Okay. Apparently im the only guy on Earth who didnt think Mad Max was the best thing ever. I'm trying to figure out if I watched a different movie then everyone else. How people are calling this the greatest action movie in decades I'll never understand. I mean seriously, is it because there was more practical effects than CGI? Is it because it wasn't a comic book blockbuster? I enjoyed the movie, but I didn't walk out of the theater pissing myself over what I saw.
I thought the action in Mad Max was great. The vehicles and stunts were pretty awesome. But everything else wasn't all that great.
I think critics were just happy to see a movie that wasn't CGI filled, wasn't directed by Michael Bay, or didn't have the word MARVEL in the title.
For me it has been a weird ride.
I saw it and technically I thought the film was almost flawless. The cinematography was breathtaking at times, the editing was tight and perfect, the action rarely hit fatigue levels and the story was straight forward but quality enough to keep my interest. But I didn't leave feeling like "Oh my god, greatest thing ever!!!" I just thought "yeah, that was pretty good. 7-8 out of 10.
But the more time I have been away the more the film just resonates more and more. And now after 2 days I am trying my hardest to get others to go see it so I can watch it again.
I had a similar feeling with Dredd. I left thinking" this was pretty good" but as time went on it endeared itself to me more and more and now it is one of my favorite action films of the last decade.