so what lolwell then no. you dont get what im saying
my whole point is that this cant be its own thing. whether or not is has feminist elements or not is irrelevant because my point is that then it will be judged against any other rated r movie in the future which now will have to have the same elements and same criteria or else it will be an awful movie. the leads falls in love? shit movie. ect. i just want the movie to be judged whether or not it was a good movie on its own and not all the social elements everyone puts on it.
Oh no, filmmakers will now be forced to put in social elements because it's demanded or your movie won't get made! That's some paranoid talk. George Miller wanted that stuff, so the talk of ideals is invited. Some filmmakers won't. It's up to them.
This reminds me of gamergate. Just give me the objective reviews. How is it as a film? Just the facts. How is it technically? Don't go on about themes or social commentary or how it relates to people! Action movies should be judged as just entertainment, nothing more! Movies have zero effect on our lives, not at all affecting how we view the world. What's that, I can ignore those kind of critiques entirely by my own choice of what I browse? But I must rage.
A little variety in analysing a movie doesn't hurt, man.