Okay, if I may interrupt the SL love for a sec, I have a question.
I have an Airport Express as well as an Extreme. For some insane reason, the condo I just moved into does not have a cable hookup in the second bedroom that I am using as an office, so my cable modem is in the living room. I bought the Airport Extreme so that I could network my hard drives and printers through it, but obviously, I don't want all of that hanging out in the living room. So I'm currently using the Express as a bridge, but I can't connect hard drives to that, only printers.
So my setup is such:
Cable modem > Airport Extreme > Aiport Express (bridge) > Printers
What I would like to do is this:
Cable modem > Airport Express > Airport Extreme (bridge) > Printers/Hard Dicks
Is this possible? Everything seems to suggest that it
should, but I can't find any documentation to back that up.
I should note that I did, in fact, try this, and it didn't work. So I'm trying to figure out if it's a limitation of the hardware or user error. I think it might be the latter, but before I wipe everything and start fresh, I figured I'd ask.