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Mac OSX Noob thread of OSX noobs


Tr4nce said:
Yeah GAF! Today I bought my first iMac, and I'm loving it so much! I bought it because Logic only runs on Mac.

Anyway, just two quick questions. 1) Is Safari at the moment the best browser? 2) In my dock, in the downloads map, it shows every single thing you download in the list. My girlfriends is a bit annoyed by that, and I'm as well. Any way to change it?

Browser choice is a personal preference.

The stuff in the dock are simply shortcuts to folders. Thedownloads folder is the one in your user area and the one set to accept downloads by default. If you don't like it onthe dol, just drag it off. If you want any folder there, just drag it on and a shortcubis automatically made.


Ah, thanks mate. Uhm, three more questions, i'm sorry:

1) I downloaded Firefox, nut now there's this Firefox Disk icon on my desktop. Is there anyway to remove it, without removing Firefox itself?

2) Is there a hotkey to switching from say Safari immediately to the desktop?

3) Is there something like the Quick Dial screen in Firefox (the one with the screen with your personal links to it)?

Thanks!! :)
Why wouldn't you expect the Downloads folder to show everything you've downloaded?

Downloaded disk images contain applications. Drag the application to the Applications folder and eject/delete the disk image.


Yeah well, it's a weird question, haha, but I'm just getting used to it you know :)

Thanks for your answer Liu Kang. By the way, I have always loved your username and your avatar :lol


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Tr4nce said:
Ah, thanks mate. Uhm, three more questions, i'm sorry:

1) I downloaded Firefox, nut now there's this Firefox Disk icon on my desktop. Is there anyway to remove it, without removing Firefox itself?

2) Is there a hotkey to switching from say Safari immediately to the desktop?

3) Is there something like the Quick Dial screen in Firefox (the one with the screen with your personal links to it)?

Thanks!! :)
2.) F11 (or Fn + F11 if the F keys are not set as standard F keys) should do it.

If it doesn't work go to System Preferences -> Expose & Spaces and see if its turned on or if its another key.



Tr4nce said:
Ah, thanks mate. Uhm, three more questions, i'm sorry:

1) I downloaded Firefox, nut now there's this Firefox Disk icon on my desktop. Is there anyway to remove it, without removing Firefox itself?

2) Is there a hotkey to switching from say Safari immediately to the desktop?

3) Is there something like the Quick Dial screen in Firefox (the one with the screen with your personal links to it)?

Thanks!! :)
.dmg files are disk image files and work like a virtual drive. They mount on your desktop like a virtual USB stick or something. Take what you want from it, such as an application file, then unmount and delete.

There is your expose key that shows all your open windows (alternate function for f3) if you press cmd+expose key you get desktop.


quick question - how does the 320M in the new mini compare to the 9600 in the 2008 MBP? I have a 2.4GHz 15" MBP which I'm considering replacing with a mini. but I figure they probably are about equivalent in power, so I might as well just use my MBP as a desktop, wiht the bonus ability to take it out and about when needed?


Thanks for all the replies people. Awesome. Anyway, I have this iMac for only 4 hours now, but I can't get away from it. It's so awesome, and feels so different than Windows. I'm never going back!

Also, at first I thought it was a chore to change icons for folders and programs, but once you get the hang of it, it is really easy!


Tr4nce said:
Thanks for all the replies people. Awesome. Anyway, I have this iMac for only 4 hours now, but I can't get away from it. It's so awesome, and feels so different than Windows. I'm never going back!

Also, at first I thought it was a chore to change icons for folders and programs, but once you get the hang of it, it is really easy!

Dont think I saw the answer, but the Firefox Add-on SpeedDial does what you want
mrklaw said:
quick question - how does the 320M in the new mini compare to the 9600 in the 2008 MBP? I have a 2.4GHz 15" MBP which I'm considering replacing with a mini. but I figure they probably are about equivalent in power, so I might as well just use my MBP as a desktop, wiht the bonus ability to take it out and about when needed?
what do you want to do with it, exactly?

it's a little less powerful than the 9600m, but much more powerful than the 9400m. the 320M is an integrated GPU.


So, question here.
I'm not great with computers so humor me.

I will be buying a MacBook Pro in the near future. Currently, I am using a Sony Vaio. When I do make the jump, what is the best way to get my necessary files from the Vaio, to the MacBook Pro? I assume it's not Apple's "One-to-One" system. But if it is, it is. I'm open to any recommendations.

Thanks in advance fellas.
Nightshade1765 said:
So, question here.
I'm not great with computers so humor me.

I will be buying a MacBook Pro in the near future. Currently, I am using a Sony Vaio. When I do make the jump, what is the best way to get my necessary files from the Vaio, to the MacBook Pro? I assume it's not Apple's "One-to-One" system. But if it is, it is. I'm open to any recommendations.

Thanks in advance fellas.
Just load everything you want on an external hard drive, and then copy it onto the Mac book, that's what I did at least.


Nightshade1765 said:
So, question here.
I'm not great with computers so humor me.

I will be buying a MacBook Pro in the near future. Currently, I am using a Sony Vaio. When I do make the jump, what is the best way to get my necessary files from the Vaio, to the MacBook Pro? I assume it's not Apple's "One-to-One" system. But if it is, it is. I'm open to any recommendations.

Thanks in advance fellas.

this may help



So GAF, i've been running Rember all night on the imac(still running)it has completed 18 of 255 cycles as i type.
Is it normal? Cause this way, to complete all of the 255 cycles, it will take days!


I manage to complete the Rember test.
Result: All tests passed.
So apparently is not the ram, but th mac just feezed after i clicked "ok" on the results window :lol
Now it won't go in the desktop and i'm stuck in the blue screen at the start(the one after the apple logo).
Guess i'll try in a few hours, maybe it need to cool down, i don't know.

Later i'll run the HDD test.


Anybody have any idea where my screen captures are going? Usually they went to the desktop but now I can't find them anywhere ..


X-Frame said:
Anybody have any idea where my screen captures are going? Usually they went to the desktop but now I can't find them anywhere ..
IIRC, those images, get saved with the name: "image 1" "image 2" and so on, you can try and search from the Finder.


Ashhong said:
they actually get saved with a time stamp but do have "Screen Shot" in the title

mine are always on the desktop
Ah, mine get saved as "immagine 1", "immagine 2".. so i just translated in English.


So, as I said before, I bought my first iMac a few days ago. It's 3.06 Ghz with 8GB RAM. However, it takes about 50 seconds to start up fully. Is this normal?
Tr4nce said:
So, as I said before, I bought my first iMac a few days ago. It's 3.06 Ghz with 8GB RAM. However, it takes about 50 seconds to start up fully. Is this normal?

seems about right.
why are you turning it off anyway? unlike on windows, the sleep function on macs actually works.


testicles on a cold fall morning
mescalineeyes said:
seems about right.
why are you turning it off anyway? unlike on windows, the sleep function on macs actually works.
cute, but sleep on Windows works just as fine, and that's going back to XP.


testicles on a cold fall morning
mescalineeyes said:
you and I have severely different definitions of the word "fine". that, or you're trolling.
my XP workstation at work is constantly on standby when i'm out of the office, and i have no problems with it on my home machines with Win7. nice to know that correcting a snarky aside is a troll comment, though.

I should be doing hw said:
What's wrong with Sleep on Windows? Does it use too much battery power or electricity of something?
didn't you get the memo from mescalineeyes - Macs do everything better!
I should be doing hw said:
What's wrong with Sleep on Windows? Does it use too much battery power or electricity of something?

no computer I've ever owned came back from sleep successfully or in a timely manner consistently.
anecdotal evidence? sure. but on a mac, it has literally never gone awry in my 6 years of usage.


testicles on a cold fall morning
from my experience sleep issues on Windows PCs are typically due to third party software, hardware incompatibilities (very old machines) or overclocking. OSX also isn't immune to sleep problems due to 3rd party software. a MBP i use for work wouldn't wake from sleep till we traced it to a Western Digital extension that was added by a portable drive. that drove me mad for months trying to figure out.


Tr4nce said:
So, as I said before, I bought my first iMac a few days ago. It's 3.06 Ghz with 8GB RAM. However, it takes about 50 seconds to start up fully. Is this normal?

i have an older c2d imac that takes around 20-30 seconds to boot. something could be amiss with your system (connecting to network drives maybe?)

its sleep function works perfectly as well.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Tr4nce said:
So, as I said before, I bought my first iMac a few days ago. It's 3.06 Ghz with 8GB RAM. However, it takes about 50 seconds to start up fully. Is this normal?
Do you have a disc in the drive?


Does the Macbook pro 13 support SDXC (I have the last year's model, the first one that came with the sd slot). Their site says it supports over 32GB but doesn't say anything about sdxc


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
koam said:
Does the Macbook pro 13 support SDXC (I have the last year's model, the first one that came with the sd slot). Their site says it supports over 32GB but doesn't say anything about sdxc

I believe the new Mac Mini is the first with built in SDXC reading.


scorcho said:
cute, but sleep on Windows works just as fine, and that's going back to XP.

I've always had problems with sleep on my Win XP laptops. Desktops were fine but any laptop I had would never come out of sleep or if it did it would take forever.
scorcho said:
cute, but sleep on Windows works just as fine, and that's going back to XP.
One of the reasons I bought my first Apple product ever was because Windows laptops do not sleep or hibernate consistently well.

You can't tell me you haven't seen people in offices walking around with the half-open laptop lid because they're afraid to close it and have it sleep. Everyone in my office leaves their computers on all day or turns them off completely when they leave.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
You can't tell me you haven't seen people in offices walking around with the half-open laptop lid because they're afraid to close it and have it sleep. Everyone in my office leaves their computers on all day or turns them off completely when they leave.
i have and i can. granted, the execs are all on ~3 year old Thinkpads, but even the smattering of recent Latitudes that we've also purchased for regular staff go on stand-by just fine on XP either on or off the dock. the office will be transitioning to Win7 sometime towards the end of the year, so who knows what'll happen when that occur. my own personal Latitude has never had an issue with sleep outside of possible disk corruption while it transitioned to hibernate while in my bookbag.

i'll go back to what i wrote earlier - issues with standby typically point to third-party software/hardware fucking things up, which isn't specifically an OS issue.



So I guess I left my Magic Mouse on overnight, and the batteries are dead? I checked the battery level in system preferences probably a day before this happened and it was at 91% (this is with the standard AA batteries that came with the mouse).

You're telling me that this thing doesn't auto shut off after 5 minutes of non-use or something?

Even so, how did the batteries drain all the way down if it wasn't even being used overnight?


well nevermind I guess.

The mouse DEFINITELY was not turning on.

I took the batteries out and put them back in. Things are good now. It actually even says 93% battery.


Futureman said:

So I guess I left my Magic Mouse on overnight, and the batteries are dead? I checked the battery level in system preferences probably a day before this happened and it was at 91% (this is with the standard AA batteries that came with the mouse).

You're telling me that this thing doesn't auto shut off after 5 minutes of non-use or something?

Even so, how did the batteries drain all the way down if it wasn't even being used overnight?

If true, sounds broken, i leave mine on all the time and gets months of use.

Even in constant use i think it would last at least a month



Hi guys, What is the best FREE Twitter client (app) for Macs and iPhones that work with Growl and push notifications .



So I'm definitely considering getting an SSD as my boot drive/apps drive.

I'm thinking the 40GB Intel would be big enough for me. I currently have about 18GB of apps, and isn't 10.6 only like 10GB or so?

I honestly don't see myself buying many more applications in the future. I've got Adobe CS5, and that's basically what I bought this computer for.

As a video editor/photographer, would this really even be worth it? I pretty much always leave my machine turned on, so the quicker boot up times would be nice, but I wouldn't really experience it very often.

I guess opening up Photoshop and Premiere faster would be nice, but I don't know if it's worth the price.

I'm on a MBP here, so I guess I would have to take out my Superdrive and put the SSD in there. Dream Visions, I know you did this, you are happy with your current setup?


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
It does make sense to offer a push notification server for free to millions of people.

lol, so I guess there isn't a free app with PN, huh? , will how about Mac app with Growl , or are ya gonna muck me again :D :D !?
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