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Mac OSX Noob thread of OSX noobs


Google said:
Just installed Windows 7 (64bit) on my '09 whitebook.

For some reason, windows is not registering my trackpad, or apple keyboard, or any of that stuff, and everything I've read on the internets suggests that this is not the norm.

Apparantly Windows 7 has no issues with the trackpad, and responds to finger scrolling, two finger tap, etc.

However, it's not working for me.

Any ideas?

Um, you did install the Bootcamp drivers from the MacOS-DVD, right? Snow Leopard-Bootcamp-drivers should make it work.


Garou said:
Um, you did install the Bootcamp drivers from the MacOS-DVD, right? Snow Leopard-Bootcamp-drivers should make it work.


I dont have my OS DVD around - I lost it I think.

Are they available on the interwebs EDIT: The drivers that is, not the OS disk.

I did download something from apple.com - but they wouldn't run, as I am running a 64bit version of windows.


Google said:

I dont have my OS DVD around - I lost it I think.

Are they available on the interwebs EDIT: The drivers that is, not the OS disk.

I did download something from apple.com - but they wouldn't run, as I am running a 64bit version of windows.

Well the ones to download are only update-packages to 2.1 and need 2.0 installed to work. You either find your installation disc, or go and get a Snow Leopard-disc (which includes Bootcamp 3.0). You don't even need to update your MacOS to SnowLeopard, just installing the 3.0-drivers in Windows should do just fine.


giga said:
Apple's second update for Snow Leopard, Mac OS X 10.6.2, was officially released Monday afternoon, fixing a number of issues including a guest account bug that could potentially delete a user's account data.

The operating system upgrade also features native support for the new multi-touch Magic Mouse. Those on previous versions of Mac OS X required the Wireless Mouse Software update 1.0.

The total list of included fixes, according to Apple, in Mac OS X 10.6.2 is:

General operating system fixes provided for:

• an issue that caused data to be deleted when using a guest account
• an issue that might cause your system to logout unexpectedly
• Spotlight search results not showing Exchange contacts
• the reliability of menu extras
• an issue in Dictionary when using Hebrew as the primary language
• shutter-click sound effect when taking a screenshot
• an issue with the four-finger swipe gesture
• an issue adding images to contacts in Address Book
• an issue in Front Row that could cause sluggish or slow frame rates while watching videos
• creation of mobile accounts for Active Directory users
• reliability and duration of VPN connections
• general reliability improvements for iWork, iLife, Aperture, Final Cut Studio, MobileMe, and iDisk
• overall improvements to VoiceOver performance
• this update addresses video playback and performance issues for iMac (21.5-inch, Late 2009) and iMac (27-inch, Late 2009) computers that may occur in some situations while AirPort is turned on

Fonts fixes provided for:

• an issue with font spacing
• an issue in which some Fonts are missing
• font duplication issues
• an issue with some PostScript Type 1 fonts not working properly

Graphics fixes provided for:

• an issue when connecting monitors to DVI and Mini DisplayPort adapters
• an issue in which the brightness setting may not be remembered on restart
• addresses functionality with specific display models
• general reliability and performance improvements when using some applications

Mail fixes provided for:
• a situation in which Mail's unread count may not update properly as messages are read on another computer
• an issue in which deleted RSS feeds may return
• an issue in which Mail cannot preview or Quick Look attachments when composing a new message
• an issue that can cause Address Book and/or Mail to stop responding when opened
• an issue in which email messages received from an Exchange Server are not formatted correctly
• an issue in which Mail reports "Account exceeded bandwidth limits" for some Gmail accounts

MobileMe fixes provided for:

• performance when accessing files from iDisk via the Finder and syncing iDisk files
• an issue in which syncing iDisk files does not proceed beyond "checking items"
• reliability and performance when syncing contacts, calendars, and bookmarks with MobileMe (syncing with iTunes and iSync are also improved)
• an issue that prevents some users from logging into MobileMe via the MobileMe System Preference pane

Network file systems fixes provided for:

• compatibility with third-party AFP servers
• file synchronization for portable home directories

Printing and faxing fixes provided for:

• automatic printer updates improvements
• Print dialog allowing you to enter and send to more than one fax recipient

Safari fixes provided for:

• a graphics distortion issue in Safari Top Sites
• Safari plug-in reliability


Garou said:
Well the ones to download are only update-packages to 2.1 and need 2.0 installed to work. You either find your installation disc, or go and get a Snow Leopard-disc (which includes Bootcamp 3.0). You don't even need to update your MacOS to SnowLeopard, just installing the 3.0-drivers in Windows should do just fine.

OK, lovely.

I updated to Snowleopard, but I'll install the drivers from somewhere.



I wonder when are they going to update Boot Camp drivers for Windows 7.

The Nvidia drivers included in both Boot Camp 2.x and 3 makes Windows BSOD after the Starting Windows screen on late 2006 iMacs, LOL.

But then again, maybe they'll just not support Windows 7 on those iMacs because the Nvidia drivers included with Windows 7 does exactly the same thing and BSODs before Windows has even finished installing :lol

The only work around is, after Windows setup reboots the computer for the second time, boot into OS X, enable read/write support on the Windows drive, delete the Nvidia driver and wait for Windows to finish installing. Then install Boot Camp drivers, restart to Mac, delete the Nvidia driver again, go back to Windows, then download and install the latest official drivers from Nvidia.

If it BSODs during setup, Windows will rollback all the changes it's made if you were upgrading a previous installation.



UnluckyKate said:
Ok GAF, I'm pretty much screwed here and I need some help.

My little bro got his book ready to apply an art school. He had like 10gb of Photoshop and other arts on a SD card. I was fooling on his mac and decide to configure Time Machine on the SD card, as external device but when I realise it was going to erase everything on the SD, I cancel everything. But it seems I didn't cancel... And everything is gone.

Yeah, I erase 2 years of his work in a single click. He had no back up or anything. Is there a way to get back those file on the SD ? Or did Time Machine erase everything for good ?

That sucks dude...

Yeah, I would have bought the 40 dollar app to recover the files. I don't like the idea of something finding a bunch, then restoring that bunch, while others lie there still waiting to be recovered. It's really easy to lose deleted files. Especially if you put any files on that bit of storage... I hope you didn't restore those few images to the same device... That would be very bad.


Mar_ said:
That sucks dude...

Yeah, I would have bought the 40 dollar app to recover the files. I don't like the idea of something finding a bunch, then restoring that bunch, while others lie there still waiting to be recovered. It's really easy to lose deleted files. Especially if you put any files on that bit of storage... I hope you didn't restore those few images to the same device... That would be very bad.
I'd put the SD card's read-only switch on (do they still have those switches these days?) and then try some software to retrieve deleted files from SD cards and other flash memory.

I remember seeing one called FileJuicer or something, but I don't know how good it is at actually retrieving deleted stuff.


A small question: I just got myself a Mac Mini and whenever I try to access pictures off of my external Mybook drive it tells me the file doesnt exist. This is only when I try to view the file in that basic preview program that comes with OSX, if I manually open files through Acrobat or Photoshop it works though. Also when I copy the files to the computer, there are no problems opening them whatsoever.
Anyone who knows what's wrong or how I can fix this?
Is anyone else having trouble with their browser crashing randomly on them? Both safari and chromium are crashing when I'm doing simple things like checking my email or sometimes if I'm on gaf or something and I walk away for a couple minutes, I'll come back to it saying it unexpectedly quit. Really starting to piss me off...

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Zaraki_Kenpachi said:
Is anyone else having trouble with their browser crashing randomly on them? Both safari and chromium are crashing when I'm doing simple things like checking my email or sometimes if I'm on gaf or something and I walk away for a couple minutes, I'll come back to it saying it unexpectedly quit. Really starting to piss me off...

no, but i am having tons of issues with flash crashing in safari. usually happens if i have multiple tabs open with flash.
btkadams said:
• an issue with the four-finger swipe gesture
• an issue with font spacing


Seriously that four-finger swipe bug was getting ridiculous.

btkadams said:
• an issue when connecting monitors to DVI and Mini DisplayPort adapters

Well maybe Zaraki can stop having problems with his Displayport now. :lol


hirokazu said:
I wonder when are they going to update Boot Camp drivers for Windows 7.

The Nvidia drivers included in both Boot Camp 2.x and 3 makes Windows BSOD after the Starting Windows screen on late 2006 iMacs, LOL.

But then again, maybe they'll just not support Windows 7 on those iMacs because the Nvidia drivers included with Windows 7 does exactly the same thing and BSODs before Windows has even finished installing :lol

The only work around is, after Windows setup reboots the computer for the second time, boot into OS X, enable read/write support on the Windows drive, delete the Nvidia driver and wait for Windows to finish installing. Then install Boot Camp drivers, restart to Mac, delete the Nvidia driver again, go back to Windows, then download and install the latest official drivers from Nvidia.

If it BSODs during setup, Windows will rollback all the changes it's made if you were upgrading a previous installation.

Apple has said it will "officially" support Windows 7 by years end. Those using 7 with bootcamp now are experiencing issues because that version hasn't been updated for 7 yet.
Flying_Phoenix said:

Seriously that four-finger swipe bug was getting ridiculous.

Well maybe Zaraki can stop having problems with his Displayport now. :lol
:lol Makes me wish I didn't throw out the first connector... I'm pretty curious now.


Mar_ said:
I use four finger swiping all the time. What was wrong with it?
If you swiped up and then down (or vice versa) without lifting in between you'd get the desktop expose then the windows would comeback. That's all fine, but THEN if you let go, the windows would bounce away again and you'd be stuck until you I'd the first motion again.

So, my university is selling their remaining stock of the white plastic non-unibody MacBooks for $699 no tax. No need for me to get one, but that's a pretty solid price.


mrkgoo said:
If you swiped up and then down (or vice versa) without lifting in between you'd get the desktop expose then the windows would comeback. That's all fine, but THEN if you let go, the windows would bounce away again and you'd be stuck until you I'd the first motion again.

Ahh... That's true. I thought that's just how they worked (annoyingly) and got used to lifting my fingers off. Good to hear they've fixed it. Previously working as intended or not.


Mar_ said:
Ahh... That's true. I thought that's just how they worked (annoyingly) and got used to lifting my fingers off. Good to hear they've fixed it. Previously working as intended or not.
Yeah I got used to lifting my fingers also.


Just noticed the latest itunes has a bug where you can't drag artwork into the info of tracks... What an odd thing to break.


A scientist and gentleman in the manner of Batman.
Mar_ said:
Just noticed the latest itunes has a bug where you can't drag artwork into the info of tracks... What an odd thing to break.


Works just fine for me. Try reinstalling it.


So Anand did a roundup of the 2009 MacBook Pros and found an interesting situation where running 64-bit Safari results in minor to dramatic battery drain compared to using 32-bit Safari in either Leopard or Snow Leopard -- up to 43% less battery life when using Flash.


I haven't seen anyone else report this in all the time Snow Leopard's been available. Has anyone here noticed anything similar?


Pctx said:
Apple has said it will "officially" support Windows 7 by years end. Those using 7 with bootcamp now are experiencing issues because that version hasn't been updated for 7 yet.

According to http://support.apple.com/kb/HT3920 not all Intel-Macs will get Bootcamp-support for Windows 7.

There will be no support for the following models:
iMac (17-inch, Early 2006)
iMac (17-inch, Late 2006)
iMac (20-inch, Early 2006)
iMac (20-inch, Late 2006)
MacBook Pro (15-inch, Early 2006)
MacBook Pro (17-inch, Late 2006)
MacBook Pro (15-inch, Late 2006)
MacBook Pro (17-inch, Early 2006)
Mac Pro (Mid 2006, Intel Xeon Dual-core 2.66GHz or 3GHz)


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
The new update fixed my Mac Mini's ability to playback HD video with a lot of bright colors.

Whenever there was a brightly lit area, the thing would slow down to something like 10 frames a second and then return to normal...no longer.

Thank god, because I was wracking my brain over what processess were running that were causing this slowdown, and didn't even think that it could have been introduced with either Snow Leopard or a version of it.

Glad that's over with, regardless.

Watched UP off iTunes in HD last night and it looked glorious.
I don't want to make a new thread for this, so I figure I'd ask in here.

Is there a good wireless, mobile mouse people can recommend? I'd prefer something that charges, so I don't have ANOTHER thing that uses batteries. I don't like disconnecting my mouse when my MBP is "docked" whenever I have to do homework in Illustrator away from home.
Jet Grind Radio! said:
I don't want to make a new thread for this, so I figure I'd ask in here.

Is there a good wireless, mobile mouse people can recommend? I'd prefer something that charges, so I don't have ANOTHER thing that uses batteries. I don't like disconnecting my mouse when my MBP is "docked" whenever I have to do homework in Illustrator away from home.

Magic Mouse ?

It requiers battery, but it's bluetooth so you don't need the usb adaptator. And it's pretty neat for illustrator and it's also easy to pack.
Well if I get a Magic Mouse, I'm using it as my home mouse. That way I can use my wired mouse when I use the MBP away from home. I really would like something that I can charge when I'm at home, but can take with me.


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
Hey guys got a MPB Question, if you look on my trackpad the left side seems to sit lower then the right and it then makes it look a little weird. Does everyones do this? Or did I break it or something.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
VOOK said:
Hey guys got a MPB Question, if you look on my trackpad the left side seems to sit lower then the right and it then makes it look a little weird. Does everyones do this? Or did I break it or something.
Are we talking the massive button trackpads or the seperated pad/button trackpads?

Either way, I'd imagine the tilt is something you've done over time due to repeatedly using that same side of the pad to click.


Phobophile said:

Works just fine for me. Try reinstalling it.

Hmm? This bug is a rash all over the internet. You sure you aren't thinking of dragging a picture into a 'now playing' box? I'm talking about album cover art. Right click on a song and 'Get Info'. Go to the artwork tab. You can't drag anything in there. This is how I used to add all my album art.


Mar_ said:
Hmm? This bug is a rash all over the internet. You sure you aren't thinking of dragging a picture into a 'now playing' box? I'm talking about album cover art. Right click on a song and 'Get Info'. Go to the artwork tab. You can't drag anything in there. This is how I used to add all my album art.
Works fine. Now Playing box can add artwork being dragged too.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Mar_ said:
Hmm? This bug is a rash all over the internet. You sure you aren't thinking of dragging a picture into a 'now playing' box? I'm talking about album cover art. Right click on a song and 'Get Info'. Go to the artwork tab. You can't drag anything in there. This is how I used to add all my album art.
Right click and image off the internet and copy it.

Hit CMD+V when you're on the album art page and have clicked inside the space.

That should work if dragging doesn't.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
10.6.2 seems to have introduced a pretty shitty bug for me. Every morning my Airdisk seems to be MIA, and when I go to get to it in the Finder, or disconnect it, Finder freaks out. Restarting Finder doesn't work, it closes and won't relaunch and shows an error 10810 when you try to.



Junior Member
Haven't been following this thread, so I don't know if it's been mentioned already, but MacHeist is giving away a bundle of free software. There's less than 14 hours left in this promotion. You can find it here: http://tinyurl.com/y8dp4wy

I just got my Hackintosh to finally work. So I'll be trying these out later.


Garou said:
According to http://support.apple.com/kb/HT3920 not all Intel-Macs will get Bootcamp-support for Windows 7.

There will be no support for the following models:
iMac (17-inch, Early 2006)
iMac (17-inch, Late 2006)
iMac (20-inch, Early 2006)
iMac (20-inch, Late 2006)
MacBook Pro (15-inch, Early 2006)
MacBook Pro (17-inch, Late 2006)
MacBook Pro (15-inch, Late 2006)
MacBook Pro (17-inch, Early 2006)
Mac Pro (Mid 2006, Intel Xeon Dual-core 2.66GHz or 3GHz)
Fun times.


o_O @_@ O_o
dream said:
So Anand did a roundup of the 2009 MacBook Pros and found an interesting situation where running 64-bit Safari results in minor to dramatic battery drain compared to using 32-bit Safari in either Leopard or Snow Leopard -- up to 43% less battery life when using Flash.


I haven't seen anyone else report this in all the time Snow Leopard's been available. Has anyone here noticed anything similar?

I've been running Snow Leopard in 64-bit mode since the launch of the new OS. Running the latest generation MacBook Pro as well:


Maybe I'm not visiting a lot of Flash heavy websites. Then again, doesn't Youtube use flash for their videos? What about Hulu/Hulu Desktop? I generally get about 4 hours on a full charge if I'm watching HD content from either of them. It's about what I expected. I'll switch over to 32-bit next time to see what the battery life is like then.


mrkgoo said:
So, my university is selling their remaining stock of the white plastic non-unibody MacBooks for $699 no tax. No need for me to get one, but that's a pretty solid price.
Oh wow. Axiotrion is also offering a deep discount on their modbook service. I'm very much tempted by these 'cheap' configurations. If I do bite, I could get a much faster computer with the only concessions being a smaller screen and poorer graphics. hmm... 256GB solid state hard drive and 6GB RAM *swoons*. The smart thing to do would be to wait for the Modbook Pro and rumored Apple Tablet (especially if the new styluses will work with it). But my lust is very strong right now.

AVclub said:
Haven't been following this thread, so I don't know if it's been mentioned already, but MacHeist is giving away a bundle of free software. There's less than 14 hours left in this promotion. You can find it here: http://tinyurl.com/y8dp4wy

I just got my Hackintosh to finally work. So I'll be trying these out later.
:lol it's been mentioned a couple of times. There is even a thread dedicated to it. What I don't think has been mentioned is the One Finger Discount! promotion by over 100 other* developers in response to the MacHeist**. Ends today as well. Still no Multiplex offer for me :(

*One or two companies are double dipping.
**Can't understand the MacHeist but the customers win in the end.


A scientist and gentleman in the manner of Batman.
Mar_ said:
Hmm? This bug is a rash all over the internet. You sure you aren't thinking of dragging a picture into a 'now playing' box? I'm talking about album cover art. Right click on a song and 'Get Info'. Go to the artwork tab. You can't drag anything in there. This is how I used to add all my album art.
I always batch edit my albums with right clicking and getting the info. But I also usually save a copy of the album art into the album's folder and from there I drag it into the info box.
I am now the proud owner of my dad's old 20 inch imac, and this thing is fuckin sweet. I've been using it like a really big laptop, setting up on coffee tables or wherever's convenient. Lugging a regular computer around would be so much more of a hassle.

Now for my first question: I've got the Marathon Infinity disk in the drive, but I can't run any of the software cause I'm on snow leopard. I specifically wanted to run Anvil, the physics editor that shipped with the game. What are my options for running this thing?

Also, the mighty mouse is fuckin awesome.
Parallax Scroll said:
I am now the proud owner of my dad's old 20 inch imac, and this thing is fuckin sweet. I've been using it like a really big laptop, setting up on coffee tables or wherever's convenient. Lugging a regular computer around would be so much more of a hassle.

Now for my first question: I've got the Marathon Infinity disk in the drive, but I can't run any of the software cause I'm on snow leopard. I specifically wanted to run Anvil, the physics editor that shipped with the game. What are my options for running this thing?

Also, the mighty mouse is fuckin awesome.

The only thing that's holding me back is the lack of gesture for Exposé and Spaces (I know there's a mod, but you have to sacrifice the browser's back and forward swipe function).


The Main Event said:
The only thing that's holding me back is the lack of gesture for Exposé and Spaces (I know there's a mod, but you have to sacrifice the browser's back and forward swipe function).
Note he is most likely referring to the mighty mouse not the new magic mouse.
mrkgoo said:
Note he is most likely referring to the mighty mouse not the new magic mouse.
Yep, I haven't tried magic mouse yet. I haven't really used a mac in years so this is my first time using a mighty mouse. The only bummer is that it's wired.

Oh, in case no one remembers Marathon, my issue running it is that it's a pre-OSX application.


Parallax Scroll said:
Also, the mighty mouse is fuckin awesome.
i am really glad i am not drinking anything at the moment because it would be all over my laptop right now.

i've never liked mine. it gets the job done, that is all.


Parallax Scroll said:
Also, the mighty mouse is fuckin awesome.
You must be that 1 in 10,000,000,000,000 that got one that still functions properly after a bit of use.

I'm on the verge of starting a bonfire with this plastic rat.
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