If you like Lua, and want to try your hand at game programming, try LÖVE2D. It is amazingly fast and easy to create any kind of game you want that will work on all three operating systems. Don't let the overuse of pastel pink and blue scare you away. It's so awesome. :lolDEAD RABBIT said:I need some help with installing binaries or how to find/access them at all. I'm a complete newb when it comes to programming on the Mac, concerning the more advanced stuff, like binaries.
I have been learning Lua for a week now, passing commands through the terminal using a Lua distribution from this site. Now I want to use a text editor that can run Lua scripts. I downloaded Smultron, but I have no idea how to create a run command that passes the script written in Smultron into the Lua compiler. Some help in this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Jasoco said:If you like Lua, and want to try your hand at game programming, try LÖVE2D. It is amazingly fast and easy to create any kind of game you want that will work on all three operating systems. Don't let the overuse of pastel pink and blue scare you away. It's so awesome. :lol
You can make games that use the mouse or keyboard. And it draws stuff so fast it actually keeps 60FPS even when drawing hundreds of images on screen every frame. It blew my socks off I tell you what.
I didn't know anything about Lua before I downloaded it. I had never even heard of it.
Yup, but Mac specific files are going to be in /Applications, /Library, and /System rather than the usual /usr, /var, etc. Usually you would open something like Terminal or iTerm.DEAD RABBIT said:Apparently there are directories like /usr/bin/, but I can't find them anywhere. Are they hidden from the Finder?
SnakeXs said:killall Finder
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:I've only seen this when there actually was a problem with the network.
Vyer said:I've only ever come across this on network issues (I.e. Other computers on the network can't get on)
ant1532 said:OKAY. here is the issue.
I wanted to play steam games on my mac so i bootcamped my shit and installed all the drivers and watnot and steam games ran fine. TF2 is running GREAT.
Apparently there is issues with vista/w7 with the microphone and it runs absolutely normal on the actual OS but Steam or other programs for some reason can not catch it. And the audio drivers are shit and the sound is so low.
I want to figure out what is the best way to get around this. I hear there is good emulatations for OSX for running windows but I really dont know much about that. I also dont know how to get rid of the bootcamped windows. Or is there a way I can downgrade windows 7 to XP if that works?
What should I do to get around this GaF????
DEAD RABBIT said:Use Bootcamp Assistent to get rid of the windows partition.
Don't use emulators to run games, especially 3D games. Most emulators/Virtual Machines don't emulate DirectX or don't do a good job of it. They usually depend on OpenGL for 3D uses.
On the microphone issue, stick with the windows partition for gaming and buy a bluetooth headset or another external microphone.
thanks but there there is an actual issue where microphones wont work with steam and windows7 and there is actually no fix yet... i did every possible thing to fix it i think(every menu configuration, updating drivers, etc) so should i just run XP? how would I go on to downgrade then?scorcho said:Steam will run like shit in anything but Bootcamp, so avoid that. Did you tweak the microphone levels in TF2? Also try going to your control panels > sound and tweaking the microphone level there.
How would anyone know? You didn't list a video card.Dax01 said:I might be interested in "bootcamping" my Mac if it's good enough. I know nothing of graphics cards, processor speeds, RAM, etc.
Processor Name: Intel Core 2 Duo
Processor Speed: 2.4 GHz
Number Of Processors: 1
Total Number Of Cores: 2
L2 Cache: 4 MB
Bus Speed: 800 MHz
Boot ROM Version: IM71.007A.B03
Memory: 2 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM
What games will this allow me to play?
Video card?Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:How would anyone know? You didn't list a video card.
System Profiler -> Hardware -> Graphics/DisplaysDax01 said:Video card?
See? I know nothing about this. How would I find that out?
ATI Radeon HD 2600 Pro:Killthee said:System Profiler -> Hardware -> Graphics/Displays
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:You've got the same iMac as me. I have 4 GB of RAM and the 24" screen though.
Kind of. I guess I can't play Crysis or anything like that, right?I play Left 4 Dead a lot at high settings at 720p, if that helps.
The name of the card (which almost always has the chipset model in it) and the amount of dedicated memory the card has is the important stuff.Dax01 said:ATI Radeon HD 2600 Pro:
Chipset Model: ATI,RadeonHD2600
Type: Display
Bus: PCIe
PCIe Lane Width: x16
VRAM (Total): 256 MB
Vendor: ATI (0x1002)
Device ID: 0x9583
Revision ID: 0x0000
ROM Revision: 113-B2250F-219
EFI Driver Version: 01.00.219
Resolution: 1680 x 1050
Depth: 32-Bit Color
Core Image: Hardware Accelerated
Main Display: Yes
Mirror: Off
Online: Yes
Quartz Extreme: Supported
Built-In: Yes
Display Connector:
Status: No Display Connected
Wasn't sure what was important or not, so I just copy and pasted all of it.:lol
I downloaded the Crysis demo a long time ago. I have no good news to report.Dax01 said:Kind of. I guess I can't play Crysis or anything like that, right?
lol. Thanks for the help. Maybe when I go off to college and get a laptop, I'll looking more into requirements for computer games.Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:I downloaded the Crysis demo a long time ago. I have no good news to report.
Spacebar after cmd+shift+4.Xun said:Ok this is embarrassing since I do know a great deal about Mac OS (I've been a user my whole life).
But how the fuck do I take a screen grab like this?
Command-Shift-4, space bar, select window. A PNG will be on your desktopXun said:Ok this is embarrassing since I do know a great deal about Mac OS (I've been a user my whole life).
But how the fuck do I take a screen grab like this?
Jimmy Stav said:Wait, what?
EDIT: Nevermind. I just relaunched the finder and it seemed to fix it. I'm assuming that's what you meant.
Just do it a few times and it sticks.Dax01 said:That is so awesome. How do you people remember all this stuff?
It won't run Snow Leopard or play HD video, but it'll run a web browser and other stuff.DJ Crimson said:So I need help in making a decision, I was on Craigslist and someone has put up their Mac Mini 1.25 with a load of extra shit for $275 and says it works fine. Should I consider this or try to get the newer ones with the Intel processor? I don't have a computer at the moment and been using PS3's shitty browser for the last 2 months. Plus I have no job and hard to get $500 but I do have around 275...
Well I just checked the Apple store and apparently you can pay off the thing $14 a month if I reading this correctly. Maybe I should just do this and just get a brand new one. Anyone have any experience with this?:lolHitokage said:It won't run Snow Leopard or play HD video, but it'll run a web browser and other stuff.
It just means signing up for their credit card as I understand it.DJ Crimson said:Well I just checked the Apple store and apparently you can pay off the thing $14 a month if I reading this correctly. Maybe I should just do this and just get a brand new one. Anyone have any experience with this?:lol
I say no. You can get a 1.66 Core Duo mac mini for ~350 on ebay.DJ Crimson said:So I need help in making a decision, I was on Craigslist and someone has put up their Mac Mini 1.25 with a load of extra shit for $275 and says it works fine. Should I consider this or try to get the newer ones with the Intel processor? I don't have a computer at the moment and been using PS3's shitty browser for the last 2 months. Plus I have no job and hard to get $500 but I do have around 275...
Ah, seems there is also a Bill Me Later option but I guess I can just look through eBay. Thanks for all the help so far.Hitokage said:It just means signing up for their credit card as I understand it.
VMs aren't technically emulation in the purest sense, as they only emulate certain hardware calls while letting CPU instructions run as-is. Anyway, VMware Fusion and probably Parallels Desktop both trap Direct3D calls and translate them into OpenGL calls.DEAD RABBIT said:Don't use emulators to run games, especially 3D games. Most emulators/Virtual Machines don't emulate DirectX or don't do a good job of it. They usually depend on OpenGL for 3D uses.
If all else fails, use AppZapper. It'll remove the application as well as any residual configuration files in the Library and whatnot.Cornballer said:Does anyone know how to uninstall Norton Antivirus? A friend of mine recently used the Migration Assistant tool to move her files from an older Macbook onto a newer one. There's no application listed in the applications folder, and I tried using a Norton/Symantec Removal Tool, but it said it couldn't find anything. I can't get to the system preferences through the normal means (anytime I click on one of the Norton icons, it says that "this program is not available on Intel macs" or something like that.) Any ideas on how to purge the program? It's an old 2004(?) version of Norton Antivirus. The Macbook is running on 10.5. Thanks.
Thanks! I'll give that a try tonight.Phobophile said:If all else fails, use AppZapper. It'll remove the application as well as any residual configuration files in the Library and whatnot.
While it's true that one can memorize the commands, there are also handy dashboard widgets that give you quick buttons for selecting windows or dragging zones for screen capturesscorcho said:Command-Shift-4, space bar, select window. A PNG will be on your desktop
The fullscreen button on flash video players should work as expected. If you're talking about non-flash, then I dunno.Flying_Phoenix said:How do I put videos I watch online to full screen as in take the space of my whole computer screen? I'm trying to watch stuff on Gametrailers but it doesn't do it.
EDIT - I'm using Safari 4 in case anyone was wondering.
Ghetto solution: Hold Ctrl and scroll up with your mouse wheel.Flying_Phoenix said:How do I put videos I watch online to full screen as in take the space of my whole computer screen? I'm trying to watch stuff on Gametrailers but it doesn't do it.
EDIT - I'm using Safari 4 in case anyone was wondering.
Get as much as possible. I have 2GB. If I could I would get 4. In fact, when I buy a new MacBook Pro 13" I'm just going to spend the $100 and replace the 2GB with 4GB because it's actually cheaper for once to get Apple's because 4GB separate costs a lot more than $100, plus you'd have 2GB of useless RAM sticks sitting around. I was shocked when I went to Crucial to check it out and saw that 4GB separately costs $449. Shit, $100 for Apple RAM is nothing compared to that!Dax01 said:Is RAM that important for running games? How much of a difference does 2 Gigs make?
:lolI'm such a noob at this.
I wouldn't recommend it though because Snow Leopard is amazing. Regular Leopard just seems out of date compared to it. The Exposé enhancements alone are enough.Hitokage said:It won't run Snow Leopard or play HD video, but it'll run a web browser and other stuff.
GameTrailers player is shit. Their "Fullscreen" isn't full screen. It's full browser window. Players like YouTube and the like all work fine. In fact, Gametrailers is the only video player I've seen that is purposely programmed to be stupid-assed. Whoever programmed it should be shot out of a cannon into the sun. Seriously, it's probably a checkbox in Flash to make your player fullscreen capable. This is just unacceptable. They even have the balls to call it "full screen". Full screen my ass! FU, Gametrailers.Flying_Phoenix said:How do I put videos I watch online to full screen as in take the space of my whole computer screen? I'm trying to watch stuff on Gametrailers but it doesn't do it.
EDIT - I'm using Safari 4 in case anyone was wondering.
Calling their "high def" video "HD" is a bigger travesty.Jasoco said:GameTrailers player is shit. Their "Fullscreen" isn't full screen. It's full browser window. Players like YouTube and the like all work fine. In fact, Gametrailers is the only video player I've seen that is purposely programmed to be stupid-assed. Whoever programmed it should be shot out of a cannon into the sun. Seriously, it's probably a checkbox in Flash to make your player fullscreen capable. This is just unacceptable. They even have the balls to call it "full screen". Full screen my ass! FU, Gametrailers.
Seriously. Are the people there really that stupid? I just wish AGVN didn't host his stuff there.Phobophile said:Calling their "high def" video "HD" is a bigger travesty.
Heh... You'd think the people would name their site love2dance.com. Leave the love2d.com URL open.DEAD RABBIT said:EDIT: The correct link to the 2D engine is http://love2d.org/
It is my impression that Snow Leopard is what Leopard was supposed to be in the first place before the iPhone completely borked its release schedule.I wouldn't recommend it though because Snow Leopard is amazing. Regular Leopard just seems out of date compared to it. The Exposé enhancements alone are enough.