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Mad Max: Fury Road |OT| What a Lovely Day | RT: 98% | Metacritic: 89

We're never going to get to see the silent/bw version Miller went on about, are we?
I almost want to hold off buying it in case there's another edition with those on it

Look how fast multiple versions of a one-film Hobbit hit once people decided that should be a thing.

There's gonna be a black and white version of this available real soon. It just won't come from Warner Bros.
Hmm wonder if these are featurettes especially made for the blu ray or just stuff they showed on TV spots for advertising. Tv spots making of featurettes are mostly very poor.

There are bits from the regular made for TV spots, but quite a bit of new stuff. Each featurette is about 15-25 minutes long, except for the wives one which is about 11 and Smash and Crash which was 5 minutes. The Tools of the Wasteland was the coolest one because it talks about and shows all the props and how they were designed and repurposed. I especially loved the interior of the Gigahorse and all the details in there.

The deleted scenes are only 3 scenes, and maybe 3 minutes total between them all.
The Anthology comes with the Madness of Max documentary but you can actually purchase that digitally on Amazon:

It's an almost 3 hour documentary thats been in the works for 11 years now where Tim Ridge tracked down just about everybody involved with the original film to discuss making it.

As much as I want the steel book of Fury Road, I might just get the anthology to get that documentary and the other films on blu. Does anyone know if they ever fixed the color timing on Road Warrior? I remember reviews of the blu ray saying it looked too bright compared to the original film and DVD.


As much as I want the steel book of Fury Road, I might just get the anthology to get that documentary and the other films on blu. Does anyone know if they ever fixed the color timing on Road Warrior? I remember reviews of the blu ray saying it looked too bright compared to the original film and DVD.

I don't believe so but that was always up for debate. Some fans swear on the original theatrical and VHS release having more color with Broken Hill's red sand more present and some swear the blu-ray got it right. Either way the blu-ray is nice and clear and not too shabby but lacking in content.

Either way WB didn't issue another blu for the trilogy release and I doubt they did for the Anthology either.


I was going to order the top poster until Mondo tried to charge me $16 for shipping. It had better come in a frame if they're charging $16.

They ship their posters wrapped up in a sturdy tube and the prints are great quality. I can't wait to get this one framed ...



Just bit the bullet on the anthology. Couldn't believe it's cheaper in Canada than it is in the US. Not a bad deal for 59,99.

Was going to go with the steelbook, but since I don't own the previous movies on bluray yet, I figured the anthology would be a better deal.


I was going to order the top poster until Mondo tried to charge me $16 for shipping. It had better come in a frame if they're charging $16.

I don't know, run a USPS Priority quote on a 3lb tube roughly 28" x 4" x 4" with a circumference of around 13" from Austin TX (78751) to you. The online price to me is $11.59. $4.41 as a handling charge isn't that bad.

Mr. Sam

The Princes Charles in London has picked it up for more screenings. I'm very excited - might have to see it a third time in cinemas.


Spoilers follow!

Watching this on Vudu (via the BB Steelbook for $20 that included the code) and I'm not sure if it was the theater (saw it twice there), trying to process everything on the big screen or what, but the gore really stands out on the small screen. It felt like a really intense PG-13 at the time of release, but clearly not.

Examples - NSFW Images (movie gore, nothing crazy), SPOILERS There's blood flying everywhere during the shootouts - it's still quick and not ridiculous amounts, but they clearly either shot for R (maybe) or decided to own the R and add CGI gore (more likely).


The only really gory shot I remember was
Immortan Joe's face at the end.
For the other two shots you highlighed,
the scene with his face getting ripped off is so brief it's hard to realize how gory it is, while the scene with the People Eater getting shot is typical bullet holes gore people are desensitized too.

Also, seeing this movie with my mother (Who didn't watch it in theaters) and the rest of my family tonight. It's gonna be hype.


The only really gory shot I remember was
Immortan Joe's face at the end.
For the other two shots you highlighed,
the scene with his face getting ripped off is so brief it's hard to realize how gory it is, while the scene with the People Eater getting shot is typical bullet holes gore people are desensitized too.

Also, seeing this movie with my mother (Who didn't watch it in theaters) and the rest of my family tonight. It's gonna be hype.

Oh, I agree that it's blink-and-you-miss-it stuff. The fact that it's there still counts, especially
Joe's face rip - why put in all that detail and not show it properly? It felt implied in the theater but nope, it's there.
. It's still no gorefest, just thought it was interesting because I initially regarded it as a bloodless affair. The blood is in frame, just moving quickly.


There's blood flying everywhere during the shootouts - it's still quick and not ridiculous amounts, but they clearly either shot for R (maybe) or decided to own the R and add CGI gore (more likely).

I'd be surprised if it was the latter. It's not only the gore, but there is an absolute lot of very disturbing imagery. Everything involving The People Eater is stomach-turning. Body horror is ever-present if you pay attention to the movie. Not to mention scenes like playing with the umbilical cord. Mad Max: Fury Road imagery is deeply disturbing through-and-through, instances of extreme gore are barely a drop in the bucket.


Incase you missed it. I put in some work into a Mad Max review:


check it out I hope you like it.
Honest opinion: The silly voices and jokes were really annoying and made it hard to watch. I understand you're trying to put your own spin on your reviews, but stuff like the bizarre Skyfall tangent hurt it.

You have some good examples for what you're talking about (Like how you describe the first chrome spray paint sequence), but I think toning down the wackiness would help.
Spoilers follow!

Watching this on Vudu (via the BB Steelbook for $20 that included the code) and I'm not sure if it was the theater (saw it twice there), trying to process everything on the big screen or what, but the gore really stands out on the small screen. It felt like a really intense PG-13 at the time of release, but clearly not.

Examples - NSFW Images (movie gore, nothing crazy), SPOILERS There's blood flying everywhere during the shootouts - it's still quick and not ridiculous amounts, but they clearly either shot for R (maybe) or decided to own the R and add CGI gore (more likely).

Pretty sure if you look closely
you can see one of the pole catter's ribcages after Furiosa shoots an explosive cross bolt point blank into him.
Honest opinion: The silly voices and jokes were really annoying and made it hard to watch. I understand you're trying to put your own spin on your reviews, but stuff like the bizarre Skyfall tangent hurt it.

You have some good examples for what you're talking about (Like how you describe the first chrome spray paint sequence), but I think toning down the wackiness would help.


Stop following the Youtube hype and just act normal when reviewing. That would make viewing this 10x more bearable.
Honest opinion: The silly voices and jokes were really annoying and made it hard to watch. I understand you're trying to put your own spin on your reviews, but stuff like the bizarre Skyfall tangent hurt it.

You have some good examples for what you're talking about (Like how you describe the first chrome spray paint sequence), but I think toning down the wackiness would help.
Well its because of copyright like stated before, normal review got struck for CR system on youtube sadly.

Also now that the movie is "out there" Will expect more gaffers to see it soon.


3 deleted scenes from the movie:

The first two aren't necessary and I see why they got trimmed but the last one reveals Miss Giddy's fate and what Immortan Joe and the war tribes were doing after the Bog.

Interesting. After seeing these I can see why they removed them. The second scene felt a bit like overkill, as they established the peoples' desperation enough. The third scene was fine up until the ending. That felt a bit too weird, in my opinion.


Blu Ray Anthology or 3D standalone? Decisions, decisions...

Does the anthology come with the special features of the stand alone BD?


Blu Ray Anthology or 3D standalone? Decisions, decisions...

Does the anthology come with the special features of the stand alone BD?

Yeah it should. The only bonus with that set is the extra DVD with the Madness of Max documentary.

Also one major deleted scene that forced them to change every scene with Max in that I don't believe is on the blu-ray is the headphones/ear plugs....

pretty much.. .saw it in theaters 4 times. Totally worth it. I hope you got to see it on the big screen.

Well, sort of, it wasn't very big. Local theater has a cinema club, the screen is like... half the standard i think. But you get to seat very close so it's almost the same thing.

I don't think watching the movie in any other way would be half as incredible tbh.


Picked up the 3D Blueray yesterday at my local mom & pop shop and loved every minute of it! The movie just gets better with every viewing.

nick nacc

Honest opinion: The silly voices and jokes were really annoying and made it hard to watch. I understand you're trying to put your own spin on your reviews, but stuff like the bizarre Skyfall tangent hurt it.

You have some good examples for what you're talking about (Like how you describe the first chrome spray paint sequence), but I think toning down the wackiness would help.

Thanks for the honest feedback. I am still finding my voice and that was my first try at that style. I am trying to differentiate myself in someway in the ocean of youtube ya know? Check out this earlier review of anabelle and a discussion on James Wans filmography.


it was a project me and my bro were testing out of a casual review type thing. I abandoned it because it took to long to make and had to depend on our schedules. So my plan is for Chris stuckman style quick reviews for a little more serious commentary. And the goofy talking cartoon head stuff for tv and movie recaps kinda like How it should have ended. Like this:


but with full episodes. I am almost done with the first full episode.
Loved Mad Max 1 & 2

Disliked 3

And.... didn't like this new one...

Just so.... bland really
It was more like Mad Furiosa with Max occasionally popping in


I just watched it and it was like the perfect action movie for me. Spectacular action scenes. The action genre has been so overrun with superheroes that I was seriously missing movies where bad dramatic shit happens to the characters that you care about.
Oh its one of those article where arbitrary reasons makes this thing 'Better' than that other thing for some dude on the internet.


Hardly arbitrary.

At least to me

As I said - it put across my thoughts exactly

Different strokes for different folks though. If we all liked the same stuff it'd be boring
Hardly arbitrary.

At least to me

As I said - it put across my thoughts exactly

Peanut butter sandwich is better than jam sandwich cuz I like peanut butter better.

Not Intimate enough? Ending too neat? Mel Gibson is the better Max? CGI? I forgot the other thingy but... XD... What kind of points are those!


Yaaaaa... Agree. Everyone has a thing that works magic for them. Doesn't all have to likey the same thing.
Mel Gibson played him cool with some crazy behind his eyes.

Tom Hardy was more like Wile E Coyote. They both suited the particular films they were in, it all boils down to preference tbh.

I've come to like Fury Road more than Road Warrior. But it's not a crazy argument to like the latter more. Liking 1 or Beyond Thunderdome over it though?...nah
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