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Mac Hardware and Software |OT| - All things Macintosh


You can just use CalLibre. It's actually not as shockingly ugly as it once was but it'll read a lot more formats than iBooks. The VLC of ePUBs, as it were.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
For what it's worth, iBooks has been working great for me since I started having it sync through iCloud a while ago. Instantly syncs all my ePubs and PDFs regardless of them being bought on Apple's store or not.

The Real Abed

Yeah Apple stopped caring about iBooks being a default reader many years ago. Now iBooks is just a place to read stuff that you bought from the Apple book store.

I've been using GoodReader for years. Not sure if it reads ePub.
I'm not spending $5 to find out.

You can just use CalLibre. It's actually not as shockingly ugly as it once was but it'll read a lot more formats than iBooks. The VLC of ePUBs, as it were.
I need an iOS ePub reader. I can only see desktop OS versions there.

For what it's worth, iBooks has been working great for me since I started having it sync through iCloud a while ago. Instantly syncs all my ePubs and PDFs regardless of them being bought on Apple's store or not.
I don't get why it's not working here. The only thing I can try now is dragging all my books from iBooks to the Finder, deleting them from iBooks completely and all its settings, then setting it up from scratch on both devices and see if I can get it to work again. It's like my last resort.

Edit: Still no dice. But now it's even more confusing. There's three actual iBooks purchases on my account, Winnie the Pooh (Was free), Wizard of Oz and Hitchhiker's Guide. The first two are showing up in iTunes as sinkable, but HHGG is not. But on my iPhone, only HHGG is there. Even though iTunes isn't showing it. It's all fucked up.

All I want is a book reader that reads .epub files. Even the Finder recognizes them as books and iBooks on macOS reads them fine! Fucking hell. What a mess. I don't even know where to start to nuke iBooks and start from scratch. There isn't an Application Support folder for it and all I can find is a Containers folder that also only contained the three purchased books I have and not even the 55 other ePub files I had when they were still in iTunes.

And if it's supposed to be syncing iBooks through iCloud, why the hell does it still let you sync them manually in iTunes? Everything else there that is cloud synced now has a notice saying "This stuff happens through the cloud now so don't bother looking here!" (By which I refer to Photos, Notes and Calendars. Stuff that should have been only iCloud syncable and removed from iTunes as an option anyway. God iTunes needs a redo.)

Edit 2: Ugh! Even Kindle doesn't recognize .epub files? They're not corrupted because I can still open and read them in iBooks on macOS to make sure. I added the folder I dragged them all to as the "Content Folder" for Kindle and all it added was the two PDF files I have. This is bullshit. All I want is a ePub capable book reader!

Guess Who

Maybe it's because I'm only coming into the party after macOS 10.12.3, but man, I am thoroughly impressed with the battery life on my Touch Bar 15" Pro. I had it on battery with the display constantly at around 75% brightness - never let it even go to sleep or dim - for like four hours and only dropped to 70%. This was pretty light usage, to be fair. Mostly Safari, Tweetbot, LINE, and Messages. Still, 30% drop in 4 hours in light usage is fantastic.


Still looking for a good GTD/Todo app. I just tried Todoist, but I'm not really convinced.

In short: Just like Wunderlist back then, it's a simple WebView wrapper instead of a native app. The feature set is limited, and many things are locked behind their premium plan. The UI is really clean, but there's hardly any customization. The keyboard shortcuts are useful, and there's support for natural language input and sub-tasks. There's not many settings, only really general stuff.

Well, it's not what I'm looking for. What a shame.


Still looking for a good GTD/Todo app. I just tried Todoist, but I'm not really convinced.

In short: Just like Wunderlist back then, it's a simple WebView wrapper instead of a native app. The feature set is limited, and many things are locked behind their premium plan. The UI is really clean, but there's hardly any customization. The keyboard shortcuts are useful, and there's support for natural language input and sub-tasks. There's not many settings, only really general stuff.

Well, it's not what I'm looking for. What a shame.

I'm using 2Do on iPhone and they also have a MacOS app. It is a little more complex than I like but it has features I use such as custom nagging and the ability to either repeat on predetermined dates or repeat 'starting from last finished date'.


I have a 13" mid 2009 MBP that i upgraded the ram and the HDD to a SSD. The computer feels brand new but the logic board is starting to show its age(apps stop working, random shutdowns and huge bottlenecks).
I noticed that a mid 2012 2.9 i7 logic board is the same size as my MBP's logic board. Is it possible to upgrade my current MBP logic board to an i7? Should i just hold out until the 2017 models?


I have a 13" mid 2009 MBP that i upgraded the ram and the HDD to a SSD. The computer feels brand new but the logic board is starting to show its age(apps stop working, random shutdowns and huge bottlenecks).
I noticed that a mid 2012 2.9 i7 logic board is the same size as my MBP's logic board. Is it possible to upgrade my current MBP logic board to an i7? Should i just hold out until the 2017 models?
The connectors will be different. Don't try to jump years with logic boards.


Finally dug my iMac out of storage last night and did a clean OS install after a hard drive wipe so I can prep it for sale. Took a few pictures as well and once I get home tonight and box it back up I'm gonna put it on my Facebook wall to see if anyone bites.

I'll give it a week or so there and move it to Craigslist. Trying to avoid having to ship the thing because it's goddamn huge and heavy.

The Real Abed

Is there any fucking way to change Undo Tab (Command+Z) to something else in Safari?


Command+Z has been Undo on every Mac app since the 1980's. Why would you want to change it?

Cmd+Shift+T also works.
Command+Shift+T is the accepted standard used by the competing browsers. Safari only adopted it with Sierra. But for some reason they left it as Command+Z as well, which is fine since you can just use the T command like you would Chrome and Firefox. BUT there's a bug in Safari where sometimes, even if you have a text area focused, hitting Command+Z doesn't undo your typing and instead reopens a closed tab which is annoying. Because then you can't undo the text at all because it thinks you want to reopen a tab. Apple should have removed tab closing from the undo stack completely. It's stupid and annoying. Undo should only be for text in a browser.

What I'd like to do is disable Escape for exiting out of fullscreen apps. (Excluding fullscreen videos of course) In Safari it's annoying because sometimes you might exit a fullscreen video but accidentally hit it again. Also a lot of web apps might use Escape for things as well. It's annoying as shit when I accidentally leave fullscreen.

Plus it's not standardized. Some apps don't do Escape for exiting fullscreen. There's no continuity across apps. It's as bad as Apple's own apps that forget when they were in fullscreen. Half their apps will remember, the other half will not when you quit. All apps should remember your fullscreen window settings. It makes no sense to forget that single flag when half your own apps remember it.

Apps that remember: Safari, Mail, iTunes, QuickTime X, (And that app hasn't been updated in YEARS!) Maps, Messages, Notes, Terminal, Calendar, Reminders, Contacts, Image Capture, Photos, Console, Activity Monitor, App Store, TextEdit, Dictionary, Photo Booth, Grapher, (Another one that hasn't been updated in forever, and doesn't even handle autosaving correctly, but still opens the last windows in fullscreen when you relaunch it.) Disk Utility, Automator

Apps that forget: Photos, iBooks...

Okay, so I guess it's not quite half. iBooks doesn't even remember the last book you were in. And Photos makes no sense. You have to purposely force the app to not remember apparently.
Is there any fucking way to change Undo Tab (Command+Z) to something else in Safari?



System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts

On the right side press the plus button to add a shortcut, select Safari, for the command enter "Undo Close Tab" exactly and chose the key command to replace it.


Anyone have any impressions on this Tomtoc sleeve?


Really liking the look of it.

Quick questions:

Does Time Machine play nicely with portable hard drives? My wife wants to sell her iMac for a Macbook and she'll need to backup her stuff to a hard drive to put into storage for the month or two that she's without a computer. I'd rather not drop $100+ on a hard drive right now so I was going to pick up an inexpensive portable hard drive to hold her over for now.

Ideally sometime in the future I'd like to get a fairly big Hard Drive for us to share for Time Machine. Can more than one Mac back up to a single hard drive or does that cause conflicts? Similarly, can two computers back up to one hard drive via the Airport Extreme?


Does Time Machine play nicely with portable hard drives?

Sure, why wouldn't it? Personally, I use a small 2TB Western Digital My Passport as my secondary backup.


Can more than one Mac back up to a single hard drive or does that cause conflicts? Similarly, can two computers back up to one hard drive via the Airport Extreme?

Yes. Multiple Macs can back up to the same drive, and one Mac can also back up to multiple drives.


...hate me...
That 'recentsd' rogue process is KILLING me. Memory leak and high CPU usage. It goes away after a restart but it returns unannounced at some point.

I may actually have to call Apple about this. Sakes.


Hey guys,

Does anyone here use the macbook pro 2016 for video editing? I am interested in picking one up for 4k video editing with final cut. I am wondering:

-is it fast to work with? I don't wanna spend 5 grand and have it lag on me when working.

-Is the 2gb radeon fast enough or should I upgrade to 4gb?

-Are you using any external usb-c hdd to manage files and work from that drive if necessary. Would like to save 500$ by going with 512gb version if I can.


Hey guys,

Does anyone here use the macbook pro 2016 for video editing? I am interested in picking one up for 4k video editing with final cut. I am wondering:

-is it fast to work with? I don't wanna spend 5 grand and have it lag on me when working.

-Is the 2gb radeon fast enough or should I upgrade to 4gb?

-Are you using any external usb-c hdd to manage files and work from that drive if necessary. Would like to save 500$ by going with 512gb version if I can.

FCPX utilizes the GPU heavily so you should get your money's worth upgrading to the 4GB card if it's in your budget.

For most files you're probably fine reading it off an external assuming it's fast. I'd look up performance reviews on USB-C versus TB drives, though. Since you're doing 4K it might make a difference.


FCPX utilizes the GPU heavily so you should get your money's worth upgrading to the 4GB card if it's in your budget.

For most files you're probably fine reading it off an external assuming it's fast. I'd look up performance reviews on USB-C versus TB drives, though. Since you're doing 4K it might make a difference.

Yea FCPX is insane. I have been watching benchmark tests and it shits on razer pro with gtx 1080 in playback speed and general editing performance. It goes to show you can't just rely on raw power specs to decide if it will be faster.

I think I will go with the 460. It is kind of a no brainer for a $120 upgrade. I guess I should drop the money on the 1tb upgrade as well instead of dealing with the hassle of carrying an external drive.


I have my music library and other assorted media and whatnot on an external drive that I use with my Mac. Is there a program out there that will do automated backups to another external drive?
That 'recentsd' rogue process is KILLING me. Memory leak and high CPU usage. It goes away after a restart but it returns unannounced at some point.

I may actually have to call Apple about this. Sakes.

In my googling it seemed like this was related to syncing gmail to Mail.app, do you do that?


is it worth it to get a mid 2012 MBP 15" non retina (~$600 like new) instead of a 2016 MBP. It's the last model that you can upgrade ram/hdd.


is it worth it to get a mid 2012 MBP 15" non retina (~$600 like new) instead of a 2016 MBP. It's the last model that you can upgrade ram/hdd.

Realistically, unless your upgrade focus is maximizing internal storage, any upgrades you're going to do are a non-trivial percentage of what it would cost to buy a new machine which is going to be faster on every metric, have as much RAM, last you much longer, and be a whole lot lighter.


I have a Macbook Air from 2013. I love my Macbook Air from 2013.

What do I upgrade to?

I understand that the Macbook is underpowered and the Air now unsupported, but I can't decide whether it's worth getting a Pro (and then which model????) or switching back to PC... but then what do I do with my mouse? Plus I've already got a beefy desktop PC...

On the flip side, for most of what I use my Air for it's already perfect; it just doesn't have much space, and is pretty slow with InDesign/the occasional point-and-click adventure game, and has virtually no disk space once Office and a few Adobe programmes are on it...

What say you, GAF?

The Real Abed

is it worth it to get a mid 2012 MBP 15" non retina (~$600 like new) instead of a 2016 MBP. It's the last model that you can upgrade ram/hdd.
Nah. definitely listen to the poster above. Take the money you'd be using for RAM and SSD and put it towards a refurbished last years Retina or a new machine. You'll appreciate it much more in the long run.

Even if you need a DVD drive or something. A refurb would at least give you ports you want and still be pretty much as powerful as the new machines and you can add an optical drive later.


I have a Macbook Air from 2013. I love my Macbook Air from 2013.

What do I upgrade to?

I understand that the Macbook is underpowered and the Air now unsupported, but I can't decide whether it's worth getting a Pro (and then which model????) or switching back to PC... but then what do I do with my mouse? Plus I've already got a beefy desktop PC...

On the flip side, for most of what I use my Air for it's already perfect; it just doesn't have much space, and is pretty slow with InDesign/the occasional point-and-click adventure game, and has virtually no disk space once Office and a few Adobe programmes are on it...

What say you, GAF?

Your model year MacBook Air isn't unsupported as of yet. You can still run the latest version of MacOS on it.

Being slow is something that can't really be addressed much, but if you wanted you could swap out the SSD; it's a pretty trivial upgrade and just requires removing some pentalobe screws and a torx screw. OWC sells 240GB SSDs for $242, up to 1TB, although at the price they quote for that ($600) you'd be more than halfway to getting a refurb 2015 Air with double the RAM, better graphics, Thunderbolt 2, and a larger SSD.

Guess Who

I have a Macbook Air from 2013. I love my Macbook Air from 2013.

What do I upgrade to?

I understand that the Macbook is underpowered and the Air now unsupported, but I can't decide whether it's worth getting a Pro (and then which model????) or switching back to PC... but then what do I do with my mouse? Plus I've already got a beefy desktop PC...

On the flip side, for most of what I use my Air for it's already perfect; it just doesn't have much space, and is pretty slow with InDesign/the occasional point-and-click adventure game, and has virtually no disk space once Office and a few Adobe programmes are on it...

What say you, GAF?

The Air is still supported, but I don't think going from a 2013 to 2015 Air would be a meaningful upgrade. The m5 and m7 MacBooks are roughly Air levels of CPU performance, and the 13" non-Touch Bar Pro is a great alternative as well (and the one I'd probably recommend). They are a little pricy from Apple, but there's been some deals from third-parties for a few hundred bucks off both the MacBooks and 13" non-TB Pros.


Ok guys just picked up my 2.9ghz, 1tb ssd, 460gfx mac book pro.

What are some must have apps and software on osx. Last time I used osx was a decade ago.
Ok guys just picked up my 2.9ghz, 1tb ssd, 460gfx mac book pro.

What are some must have apps and software on osx. Last time I used osx was a decade ago.

I think it probably really depends on your work. For me, a must have general app is Little Snitch, which is a software firewall. Some people swear by Pastebot, which is a clipboard manager, but I have no need for that. Most everything else I have is really just to serve my work needs.
Ok guys just picked up my 2.9ghz, 1tb ssd, 460gfx mac book pro.

What are some must have apps and software on osx. Last time I used osx was a decade ago.

I think it probably really depends on your work. For me, a must have general app is Little Snitch, which is a software firewall. Some people swear by Pastebot, which is a clipboard manager, but I have no need for that. Most everything else I have is really just to serve my work needs.

Yeah, software needs are super dictated by your own workflow. I tried pastebot, didn't need it. I'm in college so iStudiezPro has been a great purchase, but if you're not in school it's useless

Guess Who


I don't know whether I've just gotten a God Machine or what here - maybe macOS updates really fixed the battery life issues the new MBPs had. Either way, considering how much outrage there was about poor battery life, I'm pretty god damn impressed by what I'm getting out a quad-core i7, high-PPI display laptop. I've never seen any other laptop of this kind get anywhere near this. To be fair, this is pretty much all just web browsing and Tweetbot, but it is almost entirely screen-on.



I don't know whether I've just gotten a God Machine or what here - maybe macOS updates really fixed the battery life issues the new MBPs had. Either way, considering how much outrage there was about poor battery life, I'm pretty god damn impressed by what I'm getting out a quad-core i7, high-PPI display laptop. I've never seen any other laptop of this kind get anywhere near this. To be fair, this is pretty much all just web browsing and Tweetbot, but it is almost entirely screen-on.

Yea , to be honest my mbp is brand new so battery is still young but I get really damn good battery life on final cut pro. At least 3-4 hours before it hits %25. Just web browsing and shit would easily last all day.

I don't know whether I've just gotten a God Machine or what here - maybe macOS updates really fixed the battery life issues the new MBPs had. Either way, considering how much outrage there was about poor battery life, I'm pretty god damn impressed by what I'm getting out a quad-core i7, high-PPI display laptop. I've never seen any other laptop of this kind get anywhere near this. To be fair, this is pretty much all just web browsing and Tweetbot, but it is almost entirely screen-on.

Holy god, man. Those are some great numbers.


...hate me...
Alright, after struggling and struggling with recentsd and nothing working, unfortunately I have to go radical: erase everything and start from scratch - not from a Time Machine backup. That's a first on a Mac for me, but I guess there's a first for everything, and once in 7 years doesn't sound so bad. I don't want to lose anything though.

Any particular recommendations?

I feel like it's going to be massively tricky with all the iCloud stuff (particularly photos and files).


Alright, after struggling and struggling with recentsd and nothing working, unfortunately I have to go radical: erase everything and start from scratch - not from a Time Machine backup. That's a first on a Mac for me, but I guess there's a first for everything, and once in 7 years doesn't sound so bad. I don't want to lose anything though.

Any particular recommendations?

I feel like it's going to be massively tricky with all the iCloud stuff (particularly photos and files).

If you're gonna nuke everything, I'd suggest backing your entire HDD up to an external drive via something like CarbonCopyCloner. I'm atypical in that I *regularly* wipe my entire OS every few versions; I've actually never restored from a Time Machine backup (and I've never personally had a software issue that required a clean install, my move is strictly preventative and cruft management). Once I've got a cloned version of my drive, I can nuke away happily, knowing that if there's something I forgot to migrate over, I still have the backup to grab it. My usual steps:

-Preorganization: I know what software I have, and what I need to install myself versus from elsewhere. All my stuff is organized in my canonical folder structure, so I can just grab stuff from my user folder and drag in.
-The wiping and reinstalling: I add in my iCloud details and let it do the hard work there.
-App installs: Small utilities and stuff that are just drag-and-drop installs get ported over from my old HDD, everything else gets installed from my online accounts (Creative Cloud, Red Giant) or the Mac App Store.
-Port my User folder: At this point I drag over my relevant documents, etc. folders. I'm not copying over the apps folder wholesale and I don't migrate anything in my libraries. Things like my Photos Library or iTunes Library are as simple as copying over and pointing the application to those libraries on first launch.

Really the only thing I might run into down the line that didn't get dealt with with this process are stuff like codec extensions or the like, but I usually don't bother because a lot of that stuff is accumulated cruft (who knows when Perian will stop working, for example.)


I have the MacBook Pro 15 inch with touch bar. When I'm watching movies or shows full screen on the display. I . notice the colour changes a little bit every couple of seconds. Like its brighter then gets a little dim or something. Anyone know why this happens? and how to fix it?

I think its like a colour hue change?


...hate me...
If you're gonna nuke everything, I'd suggest backing your entire HDD up to an external drive via something like CarbonCopyCloner. I'm atypical in that I *regularly* wipe my entire OS every few versions; I've actually never restored from a Time Machine backup (and I've never personally had a software issue that required a clean install, my move is strictly preventative and cruft management). Once I've got a cloned version of my drive, I can nuke away happily, knowing that if there's something I forgot to migrate over, I still have the backup to grab it. My usual steps:

-Preorganization: I know what software I have, and what I need to install myself versus from elsewhere. All my stuff is organized in my canonical folder structure, so I can just grab stuff from my user folder and drag in.
-The wiping and reinstalling: I add in my iCloud details and let it do the hard work there.
-App installs: Small utilities and stuff that are just drag-and-drop installs get ported over from my old HDD, everything else gets installed from my online accounts (Creative Cloud, Red Giant) or the Mac App Store.
-Port my User folder: At this point I drag over my relevant documents, etc. folders. I'm not copying over the apps folder wholesale and I don't migrate anything in my libraries. Things like my Photos Library or iTunes Library are as simple as copying over and pointing the application to those libraries on first launch.

Really the only thing I might run into down the line that didn't get dealt with with this process are stuff like codec extensions or the like, but I usually don't bother because a lot of that stuff is accumulated cruft (who knows when Perian will stop working, for example.)
Really good advice, thanks!
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