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Mad Max: Fury Road |OT| What a Lovely Day | RT: 98% | Metacritic: 89


Guys I never watched the first three.. Maybe I did as a kid but I cant remember. I want to watch them before I go to the cinema. They arent dated I hope?

The first one is maybe a little bit dated. Hard to tell because it was always weird. The second one doesn't seem dated at all.
Guys I never watched the first three.. Maybe I did as a kid but I cant remember. I want to watch them before I go to the cinema. They arent dated I hope?

I honestly can't even remember much of Mad Max, but Road Warrior is pretty timeless, IMO--especially considering the wasteland future it's portraying. There is some odd ADR here and there and you may be a little offput by the overcranking/"sped up" look that Miller is fond of, but it's still as great as ever.

Thunderdome--well. Just watch it. The only thing that's dated is everyone's hair. Other than that, the movie just has crazy tone issues.


Road Warrior and Thunderdome bittersweet endings always stuck with me.

Max saves everyone both times, but is left behind both times. I imagine the same will happen in some variation this movie.


I like Thunderdome. It has it's issues, but it's clear Miller wanted to world build even more than he was able to in Road Warrior. Problem is, it was all over the place. But it had some cool ideas, and some sweet fight sequences. The middle is a drag, though.

Fury Road takes the strengths of all three Mad Max movies and combines them into one.


Guys I never watched the first three.. Maybe I did as a kid but I cant remember. I want to watch them before I go to the cinema. They arent dated I hope?

I marathoned the three a few weeks ago, basically:

Watch the first if you want to know more about Max himself and his past and basically what made him "Mad" though it's kind of confusing since there's no exposition to explain some things that are needed in the movie. Overall it's an ok movie though confusing.

Watch the second to know what Mad Max really is and what goes on to inspire countless other works. Great action, great setpieces, and just overall a lot of fun. Great movie, though the story is a bit weak still a must watch before this new one. It also provides the exposition that the first movie desperately lacked, either way this one is required watching.

Watch the third if just want more Mad Max but beware that it's really all over the place in regards to tone and the story is pretty awful. I didn't really enjoy this one that much aside from the two biggest setpieces in it which were fine but not as good as the other movies. I recommend you skip it to be honest.

Melon Husk

EDIT: ^ Holy fuck at those posters.

I think my favorite part of the movie, apart from the insane action set-pieces, is the subtle but awesome world building. It's never thrown in your face, but you can tell Miller and co. spent lots of time fleshing out the world the characters live in. It's awesome because it's there if you dig deep but doesn't ever get bogged down by it. It makes everything feel so alive and gives the action awesome stakes.

Miller said during the Q&A that they literally had a backstory for every car and firearm used in the film. It's that deep.

Gonna mention a weird and interesting moment, so don't click if you haven't seen it, but I loved
the night section where they were driving through the "wastes" with all the mud and such, and the very short glimpse of the dudes on stilts. God, what an awesome shot that was.

You could make like ten films with the amount of ideas that are packed into this movie and only briefly mentioned or shown. In a good way. Miller has been chewing on this for a while, and it really shows.

Damn, I really can't wait till next week so I can see it again.

Love and attention to detail likewise ascended The Lord of the Rings trilogy. It's key to immersive fantasy worlds.

Edit: IAmRandom31 you are killing me. This is not desert Waterworld.


Never heard anyone mention mad max in my entire life lol. and im around people into comic books / books and movies pretty heavily

so * shrug *, dunno what to tell ya. Just never heard of mad max or seen / read anything from it.

but the greatest action film of all time sounds like the perfect place for an introduction!

How old are you? Serious question.
Man, hype levels rising for this movie.

The Road Warrior is one of my favourite movies and a movie that I can recommend to almost anyone. Everyone that I've shown the movie to has enjoyed it. Even if you don't enjoy its only an hour and a half. The pacing on that movie is amazing.

(Thunderdome sucks and Mad Max 1 is great but less universally appealing)


about to turn 33, why?

Ah, then I got nothing. I was thinking if you were in your lower 20's or younger I could see how the movie might be missed. I'm 32 as well and saw both of them some years back. I do think they're somewhat cult favorites in the US though, but they're definitely very influential movies that are well worth watching. Definitely inspired Borderlands and a lot of post-apocalyptic movies and games.


about to turn 33, why?
I don't understand how someone who grew up in the 80s has never seen or heard of Mad Max before. Unless you grew up in a foreign land where tv didn't exist, I just can't understand it. It's like saying you grew up in the 90s and never heard of the Matrix.
Eh, shit like that happens. Hell, we're still getting stories on like, a yearly basis, of people who haven't seen a Star Wars movie in 2015, yunno? The fact Mad Max just completely passed a guy by isnt' all that freakish. I mean, it's notable, yeah.

But for me, my reaction to shit like that has never been "what the fuck is wrong with you" - I've had friends do that to me and it sure as hell doesn't make me feel like watching whatever they're yelling at me about - but is "oh! Well damn, you're in for some shit."

And dude is in for some shit when he finally watches The Road Warrior.


For those who've seen the movie, can you tell me if the villains here actually have personalities or are spongey no-name Ultrons? I like my villains that one can point out at the very least.


And dude is in for some shit when he finally watches The Road Warrior.

I can agree with this. As I mentioned a few pages back, watched it for the first time today, contains one of the most exhilarating and fucking crazy chase scenes I've ever seen. It's showing in my local cinema on Wednesday night, I'm tempted to go see it again just to see that chase on the big screen.
I don't understand how someone who grew up in the 80s has never seen or heard of Mad Max before. Unless you grew up in a foreign land where tv didn't exist, I just can't understand it. It's like saying you grew up in the 90s and never heard of the Matrix.

I mean, I was born in 85 and Road Warrior was introduced to me probably when I was 12 or 13 as a cult classic, which didn't mean a whole lot to me at the time, but I understood it to mean "not very popular outside of a particular group". I live in Austin now and a close friend (independent director) had never seen The Road Warrior, even though he was familiar with it. He's about 30 years old, too.

Everyone has these blind spots, to a degree--even "film buffs".

For those who've seen the movie, can you tell me if the villains here actually have personalities or are spongey no-name Ultrons? I like my villains that one can point out at the very least.

They are distinct in the way that Lord Humongous was. Immortan Joe just has a great presence and he has a few memorable cronies, as well as some nuance to his character.

Nux is the kinda good/kinda bad character of this movie and he has some fun moments.
The one thing many new watchers/fans of the Mad Max series will take away from the film is...

Wait... this was made by the guy who made Happy Feet & Babe? Was he strapped for cash or something? LOL!

My God! 100% on Rottentomatoes. Apparently George Miller got fed up and decided to remind everyone what REAL action movies used to be like. And it's a hard R movie...


Guess I should watch Road Warrior, too. I only saw the second one iirc, and the Tupac 'California Love' music video.


Asked my friends if they wanted to go see the movie, but they all declined saying that it looked too much like a dumb action movie.

Note: this was less than a day away from them seeing Age of Ultron and raving non-stop about it.

I could have started an argument, but it's not worth it. I feel like all they want to see are Marvel films, and it's really, really strange to me. Nothing against those movies, just, I feel some people are now trained to only go see those.
Asked my friends if they wanted to go see the movie, but they all declined saying that it looked too much like a dumb action movie.

Note: this was less than a day away from them seeing Age of Ultron and raving non-stop about it.

I could have started an argument, but it's not worth it.

I was planning on rewatching AoU over the next week or so, but I'm just not in a rush anymore. It will be weird going back to that kind of action.


Asked my friends if they wanted to go see the movie, but they all declined saying that it looked too much like a dumb action movie.

Note: this was less than a day away from them seeing Age of Ultron and raving non-stop about it.

I could have started an argument, but it's not worth it. I feel like all they want to see are Marvel films, and it's really, really strange to me. Nothing against those movies, just, I feel some people are now trained to only go see those.

That's quite a shame. I've always thought the MCU movies were OK, competently made, and kind of defended them on the basis that they don't do any harm but maybe they are actually starting to ruin audiences.
Looking at the list of 100% RT movies, the last big budget relatively well-known movie was Toy Story 2. Everything since then has been small indie films and documentaries


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Looking at the list of 100% RT movies, the last big budget relatively well-known movie was Toy Story 2. Everything since then has been small indie films and documentaries

It's not going to hold onto that 100% obviously, but still 32 reviews and STILL 100% is ridiculous tbh.


Eh, shit like that happens. Hell, we're still getting stories on like, a yearly basis, of people who haven't seen a Star Wars movie in 2015, yunno? The fact Mad Max just completely passed a guy by isnt' all that freakish. I mean, it's notable, yeah.

But for me, my reaction to shit like that has never been "what the fuck is wrong with you" - I've had friends do that to me and it sure as hell doesn't make me feel like watching whatever they're yelling at me about - but is "oh! Well damn, you're in for some shit."

And dude is in for some shit when he finally watches The Road Warrior.

Some people havent seen starwars?

The fuck is wrong with them?

-Plasma Reus-

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From the trailer.


I am so excited. 100% will obviously drop a bit but the average rating being a 9.2 is even better. It's not like they were 7 or 8 scores.
Love and attention to detail likewise ascended The Lord of the Rings trilogy. It's key to immersive fantasy worlds.

Edit: IAmRandom31 you are killing me. This is not desert Waterworld.

I was commenting on how it looked in the trailers. Not on actual film quality. None of the trailers were particularly good tbh. Just a bunch of explosions and chasing and really no story or info on wtf was going on. I guess the trailers went in thinking everyone had already seen mad max or knew everything about it.

Ah, then I got nothing. I was thinking if you were in your lower 20's or younger I could see how the movie might be missed. I'm 32 as well and saw both of them some years back. I do think they're somewhat cult favorites in the US though, but they're definitely very influential movies that are well worth watching. Definitely inspired Borderlands and a lot of post-apocalyptic movies and games.
Well I was 8 by the time the 90s hit. Really wasn't into movies until age 12 or so I guess and was more into fantasy like Willow and Star Wars and final fantasy and stuff in that realm. Mad Max just never came up. Never had anyone go " oh hey man let's hang out and watch mad max! "
I don't understand how someone who grew up in the 80s has never seen or heard of Mad Max before. Unless you grew up in a foreign land where tv didn't exist, I just can't understand it. It's like saying you grew up in the 90s and never heard of the Matrix.

I was born in the. 80s. As I said above was only 8 heading out. So by the time I got really into movies at all ( games and basketball took up my free time ) mad max looks to have been nearly a decade old.
Ok, he never watched a mad max movie before. No big deal.
But the "poor attempt at a Borderlands movie" hurts.

Lol like above the trailers don't do a good job really saying what the movie is about or where in the mad max timeline this takes place. Seeing dudes inns desert wasteland chasing each other in vehicles with painted faces and shit looked like it was trying to be Borderlands the Movie. Funny enough Borderlands was trying to be Mad Max the game, in a way.
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