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Mac OSX Noob thread of OSX noobs


Sarcasm said:
I like OSX as much as next guy but saying my X out lasted Y is pointless and moot.

*** my 7 year old 15" dell laptop still runs flawlessly and can play fallout. Its even being handed down the family tree. Really needs a new battery though.

"Point" is to say these things are awesome. OS X is awesome as well, some gripes, but awesome. I just love the MBP. They outclass every other laptop in its price range in the "overall" category. And are worth the money s'what im saying.

EDIT: And it really depends on what you mean by "last". Anything can "last" but I havent found any other laptop that you can use the way its meant to be use (like, actually use the trackpad and not a mouse) and it still looks as new as the day you bought it. Works as fast as the day you bought it without maintenance...etc.


JayDub said:
"Point" is to say these things are awesome. OS X is awesome as well, some gripes, but awesome. I just love the MBP. They outclass every other laptop in its price range in the "overall" category. And are worth the money s'what im saying.

EDIT: And it really depends on what you mean by "last". Anything can "last" but I havent found any other laptop that you can use the way its meant to be use (like, actually use the trackpad and not a mouse) and it still looks as new as the day you bought it. Works as fast as the day you bought it without maintenance...etc.
My 2007 MacBook pro, Pre unibody, had a faulty trackpad after a year and Apple wouldn't fix it for me even though I had Apple care. They claimed a dent on the side, which existed long before the trackpad started acting up, was good enough reason to deny me coverage. That MBP also developed the pits where the wrist rest was, that was ugly. It mostly certainly wasn't as good as the day I bought it, flash performance for one went downhill and I had to swap out the RAM and get and SSD to see improvements in performance after Snow Leopard launched. it ran very hot, too hot to put on my lap without boiling my balls. I paid over $2000 for it, I was looking to upgrade within a year and 3 years later could barely fetch $800 for it.
I have a few questions about OS X Lion Server:

On Apple's website it states that the file sharing feature will allow another computer to access data "as if they were using their own hard drives." Am I to take them at their word? Could I really make my MBP act as a storage device for an MBA? Could I launch applications/games from it? My apologies if any of this is obvious, but I've never had a home server before. It would be pretty incredible to manage media in the way that I'm imagining it to work.

Just bought a new iMac.

To my horror isync has been removed from Lion.

I tried transferring isync from a snow leopard mac and created the folder "phoneplugins" in the library. But when I try to start isync I get an error message - something along the lines of:

"Isync can't start - the type extension could not be registered" (own translation)

Can anyone help me get isync on Lion? Would be greatly appreciated.


Don't use Flash. Sadly that's the only way.
Because Flash is terrible.

Or check if there's a new version to install. Chrome uses its own Flash and keeps it sandboxed which won't crash the browser itself. Can she try Chrome?
Weird, AirFoil was working brilliantly (just the trial) until a moment ago. It's no longer in the upper status bar (after I had to close it for the Migration Assistant), and the icon that had appeared on iTunes and all of my iOS devices has disappeared. Was this even AirFoil to begin with, or some other feature I had stumbled upon? Literally an icon that allowed me to select my laptop for audio output showed up on my phone without me doing anything. What happened?

EDIT: "Airfoil Speakers" is what I wanted. Didn't realize I had options.


cacophony said:
Does anyone else's MBP take like an hour to charge from 99%-100%? wtf is up with that

In order to stop the top end of the battery burning out, that last 5% will sometimes be left alone


Still Alive
How accurate is iStat battery health indicator? I'm getting really annoyed/obsessed lately. A few weeks ago it was at 90% and i've had the MBP for a year, now a few weeks later it's at 84%. What??

I asked this in the hardware OT but I don't think I got a good response. How should I charge this? Leave it in all the time? Wait for it to get to 100% then use the batt until 0% and repeat?

How to I prolong my battery's health?


formerly cjelly
Sentry said:
How accurate is iStat battery health indicator? I'm getting really annoyed/obsessed lately. A few weeks ago it was at 90% and i've had the MBP for a year, now a few weeks later it's at 84%. What??

I asked this in the hardware OT but I don't think I got a good response. How should I charge this? Leave it in all the time? Wait for it to get to 100% then use the batt until 0% and repeat?

How to I prolong my battery's health?
From the horses mouth:



Does anyone elses Macbooks just shut off when the battery gets low.

It seems to ignore the whole "You are now running on reserve power" and just decided to shut down, no deep sleep, nothing, I turn it back on and the programs re-open but as if I wasn't doing anything before, it is highly annoying when I'm not paying attention to the battery.

I'm pretty sure at one point it had 20% in the menu bar and then killed itself, I'm wondering if the battery is going or something, it says its condition is normal and I'm on something like 260 cycles.
But it could also be the charger, I've noticed sometimes while plugged in it says "not charging" and also the light no longer works.

I should probably just take it into an Apple shop, it is covered by AppleCare till mid 2012.


I realize you guys must be getting these questions all the time, I don't have time to sit through 200 pages right now, so I'll just politely ask my question here

I'm looking to buy a MBP, just unsure which one suits me. I'm in university, so it'll have to help me out there big time. But also, I will be getting into Photography and graphic design, so I'll spend a good amount of time with Photoshop and whatnot

Should I get the 13 inch or 15 inch?

Thanks guys
Gila said:
I realize you guys must be getting these questions all the time, I don't have time to sit through 200 pages right now, so I'll just politely ask my question here

I'm looking to buy a MBP, just unsure which one suits me. I'm in university, so it'll have to help me out there big time. But also, I will be getting into Photography and graphic design, so I'll spend a good amount of time with Photoshop and whatnot

Should I get the 13 inch or 15 inch?

Thanks guys
Well the 13 inch is cheaper... the main advantage to the 15 inch one is that it has actual graphics capabilities... are you planning for using it for games at all? If you are, go with the 15 inch one, otherwise go for the 13 inch one.


CorrisD said:
Does anyone elses Macbooks just shut off when the battery gets low.

It seems to ignore the whole "You are now running on reserve power" and just decided to shut down, no deep sleep, nothing, I turn it back on and the programs re-open but as if I wasn't doing anything before, it is highly annoying when I'm not paying attention to the battery.

I'm pretty sure at one point it had 20% in the menu bar and then killed itself, I'm wondering if the battery is going or something, it says its condition is normal and I'm on something like 260 cycles.
But it could also be the charger, I've noticed sometimes while plugged in it says "not charging" and also the light no longer works.

I should probably just take it into an Apple shop, it is covered by AppleCare till mid 2012.
i had this with my older macbook pro and when i replaced the battery it fixed the problem.


CorrisD said:
Does anyone elses Macbooks just shut off when the battery gets low.

It seems to ignore the whole "You are now running on reserve power" and just decided to shut down, no deep sleep, nothing, I turn it back on and the programs re-open but as if I wasn't doing anything before, it is highly annoying when I'm not paying attention to the battery.

I'm pretty sure at one point it had 20% in the menu bar and then killed itself, I'm wondering if the battery is going or something, it says its condition is normal and I'm on something like 260 cycles.
But it could also be the charger, I've noticed sometimes while plugged in it says "not charging" and also the light no longer works.

I should probably just take it into an Apple shop, it is covered by AppleCare till mid 2012.

Look into calibrating the battery.


cooljeanius said:
Well the 13 inch is cheaper... the main advantage to the 15 inch one is that it has actual graphics capabilities... are you planning for using it for games at all? If you are, go with the 15 inch one, otherwise go for the 13 inch one.
I will be playing D3, but I have a desktop built for gaming

Will just use the mbp mainly for school and those media arts, but wouldn't a better graphics be good for photoshop or whatever? I really like the compact of the 13in

but if the 15in is much better in the long run, then I guess I'll save up for that


Gila said:
I realize you guys must be getting these questions all the time, I don't have time to sit through 200 pages right now, so I'll just politely ask my question here

I'm looking to buy a MBP, just unsure which one suits me. I'm in university, so it'll have to help me out there big time. But also, I will be getting into Photography and graphic design, so I'll spend a good amount of time with Photoshop and whatnot

Should I get the 13 inch or 15 inch?

Thanks guys

I'd say the 15 inch would be a wiser investment for university.

I got the 15 inch MBP and it runs like a dream with CS5.


Dabanton said:
I'd say the 15 inch would be a wiser investment for university.

I got the 15 inch MBP and it runs like a dream with CS5.
Ahh i see, cool

One more question, what would an 11 inch MBA be ideal for?


Personally if I were not going to be doing gaming at all on the machine I would probably decide based on the screen size, resolution and portability. I'm guessing you might want the high-res 15" for Photoshop stuff, but I don't know I'm not a graphics guy. Outside of the dGPU I would not say the 15" is worth the price hike in terms of overall performance. It's more down to whether the 13" resolution would work for you.


Alright, I think I've decided with a 13 inch, just a few more questions lol

Apparently it's much cheaper on craigslist, i'm highly considering buying off here. If I do, what type of things should I look for when meeting to make sure it's all good?

Also, if it were to still have applecare, can I take it in and have them reformat it? (I want to have it cleaned and be personally for me)

This guy's was really tempting too, if you wanna see


Jasoco said:
Don't use Flash. Sadly that's the only way.
Because Flash is terrible.

Or check if there's a new version to install. Chrome uses its own Flash and keeps it sandboxed which won't crash the browser itself. Can she try Chrome?

is flash one of those "itunes scenarios" where it runs like shit on windows and runs allot better on OSX?

AKA does flash run worse on the mac side then the windows version?
the massive flash hate with mac users is weird
never had any problems with it

its lightweight and only crashes like 2-3 a month
no bug deal


testicles on a cold fall morning
i agree. it makes sense not to have it on mobile devices, but it's not as if HTML5 animations or video are dramatically less resource intensive than the in Flash, and i've seen cases where it's higher.


MrHicks said:
is flash one of those "itunes scenarios" where it runs like shit on windows and runs allot better on OSX?

AKA does flash run worse on the mac side then the windows version?
the massive flash hate with mac users is weird

never had any problems with it

its lightweight and only crashes like 2-3 a month
no bug deal
Bingo. Part of it is Apple's fault; Microsoft worked with Adobe to offer hardware-accelerated Flash long before Apple would even consider it for Mac OSX—despite supporting significantly fewer hardware. Flash was never as good on Microsoft as it was on Windows (Adobe's fault) but its performance seemed to nosedive and there was nothing Mac users could do to fix it. At the nadir you could buy the latest Mac Pro and it'd run flash, with loud fans and 100%CPU utilization, worse than a three year old Windows XP laptop. Not that those Mac users would know about that Windows laptop since most of Mac tech pundits use Apple computers almost exclusively. So to us Flash has been a horrible plugin that's been broken for the last 6 or 7 years.


CorrisD said:
Does anyone elses Macbooks just shut off when the battery gets low.

It seems to ignore the whole "You are now running on reserve power" and just decided to shut down, no deep sleep, nothing, I turn it back on and the programs re-open but as if I wasn't doing anything before, it is highly annoying when I'm not paying attention to the battery.

I'm pretty sure at one point it had 20% in the menu bar and then killed itself, I'm wondering if the battery is going or something, it says its condition is normal and I'm on something like 260 cycles.
But it could also be the charger, I've noticed sometimes while plugged in it says "not charging" and also the light no longer works.
that's me :D but i have 900+ cycles and often it will shut down at 40%
my charger will charge only charge when i plug in and it light the orange light...and the green one doesn't work

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
MrHicks said:
is flash one of those "itunes scenarios" where it runs like shit on windows and runs allot better on OSX?

AKA does flash run worse on the mac side then the windows version?
the massive flash hate with mac users is weird
never had any problems with it

its lightweight and only crashes like 2-3 a month
no bug deal

Flash is also terrible on a windows machine, just not as bad as on a mac... and you shouldn't be play with it crashing 2-3 times a month. :/

MS's silverlight is so much better.


quadriplegicjon said:
Flash is also terrible on a windows machine, just not as bad as on a mac... and you shouldn't be play with it crashing 2-3 times a month. :/

MS's silverlight is so much better.

i watch hundreds (youtube) of flash videos monthly
a handful of them crashing doesn't bother me

a quick tab reload and its fixed
no tech is perfect everything crashes once in a while


Gila said:
Alright, I think I've decided with a 13 inch, just a few more questions lol

Apparently it's much cheaper on craigslist, i'm highly considering buying off here. If I do, what type of things should I look for when meeting to make sure it's all good?

Also, if it were to still have applecare, can I take it in and have them reformat it? (I want to have it cleaned and be personally for me)

This guy's was really tempting too, if you wanna see

Just look the laptop over, be sure to meet in a place where you can test it. The only problem with the older MacBooks is they do not have the newest processors in them. If that does not bother you, then I suggest buying off of craigslist. Also be sure to look on Apples website, they do have a refurbished section. Since you are gonna be using it for more then 2+ years, I suggest going with the newest one you can find, with the i7 or i5 processors.
quadriplegicjon said:
Flash is also terrible on a windows machine, just not as bad as on a mac... and you shouldn't be play with it crashing 2-3 times a month. :/

MS's silverlight is so much better.
Flash hasn't been a problem on my Macs since 10.1.


MrHicks said:
is flash one of those "itunes scenarios" where it runs like shit on windows and runs allot better on OSX?

AKA does flash run worse on the mac side then the windows version?
the massive flash hate with mac users is weird
never had any problems with it

its lightweight and only crashes like 2-3 a month
no bug deal
It's a terrible resource hog. Even Microsoft is banning it from the Tablet version of IE in Windows 8. (Along with all other plugins.)

Adobe of course says they aren't scared and "Flash will thrive" whether it's on IE or not. (It's still going to be in IE on the regular Windows version. Just not Metro.)

If I could get rid of Flash completely, I would. But too many sites still use it. All of Blip.tv's videos (TGWTG) need it. The YouTube HTML5 version never works for me. I don't know if Cinemassacre has non-Flash versions, they use GameTrailers like a lot of the other sites I watch videos on. (Hey Ash and anything on Destructoid)

Just too many not supporting alternatives yet. I have a feeling it has something to do with how advertisements are supported. Can HTML5 be set up to show an ad, skippable or not, before the video? I think so, but no one seems to want to put forth the effort. What about on devices like the iPad/iPhone?

I want to move torwards a Flash-free future, but right now it's still not possible.

Fucking Adobe. And fucking Macromedia before it.


njean777 said:
Just look the laptop over, be sure to meet in a place where you can test it. The only problem with the older MacBooks is they do not have the newest processors in them. If that does not bother you, then I suggest buying off of craigslist. Also be sure to look on Apples website, they do have a refurbished section. Since you are gonna be using it for more then 2+ years, I suggest going with the newest one you can find, with the i7 or i5 processors.
Wow, so I come home today to find out my brother won an iPad 2 and has no use for it. He gave it to me since, and I've been googling a bit and realized the iPad has apps that are suited for me at school at the moment. So once I get into photography more (which won't be for like another 6 months or so) I'll def need a notebook.

My question now is, should I sell this iPad and get an mbp...or does anyone know if apple will release a new mbp sometime next year? If so, then I might just use my iPad now and sell it later on and get a Mbp when I really need it

What you guys think? Thanks again for answering these newb questions

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
JayDub said:
I have always seen this as the official "Mac/OS X" thread so I'm just going to post this here.

It was late 2008 and my GF wanted a new laptop. The Macbook Pro had just been announced and she was trying to decide between the MBP or any Windows laptop. I had just bought myself a MBP myself but it wasn't the newly re-designed unibody. Of course I felt like a schmuck. "I should've waited!" So I sold my then 3 month old laptop for the newly re-designed unibody. How did I validate my decision?

Well, first, the magnetic lid mechanism/latch. I had a 17" Powerbook, and after that, the 15 inch MBP. Both were pre-unibody. And the one thing I always disliked was the lid latch. It would always hold down the middle of the lid but the sides of the lid wouldn't be as flush. Giving the impression that the middle was being "pulled down". It looked uneven and I was worried about flex on the body. The latch itself would also degrade over time and require multiple "pushes" to release or atleast, a hard push.

Second, the actual aluminum body. Pre-unibody, the aluminum wasn't very strong. I would rest my palm or arm beside the trackpad and overtime, the aluminum above the superdrive would sink in. Eventually, the superdrive would have a hard time ejecting the disk. This was on the 17" Powerbook as the superdrive is facing the front.

Third, the trackpad. Pre-unibody glass trackpad, the trackpad was like any other trackpad on any other laptop. So it would degrade the same way as well (shiny, glossy after a while, hard to use..etc). Plus, no multitouch.

I thought to myself, "Well the new unibody MBPs fix all of this. It should last me forever!"

Anyway, my gf decided on a high spec Windows laptop and I went with the newly released late 2008 unibody Macbook Pro. She spent 1500 compared to my 2200 for the 15" MBP. In her words, "Your laptop has worse specs. You're just paying 700 more for the Apple tax. I made the smarter decision."

Going on 3 years now, and my MBP is going strong as ever. It's truly amazing. The trackpad looks brand new. It's still silky smooth. And the multitouch gestures for Expose made my GF jealous from DAY ONE. The aluminum body is strong and sturdy, no scratches and no dents or "weak spots." When the lid closes, the whole lid is flushed with the body. OS X has never crashed, I never had to defrag, run Spybot, or run any anti-virus software. The most I ever had to do in regards to maintenance was clear the cache on my Safari. 2 finger scrolling is so useful and so is 3 finger left and right to go "Back" and "Forward" in Safari/Finder.

My now ex-GF (now friends)'s laptop was 2 years old before she "had" to replace it. It takes forever to boot, and when it does, its slow as hell. She has to do all kinds of "maintenance" and scans to make sure her laptop runs "optimally". The glossy finish of the laptop's exterior got a ton of scratches and micro scratches (neither of us cared for cases). It looks like a black car after 2 years of use. Her trackpad looks like she went to KFC and slathered a chicken breast over it and left it there for 3 days. The glossy finish also gives the trackpad a grippy texture and makes navigating with the trackpad a chore. It never was (even new) as silky smooth as my Macbook's, and it lacked multitouch. She was using a mouse after 6 months of having it.

She bought a 13" Macbook Pro a year and she loves it. But, here's the thing: Her Windows laptop cost her 1500. Add the cost of the Macbook Pro and she has spent 2700+ for her laptops while I'm still cruising on mines 3 years going.

Thats just the most amazing thing: The new unibody MBPs are so easy to live with, and are so durable. I love them. It might be lower spec then the competition. Haters might like to hate on Apple for being Apple. But that "Apple tax" comes right back to us in value, durability, ease of use..etc etc. Its one of the few "luxury" items that I can validate it's extra cost.

Anyway, just wanted to throw that out there. I WAS about to sale my MBP before all this hit me.

add another plus to the "Apple tax" .. resale value. Apple laptops usually have much higher resale value than their windows counterparts..


got a "your appleID has been disabled for security reasons" and had to reset it. But it was on my mac mini which just had iTunes running in the background purely for syncing my iPods too. Anyone seen this before?


mrklaw said:
got a "your appleID has been disabled for security reasons" and had to reset it. But it was on my mac mini which just had iTunes running in the background purely for syncing my iPods too. Anyone seen this before?
It's supposed to happen if ere are multiple failed attempts at the password.

Is it an obvious uuser account name/email? Maybe someone is trying to hack. I guess the safe thing would be to change or ensure the password is different to other accounts.

my sister got this recently. It's possible they're jiggering things for cloud, and have accidentally triggered the security message, I suppose.


So my 2009 MBP battery has dropped 20% while on standby (off, lid closed) over 24 hours. Is that normal?

Also the battery fault message I used to have has just disappeared on it's own. I need to get me a new one I think..


Ashhong said:
So my 2009 MBP battery has dropped 20% while on standby (off, lid closed) over 24 hours. Is that normal?

Also the battery fault message I used to have has just disappeared on it's own. I need to get me a new one I think..
No, not normal.

Look into calibrating the battery.


Maturity, bitches.
mrklaw said:
got a "your appleID has been disabled for security reasons" and had to reset it. But it was on my mac mini which just had iTunes running in the background purely for syncing my iPods too. Anyone seen this before?
I got that tonight as well, which I felt was rather odd since I haven't logged in with my ID for quite some time.
This is driving me nuts.

Installed Win 7 as boot camp partition. No issues at all.
Today nothing happens when I hold down the alt key when booting.
I go to system settings>start disk and it only shows the mac partition, yet in finder I can see and access the boot camp disk.

So I thought I'd install Refit, but apparently it has issues with Lion. wtf

How can I make OS X understand that it can boot from the boot camp partition again?

27" iMac with Lion.
Kong Fisso said:
This is driving me nuts.

Installed Win 7 as boot camp partition. No issues at all.
Today nothing happens when I hold down the alt key when booting.
I go to system settings>start disk and it only shows the mac partition, yet in finder I can see and access the boot camp disk.

So I thought I'd install Refit, but apparently it has issues with Lion. wtf

How can I make OS X understand that it can boot from the boot camp partition again?

27" iMac with Lion.
Try verifying/repairing the partition with Disk Utility. You can also try downloading BootChamp.
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