I watched this movie yesterday. I did not understand a single thing that happened. They took the Citadel leader's wives to some green place, found it no longer exists and drove back. That's all I got out of it. Can someone expand more on what really happened?
this is pretty much it
i wanted more as well
like a super road experienced right hand man of immortan joe with a shit ton of armor and spike shoulder pads
drives a monster truck but the body of the monster truck is a fucking tank
and he drives with another co-driver so when he wants to climb out of the tank monster truck his other driver can keep driving
and this guy is fucking huge but agile as hell and wears armor like this:

and everybody is afraid of him because he can tear parts off a vehicle like its a chicken wing
and he can hop from vehicle to vehicle and has a grip like a vice
and also he carries missiles
he does anything immortan joe says because he legit believes immortan joe is the god king of the wasteland
imagine how much more exciting it would be if they were running away from something like this