Mac's Bluetooth? Dunno, just throwing it out there really.

No I haven't. I'll see if I can try and track down another one and test that out. It would suck if it's my Mac's Bluetooth that's shoddy.


Guys, help me decide whether or not to buy the new iPod Touch.

I currently have a 13" rMBP, 2015 for my laptop and use a Note 3 for my phone, a large and powerful phone.

I also have an old iPod Touch 4th Gen which halts and crashes too often to enjoy these days. I use my iPod for music, iOS apps, browsing and social media. I generally use it when my Note is too cumbersome to use due to its size and inconvenience in holding with one hand.

Should I replace my old iPod Touch? I can tether the new one to my phone's data and be able to use it out and about for general tasks without having to worry about using such a large phone or killing its battery in critical situations. The new iPod is rather cheap, is it worth the upgrade?


Guys, help me decide whether or not to buy the new iPod Touch.

I currently have a 13" rMBP, 2015 for my laptop and use a Note 3 for my phone, a large and powerful phone.

I also have an old iPod Touch 4th Gen which halts and crashes too often to enjoy these days. I use my iPod for music, iOS apps, browsing and social media. I generally use it when my Note is too cumbersome to use due to its size and inconvenience in holding with one hand.

Should I replace my old iPod Touch? I can tether the new one to my phone's data and be able to use it out and about for general tasks without having to worry about using such a large phone or killing its battery in critical situations. The new iPod is rather cheap, is it worth the upgrade?

In and of itself for what you're getting the iPod touch is a pretty fantastic deal. Whether it's worth the inconvenience of multiple devices and stuff is really something you have to answer for yourself.


fucking juniors
Not sure if this is the right thread but can someone explain to me how the new Photos app works? My mother wants to upload a photo to Facebook but any photos taken since the upgrade from iPhoto aren't showing up in the explorer window. Is there something else that needs to be done to make these photos accessible? I realize that there is the sharing option in the app itself but she would rather stick with the way she already knows.


I'm going to assume this is a GPU error, no? This is from something I playblasted in Maya.


I've noticed a few artifacts with video like this before which prompted me to get a new GPU a while back, but being the lazy bugger I am I've not bothered to install that or the new SSD I bought.

Does anyone have any recommendations for transferring files over to the new SSD? I'm still unsure if I should do a clean install then manually migrate things over or migrate another way.
Is there anyway to fix those white pressure marks that appear on LCDs?

I think my backpack with my Macbook Pro got tossed around the airplane too much :(


Gold Member
Macbook 1.2Ghz 512GB in Space Grey. Here I come, can't wait to pick it up tomorrow :) Oh btw, what's the most optimized video player besides VLC, Elmedia Player, and Quicktime? I was told Movist was extremely well optimized for OSX.


Having a situation on my Mac after installing Office 2016.

Previously, I had Office 2011. I uninstalled it, replaced with 2016. I'm on OSX 10.10.4

Now I notice a lot of websites look different, the fonts are changed. I know Office adds its own fonts, but I didn't know it had any kind of impact on the fonts websites choose to display. I looked in my browser settings and it just says "Times" and "courier" as the default/fallbacks which seems normal, but the websites DEFINITELY look different.

Anyone know anything about this?

Few days ago I posted about this. I think I found the problem, although i don't know why or how it happened.

At some point after uninstalling office 2011 and between/durring installing Office 2015 on my mac, some fonts became DISABLED on my mac. I don't know why, but re-enabling them fixed everything.

I was browsing around in Font Book and noticed Times New Roman and a few other fonts were greyed out. Right-clicking on the font families had the option to enable them... so I did this for all of them that were grey. Now all the sites look normal.

While the fonts were disabled, I did some testing and noticed that in Word 2015 that when attempting to write anything in Times New Roman when it was disabled in Font Book the font displayed as sans serif in the document (!!??) when, if the OS or Word were trying to substitute TNR they should at the very least sub in something that was a serif font... but that isn't what was happening. No wonder everything was so weird.
Few days ago I posted about this. I think I found the problem, although i don't know why or how it happened.

At some point after uninstalling office 2011 and between/durring installing Office 2015 on my mac, some fonts became DISABLED on my mac. I don't know why, but re-enabling them fixed everything.

I was browsing around in Font Book and noticed Times New Roman and a few other fonts were greyed out. Right-clicking on the font families had the option to enable them... so I did this for all of them that were grey. Now all the sites look normal.

While the fonts were disabled, I did some testing and noticed that in Word 2015 that when attempting to write anything in Times New Roman when it was disabled in Font Book the font displayed as sans serif in the document (!!??) when, if the OS or Word were trying to substitute TNR they should at the very least sub in something that was a serif font... but that isn't what was happening. No wonder everything was so weird.

Interesting, it happened to me after the same sequence of events, removing Office 2011 and installing 2015. Maybe when I 'fixed' it by installing a font, it really just replaced a font that had previously been disabled.
Never thought I'd be looking for help but I am stumped as to what is the deal with my Mac Pro.

I suspected that there was a video card issue since it's been acting up every now and then.

Anyway, this is a Mac Pro mid 2010 model. Power it on. Startup chime plays. Second half of start chime is on repeat. I know this is probably a hardware issue, but I am trying to figure out exactly what it is. I don't want to buy any parts without identifying the culprit first. Anyone have some recommendations or insight? Much appreciated.
Hey OSXGaf

Things that have caused what you've experienced in the MacBooks of my partner and her sister:
1. Bad kernel extension (in our case from an old version of VMWare Fusion that was not compatible with whatever OS I'd upgraded it to and that the compatability checker missed)
2. Bad hard drive cable (it somehow wears out). Can get a new one from iFixit or eBay (but make sure you pick the right one, Apple re-uses model numbers).

Presumably a bad hard drive would do this too. You posted that SMART indicates it's OK, but only some* failures show up in SMART. With another Mac and a USB/SATA interface you can test the HDD— if it boots (slowly) and then works fine it's the HDD cable, if it's problematic, it's the disk or a kernel extension (try safe mode).

*50% IIRC, from Google's white paper on HDDs.

Best of all, on the better models, you can upgrade the RAM after the fact; not possible with the base model.

RAM is soldered on all Mini models this generation. For reasons.

The Real Abed

I really wish the Macbook Pro came in the same colors as the Macbook, I'd pay good money for a Space Grey version
The new iPod touch has a darker Space Grey. I want one in that. I want a black MacBook Pro. It would look so cool. I want it in the Space Black the Apple Watch comes in. And an iPhone in that color.


The new iPod touch has a darker Space Grey. I want one in that. I want a black MacBook Pro. It would look so cool. I want it in the Space Black the Apple Watch comes in. And an iPhone in that color.

Presumably the darker color on the new products means that they've figured out a way around the color issues that plagued the original iPhone 5? (Although how much darker is it actually? In press photos it looks indistinguishable to me aside from the loss of the camera loop.)

The Real Abed

Presumably the darker color on the new products means that they've figured out a way around the color issues that plagued the original iPhone 5?
Is the new color darker than the original 5 was? I liked the bluish tint the original 5 and iPad mini had. They might as well just go all out and do the three color trio for everything. (With colors for the iPod) Silver, (Normal) Black (Blacker the better) and Gold on iPhones and all MacBooks and maybe iMacs. Even if the computers are BTO only and take a week to make. Fuck, just go all out and offer an array of colors that all machines can be custom made in, but have a week or two wait time for BTO. People would love the shit out of that. The return of "making it your own". I had a ruby iMac and loved it. Sadly they killed off the whole color thing with the iMac G4 and rectangular iBooks and colors disappeared for a while until the iPod mini came along. (Then again for a generation when they switched to nanos.) Now they've done so many iPods in so many colors, it seems a same to not offer that service to the Mac side too. Though I can see them charging a few hundred for the service. But it'd be worth it if I could get a MacBook in black and an iPhone in a nice deep red. (I'd get the MacBook in red too but am afraid it'd distract me. But it'd look really damn cool.


Is the new color darker than the original 5 was? I liked the bluish tint the original 5 and iPad mini had. They might as well just go all out and do the three color trio for everything. (With colors for the iPod) Silver, (Normal) Black (Blacker the better) and Gold on iPhones and all MacBooks and maybe iMacs. Even if the computers are BTO only and take a week to make. Fuck, just go all out and offer an array of colors that all machines can be custom made in, but have a week or two wait time for BTO. People would love the shit out of that. The return of "making it your own". I had a ruby iMac and loved it. Sadly they killed off the whole color thing with the iMac G4 and rectangular iBooks and colors disappeared for a while until the iPod mini came along. (Then again for a generation when they switched to nanos.) Now they've done so many iPods in so many colors, it seems a same to not offer that service to the Mac side too. Though I can see them charging a few hundred for the service. But it'd be worth it if I could get a MacBook in black and an iPhone in a nice deep red. (I'd get the MacBook in red too but am afraid it'd distract me. But it'd look really damn cool.

I dunno. The original slate black...

got changed to the lighter space grey....

But I don't see the difference between the two gens of touches.

Hard to find directly comparable shots now that they aren't selling the old one, but from the couple I've found versus the new, the new touch may be slightly darker and slightly warmer (it is in the Photoshop color picker), but it's not a major difference. Would have to see them in person to probably tell if it makes a difference.

The watch is definitely darker than the phones though, and you'd think at least the aluminum sport version would be analogous to the metal backs on the iPhones 6.

As for the color options... I don't imagine it would be much cheaper than ColorWare, honestly. And that's mind-numbingly expensive ($249 for a mini, up to $900 for a MBP...)

No doubt it's sexy though.



Looks like macrumors are doing a giveaway of civ 5 on the Mac AppStore. They're just giving codes away by visiting their giveaway page. Not sure if there's any catch (probably generating for each IP address), but just thought I'd post.


Looks like macrumors are doing a giveaway of civ 5 on the Mac AppStore. They're just giving codes away by visiting their giveaway page. Not sure if there's any catch (probably generating for each IP address), but just thought I'd post.

Thanks for the heads-up, snagged a copy. I've only ever played Civ: Revolutions on 360 so I'm interested in playing a "proper" version of the game.
I have a question, I got the free windows 10 upgrage on my Windows 7 partition (I use this one for gaming). How do I go about upgrading?

My main worry is upgrading through the windows partition and the drivers not working etc.
Im back up. Thanks for all the help guys.

It was the HDD. Damn thing just went out... Pissed me off cuts my charger just died out a month ago too. That Apple tax is bull. I guess the timing is right since this is a Mid 2012 I bought in 14'.

Went with a Crucial 250gb SSD, Easy transition. Just moving all my data to external.
The starting GPU on the Mac Pro is the Dual AMD FirePro D300 with 2GB GDDR5.

Question: is this enough firepower to do some heavy Steam gaming?

Or would I be better off upgrading all the way to Dual AMD FirePro D700 with 3GB or 6GB GDDR5?

I just want to future-proof myself and play games at 4K / highest settings.
The starting GPU on the Mac Pro is the Dual AMD FirePro D300 with 2GB GDDR5.

Question: is this enough firepower to do some heavy Steam gaming?

Or would I be better off upgrading all the way to Dual AMD FirePro D700 with 3GB or 6GB GDDR5?

I just want to future-proof myself and play games at 4K / highest settings.

They're workstation GPUs. They will play games reasonably well, but I don't believe they;re terribly well optimised like the Radeons would be. I question whether they would do AAA games in the near future at 4K/highest, though someone is welcome to correct me since I'm not 100% sure.


The starting GPU on the Mac Pro is the Dual AMD FirePro D300 with 2GB GDDR5.

Question: is this enough firepower to do some heavy Steam gaming?

Or would I be better off upgrading all the way to Dual AMD FirePro D700 with 3GB or 6GB GDDR5?

I just want to future-proof myself and play games at 4K / highest settings.
Then buy three gaming PCs for that money.


The starting GPU on the Mac Pro is the Dual AMD FirePro D300 with 2GB GDDR5.

Question: is this enough firepower to do some heavy Steam gaming?

Or would I be better off upgrading all the way to Dual AMD FirePro D700 with 3GB or 6GB GDDR5?

I just want to future-proof myself and play games at 4K / highest settings.

They'll do a solid job at playing games, but for the price you're paying for a Mac Pro there's a pretty solid argument to be made to just buy a cheaper Mac and build yourself a better gaming rig for an equivalent or cheaper price.

If you're interested in specs, a D300 is mostly equivalent to a Radeon 7870, while the D700s are more akin to a 7970. If you're doing Boot Camp you can obviously use both GPUs via CrossFire and mostly double your performance. Either way, though, heavy 4K gaming is really not going to be a smooth experience; they're 1440p optimal cards at best.

EDIT: Damn at Jim Dalrymple calling Apple Music a nightmare. http://www.loopinsight.com/2015/07/22/apple-music-is-a-nightmare-and-im-done-with-it/

They really borked this launch.


Permanent Junior Member
I'm going to be picking up a rMBP 13" today. Is it advised to jump straight into El Capitan beta, based on some of the UI lag issues currently present in Yosemite?


Gold Member
Just traded in my macbook pro retina 15 2012 model for a 1.2 Ghz 512GB macbook in space grey. No regrets. I love this machine.


Permanent Junior Member
Well, after choosing the in-store pickup option online through Best Buy (they have a little laptop deal going on), my laptop order was still 'processing' 3 hours later so I cancelled it. Fuck Best Buy. Hopefully my money returns to my card soon.


Looks like macrumors are doing a giveaway of civ 5 on the Mac AppStore. They're just giving codes away by visiting their giveaway page. Not sure if there's any catch (probably generating for each IP address), but just thought I'd post.
Thanks for the heads up mate! Much appreciated.

I'm going to assume this is a GPU error, no? This is from something I playblasted in Maya.


I've noticed a few artifacts with video like this before which prompted me to get a new GPU a while back, but being the lazy bugger I am I've not bothered to install that or the new SSD I bought.

Does anyone have any recommendations for transferring files over to the new SSD? I'm still unsure if I should do a clean install then manually migrate things over or migrate another way.
I'm going to be going the clean install route.

It'll be a pain, but I think it's for the best.


Hey guys, I need a hand.

My Uni campus has superfast Internet and clearly it'll be better to use a wired connection when in my flat.

What do I look for when buying this stuff? Is Apple's Thunderbolt to Gigabit Ethernet cable any good or can I find better?

Also, what should I look for when buying an Ethernet cable, or does it really not matter?

Would this one suffice? http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B003CL8KAQ/


Hey guys! I was wondering, has anyone successfully upgraded to Yosemite from a Snow Leopard?

I've been using the iMac 09 Snow Leopard and have been too apprehensive to upgrade up until now, where I feel like I no longer have a choice since I can't use certain software that I need for work.


Hey guys! I was wondering, has anyone successfully upgraded to Yosemite from a Snow Leopard?

I've been using the iMac 09 Snow Leopard and have been too apprehensive to upgrade up until now, where I feel like I no longer have a choice since I can't use certain software that I need for work.

You might want to try just upgrading to Mavericks first. May perform better on your machine and you'll still be getting recent security updates. Will also probably get you up to speed with regards to compatibility.
Hey guys, I need a hand.

My Uni campus has superfast Internet and clearly it'll be better to use a wired connection when in my flat.

What do I look for when buying this stuff? Is Apple's Thunderbolt to Gigabit Ethernet cable any good or can I find better?

Also, what should I look for when buying an Ethernet cable, or does it really not matter?

Would this one suffice? http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B003CL8KAQ/

An ethernet cable is pretty much an ethernet cable. They'll be labelled CAT5 or CAT6, but I suspect either one will do you perfectly for a wired internet connection.
The one you have linked should be fine.

And yeah, the Thunderbolt -> Ethernet adapter is your best bet for a wired connection.


You might want to try just upgrading to Mavericks first. May perform better on your machine and you'll still be getting recent security updates. Will also probably get you up to speed with regards to compatibility.

Thanks, though where can I get Mavericks? Am I not looking hard enough, I can't seem to locate it on their official site...
I'm traveling to Australia from Japan next week and want to take my Jp Macbook Air with me. So I can use the Magsafe adapter no problems apparently going from 100 to 230v but I need a plug adapter because the sockets are different. Can I use any old garden variety plug adapter or do I need to fork out for the Apple kit?


An ethernet cable is pretty much an ethernet cable. They'll be labelled CAT5 or CAT6, but I suspect either one will do you perfectly for a wired internet connection.
The one you have linked should be fine.

And yeah, the Thunderbolt -> Ethernet adapter is your best bet for a wired connection.

Thank you! :)
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