"Pitch Perfect 2" and "Mad Max: Fury Road" are both expected to premiere with about $40 million this weekend, putting them in a close race for first with "Avengers: Age of Ultron."
There is no universe we currently know of where Avengers 2: Age of Ultron can be considered a flop.
That shit is ridiculous.
SF Chronicle said:two hours of action scenes that are well crafted and entirely lacking in suspense, and with some clever but fake-looking special effects.
Just to make sure, there is no after credits scene or something correct? Hope this movie hasn't jumped on some trend Marvel started.
Hoping Mad Max can somehow pull #1. Would be amazing.
Oh andis the real star of this moviethe guitar hero
Brilliant, utterly brilliant.
It's been a long time since I've been so genuinely impressed by an action film, I think the last one I genuinely loved was Dredd or The Raid 2 and they were on much smaller budgets. George Miller and his team are mental genius' and I honestly can't believe they got such a large budget to make a wonderful chase film filled with crazy characters.
I do agree that it wasn't deep or exactly thought provoking but it raced along at a brisk ol pace, kept me thoroughly engaged and a lot of the set pieces/stunts I thought were genuine 'fuck me!' moments they were so exciting and well done. It's been a while since I've watched all the Mad Max films but after the first, in 2 and 3, wasn't Max very much a bystander/part of the action in those as well ? It honestly didn't feel like he had any less/more to do than some of the other Mad Max films but I might be misremembering, really need to watch them all again.
I really must give a big clap though to the actual action filming. It's some of the most stunningly filmed action I've seen in a big budget film in a long time. Every action clear to see, no shakeycam, easy to see who's coming and going, who's entering and leaving the frame etc. It's one of the 'clearest' action films I've seen in recent years and fucking hell I can only applaud them for that. Made it an absolute joy to watch. if you have any interest in action filmmaking you owe it to yourself to see this on the big screen. It's just fucking stunning.
It's so good to see them hit it out of the park after so many years trying to get it made. It's put me in the mood to watch the first three this weekend and then go see it again next week :lol: I really want that Mad Max game now too!
Interested in what the demographic for Mad Max ends up being, if it might get more women or the usual ratio. Maybe they should have played up the female empowerment angle in marketing."Pitch Perfect 2" and "Mad Max: Fury Road" are both expected to premiere with about $40 million this weekend, putting them in a close race for first with "Avengers: Age of Ultron."
One of the best things of the movie, me and my mate howled with laughter everytime that happened and in the best possible way.
Interested in what the demographic for Mad Max ends up being, if it might get more women or the usual ratio. Maybe they should have played up the female empowerment angle in marketing.
Gravity wasn't a box office hit?!
Any good wallpapers?
THe hype is reaching critical levels
Flop, lol. I hate the hyperbole that goes along with movies and video games.
Gravity is the DEFINITION of a massive box office smash. If Mad Max somehow hits that, then we're clearly getting sequels.
I put Mad Max at probably 350-400 mil worldwide.
Just got back from seeing it. Great action, amazing cinematography, best part is no shaky cam. Really enjoyed the characters in it. My only complaint would beThat Hardy's Max is kind of awkward. The way they tried to limit his dialog and the way that Hardy portrayed it was weird. At times it's like he REALLY wants to talk but he's not allowed to. Makes the way he just expresses himself kind of as I said before, awkward. Still enjoyed him as Max for the most part though.
Just to make sure, there is no after credits scene or something correct? Hope this movie hasn't jumped on some trend Marvel started.
Any good wallpapers?
THe hype is reaching critical levels
Wait, I don't know if the review score is trolling...is this really 99% fresh?
Fury Road might not release in China, which always makes getting high numbers overseas harder.
If we look at Kingsman, Pacific Rim, and Edge of Tomorrow (which were all around your range), China accounted for $75M, $112M, and $66M of the gross respectively.
I wonder how much this needs to make for WB to let George Miller do Mad Max 5. It cost 200 mil after all.
Oh crap. China Don't Care...about Fury Road D:
Hey, Pitch Perfect 2 was pretty good if anybody likes that kind of thing.
Time for Max.
WB never submitted the movie to censors. Maybe it will get a late release in a few months, but as of now, it is not on the release schedule at all.
If WB can give the Wachowskis 200 million budget after Speed Racer flopped then they must give the gawd carte blanche. I need more of his insanity right now. Aside from Star Wars (trailer looked good and nostalgia) the landscape of blockbusters is looking....so underwhelming. Miller injected this film with that 80s/early 90s action movie energy I've been clamoring for
I have never seen a movie score that high...
WB never submitted the movie to censors. Maybe it will get a late release in a few months, but as of now, it is not on the release schedule at all.
Are we getting a sequel?