blanky said:
I figured as much, but I was really hoping other wise. I can't get anything new for atleast 3 months. :|
Don't have the grinding noise yet, but the yellowing and cracking of the plastic has been around for a while.
I wonder why Apple does not tackle the heat issue more, I mean these things are hot out of the box. Oh well..
You probably have time. When mine was going I was unable to watch any kind of high-quality video (H.264) without overheating and shutting off. And even after that started, I got another whole 6 months out of it.
I say wait those 3 months then buy when you can. Just make sure you have backups! KEEP BACKUPS! Not that it matters since the HD is probably fine and even if the machine dies, you can easily get a case and transfer the files from the old HD to your new machine without problems.
Anyway, I bought the bundle. I don't like the MacUpdate app. It sucks. It marks all my apps as unupdated and I do not trust it. Plus I won't pay $20 a year for something I can do by launching the app and waiting for it to check for updates itself. Fuck it, it's useless.
Mac DVDRipper Pro will come in handy once Lion is out and MacTheRipper no longer works. Glad to have it.
Won't need DVDRemaster though as HandBrake is better. (Even though I haven't tried Remaster yet, HandBrake does soooo much more anyway so I don't need this.)
I'll probably burn a DVD of TechTool for future use I guess.
I don't see myself ever playing Civilization IV. It's not my kind of game. I'd play it once and never go back. I wish I had someone to gift it to. But I don't know if I can now that I already purchased.
Not sure how much I'll use 1Password though.
Hands Off could be useful. I guess. But I dunno. I'll keep it for now. So far all its done is ask me for confirmation for every app I have running.
AppTamer I haven't figured out yet. It made Chrome go dark which means I guess it was frozen. I have to play around with it.
A Better Finder Rename will replace the old pre-registration-required version of Renamer I have. I used Renamer4Mac but a few versions ago it went to "Haha! You can no longer use it for FREE! Now you have to PAY FOR IT!" mode so I reverted to the older version and never updated. Now I have something else to play around with.
I also got Super Monkey Island for subscribing. My GOD. This game is 1.8GB? WTF? It's not even 3D! Shit man.
Anyway, now to try out the one reason I got the bundle... Parallels. Better be worth it!