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Mad Max: Fury Road |OT| What a Lovely Day | RT: 98% | Metacritic: 89

well then no. you dont get what im saying

my whole point is that this cant be its own thing. whether or not is has feminist elements or not is irrelevant because my point is that then it will be judged against any other rated r movie in the future which now will have to have the same elements and same criteria or else it will be an awful movie. the leads falls in love? shit movie. ect. i just want the movie to be judged whether or not it was a good movie on its own and not all the social elements everyone puts on it.
so what lol

Oh no, filmmakers will now be forced to put in social elements because it's demanded or your movie won't get made! That's some paranoid talk. George Miller wanted that stuff, so the talk of ideals is invited. Some filmmakers won't. It's up to them.

This reminds me of gamergate. Just give me the objective reviews. How is it as a film? Just the facts. How is it technically? Don't go on about themes or social commentary or how it relates to people! Action movies should be judged as just entertainment, nothing more! Movies have zero effect on our lives, not at all affecting how we view the world. What's that, I can ignore those kind of critiques entirely by my own choice of what I browse? But I must rage.

A little variety in analysing a movie doesn't hurt, man.


How did this thread go from

This movie is great!



Jesus christ GAF



As long as I get my fix of brutal, balls-to-the-walls action and setpieces galore, with cars getting torn apart, and people attempting stunts they shouldn't, I'll be happy. I just don't care about the agendas the movie pushes, IF it even does that to begin with, and as along as it doesn't intrude in the escapist entertainment that I'm looking forward to with this film.


cannee wait for the reviews. Trying desperately to convince someone to go watch this with me over the weekend, hopefully the reviews will help

George Miller got a feminist consultant to help give it that edge.


"But before you chalk all this up to another testosterone-fueled day at the movies, you should know that new female characters played by Charlize Theron, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Zoë Kravitz, Riley Keough, Abbey Lee, and Courtney Eaton have the potential to flip certain action movie tropes on their head. In fact, Mad Max director George Miller enlisted the help of activist, feminist icon, and Vagina Monologues author Eve Ensler in order to ensure that Fury Road wasn’t just another story about helpless female victims; it’s a story about empowered survivors."

"TIME: It’s so rare that a big blockbuster film takes on these themes, let alone brings someone with your background on the set to consult. How did that come to be?

Eve Ensler: It was as surprising to me as it is to you, which is why I decided to do it. I think [director] George Miller heard me give a talk on human rights in Sydney. He asked me if I would be willing to come to Namibia for a week where they were shooting and work with the cast members—particularly the wives. He wanted me to give them a perspective on violence against women around the world, particularly in war zones.

I read the script and was blown away. One out of three women on the planet will be raped or beaten in her lifetime—it’s a central issue of our time, and that violence against women relates to racial and economic injustice. This movie takes those issues head-on. I think George Miller is a feminist, and he made a feminist action film. It was really amazing of him to know that he needed a woman to come in who had experience with this."
http://time.com/3850323/mad-max-fury-road-eve-ensler-feminist/ *SPOILERS*

Video interview with Charlize Theron about it: http://www.hitfix.com/motion-captur...unexpected-feminist-kick-of-mad-max-fury-road

If it gets more women or feminists to check it out and enjoy, it's all good. Women already make a big part of the ratio in audiences for action movies that don't even have well developed female characters. Can't be bad that it has more relevancy to the real world with the rape and sex trafficking stuff.
This is actually kind of awesome. Good on Miller :)


I think lazyslob is saying that not every movie needs to meet a quota or guideline for the strong female characher, or any type of character for that matter.

You could see that with the Star Wars: Episode VII casting (initially). "Not enough female characters!"

Personally, I feel it's up to the creators. If they want to have a movie centered on certain types of characters, or a movie that has a strong political stance, then cool. But I just hope they're not feeling pressured to include certain elements in every movie.
Shocked he went to those lengths to ensure that realistic, plausible women were characterized for the movie. That's fantastic and I love that Charlize mentioned how movies often just make extremely bad ass women without the depth they would normally give a male character.
Does anyone from the Alamo screening know when our NDA is up? I got my ticket last-minute from a friend, so I didn't really see any fine print to read.


If it's a good movie it's a good movie. Not sure why you have a problem with the feminism aspect. GAF-ers who saw the film said the film isn't a 'feminist film' or a political engaged film or anything; it just doesn't have shitty written female characters.

Exactly! That's what was so surprising. After the screening and talking with my friend it was then we realized that the women kicked more ass than the men but it wasn't forced, there was no agenda and everything just seemed natural. And Max gets his to kick his fair share of ass too.

I mean the Wives for example, you'd gather (or at least I did) that from the trailers and synopsis that they'd be the "damsels in distress" MacGuffin and in the movie it was pleasantly surprising to see that was far from the case with the very first scene they're in.


Does anyone from the Alamo screening know when our NDA is up? I got my ticket last-minute from a friend, so I didn't really see any fine print to read.

You guys had a NDA? Weird. Mine was a advanced screening from WB directly and there was no NDA for me.


I think lazyslob is saying that not every movie needs to meet a quota or guideline for the strong female characher, or any type of character for that matter.

You could see that with the Star Wars: Episode VII casting (initially). "Not enough female characters!"

Personally, I feel it's up to the creators. If they want to have a movie centered on certain types of characters, or a movie that has a strong political stance, then cool. But I just hope they're not feeling pressured to include certain elements in every movie.

That's how I look at it. Not every piece of content has to have a strong, independent woman/character. If the script calls for a character to be weak and fragile for a reason, then so be it. If it makes the end product compelling, then by all means have such a character in there. What really matters is the script and how powerful it is. There are MANY great movies with women who are NOT strong OR independent, but are still really well-written. Creators should never try appeasing someone, but should do what they feel is best for THEIR story.
Wait, so this movie is good? My girlfriend has been really curious about the movie (strange, since she's never watched a Mad Max movie before) since something in the commercials/trailers struck a chord with her, but we've both been cautious since the embargo was so close to the release date. Usually when I don't see any reviews this close to a movie's release, it's normally an omen.

Hopefully the rest of the reviews coming up (today?) are positive.


Does anyone from the Alamo screening know when our NDA is up? I got my ticket last-minute from a friend, so I didn't really see any fine print to read.

They didn't make us sign anything. Just wait till the embargo is up if you're nervous. The only explicit instruction we were given was to only say "holy fuck" in reference to the film.
You guys had a NDA? Weird. Mine was a advanced screening from WB directly and there was no NDA for me.

They didn't make us sign anything. Just wait till the embargo is up if you're nervous. The only explicit instruction we were given was to only say "holy fuck" in reference to the film.

Thanks, I wasn't sure. I didn't sign anything but the friend I went with said we were under some kind of restriction, and I remembered the "holy fuck" limitation--just wasn't sure technically what the restriction was.

I can wait a few hours.


Unconfirmed Member
Wait, so this movie is good? My girlfriend has been really curious about the movie (strange, since she's never watched a Mad Max movie before) since something in the commercials/trailers struck a chord with her, but we've both been cautious since the embargo was so close to the release date. Usually when I don't see any reviews this close to a movie's release, it's normally an omen.

Hopefully the rest of the reviews coming up (today?) are positive.
Embargo ends in 90 minutes. Early reactions are ecstatic.
We'll see.
I don't think I'll ever reach Bobby's target of 12 people, but I'm looking to bring 6 people to see it next weekend sunday in london. Then maybe watch it again in the cinema closest to me in odeon epsom.


Will watch even if it's terrible. If it is good, oh boy, I might even go see it several times, which I have done with exactly two other movies.


Unconfirmed Member


Let the review hype train commence.

Gotta be careful on what reviews to read in case of spoilers. If it's a site like IGN they will lay out the entire fucking story in their review.


And just like that my Twitter feed blew up with reviews. lol They all seem positive so far including Forbes and Empire.


Lol the movie has some great female characters and now it's pushing some feminist agenda?

It's an action movie, people. With some kickass women. What's the problem?

EDIT: Oh neat, reviews are up.


Glad to see the reviews this far are this good. Looks like regardless of what pops up later tell be fresh in general. Can't wait to see it this weekend. Hope it does well at the box office.
Wow, film is getting some great reviews. Bad news is it doesn't come out until June here in Japan, good news is it comes out the day before my birthday. Will make a nice birthday treat.
Really doesn't surprise me. I don't see how the negatives could ever outweigh the positives of this film.

I can't really think of a single bad thing to say about the action sequences, TBH. That's saying a lot, considering they make up the vast majority of the movie.


Hopefully the rotten reviews stay at a 100 but you know hipster joe is gonna come and say "Hollywood blockbuster blah blah blah" and knock it down a few :/


I just watched the original trilogy for the first time over the last few days. I do feel the franchise never quite realized its potential in those three movies. It definitely had room to reach another level, although Road Warrior was the best attempt.

Fury Road looks like it's doing just that. Really excited.


Contact would be great.....

I guess it would of been more like Interstellar. Less exposition and more actually showing things. I was surprised to read about the script process he did with that movie but stepping down allowed him to keep the rights to Mad Max so I guess it worked out for the best. lol


Unconfirmed Member
Tomatometer in title?

Rottentomatoes is silly and meaningless but it gets attention and I've taken it upon myself to be a viral marketer for this film.


Tomatometer in title?

Rottentomatoes is silly and meaningless but it gets attention and I've taken it upon myself to be a viral marketer for this film.

Arrow season 3 having 100% rotten score helps reiterate its stupidity but boy if that 100% for Mad Max and the actual review snippets doesn't make my jimmies rustle in a good way.

Pulled 2 other mates in to a steak and Max night this Friday. Good be good yo.
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