Got round to watching this today.
Fucking Outstanding.
From the very first scene its a beautiful film every shot and pan and cut feels like it's intention was to create something breathtaking and for the most part it did exactly that. It's wonderfully stylized almost like 300/RoE but with a different spin.
I've never seen a Mad Max movie before and my attention span for post apocalyptic wastelands isn't huge, typically I find them .. boring. Fallout for example isn't a series I'm really in to. However Fury Road made me fall in love with the setting completely.
The world building is subtle but fantastic. Not having seen the previous movies the 3 primary clan/cults/groups was an entirely new thing to me but they each had a place and the movie did a good job as building them up in a video game boss way. The other factions and those "crows" with the stilts and stuff leave so much to the imagination aswell as what is beyond the salt flats.
The soundtrack was just killer, The blending of horns for the vehicles was top notch as was the bungee cord axe man. Not much else to say other than they nailed that.
Acting wise I was happy with pretty much everyone besides Furiosa(sp?) her part felt kind of flat to me. Hardy was a great Max the way he seemed off beat and legit crazy at times was a treat. Not his best role (that what be
This) but good none the less. Nicholas Holt was really good. Maybe my favorite actor in the whole movie.
Finally the way the movie kept being off beat and not having the standard flow was the best bit. It felt like that was maybe how Max perceived the world.
My main take aways was that the movie was
Off Beat