HashTab?_leech_ said:Anyone know of any utility that can calculate file hashes (CRC32, MD5, etc)?
HashTab?_leech_ said:Anyone know of any utility that can calculate file hashes (CRC32, MD5, etc)?
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:This doesn't embed the album art directly in the MP3 file, it just creates a link in the iTunes library file. If you were to take the MP3 and play it in Winamp, it wouldn't have any album art.
I don't think it exist yet : (Charred Greyface said:Anybody find a quicklook plugin for gifs?
why the fuck does finder not let you do this. its probably related to safari's shitty attempt at playing gifs. why does apple ignore their existence. if safari didnt chug with gifs on a page and finder actually let you play gifs in the preview bar.... i would be leagues happier. not that i dont love my mac though!Charred Greyface said:Anybody find a quicklook plugin for gifs?
I'm sure there's some GUI frontends but (the few times I need it) I usually do it in the terminal:_leech_ said:Anyone know of any utility that can calculate file hashes (CRC32, MD5, etc)?
Or, have the artwork as a file on your HD, use "Get Info", double click on the album field, select the picture file, and it'll embed it all in the id3v2 tag like you want.Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:This doesn't embed the album art directly in the MP3 file, it just creates a link in the iTunes library file. If you were to take the MP3 and play it in Winamp, it wouldn't have any album art.
I <3 You!Charred Greyface said:Anybody find a quicklook plugin for gifs?
MKV Edit Instructions said:Ive found a trick allowing me to display Matroska video files in Quicklook without the need of a plugin :
1 / First you need Perian for mkv support in Quicktime : http://perian.org/ (If you're just doing the gif edit, I don't think you'll need Perian)
2 / Then you need to add a Uniform Type Identifier in Quicktime Player :
- Edit QuickTime Player.apps /Contents/info.plist
- Add the following code just before the last 2 tags </dict></plist> :
3 / In Terminal.appCode:<key>UTExportedTypeDeclarations</key> <array> <dict> <key>UTTypeConformsTo</key> <array> <string>public.movie</string> </array> <key>UTTypeDescription</key> <string>Matroska Video File</string> <key>UTTypeIconName</key> <string>generic</string> <key>UTTypeIdentifier</key> <string>com.apple.quicktime.mkv</string> <key>UTTypeReferenceURL</key> <string>http://www.matroska.org/</string> <key>UTTypeTagSpecification</key> <dict> <key>public.filename-extension</key> <array> <string>mkv</string> <string>gif</string> </array> </dict> </dict> </array>
Code:touch /Applications/QuickTime\ Player.app
Create a new folder first and then when naming it, use the period in front.Ashhong said:what kind of dot? tried a period but it says files with that are reserved for the system or something.
System Preferences -> SpotlightAshhong said:is there a way to hide folders and files from showing up under the Finder Search? i dont want my porn and stuff showing up![]()
We have the same Preview and Safari icons. NICE.Jal said:I've sorted this issue, the problem is you cant use .icns files you need to convert them to rsrc with this program.
I <3 You too!Killthee said:I <3 You!
Ever since I saw the MKV Quicktime Quicklook Edit modified for DivX & WMV playback I was thinking of the possibility of editing it for GIF playback. I was pretty sure Quicktime could already handle animated GIF's so I figured it was just a matter of editing the plist with the MKV edit and adding the gif extension. For some reason or another () I never got around to it till today when your post got me thinking about it again. I'm happy to report, SUCCESS!i.e. I'm lazy
Just add the gif file extension string after the mkv file extension stringIf you don't need the MKV quicklook edit then just replace "mkv" with "gif" in the string.
After that, animated gif's will play in QuicklookA couple of things to keep in mind:
- There's a short loading delay (~3 seconds on my CD2 MBP) after launching quicklook before the gif plays
- Gif's will play automatically after launching quicklook
- Seems like they play at full speed
- Gif's will not loop automatically after they finish
- This hack might break in a future update to Quicktime. Reediting the plist should fix it.
He won't if you use the Privacy tab. And DON'T NAME IT THAT! With Porn you NEVER name it what it is! I named my porn folder "Sexy Time", but I'm the only one who ever touches my Mac. I also have it set to lock and require a password when I put it to sleep. (Though this might be new in Snow Leopard.) Just don't put the folder in an easy to find location. And use passwords and stuff. Set it to ask for a login at startup. Set a password to the screensaver. (If you can in Leopard. You can in Snow Leopard in case you can't yet in Leopard.) And don't name it anything crazy like "There is Porn in this Folder" or "Titties and Ass". I used to name it "Girlie Pictures and Movies" before I renamed it. But it's also in my Documents folder, and no one even touches the computer, and the ones who would don't even know what a Home folder is. Also, the icon is the "Pussy Wagon" keychain icon from the Kill Bill icon set on Iconfactory.Ashhong said:my second statement was probably a bit over the top. i doubt anyone is going to do that except the occasional nosy friend that knows macs.
however, occasionally various people might be on my computer. for example yesterday my older brothers friend was using it. i dont want him to open spotlight searching for say...photo booth and see a folder called "photos of tits"
Jasoco said:He won't if you use the Privacy tab. And DON'T NAME IT THAT! With Porn you NEVER name it what it is! I named my porn folder "Sexy Time", but I'm the only one who ever touches my Mac. I also have it set to lock and require a password when I put it to sleep. (Though this might be new in Snow Leopard.) Just don't put the folder in an easy to find location. And use passwords and stuff. Set it to ask for a login at startup. Set a password to the screensaver. (If you can in Leopard. You can in Snow Leopard in case you can't yet in Leopard.) And don't name it anything crazy like "There is Porn in this Folder" or "Titties and Ass". I used to name it "Girlie Pictures and Movies" before I renamed it. But it's also in my Documents folder, and no one even touches the computer, and the ones who would don't even know what a Home folder is. Also, the icon is the "Pussy Wagon" keychain icon from the Kill Bill icon set on Iconfactory.
Jasoco said:He won't if you use the Privacy tab. And DON'T NAME IT THAT! With Porn you NEVER name it what it is! I named my porn folder "Sexy Time", but I'm the only one who ever touches my Mac. I also have it set to lock and require a password when I put it to sleep. (Though this might be new in Snow Leopard.) Just don't put the folder in an easy to find location. And use passwords and stuff. Set it to ask for a login at startup. Set a password to the screensaver. (If you can in Leopard. You can in Snow Leopard in case you can't yet in Leopard.) And don't name it anything crazy like "There is Porn in this Folder" or "Titties and Ass". I used to name it "Girlie Pictures and Movies" before I renamed it. But it's also in my Documents folder, and no one even touches the computer, and the ones who would don't even know what a Home folder is. Also, the icon is the "Pussy Wagon" keychain icon from the Kill Bill icon set on Iconfactory.
Jasoco said:He won't if you use the Privacy tab. And DON'T NAME IT THAT! With Porn you NEVER name it what it is! I named my porn folder "Sexy Time", but I'm the only one who ever touches my Mac. I also have it set to lock and require a password when I put it to sleep. (Though this might be new in Snow Leopard.) Just don't put the folder in an easy to find location. And use passwords and stuff. Set it to ask for a login at startup. Set a password to the screensaver. (If you can in Leopard. You can in Snow Leopard in case you can't yet in Leopard.) And don't name it anything crazy like "There is Porn in this Folder" or "Titties and Ass". I used to name it "Girlie Pictures and Movies" before I renamed it. But it's also in my Documents folder, and no one even touches the computer, and the ones who would don't even know what a Home folder is. Also, the icon is the "Pussy Wagon" keychain icon from the Kill Bill icon set on Iconfactory.
Ashhong said:shit, im not that protective of it :lol
changing the file names of all my files would be a chore...how would i be able to tell what video is what when if i have 50 videos titled redstove1.avi, redstove2.avi etc. doesnt matter now that its in the privacy tab. the folder all of my porn is in is just titled Files and is in another folder.
wrapping it up in a dmg file sounds really nice, but that would require too much work as its always changing. unless u can simply add to a dmg like a rar?
Althane said:Mac OS X hides files that begin with periods. So, naming a folder ".porn" won't show up in finder, or spotlight (at least, not that I've found). Granted, you should use typical security measures, but that'll hide it from 95% of other users.
How do you access your porn then? Simple, go to the folder where the porn folder is located, and go to go, and type ".[porn folder name]".
Do you do lots of 3D design, video editing/production, or photo editing with very high resolution files? If not, you definitely don't need 8GB of RAM.[In//Effect-Mode] said:What are the benefits and any necessary uses for having a Mac Book Pro with 8GB of memory? Any programs worthy of needing that much memory or is it just if you have massive applications running simultaneously?
Just for reference, I'm also looking at a Mac Mini with 4BG of memory and getting the mouse and keyboard to use with my current 23" wide-screen.
I don't know, if 8 GB makes launching Parallels/Fusion apps a seamless experience it might be worth it just for that.XMonkey said:Do you do lots of 3D design, video editing/production, or photo editing with very high resolution files? If not, you definitely don't need 8GB of RAM.
Jasoco said:He won't if you use the Privacy tab. And DON'T NAME IT THAT! With Porn you NEVER name it what it is!
giga said:
Ashhong said:my second statement was probably a bit over the top. i doubt anyone is going to do that except the occasional nosy friend that knows macs.
however, occasionally various people might be on my computer. for example yesterday my older brothers friend was using it. i dont want him to open spotlight searching for say...photo booth and see a folder called "photos of tits"
Forget Spaces. Use Exposé (Especially in Snow Leopard) and bind it to a mouse button or two. (One for all windows, one for show desktop.)peppermints said:Anyone else care to post their setups for ideas/tips?
Yeah, spaces IMO is only for putting things aside for later use without closing a whole app. I usually am using programs like the desktop Hulu app, or Celestia, but when I am using these apps I use them, and them alone, not in conjunction with internet etc. Plus I would like to keep them open in case I want to get back to a certain thing, without having to re-open the entire program.. it's useful for certain things.Jasoco said:Instant access to all windows. I could never get into Spaces. I prefer to have everything visible at once. If I can't see it, I don't know what I am missing or forgetting and it makes me anxious that I might be forgetting something.
BrandNew said:Short Answer: Use Spaces.
Long answer: My setup:
Space 1:
Space 2:
Space 3:
Space 4 is for other, miscellaneous applications.