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Mac OSX Noob thread of OSX noobs


GodfatherX said:
I posted in the SL thread that I finally decided to buy a MBP. I got the 13"MBP with 2gb ram, an iPod classic, and a HP wireless printer...thanks to whoever mentioned that above because I would have never realized that promo.

Wait what? What promo? Apple recently replaced my completely broken old MBP with a new one, and they said I could take advantage of any promos they were running! I'm not a college student however, and I don't really need a printer so... I'm probably SOL, aren't I? :lol

But yeah, I made a thread a while ago because my computer seemed to be borked... I took it in and Apple decided to give me a new one! Granted, I had my battery, my superdrive, my screen, and my motherboard break twice in a little over a year and a half, but... NEW COMPUTER! Serious upgrade too. 2.66 instead of 2.4, 9400M instead of 8600M (still with the same amount of memory though, I believe), 4 gigs of RAM instead of 2, and a 320 Gig HD instead of 1...40 I think? I had to pay the 300 dollars extra to upgrade to the 1999 MBP but... I'm happy. Amen for Applecare. :D


if you got the 2000$ MBP did you not get the one with the extra GPU?

and the promotion is that if you purchase a printer and/or ipod with your MBP you get back up to 100 for printer and 230 for ipod. not sure how that will work for you, especially since it has to be on the same receipt. i guess you will have to call


Ashhong said:
if you got the 2000$ MBP did you not get the one with the extra GPU?

and the promotion is that if you purchase a printer and/or ipod with your MBP you get back up to 100 for printer and 230 for ipod. not sure how that will work for you, especially since it has to be on the same receipt. i guess you will have to call

Yeah, mine has the two GPU's. Hehehe. I thought you had to be a college student for the free iPod? If anyone can find any details about it I'd really love it. I'm sure the people at the Apple store will help me; they were quite awesome about helping me with my problems before.
Ashhong said:
if you got the 2000$ MBP did you not get the one with the extra GPU?

and the promotion is that if you purchase a printer and/or ipod with your MBP you get back up to 100 for printer and 230 for ipod. not sure how that will work for you, especially since it has to be on the same receipt. i guess you will have to call

Where does it say anything about having to be on the same receipt?

I bought a MBP two weeks ago and just bought an ipod yesterday (Just before the promotion ended. I know they are getting updated soon) because of the rebate. It's a gift, but if they block the rebate then it can go back.

EDIT: Just found it. That was a snide move. I managed to cancel the order before shipment. I'll order again next week.


2 Minutes Turkish said:
I just got Snow Leopard and have noticed a MASSIVE difference in performance.

But I heard something about earlier MacBook Pros loading up in 32-bit by default? How do I get it to load 64-bit?

Excuse the noobness of the question. I'm not that computer inclined.

64 bit kernel is disabled on ALL MacBooks, pro or not.

If you are running Snow Leopard, you are running 64bit apps though, so don't even bother to worry about it. It's pointless.


quadriplegicjon said:
oh. i didn't realize he got it off of a rebate. not sure though. i remember hearing stuff like that happening last go around. maybe it only happens with the laptops.. ?
Apple always does "free iPod's with every Mac to students" in August that end the day right before new iPods come out. They do this to clear out stock. There is a 99% chance that he will be getting the current model. Not a new one that hasn't been released yet. This is the reason the offer ends the exact day before the next event. It's pretty much a predictable clockwork. It's one of the only things with Apple that is guaranteed actually. First week in September = iPod event. Few months up to first week in September = free iPod with Mac for students.

But hey, it's free. So ya can't complain.


Dartastic said:
Yeah, mine has the two GPU's. Hehehe. I thought you had to be a college student for the free iPod? If anyone can find any details about it I'd really love it. I'm sure the people at the Apple store will help me; they were quite awesome about helping me with my problems before.

ah, then you should be bragging about the 9600GT not the 9400M =P

and yea you do have to be a college student. i thought you ewre though, you were talking about educational discount before? they might just give it to you since their system is pretty relaxed about that. i thought the stores were giving you a hard time about your computer? found a nice one?


2 Minutes Turkish said:
You serious? Or jerking my chain?

Hold 6 and 4? That sounds like you're making fun of me.


I find this funny too. I mean, it just doesn't sound right does it? It sounds so obvious, too simple. How could it be true?

But it is, and just reinforces the simple yet powerful approach of the OS.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
2 Minutes Turkish said:
You serious? Or jerking my chain?

Hold 6 and 4? That sounds like you're making fun of me.

I take my OS talk very seriously, friend. :p


Mar_ said:

I find this funny too. I mean, it just doesn't sound right does it? It sounds so obvious, too simple. How could it be true?

But it is, and just reinforces the simple yet powerful approach of the OS.

It doesn't sound obvious at all - it sounds like a game code.


its only like that because you aren't really supposed to afaik. not all 3rd party drivers will work properly. they didn't make it the default on capable machines because its not supported yet.


Ashhong said:
ah, then you should be bragging about the 9600GT not the 9400M =P

and yea you do have to be a college student. i thought you ewre though, you were talking about educational discount before? they might just give it to you since their system is pretty relaxed about that. i thought the stores were giving you a hard time about your computer? found a nice one?

Haha, well, all I know is that I have 2 in there and as soon as I throw Windows 7 on here it's going to run games like WHOA. :lol


Ashhong said:
dont know if you are joking...hold 6 4 if you want 64bit...

I wasn't joking, it really is more like a gamecode or Easter Egg, don't you think?

I know it's for real, as I've booted into it to see what the fuss is about.
SLightly confused about this; do I have a shared graphics card?

I have a 9400 and a 9600GT. The guys on the apple support forums said the only reason why I am seeing 3.75GB memory is because I only have an intergrated graphics card :(


Mecha_Infantry said:
SLightly confused about this; do I have a shared graphics card?

I have a 9400 and a 9600GT. The guys on the apple support forums said the only reason why I am seeing 3.75GB memory is because I only have an intergrated graphics card :(
The 9400M shares memory from the system. The 9600GT is the dedicated one.
alright, so everything was shipped today, so no free upgrade on the classic (if they even upgrade it tomorrow)

still very happy with the deal i got
I've got a couple questions about iTunes since I've been ripping more tv shows for my ipod. How do I move a clip I ripped from movies to tv shows? Also, is there a way to group them within tv shows? Like can I make a group or something so on my ipod it shows all of season one in one stack, season two in another stack, etc. Like how they do with podcasts when you have different podcasts? Sorry for the potentially stupid questions but I can't figure it out. :(


Zaraki_Kenpachi said:
I've got a couple questions about iTunes since I've been ripping more tv shows for my ipod. How do I move a clip I ripped from movies to tv shows? Also, is there a way to group them within tv shows? Like can I make a group or something so on my ipod it shows all of season one in one stack, season two in another stack, etc. Like how they do with podcasts when you have different podcasts? Sorry for the potentially stupid questions but I can't figure it out. :(

thats a good question. i dont think the video menu on the ipods support playlists though...will have to try that out

what are you using to rip shows? i gave up after having the hardest time keeping the aspect ratio and a good bitrate


A scientist and gentleman in the manner of Batman.

This issue is mindboggling. I still use my university email though I'm an alumnus since we get it for life and I never really got into Gmail for other than spam.

This afternoon, I get that "Shared Folder" drop down show up and all of a sudden, I can see someone else's emails. I have no fucking idea who this person is or how this got there. I called up the university's tech support and they even did a remote desktop sharing session and couldn't figure anything out on my end. I think they were going to try and contact the student and check things out on their end but they never got back to me today, though I didn't expect them to. Anyone have a clue how the hell this got there?
Ashhong said:
thats a good question. i dont think the video menu on the ipods support playlists though...will have to try that out

what are you using to rip shows? i gave up after having the hardest time keeping the aspect ratio and a good bitrate

I'm on my macbook using handbrake. It works really well.

Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
For changing from Movie to TV Show, right-click, "Get Info" and then I think the Options tab has a dropdown menu where you select the media kind.

I finally found it, it's under options then there is a drop down that says media kinds. Thanks Liu Kang.

Looking more in the options you can assign a series name, season number, and episode number but it doesn't seem to do anything in itunes... Unless it's re-alphabetizing and I'm not noticing due to my only handful of clips or something...

Edit 2: It works exactly like the podcasts if you move it tv shows. It doesn't like grouping in movie I guess since it assumes it's one thing but if I move it to tv shows and edit the data in the get info it makes it in groups. So glad I finally figured it out, only reason I hesitated ripping a lot. :D


Phobophile said:

This issue is mindboggling. I still use my university email though I'm an alumnus since we get it for life and I never really got into Gmail for other than spam.

This afternoon, I get that "Shared Folder" drop down show up and all of a sudden, I can see someone else's emails. I have no fucking idea who this person is or how this got there. I called up the university's tech support and they even did a remote desktop sharing session and couldn't figure anything out on my end. I think they were going to try and contact the student and check things out on their end but they never got back to me today, though I didn't expect them to. Anyone have a clue how the hell this got there?[/QUOTE]

holy crap :lol i didnt know this was an issue. is it a similar email address? same name, anything?
Zaraki_Kenpachi said:
Looking more in the options you can assign a series name, season number, and episode number but it doesn't seem to do anything in itunes... Unless it's re-alphabetizing and I'm not noticing due to my only handful of clips or something...
It default sorts by Show Name then Season then Track Number. Episode ID doesn't do anything. It's an iTunes Store special field. To sort episode numbers, go back to the "Track Number" and put them in there, like they were tracks on a music album.


A scientist and gentleman in the manner of Batman.
Ashhong said:
holy crap :lol i didnt know this was an issue. is it a similar email address? same name, anything?
Nope, completely different name and completely different email naming system. When I started, I was on the old Unix-based 7-character limitation so if your name was John Smith, your email would be smitjoh@edu. Now they allow for jsmith.


Neo Member
I'm only getting roughly 3.5 hours out of my macbook pros "8 hour battery" and its only gone through 34 cycles. The screen brightness is always turned down and all I'm doing is typing on pages and msn with the occasional web surf.

Anyone know whats wrong??
Bear-tie said:
I'm only getting roughly 3.5 hours out of my macbook pros "8 hour battery" and its only gone through 34 cycles. The screen brightness is always turned down and all I'm doing is typing on pages and msn with the occasional web surf.

Anyone know whats wrong??

Also, are you using the faster 9600 video card instead of the 9400? That will drop you an hour.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
I love osx but there is one thing i have found that is making me so damn mad. After owning macs for about 5 years this is the first time it has come up....

THERE IS NO OS BASED DEFRAGMENTER WTF.... Now I cannot create a bootcamp partition of any size. There is not enough contiguous space... This is really killing me. If i want to fix this without wiping away my installation I have to pay 30 dollars for idefrag which is more than what i payed for snow leopard.

Has anyone with the with the 9400m and the 9600m GT card had problems installing the drivers in Windows 7? When I try to install the drivers it says that nvidia can't recognize the hardware to support the drivers. I also can't seem to find them in the device manager. Has anyone else ran into this problem or know how to fix it?
Ok I asked this before but I am totally pissed off with iTunes and this is why I haven't uploaded my music into it.

I CAN'T GROUP ALBUMS TOGETHER IN FUCKING GRID VIEW!! It works when im in list view, but NOT grid view. FUCCCK! I've selected what everyone is saying but this is BS. As you can see The Alchemist has quite a few entries when it's just ONE album. I don't know where it's gone wrong as the sorting album has the right album name for all of the tracks


Mecha_Infantry said:
Ok I asked this before but I am totally pissed off with iTunes and this is why I haven't uploaded my music into it.

I CAN'T GROUP ALBUMS TOGETHER IN FUCKING GRID VIEW!! It works when im in list view, but NOT grid view. FUCCCK! I've selected what everyone is saying but this is BS. As you can see The Alchemist has quite a few entries when it's just ONE album. I don't know where it's gone wrong as the sorting album has the right album name for all of the tracks

*images might not stay up for long



Re-tag all the files in that album from scratch. That usually fixes this kind of problem for me. Sometimes things like extra spaces find their way into tags so something like "The Beatles" and "The Beatles " (with an extra space at the end) will throw off the sorting/grouping.

iTunes' ability to sort/organize your music is pretty much entirely dependent on your ID3 tags. If they're fucked, iTunes will appear to be not working right. In fact it is working fine, it's just that the data it is working with is awful.
Change of topic. Can we discuss how the Windows users are now holding us back because their OS is basically keeping Apple from making a proper 64-bit Cocoa-based iTunes. Total bullshit. Leave them in the dust and please release a 64-bit Cocoa-based iTunes. After seeing what this kind of re-write did for Finder, I am desperate for something similar to happen to iTunes. It's so damn slow right now compared to all the blazing fast 64-bit Snow Leopard apps. It's not a fate befitting of what is basically Apple's flagship application. The fact that Safari runs on Windows didn't seem to keep Apple from getting it running in 64-bit on OS X, so why is it stopping iTunes?


StrikerObi said:
Change of topic. Can we discuss how the Windows users are now holding us back because their OS is basically keeping Apple from making a proper 64-bit Cocoa-based iTunes. Total bullshit. Leave them in the dust and please release a 64-bit Cocoa-based iTunes. After seeing what this kind of re-write did for Finder, I am desperate for something similar to happen to iTunes. It's so damn slow right now compared to all the blazing fast 64-bit Snow Leopard apps. It's not a fate befitting of what is basically Apple's flagship application. The fact that Safari runs on Windows didn't seem to keep Apple from getting it running in 64-bit on OS X, so why is it stopping iTunes?

hmmm.. can't agree that Windows is holding Apple back here at all. Their pro apps like Aperture, Final Cut, etc aren't on windows and are still 32 bit, same as itunes. there's just tons and tons of carbon code that will take a long time to re-code so it has to get put on a schedule.

I guess Apple just doesn't consider a cocoa iTunes to be high enough priority to have it ready right now. maybe next year when carbon is even further deprecated.

I'm a bit disappointed, yes, but I only wanted cocoa itunes to achieve the result of improved performance. I'm seeing that in iTunes 9 (except for grid view browsing... gggrrrr) so I'm pretty happy with the improvements. it's certainly much more responsive to switch between apps, devices and the music library and scrolling through apps is way faster than before so at least they're making some progress.


StrikerObi said:
Change of topic. Can we discuss how the Windows users are now holding us back because their OS is basically keeping Apple from making a proper 64-bit Cocoa-based iTunes. Total bullshit. Leave them in the dust and please release a 64-bit Cocoa-based iTunes. After seeing what this kind of re-write did for Finder, I am desperate for something similar to happen to iTunes. It's so damn slow right now compared to all the blazing fast 64-bit Snow Leopard apps. It's not a fate befitting of what is basically Apple's flagship application. The fact that Safari runs on Windows didn't seem to keep Apple from getting it running in 64-bit on OS X, so why is it stopping iTunes?

I'm not sure if you're being serious, but I think that it has to do with different development teams within Apple, working on different applications. I wonder if that's why the apps look different? iTunes has always kind of looked different - I don't know if that's a conscious decision to differentiate it, or a side effect of a different team.
LCfiner said:
hmmm.. can't agree that Windows is holding Apple back here at all. Their pro apps like Aperture, Final Cut, etc aren't on windows and are still 32 bit, same as itunes. there's just tons and tons of carbon code that will take a long time to re-code so it has to get put on a schedule.

I guess Apple just doesn't consider a cocoa iTunes to be high enough priority to have it ready right now. maybe next year when carbon is even further deprecated.

I'm a bit disappointed, yes, but I only wanted cocoa itunes to achieve the result of improved performance. I'm seeing that in iTunes 9 (except for grid view browsing... gggrrrr) so I'm pretty happy with the improvements. it's certainly much more responsive to switch between apps, devices and the music library and scrolling through apps is way faster than before so at least they're making some progress.

It steams me because they already re-wrote half the damn app to use WebKit as a rendering engine. I wish they would have finished the job and just re-done the whole thing in 64-bit Cocoa from scratch. The rub (as Gruber points out) is that there are far more iTunes users on Windows than OS X, and Windows has no 64-bit Cocoa runtime for Windows, so they can't just up and do it.

mrkgoo said:
I'm not sure if you're being serious, but I think that it has to do with different development teams within Apple, working on different applications. I wonder if that's why the apps look different? iTunes has always kind of looked different - I don't know if that's a conscious decision to differentiate it, or a side effect of a different team.

I'm being serious. My real point is that Apple is leaving their most popular application (on either OS) in the stone age. You don't leave the #1 app for last. It should be at the top of the list for a re-write. It doesn't make sense, except for the fact that most iTunes users are on Windows and can't run a 64-bit Cocoa iTunes. Meanwhile the real Apple fans, the ones that own Macs, are stuck with a 32-bit Carbon iTunes because there's no way to bring the app into the future without leaving all those Windows users (and the credit cards tied to their iTunes accounts) in the past.

They made Safari 64-bit Cocoa for OS X, and it's not a big deal because, unlike iTunes, the install base for Safari on Windows is abysmally small and doesn't have a revenue stream associated with it.


iTunes isn't going to be carbon forever, y'know.

I don't really care if iTunes 10 is cocoa native or some amalgam of webkit views in a basic frame as long as it runs fast and does what it does now. I'm not interested in how they make the sausage as long as it's tasty.

And I still disagree that Apple "can't" make a cocoa itunes because there's lots of windows users.

There's millions of mac users and more everyday and I can see apple investing in a native cocoa itunes for the mac and not necessarily reusing all the guts for the windows version.

can't say it's a no-brainer but it's certainly a viable option considering their ever growing market share.
How can I make Mail work the same as the iPhone's mail app? And by that I mean, when I click on an unread mail on my iPhone to read it, it syncs the 'read' status of the email to gmail so it's displayed as read there too.

Mail just seems to create separate copies.. any way to do this?


MThanded said:
I love osx but there is one thing i have found that is making me so damn mad. After owning macs for about 5 years this is the first time it has come up....

THERE IS NO OS BASED DEFRAGMENTER WTF.... Now I cannot create a bootcamp partition of any size. There is not enough contiguous space... This is really killing me. If i want to fix this without wiping away my installation I have to pay 30 dollars for idefrag which is more than what i payed for snow leopard.


i had this issue, but somehow got past it. i forgot what i did. try uninstalling some programs, like adobe photoshop if you have it. i read that was a problematic program.
I've recently downloaded a Nintendo 64 emulator called "sixtyforce". I realized that it was shit and tossed it into the Trash. However I can't delete it. It keeps saying that it's being used and its not, I even checked the activity monitor and I saw nothing unusual.
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