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Mac OSX Noob thread of OSX noobs


mrkgoo said:
They all come with reinstall discs. Two discs - one for the OS, and one for some extra stuff, such as iLife and Xcode. It won't come with Vista, so you need to provide your own Windows disc.


I just checked that dell reinstall disc and says "only use this disc on a dell pc" so i guess i'm effed and i'll have to buy windows at some point. oh well.


Of course they come with discs. This is Apple. Not some cheap PC maker. You will get Snow Leopard and I believe iLife. Full installer discs too, not crappy gimped ones. Though they might be attached to the model you get. i.e. your mini disc will only install on other mini's. Not iMacs or MacBooks, but that's trivial as every Mac comes with its own OS installers. And the iLife disc will probably be full unattached.

As for the Windows question, probably not. OEM Windows installers are attached to a PC maker. Like Dell or Acer or Compaq/HP. If your computer is not the same machine, it will not let the code work. It has to be a store bought copy, OR buy a serial number from Microsoft for probably the same amount as it would cost to buy the OS itself.

Edit: Too slow!


Jasoco said:
Of course they come with discs. This is Apple. Not some cheap PC maker. You will get Snow Leopard and I believe iLife. Full installer discs too, not crappy gimped ones. Though they might be attached to the model you get. i.e. your mini disc will only install on other mini's. Not iMacs or MacBooks, but that's trivial as every Mac comes with its own OS installers. And the iLife disc will probably be full unattached.

As for the Windows question, probably not. OEM Windows installers are attached to a PC maker. Like Dell or Acer or Compaq/HP. If your computer is not the same machine, it will not let the code work. It has to be a store bought copy, OR buy a serial number from Microsoft for probably the same amount as it would cost to buy the OS itself.

Edit: Too slow!

Thanks for the info man. much appreciated :)


Jasoco said:
Of course they come with discs. This is Apple. Not some cheap PC maker. You will get Snow Leopard and I believe iLife. Full installer discs too, not crappy gimped ones. Though they might be attached to the model you get. i.e. your mini disc will only install on other mini's. Not iMacs or MacBooks, but that's trivial as every Mac comes with its own OS installers. And the iLife disc will probably be full unattached.

As for the Windows question, probably not. OEM Windows installers are attached to a PC maker. Like Dell or Acer or Compaq/HP. If your computer is not the same machine, it will not let the code work. It has to be a store bought copy, OR buy a serial number from Microsoft for probably the same amount as it would cost to buy the OS itself.

Edit: Too slow!

Actually, they are sort of gimped. They will be coded to only run on the computer type it came with (i.e. Mac Mini). As far as I understand, though, it's just a one line check, and you can find ways to bypass it. I'm not sure if the actual data is different (i.e. firmware specific for that hardware), but I don't think it is, as a lot of that stuff is EFI stuff hardwired into the firmware, not the OS.


I just said that. By gimped I meant "Not some watered-down OS X Home Edition". I also said how it doesn't matter that they're attached to the model since every new machine will have new discs with it anyway so they sort of become wasted plastic, but including them with your machine when you resell it helps the value. (Well, not really since by then you'll have bought a newer OS X and will probably install it on the sold machine to help the sale as well anyway.)

They just include them for convenience. In fact, the only version of OS X I didn't end up buying was 10.3. I got a new machine when it came out and it came with it. I have bought all other versions myself since 10.0. And have acquired 10.3 via a friend online, though without a box.

Also, OS X is so cheap when it comes out (As opposed to Windows) that it doesn't matter that you have to upgrade every couple years because it's always worth the $130 (Or in this case of Snow Leopard, $30 fucking dollars.)


Jasoco said:
I just said that. By gimped I meant "Not some watered-down OS X Home Edition". I also said how it doesn't matter that they're attached to the model since every new machine will have new discs with it anyway so they sort of become wasted plastic, but including them with your machine when you resell it helps the value. (Well, not really since by then you'll have bought a newer OS X and will probably install it on the sold machine to help the sale as well anyway.)

They just include them for convenience. In fact, the only version of OS X I didn't end up buying was 10.3. I got a new machine when it came out and it came with it. I have bought all other versions myself since 10.0. And have acquired 10.3 via a friend online, though without a box.

Also, OS X is so cheap when it comes out (As opposed to Windows) that it doesn't matter that you have to upgrade every couple years because it's always worth the $130 (Or in this case of Snow Leopard, $30 fucking dollars.)
Whoops sorry. I wasn't reading close enough.

I thnk the second installe disc is also tied to the machine type, but not sure.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
Question for more seasoned Mac owners: my MacBook (little less then 3 years old, 1.83 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo, Mem. 2 Gb) is getting really hot, CPU exceeding 70 Celcius (158 Fahrenheit). The fans are making a lot of noise and are often at or around 7000 rpm. This seems to make my computer slow, programs not functioning well anymore (stuttering Photoshop/iTunes/VLC/Quicktime) even when there's almost no apps open.

Might cleaning the vans help out? Or is there something else I can do?

Edit: I just read online it might also be the thermal paste might be fubar'ed.


GodfatherX said:
so whats normal temp wise for a core 2 duo unibody..i'm hitting 126 degrees fahrenheit

that seems normal, about 52 degrees Celsius. i get over 60 regularly..thought it was normal.


This isn't a specific mac question, but I'd love if I could something that integrates well into OSX to make the process easier.

So I'm using image hosting quite a bit, can anyone recommend a service / application that makes this process a little more seamless?

Edit: I think this was probably a stupid question as Flickr seems to be what I'm after. Any objections?


Rei_Toei said:
Question for more seasoned Mac owners: my MacBook (little less then 3 years old, 1.83 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo, Mem. 2 Gb) is getting really hot, CPU exceeding 70 Celcius (158 Fahrenheit). The fans are making a lot of noise and are often at or around 7000 rpm. This seems to make my computer slow, programs not functioning well anymore (stuttering Photoshop/iTunes/VLC/Quicktime) even when there's almost no apps open.

Might cleaning the vans help out? Or is there something else I can do?

Edit: I just read online it might also be the thermal paste might be fubar'ed.
I have that exact same problem, to the point where my computer SHUTS DOWN ABRUPTLY when it reaches the late 80's. Since I didn't buy AppleCare, I am just going to suck it up and wait for my next machine.

Mine has no problem playing videos that are small or less processor intensive, but stuff like HD H.264 and high compression videos will cause it to shut off. Same with Flash videos for too long.

It's probably a flaw in the design, and I saw a site and thread on the internet about it, but it's not big enough to warrant a fix from Apple like the palmrest. Which mine has done twice. Thank god for the new designs so that one doesn't happen again, but still, I am sad for my machine as it gave me a lot of love in the day. Though I guess I didn't help that I pretty much ran it into the ground with constant DVD encoding and 24/7 uptime.

Mine gets really loud. Like noticeably loud in a quiet room. Normal RPM is around 6500. Right now it's 3700 with 67ºC temp doing nothing with no Flash at all loaded. But once I go to something with Flash, good bye low temperature! It was even worse when I used Firefox. Now it's a little better with Chrome.

I am just biding my time saving up money a little at a time waiting for the next MacBook Pro update to strike when the iron's hot. Maybe sell this one for parts.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Valve Officially Annouces Steam and Game Library Coming to Mac in April

Not that we didn't already know, but it's awesome that this is officially, totally happening.

Steam on Mac Thread (from Gaming)
Interview with Valve about Mac Steam (from Gaming)

Awesome tidbits:
  • If players already own the PC versions of Valve games, they’ll get Mac versions at no extra charge through a feature called Steam Play.
  • By using the Steam Cloud feature that the company introduced in 2008, players can save in-progress games online, then call up those saved games no matter which version they’re playing. If you’re playing Half-Life 2 on your home PC but then head out on the road with your MacBook, you can continue your game-in-progress.


SteamPlay also allows Mac version buyers to play the PC version too, that's pretty neat.

What's the liklehood of non Valve games being made available though (older ones) as this 13"MBP is not likely to play anything new at any decent rate.


Unconfirmed Member
Sweet I bought half life complete on steam for 14$ last year, but never played it because it was simpler to load up orange box on the 360 than it was to swith to bootcamp etc.

I wonder if the sdk tools will also eventually get ported.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
RubxQub said:
Valve Officially Annouces Steam and Game Library Coming to Mac in April

Not that we didn't already know, but it's awesome that this is officially, totally happening.

Steam on Mac Thread (from Gaming)
Interview with Valve about Mac Steam (from Gaming)

Awesome tidbits:
  • If players already own the PC versions of Valve games, they’ll get Mac versions at no extra charge through a feature called Steam Play.
    [*]By using the Steam Cloud feature that the company introduced in 2008, players can save in-progress games online, then call up those saved games no matter which version they’re playing. If you’re playing Half-Life 2 on your home PC but then head out on the road with your MacBook, you can continue your game-in-progress.

How does this actually work? I have been playing Half-life: Source, but I haven't seen any options for this.
quadriplegicjon said:
How does this actually work? I have been playing Half-life: Source, but I haven't seen any options for this.
Only games that support the steam cloud feature will carry over save files, settings, ect. Currently the only Valve games that do at the moment are TF2, Left 4 Dead 1&2, and DoD:S. With this announcement though it sounds like they'll be updating the Half-Life games with the new Steamworks features, but nothing announced yet.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
RubxQub said:
Valve Officially Annouces Steam and Game Library Coming to Mac in April

Not that we didn't already know, but it's awesome that this is officially, totally happening.

Steam on Mac Thread (from Gaming)
Interview with Valve about Mac Steam (from Gaming)

Awesome tidbits:
  • If players already own the PC versions of Valve games, they’ll get Mac versions at no extra charge through a feature called Steam Play.
  • By using the Steam Cloud feature that the company introduced in 2008, players can save in-progress games online, then call up those saved games no matter which version they’re playing. If you’re playing Half-Life 2 on your home PC but then head out on the road with your MacBook, you can continue your game-in-progress.

Oh god... this is the best thing I've ever heard. I will be clocking soooo many hours on TF2 Mac. L4D 1 and 2 will see all of my attention as well.


One more day for MacHeist Nanobundle, folks!


I decided to get this for Monkey Island and Flow. I also get ripit, and I think I might use MacJournal for my lab notebook.

Clips and Coversearchthingy look good, but I'm not sure if I'll use them. I tend to only like self contained apps that don't do anything to the system or run in background etc.


Man, I hope the new Macbook Pro's won't be due for April... Although line upgrades will be more substantial as time passes. I just hope we won't see a weaksauce integrated Intel GPU...
I have a PC and a PC 5.5g IPOD (if that makes any sense), will I be able to transfer all my songs/playlists from the IPOD to a mac book pro?


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
Ken Masters said:
I have a PC and a PC 5.5g IPOD (if that makes any sense), will I be able to transfer all my songs/playlists from the IPOD to a mac book pro?

With iTunes? No. With another app, I believe so.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Ken Masters said:
I have a PC and a PC 5.5g IPOD (if that makes any sense), will I be able to transfer all my songs/playlists from the IPOD to a mac book pro?

There are tons of programs that will let you do it. My personal favorite is Senuti, but it is no longer free.

Make sure you have your iPod set to manually manage when you connect it to your new computer, or else it might get erased.


Here is one: http://www.versiontracker.com/dyn/moreinfo/macosx/30994

Chris R

mrkgoo said:
One more day for MacHeist Nanobundle, folks!


I decided to get this for Monkey Island and Flow. I also get ripit, and I think I might use MacJournal for my lab notebook.

Clips and Coversearchthingy look good, but I'm not sure if I'll use them. I tend to only like self contained apps that don't do anything to the system or run in background etc.
Everything is unlocked (and Tweetie will be later today too) so no point in NOT jumping in!

Monkey Island also allows you to download the PC version if you want!


Man, my university is selling the new unibody plastic MacBooks for tax-free at $749.

I'm tempted to get one just to have one.

And the 15" non-discrete graphics MBP for $1499.


oh man you guys are going to laugh at me but i'm such a mac noob it's not funny.

i just bought a mac mini today and hooked it up to my hdtv with my wireless keyboard and magic mouse (which is fucking awesome, btw) and I installed google chrome.

so I've got two questions:

1) in the upper right hand corner of my screen i've got a disk icon with the google chrome logo on it. when i click and drag it into the trash can it turns into an eject icon. I release the mouse and it says "the disk google chrome cannot be ejected because google chrome is using it"

2) also, on a windows box i can right click a link and select "open in new tab" or whatever. how do i do that with the magic mouse? I guess what i'm asking is, is there a way to "right click"?


cabot said:
oh man you guys are going to laugh at me but i'm such a mac noob it's not funny.

i just bought a mac mini today and hooked it up to my hdtv with my wireless keyboard and magic mouse (which is fucking awesome, btw) and I installed google chrome.

so I've got two questions:

1) in the upper right hand corner of my screen i've got a disk icon with the google chrome logo on it. when i click and drag it into the trash can it turns into an eject icon. I release the mouse and it says "the disk google chrome cannot be ejected because google chrome is using it"

2) also, on a windows box i can right click a link and select "open in new tab" or whatever. how do i do that with the magic mouse? I guess what i'm asking is, is there a way to "right click"?

1) did you drag the Google chrome app out of the disk image and into your applications folder? then click on the app within the app folder to start it up? that’s how you install most apps. THEN, you can delete the disk image. (make sure you quit chrome first as it’s already running from the disk image, most likely)

don’t run apps from the disk image. rookie mistake.

2. dude, yes. go to mouse properties in the system preferences (located in application folder) and enable right click.


we all knew her
I emptied the trash on my Macbook a couple days ago, and ever since then when I try to move something in there, it wants to instantly delete it (instead of the normal trash functionality of storing it and giving me the ability to restore a file later). What did I do to make this happen, and, more importantly, how do I undo it?
Is there an app, or setting, or something, that turns off the damn brightness adjustment? I have a window to my back, and if I move slightly it changes slightly. Bothers the piss out of me.


LCfiner said:
1) did you drag the Google chrome app out of the disk image and into your applications folder? then click on the app within the app folder to start it up? that’s how you install most apps. THEN, you can delete the disk image. (make sure you quit chrome first as it’s already running from the disk image, most likely)

don’t run apps from the disk image. rookie mistake.

2. dude, yes. go to mouse properties in the system preferences (located in application folder) and enable right click.

thanks. told you i was a n00b lol

i think my buddy is more excited about this than me. he's all "welcome to the family, man!"


os x is fucking slick though. looks really nice.


Confirmed Asshole
Jet Grind Radio! said:
Is there an app, or setting, or something, that turns off the damn brightness adjustment? I have a window to my back, and if I move slightly it changes slightly. Bothers the piss out of me.
ALWAYS avoid setting your computer up so that a window is in your back. It's unergonomic, a potential security breach and annoying as hell, with or without brightness adjustment.

Check this:

layzie1989 said:
system preferences > displays > check at the bottom

wmat said:
ALWAYS avoid setting your computer up so that a window is in your back. It's unergonomic, a potential security breach and annoying as hell, with or without brightness adjustment.

Check this:

Well, all of what I do is very wrong according to that. My blinds are always closed and I'm on the second floor, so security isn't too big of an issue.


I'm sorry if this was already answered, but I found a code to use chrome with netflix, but I don't know how to execute it. Do I post it in the chrome terminal, or do I have to make a script?


Ugh, the tease of it all:


macrumors.com said:
9 to 5 Mac reports that it has received word from a tipster claiming that Apple is set to be released as soon as tomorrow, although the launch may be delayed until next Tuesday. The report follows an earlier claim of new Mac Pro models set for launch next Tuesday. According to the source:
The MacBook Pro will be released on the same day as Mac Pro. We are scheduled for a Friday morning release but with the amount of updates may be pushed to Tuesday. ipad is number 1 and everything else is as time permits. Look for i5 in base macbook pro with i7 in higher end 15 and 17 inch.

9 to 5 Mac offers no assessment of the reliability of the source, and rumor sites frequently receive incorrect information from sources claiming to be in the know. Consequently, we currently view this report with considerable skepticism pending additional information.

The MacBook Pros were last updated in June and are due for a refresh. Evidence of a Core i7-based MacBook Pro surfaced in Geekbench's results just over a month ago, and a number of other reports of new machines appeared in subsequent weeks. The rumor mill has been relatively quiet for the past couple of weeks, however, despite considerable interest in and expectation of updated models.

I was just about to give up on it and resign it until after iPad hoopla. But here goes the 'Nest Tuesday' rumours again.

In fact, I actually went and upgraded my current laptop, and spent a bunch of money on other new tech, thinking, bah, I'll just wait until October - I don't need to upgrade. then the rumours roll around,a nod it's got me second-thinking again.

:( Why does Apple own me so?

edit: Oh the ULTRA-tease of it all:

Update: 9 to 5 Mac now reports that the cited source may have been a hoax, although it notes that it has received multiple tips of a MacBook Pro release in the very near future.

See, I thought I was passed it all, but the sheer mentioning of new and MBP in the same sentence obviously has me in a dither.
zesty said:
I emptied the trash on my Macbook a couple days ago, and ever since then when I try to move something in there, it wants to instantly delete it (instead of the normal trash functionality of storing it and giving me the ability to restore a file later). What did I do to make this happen, and, more importantly, how do I undo it?
Mine did this too a few weeks ago. I had to go to disk utility and repair permissions and that sorted it. Don't ask me why!!


mrkgoo said:
Ugh, the tease of it all:


I was just about to give up on it and resign it until after iPad hoopla. But here goes the 'Nest Tuesday' rumours again.

In fact, I actually went and upgraded my current laptop, and spent a bunch of money on other new tech, thinking, bah, I'll just wait until October - I don't need to upgrade. then the rumours roll around,a nod it's got me second-thinking again.

:( Why does Apple own me so?

edit: Oh the ULTRA-tease of it all:

See, I thought I was passed it all, but the sheer mentioning of new and MBP in the same sentence obviously has me in a dither.
I need a new laptop as well and the wait for the updates is getting annoying now. What exactly are they waiting for? Selling C2Ds in MBPs seems crazy at this point and they are hurting themselves by losing out on sales of all the people who want to upgrade but not to old tech.


bionic77 said:
I need a new laptop as well and the wait for the updates is getting annoying now. What exactly are they waiting for? Selling C2Ds in MBPs seems crazy at this point and they are hurting themselves by losing out on sales of all the people who want to upgrade but not to old tech.

They're waiting for all the iPad nonsense to blow over.


mrkgoo said:
They're waiting for all the iPad nonsense to blow over.
That is annoying and I am sure they must be losing some sales for people who have the sense to wait. Not all upgrades are worth it, but going to the i5 or i7 is a significant upgrade over the C2D and worth waiting for. Besides all the other manufacturers have moved to the new processor so it looks even worse.

I don't see the sense in waiting. This is just a processor upgrade, not a change in design or adding any new features.


bionic77 said:
That is annoying and I am sure they must be losing some sales for people who have the sense to wait. Not all upgrades are worth it, but going to the i5 or i7 is a significant upgrade over the C2D and worth waiting for. Besides all the other manufacturers have moved to the new processor so it looks even worse.

I don't see the sense in waiting. This is just a processor upgrade, not a change in design or adding any new features.

Just keep spotlight on iPad at a guess. Not to mention they're probably busy with everything surrounding that.


mrkgoo said:
Just keep spotlight on iPad at a guess. Not to mention they're probably busy with everything surrounding that.
I guess, though I don't see how they can steal any attention from the iPad by just upgrading a CPU. They do that all the time now that they switched to Intel. They just upgraded the Mac Pros and I don't see that stealing any attention from the iPad. Hell Jesus' resurrection is not going to steal attention from the iPad.

They could use the excuse of being busy, but I still think that is a poor excuse seeing how they are one of the richest companies in the world and it shouldn't take all of their resources to upgrade the processor.

I am sure I will forgive everything once I have my new MBP in my hands, but the wait is getting annoying and they are kind of screwing over the customers who are buying the obsolete C2D stuff.
mrkgoo said:
They're waiting for all the iPad nonsense to blow over.
This isn't it. They put out updates to Pros and Airs last year right when the 3GS came out, and the unibody introduction was about a month after the new iPods in 2008. If it were a brand new design, Apple would play the marketing game and space out their releases, but for spec updates, they don't care when it comes out. Remember when new Mac Pros came out a couple of years ago the week before Macworld?

I think it's the Intel/nVidia fight about how Intel is preventing nVidia from making integrated GPUs. Apple doesn't want to revert to Intel's shit GPUs.


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
I think it's the Intel/nVidia fight about how Intel is preventing nVidia from making integrated GPUs. Apple doesn't want to revert to Intel's shit GPUs.
So they make the customer continue to buy obsolete cpus?

If that is Apple's reason I empathize with them, but can't they continue that fight AND update to the i line of cpus?
bionic77 said:
So they make the customer continue to buy obsolete cpus?

If that is Apple's reason I empathize with them, but can't they continue that fight AND update to the i line of cpus?
That's the point. They can't update them unless they revert the GPUs.

Here's the story: http://www.appleinsider.com/article...hics_enhancements_on_future_macbook_pros.html

The move threatened Intel's chipset business, prompting the chip maker to refuse Nvidia a licensing extension to develop rival chipsets for its latest-generation Nehalem architecture. Nehalem embodies the new Core i5 and Core i7 processors Apple and the broader industry are widely expected to use (1, 2) to power their forthcoming notebook refreshes, thereby requiring PC manufacturers like Apple to once again rely on proprietary Intel chipsets and their integrated graphics processors.


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
This isn't it. They put out updates to Pros and Airs last year right when the 3GS came out, and the unibody introduction was about a month after the new iPods in 2008. If it were a brand new design, Apple would play the marketing game and space out their releases, but for spec updates, they don't care when it comes out. Remember when new Mac Pros came out a couple of years ago the week before Macworld?

I think it's the Intel/nVidia fight about how Intel is preventing nVidia from making integrated GPUs. Apple doesn't want to revert to Intel's shit GPUs.
I'm not actually convinced that it really is ipad stuff causing a delay myself, but must be keeping them busy. iPods an iPhone iterations are one thing but the ipad is a brand new product.

I just recall things like iLife skipping 2007 entirely, probably exacerbated by the iPhone announcement and launch.

But like you said I don't think anything would stop a minor update. I was mostly just being silly :p

I wake up every Tuesday with a glimmer of hope in my eye. I'm mostly resigned to a delay. In fact I'm pretty happy with my 640gb HD and 6gb ram upgrade on my 15" nonunibody, so I'm in no rush anymore :D

in other news I'm usin Linux at work, and it just starkly reminds me how smooth some parts of mac os x are. I like the virtual desktop environment on Linux but I couldn't figure out how to move windows in between them. Not to mention opening a directory defaults to opening a new window which makes a mess of windows. And I can't find a particular window to save my life.


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
That's the point. They can't update them unless they revert the GPUs.

Here's the story: http://www.appleinsider.com/article...hics_enhancements_on_future_macbook_pros.html
While that makes Apple look better because they are trying to put out the best hardware and the fault can be traced to Intel, most consumers are going to want to know why Apple is still putting C2D cpus in their laptops when everyone else has moved on to the i3-7 stuff.

Also, the jackass employees at my Apple store always try and convince people that the update is insignificant. I know it is their job to sell as much as possible and you can't stay in business by telling people to wait, but it still annoys me.


I just found out I'm getting a total of $1100 back in tax return.

Apple, I now give you permission to release new MacBook Pro's...

PLEASE!!!??? Ugh, this just made it harder to wait! Knowing I will have the money, but can't spend it because they're so close.

*sigh* I hope the wait is worth it. Give me nice new optimized processors. Even if the design stays the same.


Jasoco said:
I just found out I'm getting a total of $1100 back in tax return.

Apple, I now give you permission to release new MacBook Pro's...

PLEASE!!!??? Ugh, this just made it harder to wait! Knowing I will have the money, but can't spend it because they're so close.

*sigh* I hope the wait is worth it. Give me nice new optimized processors. Even if the design stays the same.
My biggest want is mostly something like an ips screen.

Also, just wondering I anyone was using an ssd in the express slot as a boot drive.

I'm considering getting an ssd for the express slot and having the system and applications there, with my user data on the hard drive. That should speed things up a lot, right?

Just wondering how easy it is to make a boot volume and shift apps over (ie what about all the other non-user files that the install disc doesn't have?) what happens to my fink installation?
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