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Mad Max: Fury Road |OT| What a Lovely Day | RT: 98% | Metacritic: 89

3 deleted scenes from the movie:

The first two aren't necessary and I see why they got trimmed but the last one reveals Miss Giddy's fate and what Immortan Joe and the war tribes were doing after the Bog.

I'm glad hey removed the first scene, would slow down the pace of the movie going into that epic chase sequece.

The second scene is more interesting, I think it would have worked well if they left it in, to show just how desperate things are on the ground.

The third scene. I can only assume that was cut because Rictus and Joe are just rambling some nonsensical shit.

Fucked up scene though.
George Miller's first draft of MAD MAX: FURY ROAD was this electro-board printout, dated 15/3/99.

Furiosa = W.W. = Wonder Woman? lol

Joe's wives = Ricci, Funny, Weak, Idealist, Strong

"Erotic Mud Dance"

"Idealist & Nux get it on"


Watched the movie twice. Very good action movie. Probably best action movie in a long long time.

Enjoyed everything about the movie, specially the steampunk sort of set pieces and character design. My only gripe with the movie is the ending action sequence was a little confusing, jumping back and forth between the front and the back of the war rig. So it kinda disconnected me from the movie at the end. Might be me though.

All in all, together with Interstellar (i am a sucker for space exploration) and Fury Road are by far the best movies this year. But then again, Star Wars is still incoming.
I ended up going with the anthology set over the 3D Disc, mostly because I don't own the first 3 films

A shame that they didn't offer the anthology with the 3d Release. I'd happily pay more for it




Furiosa = W.W. = Wonder Woman? lol

Joe's wives = Ricci, Funny, Weak, Idealist, Strong

"Erotic Mud Dance"

"Idealist & Nux get it on"
LOL "Gynotopia"

But yeah, wow at how similar it is. There are some differences like Nux killing the main villain in a collision, but it's still close to the same layout as the actual movie. Even some small scenes like Cheedo running back to Immortan Joe are kept in.

Show's how strong George Miller's vision for this movie was that it could survive 16 years with little change and still end up being amazing.


Mind blown aha

I wonder how much of the sequel Miller has planned (if any).

The screenplay is done, and has been for a while, and he has a rough draft for the third one.

Just waiting on WB to give the green light, although I'd expect Miller himself would likely want a break too given he just spent the last 4 years making Fury Road, not including the 11 years prior to that in preproduction. lol


Hardly arbitrary.

At least to me

As I said - it put across my thoughts exactly

Different strokes for different folks though. If we all liked the same stuff it'd be boring

Honestly, and I say this as a big fan of this film, I don't think gaf is ready to have a proper discussion about its imperfections. Maybe in a few years, but presently it seems that any criticism is met with either a refusal to take them seriously or outright derision.
Honestly, I don't think it's a perfect movie (though sometimes imperfections make a movie perfect); there a couple moments that stuck out (mainly the whole "could be a girl" moment), but it's a great one.

9/10 movie. I don't think I've seen a 10/10 blockbuster yet though, so top of the line movie for me.
Honestly, I don't think it's a perfect movie (though sometimes imperfections make a movie perfect); there a couple moments that stuck out (mainly the whole "could be girl" moment), but it's a great one.

9/10 movie. I don't think I've seen a 10/10 blockbuster yet though, so top of the line movie for me.

Honestly, the only things changes that could ask for would be less (or no) random-faces at the start, and a bit more lead-in to the foot chase/ bloodbag scenario


Honestly, and I say this as a big fan of this film, I don't think gaf is ready to have a proper discussion about its imperfections. Maybe in a few years, but presently it seems that any criticism is met with either a refusal to take them seriously or outright derision.
I agree but the wording here made me lol.
Honestly, and I say this as a big fan of this film, I don't think gaf is ready to have a proper discussion about its imperfections. Maybe in a few years, but presently it seems that any criticism is met with either a refusal to take them seriously or outright derision.

Or maybe this is simply an instant classic and the imperfections aren't bad enough to hurt the movie. Sometimes you just aren't on the same page as the majority opinion. That's fine. Doesn't mean everyone that praises said thing is blind to its faults. And I don't see the luster wearing off in a few years. In fact, I think it will only be valued more with time.

CFK, if this isn't a 10/10 blockbuster, there are none. I'm very indifferent to most blockbusters, and it takes a lot for a modern movie to capture me the way my favorites have (I'm always doing an unconscious comparison and new stuff never wins tbh), but Fury Road is greatness.
CFK, if this isn't a 10/10 blockbuster, there are none. I'm very indifferent to most blockbusters, and it takes a lot for a modern movie to capture me the way my favorites have (I'm always doing an unconscious comparison and new stuff never wins tbh), but Fury Road is greatness.

I feel like I was being too negative, man! :p

It is greatness. ;)
Fury Road the first 11/10 movie in history :wow:

But dont take it from me, we've asked some of the most famous directors in the world to reign in on this


"hello yes this is Stanley Kubrick, back from the dead momentarily to watch Fury Road. Holy shit I feel like I wasted my career. I was making Eyes Wide Shut at this age and this mothafucka did Fury Road. No wait, he was 70 when he made that movie, and I was too busy being dead. Fuck George Miller."


"I just came out of a seating with Mr. Kubrick, and I was equally impressed. It reminded me of my film Ran, how every single shot and scene were storyboarded out for the precise, maximum utilization. And the use of color! They used teal and orange like nobody's fuckin used teal and orange before!"


"I thought this was pretty ok, but holy fuck did you see the wives in this movie? Theron's a little butch for my taste, but that blonde pregnant chick...should've made her the star love interest, movie would've made a shitload more money. Oh wait I already did that. GodDAMN I'M THE FUCKIN' BEST"


Honestly, and I say this as a big fan of this film, I don't think gaf is ready to have a proper discussion about its imperfections. Maybe in a few years, but presently it seems that any criticism is met with either a refusal to take them seriously or outright derision.

I've yet to see any movie (or stories in any medium) on gaf that is consistently discussed with depth. The most we get is a few posters that go into real analysis or give a deep thoughtful review once every so often but 99% of posters just go with the binary "Loved it!"/"Hated it" and give a few points here and there at what they specifically loved/hated. The worst of them are current superhero movies. They're popular to the point where nearly all posts about them get lost in the noise, so I feel that people don't bother even more than usual. It is literally impossible to discuss The Dark Knight Rises because that stupid Talia death gif will always be posted, and then quoted ad nauseum. It's easier to quote a gif than actually explore why TDKR fails too these people, and it's not questioned just because enough people agree that fails.

It's not a time related event, it's just people rarely ever put a great deal of thought in discussion of how any given movie works to get the end result we see. People passively watch, react, and then post what those reactions were, when deep discussion is about why we have those reactions. There's ways to criticize Fury Road, as there are ways to criticize anything, but people just aren't willing to put in the effort more often than not. Jam_Sandwich (and I'm not trying to call you out or anything, Jam, you're just a good example of what I'm talking about) would rather link an article instead of articulating his criticism in his own words. Real criticism is hard work, and despite this being one of the better discussion forums, most aren't willing to put in the effort.


Honestly, I don't think it's a perfect movie (though sometimes imperfections make a movie perfect); there a couple moments that stuck out (mainly the whole "could be a girl" moment), but it's a great one.

9/10 movie. I don't think I've seen a 10/10 blockbuster yet though, so top of the line movie for me.
"Could be a girl" for me works because it shows how even the Dag, who is trying to find her freedom from Immortan Joe's world, still thinks in terms of Immortan Joe's world. She immediately assumes her child will be a boy because that's what she is expected to bear, and that contributes to her cynicism (Assuming he's gonna be an ugly kid). It takes another person to help her see that she's not stuck in that box.

Still, I can understand why it comes across as a bit sappy.


Saw this movie for the first time yesterday and it is amazing, non stop action. Even my sister, who usually hates this kind of movies, loved and was completely into it. Great surprise.


I just noticed that Nux says, "Three times The Gates were open to me. I was awaited in Valhalla. They were calling my name. I should be walking with the Immorta, McFeasting with the heroes of all time."

McFeasting! LOL! I love it! A very subtle McDonald's reference illustrating the mass consumerism before the fall of civilization.


Saw this movie for the first time yesterday and it is amazing, non stop action. Even my sister, who usually hates this kind of movies, loved and was completely into it. Great surprise.

It's not just that there is non-stop action, it's the actual craftmanship behind that action. It's incredible stuff--and needs to be pointed out again and again. That is what makes Fury Road so special.


Got an update that my copy of the Mad Max Anthology is now scheduled to arrive on 8/26. Seems kind of weird, since it includes Fury Road.
Whats the deal with the Steelbook version at best buy? It wont let me select my local store for pickup, only a store thats 25 miles away.
Anybody near a Best Buy that's getting the steelbook edition? Just noticed their up for pre-order (store pick-up only) on the website again. I'd be willing to pay around $30 to have it shipped to me via USPS First Class. Wouldn't want anyone to go out of their way, though.
Need your help guys....

Where can I find some definitive information about what's on the Anthology release. I might just spring for the BestBuy Steelbook of Fury Road only as I don't feel like dropping $80+ on something we don't really don't much about right now as money is tight and I already plan on buying the game on the same day too, lol



Iirc the Anthology is just MM1-3+FR and a documentary/making-of of the first MM and some cards.

Oh wow, it's 80$ on amazon??! I preordered off amazon.ca for 50 (in fact it's still 60) - maybe see if you can import it from there. The exchange rate and lower price would make the extra shipping fee worth it if they send to the US
Iirc the Anthology is just MM1-3+FR and a documentary/making-of of the first MM and some cards.

Oh wow, it's 80$ on amazon??! I preordered off amazon.ca for 50 (in fact it's still 60) - maybe see if you can import it from there. The exchange rate and lower price would make the extra shipping fee worth it if they send to the US



Need your help guys....

Where can I find some definitive information about what's on the Anthology release. I might just spring for the BestBuy Steelbook of Fury Road only as I don't feel like dropping $80+ on something we don't really don't much about right now as money is tight and I already plan on buying the game on the same day too, lol


This seems to show what extras are on what editions.

No 3D, DVD, or digital copies on the Anthology but it has commentary EDIT:for the first two movies, the cards, and The Madness of Max documentary (on a DVD).


This seems to show what extras are on what editions.

No 3D, DVD, or digital copies on the Anthology but it has commentary for all the movies, the cards, and The Madness of Max documentary (on a DVD).

Just to be clear, there is no commentary for Fury Road on any of the releases. The anthology only has commentary for Mad Max and The Road Warrior.

Which is a shame, I haven't watched a director's commentary since Lord of the Rings, but I was really looking forward to hearing George Miller talk about Fury Road.


Just to be clear, there is no commentary for Fury Road on any of the releases. The anthology only has commentary for Mad Max and The Road Warrior.

Which is a shame, I haven't watched a director's commentary since Lord of the Rings, but I was really looking forward to hearing George Miller talk about Fury Road.

Bad reading comprehension on my part.


Watched this movie yesterday and had to rewatch it today. Wow this movie was perfect in every way. The soundtrack to this film is great and just mixes so damn well. My only regret is not having gone to the damn movie theater to watch it.
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