Wow, I didn't even know about this. On inspection, it seems the locations in the Favorite Servers list in the Connect to Server dialog (Cmd+K in Finder) is stored there, so I guess it does have at least one use in OS X.Jasoco said:Honestly, I think Favorites is just a remnant from OS 9. Does anyone even know it's in the Library folder let alone know it exists? ?Mik2121 said:I saw a link to most 'must have' free apps posted in one of the Mac threads here (I swore it was here). I can't find it now so could someone that knows what I'm talking about, post it again?
Mik2121 said:I will be reading this thread later today, but meanwhile... I saw a link to most 'must have' free apps posted in one of the Mac threads here (I swore it was here). I can't find it now so could someone that knows what I'm talking about, post it again?
The Main Event said:Just thought I'd ask here. Made a poster in Pages. Exported it in .pdf. Wanna make a .jpeg version of it for Facebook/website. I know how to do it, but I wanna do it without any loss of quality. Is that possible?
The difference is about 1/3 more pixels so yes, absolutely, but it'll always depend on your priorities.Kjellson said:How big difference is there between "Glossy Widescreen Display" and "Hi-Res Glossy Widescreen Display"? Is it worth to pay extra for the Hi-Res?
Burger said:Just open the PDF in Preview, Save As, File Type: Jpeg.
It will allow you to change the resolution and quality.
Kjellson said:How big difference is there between "Glossy Widescreen Display" and "Hi-Res Glossy Widescreen Display"? Is it worth to pay extra for the Hi-Res?
Do you only wanna block the site on Safari or from the whole computer? If it's the latter, you can edit the host file to block the site from the whole computer. If you just wanna block it on Safari I think you can block specific sites by turning on Parental Controls under System Preferences.Duderz said:Can anyone help me with how to block certain websites on Safari with the Admin account? I downloaded AdBlock because apparently you can "trick" the program into blocking entire websites, but I haven't found a good tutorial on how to do so.
smokeymicpot said:Been having trouble with my macbook gonna be going to the apple store tomorrow. Problem I am having is it keeps shutting down at random times and my sounds really loud. Hopefully it doesn't cost me a lot to fix.
The Main Event said:Yeah I tried different settings but fine letters won't show up properly. Guess I'll have to modify it if I wanna make it jpeg friendly.
We are gathered here today to celebrate the life of a great product: QuickShareIt
Sadly, today we are officially pulling the plug on QuickShareit. As of today new file uploads will be denied and existing files will be slowly purged from our systems as we shut them down in the next 30 days.
QuickShareIt started out as a project in 2006 to solve a trivial problem: Uploading Screenshots Quickly. It was brought into this world as an Mac OS X Automator workflow and evolved into a fully functioning OS X application shortly after. Once you started using QSI, you couldnt live without it. We loved it and we made thousands of fans very quickly (especially in Germany who knew!).
SnakeXs said:
Been using it almost since it launched. Love it. I remember when the URLs were named after fruits. ;_;
Treefingers said:
Burger said:Sounds like it's exceeding thermal limits. i.e. it's loud & shutting down to save the ship.
Facebook will further scale and compress your image. There isn't a way around that.
smokeymicpot said:Anyway I can fix this on my own?
SnakeXs said:Yeah, it was even in enermo's goodbye message.
My menubar ADD, and the fact that it copies non direct image URLs (that go to their little page) aside, this could work.
Burger said:Do you have any thermal paste? Follow the "Logic Board Replacement" guide for your relevant model at and remove the logic board. Use rubbing alcohol or similar to clean the gunk off the CPU/GPU dies and copper heatsink pads, reapply a *tiny* rice grain amount of paste, and put it back together.
If it's under warranty or Apple Care, just take it to the Apple store.
smokeymicpot said:I will just take it to the apple store. I am not under warranty hopefully it doesn't cost me to much. Was thinking about upgrading to a pro at the end of the year anyway.
I am hoping I can luck out and they can some how help me out for free.Burger said:Well... if it's not under warranty I wouldn't bother, except they may be able to diagnose it for free.
A phillips screwdriver and a little patience is cheaper than several hundred dollars though![]()
My iMac has been doing this for a while now, it'll find my router but doesn't know the password for whatever reason...if I just restart airport a couple times it usually connects. :SMeus Renaissance said:My machine is acting strangely whenever it wakes up. I told you guys about the smb connection to my Windows PC being lost whenever my Mac came out of sleep. Now, it won't even connect to my router.
I have to restart the Airport or restart the machine to get it to work.
Treefingers said:
The mount point for the boot volume is /firehawk12 said:I'm trying to disable Spotlight for external drives and came across this solution:
But I noticed that the internal hard drive is also listed in /Volumes... so I'm wondering, if I put /Volumes into the Privacy settings of Spotlight, would that disable Spotlight entirely? Or does it know enough not to touch any new volumes in /Volumes?
Hrm, alrighty. Is there anyway to check if it's still indexing my boot drive just to be sure?hirokazu said:The mount point for the boot volume is /
I'm pretty sure the entry under /Volumes/ is just an alias, so it should be no problem.
Ashhong said:Finally installed DropBox after having an invite in my inbox for almost 3 years now. This thing is awesome. I doubt it was always this great but damn...I need to get with the times.
edit: wow Cloud is cool too...
Try HandBrake. It can convert a hell of a lot of formats to either H.264 or MKV. At least if it's H.264, iMovie will be able to import them.Charred Greyface said:I'm trying to get some clips from a jvc everio camcorder into an iMovie project. The files are in the .mod formatWhat's the best way to do so?
Meus Renaissance said:So good
EDIT: Doesnt work with gifs
Ashhong said:Ok suddenly my CloudApp doesnt work. I was just clicking around and I dont know what I did. I cant drag anything to the menubar icon, and when I go to accounts in the preferences my info isnt there and I cant add my info. What the heck?
edit: nvm, just relaunched it and it works again
GIFs working here
Dropbox has been that awesome this whole time. You've missed out.Ashhong said:Finally installed DropBox after having an invite in my inbox for almost 3 years now. This thing is awesome. I doubt it was always this great but damn...I need to get with the times.
edit: wow Cloud is cool too...
iLife is on the second disc that came with your mac.travisbickle said:I'm cleaning up my Mac at the moment, and I saw that GarageBand is over a gig in size. I don't think I will ever use it but if I remove it can I redownload it? It's about £20 on the app store, which makes me hesitant to get rid of it.
dexterslu said:hey guys, I've got an issue where I've got a ton of double mp3 files - is there an easy way to clean this thing up?