How, exactly, are these cliches?
They are tropes of the genre not cliches. You can't be dense about it. You need to see this movie like you would super metroid. The exposition is front loaded, and you find the details of the world through all the glimpses of the world on camera. Your imagination fills the gaps which are very clearly there and there In Millers mind... But You fill it yourself not by a character drinking some guzzaline enjoying the view. That's world building the way it should be in cinema. I see one scene in this movie and suddenly it devolves into... What brought humanity to this point? It claws at your basal emotions and instincts. That's complexity, and please don't confuse complexity for pedantry. This movie is built to be tight not woobly woobly spacey timey ( and yes I like interstellar too ).
ps this is not aimed at you bert; just wanted to use what you said as a spring broad, but I think you know that bwahaha.