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Mac OSX Noob thread of OSX noobs

Is there any way for OSX to automatically reconnect to a network SMB shared folder?

It's pretty annoying when OSX wakes up from sleep and it's disconnected and not show the contents of the folder anymore where as Windows seems to keep it alive and if needs to reconnects when you click on a folder.
cooljeanius said:
So I spilled water on my MacBook Pro's keyboard... I tried letting it dry out, but that didn't work, so I tried opening it up to see if there was any water pooled up, but that didn't work either...

Also, that's funny that someone else had one of their plastic feet come off; I've been missing one for a while now but never bothered to replace it because I always rest my laptop on its case, so sliding around isn't a problem.

be prepared to drop some cash on a logic board replacement, potentially. don't attempt to turn it on for a day or so.


I'd say like at least half a week, depending on how much you spilled. Also open it up and throw rice in the computer, as long as it wont like get stuck in there or something


Ashhong said:
How are they fudged exactly? Example? I could use something that helps with tags as well..

Album art missing, incorrect tag info (genre/artist/year), many many many duplicates.

A good start would be a nice album art app, but i really want to fix the tags and kill the duplicates too.


...hate me...
Mr. Wonderful said:
Yes, but an update is due soon, and it is going to be much worth the wait.

Wow. Now that I think about it, it's going to be extremely worth the wait! The new Minis with Sandy Bridge should be badass, if they're given discrete graphics of any sort!
I don't think there's room on the Mac mini for discrete graphics, much like on the MBP 13, MB, MBA.
Jasoco said:
I lost my foot too. But mine isn't slow as piss. I have a SSD and 8GB RAM. Now it's faster than a DeLorean. I got it because my old MB DIDN'T give me even 3 years.

Speaking of which, how does Portal 2 run on a C2D MacBook Pro? Portal 1 runs fine even with some high settings. But I would suspect 2 would push the system a bit further.
On my 2011 with a 6490M, I can play at medium settings at 1080p with 2x AA. I would think that with your 9600M (right?) you would be able to do something somewhere in that ballpark.


Jasoco said:
I lost my foot too. But mine isn't slow as piss. I have a SSD and 8GB RAM. Now it's faster than a DeLorean. I got it because my old MB DIDN'T give me even 3 years.

Speaking of which, how does Portal 2 run on a C2D MacBook Pro? Portal 1 runs fine even with some high settings. But I would suspect 2 would push the system a bit further.

I think there's something fishy. It's just things that shouldn't be slow at this speed, when I go back home I'm going to get a diagnostic ran on it. Regardless, when Lion comes out I'm going to do a clean install and just migrate important data, I think the years of having the same computer, basically, has made a lot of arbitrary files.

Ashhong said:
Why didn't you exchange it when it came with a broken pixel? I sure as hell would have been in the Apple Store everyday until they gave me a new one.

Didn't notice it until a week or two after I bought the computer, at which point I was in college. It's only visible when there's a dark screen given the location.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
ngower said:
One of my Macbook Pro's rubber feet came off last night. First, allow me to rant:

My MBP is slow as dogpiss, came with a broken pixel, hard drive was busted when I bought it, and now this, all within about nine months. My old Macbook gave me four years and could have kept going, but I felt it was time for an upgrade. I'm pretty unhappy with my $2,000 purchase so far...

Anyhoo, anyone know where I can get replacement feet? My MBP slides all over the desk when I'm typing.

9 months? it's still under warranty. Get all that shit fixed/replaced.
Ashhong said:
I'd say like at least half a week, depending on how much you spilled. Also open it up and throw rice in the computer, as long as it wont like get stuck in there or something
Lol I already have rice sitting on top of the keyboard... Put a cloth between the two though to make sure rice dust doesn't get through the cracks. idk, is that something actually worth worrying about, or can I remove the cloth and put the rice directly on?


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Fuck Logitech!

How do I remove the Logitech Device Manager completely from my computer? My gf downloaded it thinking it would fix the mouse scroll wheel but instead it has completely ruined the mouse clicks and is just a pain in the ass.

Help me remove it people.


It comes with an uninstaller. If the installer disk image was deleted, you need to download it again to get to the uninstaller.

After that you just search for any files with "Logitech" in them by using Spotlight and making sure "System Files" are "Included".

Most likely the files are in your Library's Preference Pane's folders and somewhere in your Application Support folder. Try the search first.

When all that's gone, reboot and use Activity Monitor to see if it's still there.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Jasoco said:
It comes with an uninstaller. If the installer disk image was deleted, you need to download it again to get to the uninstaller.

After that you just search for any files with "Logitech" in them by using Spotlight and making sure "System Files" are "Included".

Most likely the files are in your Library's Preference Pane's folders and somewhere in your Application Support folder. Try the search first.

When all that's gone, reboot and use Activity Monitor to see if it's still there.
I am not seeing the uninstaller at all. All that came with the .zip file was the Logitech Control Center Installer.app

EDIT: Found it, in the Utilities folder.

Thanks for the help man.


ZIP? That's silly. They used to give you a DMG. You'll have to go to Logitech's site and search for an uninstaller. Or try removing the files yourself. Also, in Preferences, you should be able to disable it as well from there.


Jasoco said:
ZIP? That's silly. They used to give you a DMG. You'll have to go to Logitech's site and search for an uninstaller. Or try removing the files yourself. Also, in Preferences, you should be able to disable it as well from there.
Get Clean My Mac, great program.

It can uninstall, clean and pretty much do everything useful in that area except defrag.


my macbook pro kept freezing every time i moved it, so i turned off the motion sensor and the problem stopped. I have a SSD and a Hard drive with a motion sensor built in. Should i bring it in to Apple? leaving the motion sensor off shouldn't be a problem right?


Confirmed Asshole
If your hard drive has an independent motion sensor, it should be alright. The motion sensor in laptops is of course there to protect the HDD, and no other parts should suffer when you move the thing. You could try to resolve the MBP motion sensor issue with Apple support, of course. I don't know if I would, seems like you've got your shit figured out.


Is there a way to clear all traces of Mac App Store and iTunes account and app download data?

On one of my Macs, I installed Twitter from the App Store, but I also used iTunes on it to back up somebody else's iPhone so I could update iOS for them. Now, when I try to update Twitter for Mac on the Mac App Store, for some dumb reason, it think it was purchased using their account, even though this Mac has never signed into any iTunes account before, neither mine or theirs.

I have no clue how this even happened. I've deleted all iTunes and Mac App Store caches and settings that I know of, as well as Twitter and nothing fixes the problem.
dmshaposv said:
I recently transferred my entire Zune music library from my Win 7 desktop to my new macbook pro on itunes. Man how I wish MS had a proper Zune player for mac.

The metadata/tags/album art/e.t.c is all royally fudged. What would be the best support apps for itunes to get everything nice and organized? PReferably free. I can't afford to waste time on individually fixing over 78 gigs of music...

Prepare to have your mind blown, as you discover the true power of iTunes in OSX:



hirokazu said:
Is there a way to clear all traces of Mac App Store and iTunes account and app download data?

On one of my Macs, I installed Twitter from the App Store, but I also used iTunes on it to back up somebody else's iPhone so I could update iOS for them. Now, when I try to update Twitter for Mac on the Mac App Store, for some dumb reason, it think it was purchased using their account, even though this Mac has never signed into any iTunes account before, neither mine or theirs.

I have no clue how this even happened. I've deleted all iTunes and Mac App Store caches and settings that I know of, as well as Twitter and nothing fixes the problem.
Try plugging your iOS device in and sync. That should put your apple ID back.


Hey so my seagate 1.5TB external desktop HD semi died on me today. My other one is mounting just find on my MBP, and I have already gone into Disk Utility to try to repair/verfiy the disk. The "Permission" options were grayed out. Oddly enough, when I tried to access is via my 10.6 (Snow Leopard) and 10.7 (Lion) boot disks it didn't mount, but when I tried through Windows 7 it worked fine.
So in the case that I need to send it back to Seagate and have them fix it, is there a way to create an index of the files on the drive so that I know what is there?
Assuming the above option is unnecessary is there something I am missing here?

Note: I have not tried to using the boot disk to repair the drive as I thought it wouldn't matter as it was a separate drive completely from what I was booting off of.

Any input at all would be much appreciated!


guest1321 said:
Hey so my seagate 1.5TB external desktop HD semi died on me today. My other one is mounting just find on my MBP, and I have already gone into Disk Utility to try to repair/verfiy the disk. The "Permission" options were grayed out. Oddly enough, when I tried to access is via my 10.6 (Snow Leopard) and 10.7 (Lion) boot disks it didn't mount, but when I tried through Windows 7 it worked fine.
So in the case that I need to send it back to Seagate and have them fix it, is there a way to create an index of the files on the drive so that I know what is there?
Assuming the above option is unnecessary is there something I am missing here?

Note: I have not tried to using the boot disk to repair the drive as I thought it wouldn't matter as it was a separate drive completely from what I was booting off of.

Any input at all would be much appreciated!
You should try it just incase, perhaps something is odd with your installs of OS X and the permissions for externally mounted devices is fubared.

I've never tried this on a mac, so I am not sure of the particularities of the HFS+ filesystem in regards to its file table, nor do I know specifically how your disk is formatted so I can't be too specific, but the basic task of reading that kind of data to make a copy should be handled by the dd utility in the terminal. If you really want to keep that file table, I'd check out the dd manual page and try to figure out where on the disk the table is to copy it. If you get a device node when you plug it in you should be able to directly read bytes from it.


guest1321 said:
Hey so my seagate 1.5TB external desktop HD semi died on me today. My other one is mounting just find on my MBP, and I have already gone into Disk Utility to try to repair/verfiy the disk. The "Permission" options were grayed out. Oddly enough, when I tried to access is via my 10.6 (Snow Leopard) and 10.7 (Lion) boot disks it didn't mount, but when I tried through Windows 7 it worked fine.
So in the case that I need to send it back to Seagate and have them fix it, is there a way to create an index of the files on the drive so that I know what is there?
Assuming the above option is unnecessary is there something I am missing here?

Note: I have not tried to using the boot disk to repair the drive as I thought it wouldn't matter as it was a separate drive completely from what I was booting off of.

Any input at all would be much appreciated!
Quick question, is it a journaled drive?


It is formatted as Mac OS Extended (Journaled). When I look for more info in Disk Utility it shows the drive as supporting Journaling, but it says that it isn't journaled. I'm not to familiar with what journaling is but the information seems to be contradicting.
maybe not a mac specific question-- if I want to change a drive to NTFS from FAT32 (was using it for consoles I don't own anymore), will I have to format it completely? also, will I notice a difference in copy/paste times for large amounts of files.

edit: found the answer. i can convert it without losing files on my windows partition..sweet. too bad it's busy defragging a terabyte of data. should be done next week


I have a problem with transferring files between my PC and Mac. Stuff I move from my PC to my Mac move at about 40MBps, while the other way around is at most 200KBps. Both for small and huge files, if that matters.
I want to move my music library from my Mac to my PC for backup and it's taking a huge amount of time.

Another weird issue is that I can see my Mac and its shared folders on my Windows 7 PC, while I can't see my Windows 7 PC on my Mac's shared tab. I can see other Macs, though.
Anyone knows how to fix that? Right now I just put files in my Drop Box folder and take them from the PC instead of just putting them on my PC's Drop Box folder.
cooljeanius said:
I have AppleCare, so that should cover it, right?

When I had to replace mine, i was asked if I had it, then had a nice facepalm moment when I got the price without apple care ($700, iirc.) It was finals time and all my stuff was on there, so I just paid right away to get my shit back asap. I'm assuming it would've been cheaper or free if I had it...


cooljeanius said:
I have AppleCare, so that should cover it, right?

Maybe it technically doesn't but I'd go to the apple store and see what they say. They replaced an iPod touch of mine out of warranty with a busted screen. They replaced my old Macboook screen for not change out of warranty. Apple is pretty good about helping their consumers out in those kind of situations.
Firestorm said:

I would recommend iworks, I'm no connoisseur but I enjoy using iworks, especially Numbers, compared to the frustations I have had with MS Office and Open Office on a Mac.

Does anyone have any nice sidebar icons for finder? things like "TV shows" "Drawings" "Dropbox" "Games"?

Also, for new-to-Mac owners if you don't use "smart folders" check them out, for Finder and Mail.


I'll definitely get a pic of it up in the pick-up post in the next few days but I have officially joined the world of Mac :D I picked up my Macbook yesterday..I only had enough time to charge it fully, definitely planning on getting it all set up tonight! It's so hard to believe I have my own Macbook now after seeing them in the store and wanting one for years! I look forward to really spending time with it and seeing everything Mac has to offer :)


travisbickle said:
I would recommend iworks, I'm no connoisseur but I enjoy using iworks, especially Numbers, compared to the frustations I have had with MS Office and Open Office on a Mac.
Can't. This particular frustration was at work.

StopMakingSense said:
Yep. Every single day it fucks something up for me at work.
Apparently PowerPoint with dual monitors crashes when you start the slideshow. Maybe it was because it hadn't restarted in a while. I don't understand how I'm going to be able to present on this thing when the time comes. Maybe I'll use a Windows laptop.

Dreams-Visions said:
Got 2011?
Just found a neat Google Reader RSS app called Caffeinated and thought I'd share. Still in Beta but it's being updated frequently and looks really nice. The actual RSS view is not the greatest IMO but theme support is coming soon. Also you can't unsubscribe in-app yet.

You can get it here. :)
Treefingers said:
Hah I meant when you actually view an item, it's a little overdesigned IMO. :p Not the coffee cup in my screenshot which I also think looks quite nice :)

i've been meaning to get into RSS feeds. namely for netflix instant new releases, which I don't take notice of until someone posts it here or on reddit.
Treefingers said:
Just found a neat Google Reader RSS app called Caffeinated and thought I'd share. Still in Beta but it's being updated frequently and looks really nice. The actual RSS view is not the greatest IMO but theme support is coming soon. Also you can't unsubscribe in-app yet.
You can get it [URL="http://www.geekygoodness.com/"]here[/URL]. :)[/QUOTE]
Reeder is still the best. and its RSS view *is* good. :-)
So I went to the Apple Store today, and they confirmed the water damage to my logic board. AppleCare doesn't cover it, because it was accidental damage, not a malfunction. Here's what my options are looking like at the moment:

• Order a new logic board from iFixit, and try to repair it myself:
+ Slightly cheaper, but not as much cheaper as I had expected
- Voids my warranty (I could get the remaining year on it refunded though)
- Requires extra tools
- Difficult, requires skill I'm not sure I have

• Send it in to Apple and have them fix it:
+ About the same price as fixing it myself
+ Professionals are dealing with it
+ Get to keep the same laptop
- Not that much cheaper than just getting a new laptop
- Warranty on this current laptop only lasts one more year

• Order a completely new laptop (it would be another one of the 13" MacBook Pros):
+ Get to stay current
+ Better CPU
+ Get a renewed warranty with new AppleCare
- More expensive
- Integrated graphics
- Transferring my data could be a pain (would my licenses still be good?)

Any thoughts on which one I should go with? Also, once I have a working laptop again, does anyone have any recommendations for keyboard covers that are unobtrusive, don't feel too weird, and still let the light from the keyboard's backlight through while keeping any liquids I might spill on it out of it?

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
What's the price difference between repair, and getting a new laptop?

If you get a new one, you could just take the harddrive out, put it in an external enclosure and transfer your files that way. It shouldn't be too difficult, as long as the harddrive was not damaged as well.
quadriplegicjon said:
What's the price difference between repair, and getting a new laptop?

If you get a new one, you could just take the harddrive out, put it in an external enclosure and transfer your files that way. It shouldn't be too difficult, as long as the harddrive was not damaged as well.
Repair is $750, the cheapest new Macbook Pro is $1199. I'm pretty sure the hard drive isn't damaged, I checked it myself before bringing the computer to the Apple Store. If I put it in an external enclosure, could I still use it? Like, are there SATA-to-USB connectors or something?
cooljeanius said:
So I went to the Apple Store today, and they confirmed the water damage to my logic board. AppleCare doesn't cover it, because it was accidental damage, not a malfunction. Here's what my options are looking like at the moment:

• Order a new logic board from iFixit, and try to repair it myself:
+ Slightly cheaper, but not as much cheaper as I had expected
- Voids my warranty (I could get the remaining year on it refunded though)
- Requires extra tools
- Difficult, requires skill I'm not sure I have

• Send it in to Apple and have them fix it:
+ About the same price as fixing it myself
+ Professionals are dealing with it
+ Get to keep the same laptop
- Not that much cheaper than just getting a new laptop
- Warranty on this current laptop only lasts one more year

• Order a completely new laptop (it would be another one of the 13" MacBook Pros):
+ Get to stay current
+ Better CPU
+ Get a renewed warranty with new AppleCare
- More expensive
- Integrated graphics
- Transferring my data could be a pain (would my licenses still be good?)

Any thoughts on which one I should go with? Also, once I have a working laptop again, does anyone have any recommendations for keyboard covers that are unobtrusive, don't feel too weird, and still let the light from the keyboard's backlight through while keeping any liquids I might spill on it out of it?

I guess it depends on how badly and how soon you need that particular mac and how much money you have.

another possible option: can you pull the HDD from a macbook and have the data taken off of it? If so, another option is to transfer that data to a new PC notebook that's cheaper than the logic board replacement, then wait for a refresh to get the most current macbook (that is rumored for October, I think.) Your mac specific files can probably converted and of course, there will be program equivalents on PC. I guess that depends on how current you care about being and other stuff. It'd be the most expensive option, too.

Look at the logic board replacement instructions carefully, too. Ideally, and this is me guessing, it would break down to a series of "Attach A to B, B to C, etc." statements, which you can easily handle if you do it slowly and carefully. There's another difference here-- Apple replaces the whole bottom part of the case, so I think they change out more than just the logic board. My keyboard was "crunchy" from the spill, but was like new when I got it back.
Welp I've moved back to using Safari, and the one thing I missed most were the awesome GAF extensions Chrome has. So I've started working on porting them! :) And in the process I've learned a bit of javascript. Thought I'd share with you guys.

Two done today, next I'll tackle multi-quote.

NeoGAF User Highlighter:

NeoGAF Avatar Blocker:

Let me know what you think. :)


Treefingers said:
Welp I've moved back to using Safari, and the one thing I missed most were the awesome GAF extensions Chrome has. So I've started working on porting them! :) And in the process I've learned a bit of javascript. Thought I'd share with you guys.

Two done today, next I'll tackle multi-quote.

NeoGAF User Highlighter:

NeoGAF Avatar Blocker:

Let me know what you think. :)

Awesome, thanks, I use a combo of Chrome/Safari (Chrome for flash junk, and Safari for most everything else) and this will be of good use to me.
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