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Mac OSX Noob thread of OSX noobs

Sean said:
Launch Image Capture. You will see something like this in the bottom of the left sidebar:


Just change the drop down option to "No Application"


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
I upgraded to Snow Leopard over the weekend, and now in iTunes (same version I was using in Tiger), I no longer have the little album artwork panel in the lower left-hand corner of the window, in the sidebar. I can't seem to find an option to enable it — anyone know how to? Enabling "show artwork column" is something else entirely and just shows all album art in the list view browser, which I don't want.

EDIT: Nevermind, I figured it out. There was a button for it on the bottom panel of the iTunes window. Painfully obvious... I don't know how I missed it.


vatstep said:
I upgraded to Snow Leopard over the weekend, and now in iTunes (same version I was using in Tiger), I no longer have the little album artwork panel in the lower left-hand corner of the window, in the sidebar. I can't seem to find an option to enable it — anyone know how to? Enabling "show artwork column" is something else entirely and just shows all album art in the list view browser, which I don't want.

There should be a little arrow in the bottom left that brings it up.


MCX said:
You can try formatting the external HDD to Mac OS X Extended (Journaled) and see if that helps. That's all I can think of.

This BETTER work. If Lacie expects users to install some dumb software to make an external HDD work, I'll be pissed. Especially because it requires Rosetta to run.


Futureman said:
This BETTER work. If Lacie expects users to install some dumb software to make an external HDD work, I'll be pissed. Especially because it requires Rosetta to run.
I don't see why it wouldn't. Make sure to use GUID partition too. If you're on an Intel Mac.


Does anybody use the built-in Mac firewall? Are there any downsides to using it? I just noticed that it's turned off by default in Snow Leopard.


MCX said:
Does anybody use the built-in Mac firewall? Are there any downsides to using it? I just noticed that it's turned off by default in Snow Leopard.
I've tried keeping it on, but it won't stop asking if I want to allow iTunes every fucking time I launch iTunes. Even if I check the box. So I said fuck that shit and keep it off. I have never had a problem. I don't know if my LinkSys router has a firewall or something. But no, I don't use it.

If I could stop it from asking over and over again I would turn it on. It should only ask once, or at least once per version. (Like if I upgrade) And it should have an option to never ask for Apple apps. Or apps from trusted developers.


I have it on and iTunes never asks me.

I do set it to ONLY allow traffic from certain apps, of which iTunes is one.


Weird because every time I try to give it another shot, it asks for iTunes every time I launch it. I'll try one more time, but I'm not holding my breath. Not that it matters. I've never needed a firewall.


question about safari (I'm trying this out instead of firefox which doesn't seem to like being left open for a long time with multiple tabs open, becomes sluggish)

I like the idea of top sites, but I'm having trouble putting my own preferred sites there. Eg at the moment there are two or three specific AVS forum threads I want to keep an eye on. Don't want to bookmark them, its only temporary. So I figure pin them to the top sites until I'm done, then unpin them.

First, I can't seem to drag a URL to a top sites tab, it won't switch to that tab, I have to use a separate window. PITA but I'l live. But every time I try and drag a thread URL, it simply puts a previous one there instead.

Is there something about how a forum is setup that top sites thinks its the same page and therefore won't let me add it manually?

edit: hmm, same thing happens with neogaf. Add this thread manually - fine. Try and add the formula one thread, it just turns into this thread again.


Dear Gaf.

Im running 10.6 and wanted to know if there was a way to set the view of a specific folder without it affecting every other folder on my system? I'd like to have some folders set to icon view, some to list view, some to column view, etc.


Command+J then click "Always open in...". Folders without this flag set open to whatever the last setting you used is. The settings are saved in the .DS_Store file (Hidden) for each folder. So if you delete it, or try to set settings inside a package, or somewhere where they're not allowed, the settings won't be remembered.


Is there any way to have VLC Player open when I click videos in iPhoto '09 instead of the shitty Quicktime X?

Or maybe can I re-download Quicktime 7 and have iPhoto '09 open videos in that instead of Quicktime X?


Smiles and Cries said:
best non-bootcamp solution to run Win7 pls?

I know there were a few out there, which one is the best
3 options:

For Cheap:

Virtualbox (Free) However, it doesn't run nearly as well as the other 2.

For Gaming:

Parallels Desktop (60) Good for gaming, has some bugs.

For Business:

VMWare Fusion (60) Great for file transfers, and general Windows maintainence. Gaming is horrible.

quadriplegicjon said:
what's wrong with QuickTime X?
It does not play:

and much more!

Heck, you need Quicktime 7 for a lot of stuff still, such as Perian.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
theultimo said:
It does not play:

and much more!

Heck, you need Quicktime 7 for a lot of stuff still, such as Perian.

.. really? I've installed Perian and Flip4Mac.. and I am pretty sure all of my videos open through quicktime X... i've played all those file types.


quadriplegicjon said:
.. really? I've installed Perian and Flip4Mac.. and I am pretty sure all of my videos open through quicktime X... i've played all those file types.
It ties to quicktime, but last time I played with it was when SL launched and it only ran on QT7. Did they fix it to play with Quicktime X?

Otherwise, someone recommended Movist as an alternative video player. I am now running that pretty much exclusively. They mixed the best of both worlds, QT X and VLC.


Mr. Wonderful said:
No joke. I'm half afraid we'll be waiting until 10.7, though.
Well obviously. I didn't expect a major app upgrade before then. I'm hoping that the QuickTime X upgrade in 10.7 is as major of a rewrite and finish as the iMovie transition was. Remember iMovie was fine, then they rewrote it buy left stuff out, then came back with a major updated version that blows the original away. I hope the next QuickTime is the same way.

quadriplegicjon said:
what's wrong with QuickTime X?
Nothing that I've seen.

theultimo said:
It does not play:

and much more!

Heck, you need Quicktime 7 for a lot of stuff still, such as Perian.
So? That's what Perian and Flip4Mac are for. QuickTime X works fine with both of those. I don't even have 7 installed. It was deleted when I upgraded.

I mean sure, X is missing some stuff, but the stuff I miss from 7 can be replicated by other tools if you have to. (MPEG StreamClip.)

By the way, I use Movist for non QuickTime files. And even for QuickTime files most of the time. VLC is fine, but it's old. Movist is better.


quadriplegicjon said:
what's wrong with QuickTime X?

If you're involved with any sort of video production field, you'll find that many features have been stripped in X.

You can't read timecodes anymore, you lose the "movie properties" function thereby making it more difficult to strip out individual audio tracks or the timecode track, you can't string out timelapses easily, trimming movie files isn't possible, and a lot of the quicktime pro funtionality has been thrown out the window.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
I purchased a 2010 Mini recently. The first time I ever hooked it up I connected it via HDMI to my Samsung tv. The OS detected the tv and it came up as Samsung. I later connected the computer to my receiver via HDMI but it is still coming up as Samsung. I'm wondering if this might be why I cannot get 5.1 surround to work (just the front speakers work atm). I'm wondering if it knows the tv cannot output in 5.1 and it still thinks its connected to the tv.

I have searched everywhere on how to reset this. I even called Apple and the guy I spoke with was of no help whatsoever.

Basically what I would like to do is remove "Samsung" from the list and force it to re-check what hardware it is connected to.

How do I do that Mac GAF?


Confirmed Asshole
Baron Aloha said:
I purchased a 2010 Mini recently. The first time I ever hooked it up I connected it via HDMI to my Samsung tv. The OS detected the tv and it came up as Samsung. I later connected the computer to my receiver via HDMI but it is still coming up as Samsung. I'm wondering if this might be why I cannot get 5.1 surround to work (just the front speakers work atm). I'm wondering if it knows the tv cannot output in 5.1 and it still thinks its connected to the tv.

I have searched everywhere on how to reset this. I even called Apple and the guy I spoke with was of no help whatsoever.

Basically what I would like to do is remove "Samsung" from the list and force it to re-check what hardware it is connected to.

How do I do that Mac GAF?


That's at least how it's supposed to work.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
wmat said:


That's at least how it's supposed to work.

No such luck unfortunately, but thank you for trying. When I click on displays it says Samsung at the top (where it says Apple Cinema Display in your pics) and clicking "detect displays" does nothing.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Zodzilla said:
If you're involved with any sort of video production field, you'll find that many features have been stripped in X.

You can't read timecodes anymore, you lose the "movie properties" function thereby making it more difficult to strip out individual audio tracks or the timecode track, you can't string out timelapses easily, trimming movie files isn't possible, and a lot of the quicktime pro funtionality has been thrown out the window.

Ah, I see.. that sucks, it doesn't affect me though.

by the way, between Movist and MPlayer OSX Extended.. which would you guys recommend?


Movist because it does both the QuickTime codec and FFMPEG with a way to switch between and automatic choosing.

Or just get all of them like I do.
I need more RAMs :(

Or a faster processor. I already have 4GB but can't run iPhoto/iMovie without beach balling and maaaad slow downs :(

Running a 2.4GHz late 2008 MBP. And I don't want to look at getting a new one soon as I like the separate battery

Oh man
Mecha_Infantry said:
I need more RAMs :(

Or a faster processor. I already have 4GB but can't run iPhoto/iMovie without beach balling and maaaad slow downs :(

Running a 2.4GHz late 2008 MBP. And I don't want to look at getting a new one soon as I like the separate battery

Oh man
get an SSD. it will solve your problems. RAM probably isn't your issue. Hard Drive speed is.


So, after spending a couple of weeks with my first iMac, I'm still loving it to bits. OSX is so great.

Anyway, I came in here to post a little tip for the Logic Pro users in here.

Since I have 8GB RAM installed, I run Logic in 64-bit mode (go to 'Applications' folder, then right click and choose ' get info' , then uncheck ' run in 32-bit mode). However, when I downloaded the Sylenth plugin (which is an AMAZING software synth by the way), Logic didn't see/recognize the Sylenth plugin, so I couldn't use it. The solution to this is:

- Quit Logic Pro

- Fire it up again, but in 32-bit mode

- Load an instance of Sylenth onto one of your tracks in Logic

- Save your project

- Quit Logic and fire it up again in 64-bit mode.

You can use the 32 bit plugin(s) now in 64-bit mode, through some kind of special ' bridge mode' . You have to click on the plugin window in Logic however to see the plugin. The GUI is not loaded instantly, which is sometimes annoying, but it works!

This all seems kind of logical (no pun intended), but I struggled with this very much.

Also, holding SHIFT key while minimizing windows is kind of cool :D


Dreams-Visions said:
get an SSD. it will solve your problems. RAM probably isn't your issue. Hard Drive speed is.

Or a new Seagate XT Momentus Hybrid SSD.

Huge storage space, with SSD like speed benefits.


Dreams-Visions said:
get an SSD. it will solve your problems. RAM probably isn't your issue. Hard Drive speed is.

recommend one. I have the same MBP and its annoyingly slow sometimes.


Jasoco said:
So? That's what Perian and Flip4Mac are for. QuickTime X works fine with both of those. I don't even have 7 installed. It was deleted when I upgraded.

I mean sure, X is missing some stuff, but the stuff I miss from 7 can be replicated by other tools if you have to. (MPEG StreamClip.)
You deleted Quicktime Player 7, not QuickTime 7. QuickTime X defaults back to the QuickTime 7 system when it doesn't know how to handle something. Perian is still running on QuickTime 7 on your system.


No. I didn't delete it at all. OS X did when I upgraded. And I already know that. I'm saying I have not had a single file QuickTime X can't open that 7 couldn't before. And for all other files, there are better alternatives.


Burger said:
Or a new Seagate XT Momentus Hybrid SSD.

Huge storage space, with SSD like speed benefits.

I have one of these. Pretty significant improvements. That said, I went from a crap 640GB non-hybrid, htat pretty much killed multitasking (worse than stock drive).


in over 1 year with macs i just used automator the first time … i cant believe how easy it is. Awesome - will use again :D


Hey everyone,

I am planning on doing a clean install for Snow Leopard and wanted some last minute tips and advice. I have Snow Leopard running now but I want to start fresh.

- Saved all my important documents, PDF's, music, videos, etc onto my external HDD in one partition.
- Just did a fresh Time-Machine back-up on another partition.
- Repaired any disc permissions last night.
- Did some research for a couple hours last night on how to do a clean install off the Snow Leopard disc.
- Found any licenses or keys needed for the paid apps I have - the rest I can re-download for free (made a list of them all I want again).


1. Since this is my first time doing a clean install I am nervous as hell. Besides the normal stuff people carry over, is there anything else I need to do prior to a clean install?

2. What sort of mistakes did you all make (if any) that you wish you didn't your first time doing a clean install?

Basically I'm just looking for any advice. This Mac has almost 4 years of data life on it so I would die if something happened .. THANKS!


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
Flek said:
in over 1 year with macs i just used automator the first time … i cant believe how easy it is. Awesome - will use again :D

What'd you do with it, and how?


X-Frame said:
Hey everyone,

I am planning on doing a clean install for Snow Leopard and wanted some last minute tips and advice. I have Snow Leopard running now but I want to start fresh.

- Saved all my important documents, PDF's, music, videos, etc onto my external HDD in one partition.
- Just did a fresh Time-Machine back-up on another partition.
- Repaired any disc permissions last night.
- Did some research for a couple hours last night on how to do a clean install off the Snow Leopard disc.
- Found any licenses or keys needed for the paid apps I have - the rest I can re-download for free (made a list of them all I want again).


1. Since this is my first time doing a clean install I am nervous as hell. Besides the normal stuff people carry over, is there anything else I need to do prior to a clean install?

2. What sort of mistakes did you all make (if any) that you wish you didn't your first time doing a clean install?

Basically I'm just looking for any advice. This Mac has almost 4 years of data life on it so I would die if something happened .. THANKS!

honestly there is not much you can do wrong if you did a time-machine back-up before making a clean install. you have all the stuff backed up via time-machine so after doing the install just copy the files you want over to your fresh system.


falconzss said:
honestly there is not much you can do wrong if you did a time-machine back-up before making a clean install. you have all the stuff backed up via time-machine so after doing the install just copy the files you want over to your fresh system.

So most people simply back-up their important apps, plus do a Time-Machine back-up and then during the clean install process they can either start fresh them manually import back everything they need, or use the Migration Assistant to do it for them?


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
X-Frame said:
Basically I'm just looking for any advice. This Mac has almost 4 years of data life on it so I would die if something happened .. THANKS!
I was in your boat a couple of weeks ago; I needed to upgrade my Tiger MacBook to sync my iPhone 4, so I did a clean install with the $29 SL upgrade disc. I was slightly nervous as well, but that ended up being completely unfounded, as the whole process was extremely simple and went off without a hitch. The only issue I had (a tiny one) is that I forgot my AirPort base station's password since it was no longer on my keychain, but a simple reset took care of that.

So, go for it, there's really nothing to worry about... I'm loving Snow Leopard so far.


Unconfirmed Member
Does parallels run well enough for light auto cad and 3 ds max work?

I hate using bootcamp for one or two progs, also my windows license is vista, does 7 perform better for bootcamp/parallels?

Edit: I have an early aluminum C2D iMac with 3 GB ram


Does parallels run well enough for light auto cad and 3 ds max work?

I use parallels on my macbook pro to run auto cad 2010 and 2006. 06 runs fine but when i get a big 3d file 2010 has some major slow down. Not enough to stop a quick change but if i spend more then 20 mins working on something it really pisses me off and switch to windows


vatstep said:
I was in your boat a couple of weeks ago; I needed to upgrade my Tiger MacBook to sync my iPhone 4, so I did a clean install with the $29 SL upgrade disc. I was slightly nervous as well, but that ended up being completely unfounded, as the whole process was extremely simple and went off without a hitch. The only issue I had (a tiny one) is that I forgot my AirPort base station's password since it was no longer on my keychain, but a simple reset took care of that.

So, go for it, there's really nothing to worry about... I'm loving Snow Leopard so far.

What about my iPhone 4 back-ups via iTunes .. how will that work?

As long as I back-up with Time Machine again at the last point (after my last iPhone 4 back-up with iTunes) I can move everything from my iTunes back over to my fresh HDD and it'll still play nice?


ericexpo said:
I use parallels on my macbook pro to run auto cad 2010 and 2006. 06 runs fine but when i get a big 3d file 2010 has some major slow down. Not enough to stop a quick change but if i spend more then 20 mins working on something it really pisses me off and switch to windows
Parallels 6 is coming during holiday season. Its in private beta right now.
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