What?! You do realize Borderlands was inspired by Mad Max, right?
Mad Max is coming out in 2015; Borderlands come out 5 years ago. Mad Max is ripping off Borderlands worse than Warhammer ripped off Warcraft.
What?! You do realize Borderlands was inspired by Mad Max, right?
What?! You do realize Borderlands was inspired by Mad Max, right?
Mad Max is coming out in 2015; Borderlands come out 5 years ago. Mad Max is ripping off Borderlands worse than Warhammer ripped off Warcraft.
Or a poor attempt at a Borderlands movie.
Wow ....
this may be the surprise of the year for me. Didn't really have this on my list at all, looked almost like it was destined to be a desert Waterworld or something lol. Or a poor attempt at a Borderlands movie.
But hearing from multiple reviewers it potentially being the GREATEST ACTION FILM OF ALL TIME?
Mad Max is coming out in 2015; Borderlands come out 5 years ago. Mad Max is ripping off Borderlands worse than Warhammer ripped off Warcraft.
Sure I don't!
Read reviews, not numbers.
Exactly. We all know Rotten Tomatoes is dumb, we just want people to see this movie.People do realize that RT or Metascore in the title is here to drum up interest for the movie which some are afraid will bomb despite it being awesome? It has fuck all to do with reviews.
Wow ....
this may be the surprise of the year for me. Didn't really have this on my list at all, looked almost like it was destined to be a desert Waterworld or something lol. Or a poor attempt at a Borderlands movie.
But hearing from multiple reviewers it potentially being the GREATEST ACTION FILM OF ALL TIME?
People do realize that RT or Metascore in the title is here to drum up interest for the movie which some are afraid will bomb despite it being awesome? It has fuck all to do with reviews.
the average rating is the number to look at. Like, Paddington has 96% "Fresh" rating, which means generally that 96% of critics said, "this wasn't a waste of my time". The average 7.9/10, so a mixture of 3/4 stars, 7-8/10, 4 out of 5 stars, and whatever weighting they use for positive reviews without scores, mixed in the few people who hated it(You REALLY have to dislike a movie to get your review labeled "rotten". I've seen many a 6/10 middling responses recorded as "Fresh"). Then you got the big masterpieces like 12 Years a Slave or A Separation with 9/10 avg ratings which was require not only positive reviews from almost everybody, but for hundreds of critics to believe it was one of(if not THE) finest film of the year.
Now obviously Fury Road should go down with hundreds of reviews come in, cuz 9.2 is pretty wild. Although it does speak highly of how future reception may turn out considering the praise so far.
People do realize that RT or Metascore in the title is here to drum up interest for the movie
The amount of interest being drummed up by a thread title in off-topic isn't worth the shift in focus from discussion to scoreboard-watching.
We're not a marketing arm. We're just part of a community who wants to talk about a specific movie in this thread. Worrying about whether we're "Drumming up interest" in here seems like mostly wasted effort.
What?! You do realize Borderlands was inspired by Mad Max, right?
And a part of the community, including me, wants to talk about how awesome this movie is
The amount of interest being drummed up by a thread title in off-topic isn't worth the shift in focus from discussion to scoreboard-watching.
We're not a marketing arm. We're just part of a community who wants to talk about a specific movie in this thread. Worrying about whether we're "Drumming up interest" in here seems like mostly wasted effort.
EDIT: ^ Holy fuck at those posters.
I think my favorite part of the movie, apart from the insane action set-pieces, is the subtle but awesome world building. It's never thrown in your face, but you can tell Miller and co. spent lots of time fleshing out the world the characters live in. It's awesome because it's there if you dig deep but doesn't ever get bogged down by it. It makes everything feel so alive and gives the action awesome stakes.
Miller said during the Q&A that they literally had a backstory for every car and firearm used in the film. It's that deep.
Gonna mention a weird and interesting moment, so don't click if you haven't seen it, but I lovedthe night section where they were driving through the "wastes" with all the mud and such, and the very short glimpse of the dudes on stilts. God, what an awesome shot that was.
You could make like ten films with the amount of ideas that are packed into this movie and only briefly mentioned or shown. In a good way. Miller has been chewing on this for a while, and it really shows.
Damn, I really can't wait till next week so I can see it again.
I never knew about Mad Max, so no, didn't know that.
I dunno, i guess people on this forum expect everyone to know about every single movie ever made? The responses are humorous to say the least.
I love surprises. And it looks like this one is going to be my big one for the year. So will happily enter the theater and learn about this world of Mad Max that looks to have inspired many other things over the years.
The Mad Max films are pretty famous. They're not obscure.
The Mad Max films are pretty famous. They're not obscure.
The movie had a big influence on movies and games. James Cameron, Del Toro, David Fincher all cite the series as favorite movies and major inspirations. The movies inspired the Fallout series, and not just simply 3.Never heard anyone mention mad max in my entire life lol. and im around people into comic books / books and movies pretty heavily
so * shrug *, dunno what to tell ya. Just never heard of mad max or seen / read anything from it.
but the greatest action film of all time sounds like the perfect place for an introduction!
Well, let's cut him some slack. Road Warrior was my first introduction to the term "cult film"--I remember my mom explaining to me what that meant waaaaay back when.
I would say that anyone really into film/movies would know them, but others might not. They're certainly not famous/household in the same way that something like Indiana Jones is.
Weird. The movie has had a huge influence on movies and games. James Cameron, Del Toro, David Fincher all cite the series as favorite movies and major inspirations. The movies inspired the Fallout series, and just simply 3. They've very well known movies
You never even heard of The Road Warrior? Or recognize this iconic shot?Never heard anyone mention mad max in my entire life lol. and im around people into comic books / books and movies pretty heavily
so * shrug *, dunno what to tell ya. Just never heard of mad max or seen / read anything from it.
but the greatest action film of all time sounds like the perfect place for an introduction!
Hope you like them. The second is the best one. As for the post apocalyptic wasteland, Mad Max 2 pretty much set the style and tone that everything else since has copied.I'll have to jump in and see if I can find the old movies then. I'm not a huge fan of this type of fantasy, the whole ... desert wasteland / post apocalyptic thing but they sound like well done movies.
and im a sucker for good movies
You never even heard of The Road Warrior? Or recognize this iconic shot?
You never even heard of The Road Warrior? Or recognize this iconic shot?
but the greatest action film of all time sounds like the perfect place for an introduction!
I've seen that picture before but no never heard of road warrior. Never seen anything from Mad Max at all.
now that i think hard enough a buddy of mine may of had the movies on his shelf but just grazed over them. ill have to call him up and see if i can grab em.