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Mad Max: Fury Road |OT| What a Lovely Day | RT: 98% | Metacritic: 89

Watched this for the first time a couple of nights ago. Really liked it; feel it's perhaps a little overrated as I heard some claims it was on a par with Die Hard or Terminator 2, but maybe repeat viewings will make me enjoy it more.

  • First of all, the action was incredible. Really great stunts and action scenes with the vehicles racing and battling. Nice to see practical effects and stunts in a film like this; I think a lot of CGI would have really stood out.
  • The acting was brilliant all around. Charlize Theron totally owned the film and I really liked Tom Hardy as Max. Thankfully the script was 'show, don't tell' and I feel there was quite a lot of nuance to the character. Although I'm not entirely sure what the deal was with
    his visions of his deceased daughter
    - was that in the previous films at all? It's been a very long time since I watched MM 1 & 2. Nicolas Hoult was also really good as Nux, and I quite liked the sense of dying in a glorious battle that the warboys had.
  • The CGI was excellent. That bit where they were driving into the storm was breathtaking. I loved that shot of the convoy, as tiny as ants heading into the massive, mile-high storm which takes up the whole screen.
  • I didn't really understand why Gastown was so close to Joe's stronghold. The guy with the metal nose was the boss of Gastown right? So if he's close enough to Immortan Joe to aid in the pursuit of Furiosa, why don't they just pool resources, travel that five mile distance and combines their settlements?
  • I felt like the world had quite a bit of depth without the need to explain everything. We get brief looks at stilt-wearers in the swampland, the rival faction with their spiky cars, the motorcyclists who let Furiosa pass through in exchange for a miniature trailer of gas, the fact that although Joe is a warlord a lot of what he does is necessary evils and he's not a man without emotion, and so on. It was an interesting snapshot of the film's universe without going into too much depth. Similarly, I think the simple plot was actually a benefit as it let the film focus on the action and the surprisingly nuanced characters.
  • There were some scenes where it was filmed oddly. Scenes where the camera zooms in on actors' faces in fast-forward and the background is obvious CGI. For a film that looked so good in most regards, it was odd how they kept doing this. This happened with Immortan Joe at one point, and at least one time with Max's
    hallucinations of the little girl
  • I loved the style and silliness of it. Considering how precious a commodity fuel must be in this post-apocalypse future, the guitar flamethrower guy was just so absurd and awesome. Likewise for every car having flames shooting out of the back, and I liked how Joe emptied out the water in a very inefficient way. I liked the set-up of the Citadel, and how despite how Joe was a right bastard, a lot of the stuff there made logical sense.

Overall, a really great film and one I can see myself picking up in the future. Look forward to more entries in the series from George Miller, but I hope he takes his time and doesn't rush them.
Hey I don't really think we try to shut down any negativity, do we? We're not really that serious, are we?

Like when I said "nothing. The end" I was joking. I do find their videos meh though. And I thought the cinemasins guy rant on disney remakes of live adaptations was lol

People don't like this type of videos when they address movies they like

People like this type of videos (some even create threads about it) when they validate their opinions on movies.

It's a strange phenomenon.

I don't really care for them either way.


Most negatitvity feels like exisiting for the sake of negativity and trying to swim against the rest. I'll be honest: I don't care about negative opinions about this specific movie because deep in my heart I just feel that this is an outstanding movie, you know? Some stuff you know is just right: the earth isn't flat, pizza tastes great and Fury Road is the movie of the year

Plus most negative reactions I've read so far are fucking dumb
I wonder if these guys (or the honest trailers people) did a video on Citizen Kane, if they would use the "big plothole". I know I've seen it used in a few places, and that is one of the dumbest complaints or comments I've heard (considering it's not a plothole at all).
Instead of giving Cinemasins views, why don't you watch A 20 minute George Miller interview run by the 5 second films guys.

He's such a sweet man. His choice of Namibia was perfect, there are places there where no rain has fallen in centuries and yet the sea is right there for cargo ships to offload those hundreds of crazy cars.


Mr. Sam

I wonder if these guys (or the honest trailers people) did a video on Citizen Kane, if they would use the "big plothole". I know I've seen it used in a few places, and that is one of the dumbest complaints or comments I've heard (considering it's not a plothole at all).



It's not high level cinema by any means, but I felt there was a little more under the hood than your average summer blockbuster film. Or maybe it's that there was just less bloat.

I felt like you had a lot of people and critics who normally dismiss blockbusters get something out of this movie that they didn't get out of other blockbusters. There's definitely something there, it's just not super overt. I guess for me, it felt like a movie that was made for me, not at me. Character relationships felt genuine, plotlines didn't feel weak, and everyone acted fairly rationally. At no point did I feel like I didn't get what the writing/directing team was going for. Is it "deep"? No, but it also didn't feel "dumb".

I have a weird relationship with it. It's a relatively simple movie, but like with movies like The Raid and even John Wick, it's simple and effective. Sometimes that's all I need to enjoy a movie.

I will say though, this thread tends to shut any negativity completely out. There's no such thing as a perfect movie, and Fury Road is certainly no exception.

Fury Road and Avengers are polar opposites when it comes to action movies...I mean, you might as well compare power rangers movie with Interstellar. Shit makes no sense.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the movie but I don't feel I need to re-visit it. And in no way do I think it's close to one of the greatest movies ever made (which some say).

In comparing it to the Avengers I was aiming at that it's just another blockbuster, not that they are the same style of film. I feel as much want to watch Avengers again as I do Mad Max (if pushed I rather watch MM though).

I'm enjoyed how they told the story and the action and I think the comparison to John Wick is apt. Simple and effective, as you say
Just throwing this in here. I don't follow the awards buzz and news too much so not sure if it this was posted but I guess WB is officially pushing Fury Road for the Academy Awards noms?


good, it's not going to win but if the academy wanted to reward a summer blockbuster for being well conceived and not just a bunch of CG blobs fighting each other then it would do right by FR.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
I wonder if these guys (or the honest trailers people) did a video on Citizen Kane, if they would use the "big plothole". I know I've seen it used in a few places, and that is one of the dumbest complaints or comments I've heard (considering it's not a plothole at all).

But why doesnt Kane ride the Eagles to Xanadu?
I mean what else are they going to push?
Pan and Jupiter Ascending?

This is a decent point. WB won't want to just take a flyer on the year when Oscar season comes around, and in their favor - this IS one of the best reviewed movies of the year, period. They've got mountains of critical acclaim to work with, and feel-good narratives all over the place with Miller's inclusion.

If they wanna actually play the game - Mad Max might be their best bet.

it's all in how they sell it to voters.

(granted, I'm not saying it'll actually win, but scoring nominations in major categories will be a pretty decent victory in and of itself)


Doubt the movie would win for best picture or director, but I could definitely see it cleaning up in cinematography or stunt work (is there a category for this?)


I'll be damned if another Disney/Pixar movie wins best soundtrack. Fury Road has the best soundtrack of the year by far.

They've won literally once.

It's going to Hateful Eight anyway; it's a chance for the Academy to make up for their most egregious snub in the Score category.


Blu-ray finally released in the Netherlands and bought it. Soooo good!.
I heard the Dutch 3D Blu-ray got gimped really bad. Somehow the English audio is in lossy Dolby Digital Plus with Atmos and the French audio is in lossless Dolby True HD with Atmos. 2D disc is unaffected.


If they reviewed movies, or had actual thoughts about movies, it would be one thing. But they don't. They just point at shit and pretend like the act of noticing something is worthy of attention. But it isnt. Its a synapse firing. Congratulations.

Nitpicking is already a pretty limited, mostly pointless endeavor anyway. So it has to at the least service a larger point, not be the point in and of itself.

Honest Trailers is a) providing some sort of commentary and b) trying to be legitimately entertaining. Its a creative endeavor. This shit is, and has always been, reductive/destructive. And that's all its ever offered

Here's Cinemasins guy's thoughts about the movie:


Lighten up, guys.


Watched the DVD. (I really need to get a blu-ray player though, the DVD quality isn't the greatest.)
Such a great film.

Even though this was the third time i saw it, it still felt tense and exciting, immersive.
Lighten up, guys.

You can dislike the empty bullshit of CinemaSins basic existence without being a grumpy person. The one doesn't have anything to do with the other. As comedy, it fails. As criticism, it fails.

It just fails.

It's failure doesn't mean there's something inherently wrong with me


You can dislike the empty bullshit of CinemaSins basic existence without being a grumpy person. The one doesn't have anything to do with the other. As comedy, it fails. As criticism, it fails.

It just fails.

It's failure doesn't mean there's something inherently wrong with me

It's absolutely possible to be a ray of sunshine and not like Cinemasins.

Not the vibe I'm getting here though.
Not the vibe I'm getting here though.

Not sure why that's the case, though.

I mean, comb through the thread - how many super-grumpy-guses you think you're seeing up in here? What makes you think that? The fact they don't like a shitty webseries? That's not much, really.


Not sure why that's the case, though.

I mean, comb through the thread - how many super-grumpy-guses you think you're seeing up in here? What makes you think that? The fact they don't like a shitty webseries? That's not much, really.

A hunch.

Never even said people here were grumpy. A lack of context or familarity with the series can be cause for some dour impressions though, which is why I posted the video I did. It's not that serious.
Didn't see one other post that expressed that, just that it was too negative - but OK.

What you're actually observing is that most people are just ignoring the cinemasins video, because as mentioned before it's pretty low-quality. So they're saying nothing. The few who do react don't really represent the 'vibe' of the thread or the people who enjoyed Fury Road.


So...anyone doing a Mad Max/Fury Road costume for Halloween? I'm considering it but worried a Max outfit will be played out/common.

I considered putting together a gender-swapped Furiosa costume (which would just be a Furiosa costume, really), but I'm not sure I'm even actually doing anything for Halloween this year that warrants a costume. Plus I'm closer to my continually pushed off plan of a 12th Doctor getup already having longer hair and his screwdriver on hand, so that would be easier at this point.
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