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Mad Max: Fury Road |OT| What a Lovely Day | RT: 98% | Metacritic: 89


Okay. Apparently im the only guy on Earth who didnt think Mad Max was the best thing ever. I'm trying to figure out if I watched a different movie then everyone else. How people are calling this the greatest action movie in decades I'll never understand. I mean seriously, is it because there was more practical effects than CGI? Is it because it wasn't a comic book blockbuster? I enjoyed the movie, but I didn't walk out of the theater pissing myself over what I saw.

I thought the action in Mad Max was great. The vehicles and stunts were pretty awesome. But everything else wasn't all that great.

I think critics were just happy to see a movie that wasn't CGI filled, wasn't directed by Michael Bay, or didn't have the word MARVEL in the title.

For me it has been a weird ride.

I saw it and technically I thought the film was almost flawless. The cinematography was breathtaking at times, the editing was tight and perfect, the action rarely hit fatigue levels and the story was straight forward but quality enough to keep my interest. But I didn't leave feeling like "Oh my god, greatest thing ever!!!" I just thought "yeah, that was pretty good. 7-8 out of 10.

But the more time I have been away the more the film just resonates more and more. And now after 2 days I am trying my hardest to get others to go see it so I can watch it again.

I had a similar feeling with Dredd. I left thinking" this was pretty good" but as time went on it endeared itself to me more and more and now it is one of my favorite action films of the last decade.
Perhaps you could list a few now? Besides the big
scene that was in all the trailers

Well the sandstorm looked particularly terrible. But another for example would be the whole beginning scene where Joe and his crew are standing above that waterfall. I mean I can't recall every single scene, and I can't tell you if it was green screen or some other technique, but a lot of the cg that was present took me out of the film because of how bad it looked.
You mentioned two, both of which would fall under the background touch-ups I mentioned.

It's telling that you think the night scenes looked better, even though they were shot in daylight and post-processed to look that way. .

such a cool stylistic choice. it's pretty clear george miller should have made terminator salvation, that shit was so much like the T2 opening.
Well the sandstorm looked particularly terrible. But another for example would be the whole beginning scene where Joe and his crew are standing above that waterfall. I mean I can't recall every single scene, and I can't tell you if it was green screen or some other technique, but a lot of the cg that was present took me out of the film because of how bad it looked.
But there wasn't much CGI. Besides those few scenes, it was mostly for invisible stuff like removing stunt harnesses.

The chases were filmed on location, with real vehicles. Those were real explosions and real crashes and real actors doing the stunts
You listed two scenes, including the one that was obviously CGI-heavy. Considering they filmed the chases on location, with real vehicle and stuntmen, really can't fathom how you can think the movie has a 300-esque CGI feel

Obviously not to the extent of 300, but I am saying that when there are cgi heavy scenes, they do not look good, and sometimes they do reminded me of the 300 look
Well the sandstorm looked particularly terrible. But another for example would be the whole beginning scene where Joe and his crew are standing above that waterfall. I mean I can't recall every single scene, and I can't tell you if it was green screen or some other technique, but a lot of the cg that was present took me out of the film because of how bad it looked.

So you walk in, make grand claims, quote the same two shots over and over, then make vague references to how "bad" the CGI looked and never bother to elaborate.

It's clear that this isn't the topic for you, bro.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Can someone give me a quick synopsis of the maturity of this film? How did it earn it's R rating? I'm considering taking my 10 year old son and wondering if it would be appropriate.


Again I cannot recommend the D-Box experience enough. It was like it was made for this film and only made the viewing more intense and my best viewing experience so far. And was in 2D to boot!

To the gaffers who recommended this earlier in the thread: Thank you! That was well worth the near 2 hour roundtrip.

You were probably still high from the movie even after the drive home weren't you?!
Weren't you!!
What a drive home. WHAT A LOVELY DRIVE HOME!!!


Artwork from Francesco Francavilla

Can someone give me a quick synopsis of the maturity of this film? How did it earn it's R rating? I'm considering taking my 10 year old son and wondering it would be appropriate.

not much in the way of gore or profanity. i think it's just such a visceral and mean looking world that it got the R-rating. I can't for the life of me see why this got the R

if your son can watch aliens and the like then this should be fine.

edit: oh right, the breastfeeding
But there wasn't much CGI. Besides those few scenes, it was mostly for invisible stuff like removing stunt harnesses.

The chases were filmed on location, with real vehicles. Those were real explosions and real crashes and real actors doing the stunts

I have no problem with the vehicles/explosions, mostly background stuff looked pasted there rather than part of the atmosphere
Can someone give me a quick synopsis of the maturity of this film? How did it earn it's R rating? I'm considering taking my 10 year old son and wondering if it would be appropriate.
headshots, breasts being milked, general disturbing imagery. fine for certain 10-year-olds.
Can someone give me a quick synopsis of the maturity of this film? How did it earn it's R rating? I'm considering taking my 10 year old son and wondering if it would be appropriate.

Brief female nudity, characters repeatedly in peril, someone receiving a fatal facial wound (quickcut), deaths (mostly offscreen or quickcut).
Can someone give me a quick synopsis of the maturity of this film? How did it earn it's R rating? I'm considering taking my 10 year old son and wondering if it would be appropriate.

It wasn't really violent I thought except towards the end. Not much in the way of profanity either. Though there is some nudity. I would let a 13 year old watch it...maybe 12. I'd probably tell them to cover their eyes on the more adult parts.


When watching it, couldn't help but notice how Immortan looks a lot like Sweet Tooth. There must have been some game designers working on the film's art.
Saw it tonight. As a long-time lover and student of cinema who had virtually given up on modern big-budget action films, this was like a shot of adrenalin to the heart. It has been a long time since I walked out of a movie theater so invigorated. I would have gladly turned around and walked right back in to watch it again if time had allowed.

Max is love, Max is life, etc.

80% of the film's effects were practical, with the rest devoted to stuff like Theron's prosthetic arm greenscreen, the digital removal of stunt rigging and background touch-ups.

You want to double down on your claims and point out exactly where it's "fake"?

I bet he's referring to its crispness and confusing that with being fake.

I was left feeling like I did when I first saw Motorstorm's HD intro which I thought was stunning. Most people I showed it (Motorstorm intro) to thought it was all cg but the backgrounds were all live shots.


Can someone give me a quick synopsis of the maturity of this film? How did it earn it's R rating? I'm considering taking my 10 year old son and wondering if it would be appropriate.

Eh likely not for the best. Constant, intense violence throughout. Partial female nudity, people killed with chainsaws and gas hedge trimmers, one person has their stomach blown out with visible intestines, multiple people ran over or being smashed in vehicles.

You were probably still high from the movie even after the drive home weren't you?!
Weren't you!!
What a drive home. WHAT A LOVELY DRIVE HOME!!!

Well we did have the soundtrack blaring in the truck on the way home and quoting the film...lol
Would you say that unlike other FILMS, this is CINEMA?

Because you might as well go all the way in forcing my eyes into the back of my skull.

Roll your eyes into the back of your head all you want. I stand by what I said. It's pure in its economy of language and motion. There's nothing wasted. They wring a lot of emotion out of very minimal scenes and throughout the high energy action scenes very well. It's totally stripped down, almost zero exposition outside of the opening news broadcasts. Tells the barest plot and allows you to fill in the gaps.

But hey, you can turn it into a film/cinema/movie circle jerk all you want.


I don't think a film has stayed in my thoughts this long after the first viewing. Its only been 2 full days but I have thought of nothing else. Inception has to be the last time its happened to me.

I just haven't been able to see it again and I'm dying to watch it. Going tomorrow night after work and I'm more excited than before I even saw it the first time lol
So you walk in, make grand claims, quote the same two shots over and over, then make vague references to how "bad" the CGI looked and never bother to elaborate.

It's clear that this isn't the topic for you, bro.

I understand that you liked the movie; I have a different opinion than you alright. I was so damn bored that I can barely remember any of the movie let alone specific scenes where I thought visuals were bad. The two I mentioned are the ones that are most fresh in my mind for now, if I were to sit down and watch it on disc, I would list them as I go. I mean I saw this movie this morning and haven't really thought about it until now looking at this thread, so I cannot remember every bad looking scene. I cannot even remember the point of the movie to be honest, mostly because the story itself was so poorly developed.

Most of my issues with this film aren't with the visuals themselves anyway, I mean they are pretty good for the most part, just a few scenes that took me out of the film. This being said, why is this even worth discussing?
this film was amazing.

was a bit difficult to hear some of the dialogue at times on the screen i saw it on, so I'll probably go see it again soon. regardless, I got "the feels" several times over the second half. brilliant concepts and execution.

I hope we don't have to wait another 20-30 years for another Max.
I understand that you liked the movie; I have a different opinion than you alright. I was so damn bored that I can barely remember any of the movie let alone specific scenes where I thought visuals were bad. The two I mentioned are the ones that are most fresh in my mind for now, if I were to sit down and watch it on disc, I would list them as I go. I mean I saw this movie this morning and haven't really thought about it until now looking at this thread, so I cannot remember every bad looking scene. I cannot even remember the point of the movie to be honest, mostly because the story itself was so poorly developed.

Most of my issues with this film aren't with the visuals themselves anyway, I mean they are pretty good for the most part, just a few scenes that took me out of the film. This being said, why is this even worth discussing?

Why was it bad or boring to you? The point of the movie is both very clear yet shows restraint. Maybe the issue is you needed more exposition.

That is no fault of the film.
Got back from the late showing with a buddy of mine. Such an awesome movie and I wish I saw this in Dbox instead of Avengers.

What's the name of the song thats constantly being played during the action scenes? They start playing the song when the film revs up the intensity. It was also featured in the trailer.
Why was it bad or boring to you? The point of the movie is both very clear yet shows restraint. Maybe the issue is you needed more exposition.

That is no fault of the film.

A lot of it has to do with poor character development. Little dialog. Just straight up action which felt very repetitive by the end of the movie. I mean the first chase scene was great, I was into it. But how many times will they show the same stuff?? I mean wtf did I even watch?


Got back from the late showing with a buddy of mine. Such an awesome movie and I wish I saw this in Dbox instead of Avengers.

What's the name of the song thats constantly being played action scenes? They start playing the song when the film revs up the intensity. It was also featured in the trailer.

"Brothers in Arms"
All I see is a boy flapping his gums. Like I said, you walked in here and made grand claims, then tried to weasel your way out of the discussion by not bothering to remember anything besides a couple of quick shots.

This probably isn't the topic for you.

Why would I need to prove my opinions? Sorry I upset you this much.


I cannot believe how AMAZING this movie was. It surpassed all of my hype. Wow. Wow.

Is there any lore repository anywhere? I'd love to read more about the world of Mad Max.


Do not take your 10 year old to this film.

My wife took my 10 year old to this movie per my request.

He looked fine and said that it was incredible! But he did look BLEARY EYED due to the combination of 3D and probably barely blinking due to being in mostly constant awe!

His first and most likely last "R" movie until he's probably 14-15 depending on content. Some fIlms not until the age of late 16/17.

I will be taking that same son for a second and final viewing of this Masterpiece of Action and Experience, but in D-Box to "blow him away" until he's old enough for T2 and the other "R" classics of that vein.

Would you not have taken your son to see Raiders of the Lost Ark in the big screen when they were 10 knowing that a face would melt off or that spikes would be sticking out of Molina's head in the beginning?

Not saying anyone must take their almost preteen boy or girl, but that one should consider wether a one-off Mega Action Movie Experience would really be that bad after all...
Alexlevesque didn't like the film as much as many others did. So what? He came in here to state his opinions, and he isn't coming across as being intentionally antagonistic or trolling. So what is the problem? Someone else didn't love the movie to the same level as most of us. Who cares? It doesn't in any way detract from your enjoyment of the film.


I cannot believe how AMAZING this movie was. It surpassed all of my hype. Wow. Wow.

Is there any lore repository anywhere? I'd love to read more about the world of Mad Max.

The Art book being released in the US on Tuesday, out now in the UK, is full of it including details, artwork and maps of locations that were mentioned but never really seen in the film. I posted a sample in the spoiler thread. :)
My wife took my 10 year old to this movie per my request.

He looked fine and said that it was incredible! But he did look BLEARY EYED due to the combination of 3D and probably barely blinking due to being in mostly constant awe!

His first and most likely last "R" movie until he's probably 14-15 depending on content. Some fIlms not until the age of late 16/17.

I will be taking that same son for a second and final viewing of this Masterpiece of Action and Experience, but in D-Box to "blow him away" until he's old enough for T2 and the other "R" classics of that vein.

Would you not have taken your son to see Raiders of the Lost Ark in the big screen when they were 10 knowing that a face would melt off or that spikes would be sticking out of Molina's head in the beginning?

Not saying anyone must take their almost preteen boy or girl, but that one should consider wether a one-off Mega Action Movie Experience would really be that bad after all...

OK this is a little much
I'd trust friends. I went to see it with some friends and they all thought it was crap as well as everyone I talked to about it afterwards. I swear Neogaf is like a whole different world, I don't get it, like are we watching the same movie?

-Shit visuals, looked fake/greened screened as hell
-Shit story
-No character development (Max grunting for more than half of his lines)
-Action got really dull and boring after the first chase (same shit over and over)
-Score was decent

Wow, so much color.... ooouuuuuu so many explosions.... What an awweessommme movie..... just so mind-blowing

Try again Aaliyah.


My wife took my 10 year old to this movie per my request.

He looked fine and said that it was incredible! But he did look BLEARY EYED due to the combination of 3D and probably barely blinking due to being in mostly constant awe!

His first and most likely last "R" movie until he's probably 14-15 depending on content. Some fIlms not until the age of late 16/17.

I will be taking that same son for a second and final viewing of this Masterpiece of Action and Experience, but in D-Box to "blow him away" until he's old enough for T2 and the other "R" classics of that vein.

Would you not have taken your son to see Raiders of the Lost Ark in the big screen when they were 10 knowing that a face would melt off or that spikes would be sticking out of Molina's head in the beginning?

Not saying anyone must take their almost preteen boy or girl, but that one should consider wether a one-off Mega Action Movie Experience would really be that bad after all...

Yeah there's a pregnant lady who gets run over with a car and has a baby cut out of her
, several nude women, and while it's not excessively gory, it's very violent. I'm not judging you or anything, but I wouldn't take a 10 year old to see it.


Can someone give me a quick synopsis of the maturity of this film? How did it earn it's R rating? I'm considering taking my 10 year old son and wondering if it would be appropriate.

This is one of the softest Rs I've seen. It was clear they made this movie with PG-13 being a possibility. The violence is largely bloodless and the brief nudity is non sexual. I think a mature kid that age could handle it fine.

I liked it, didn't love it. For all the talk of practical effects there was a lot of rather obvious CGI, some of it straight up cartoony like the scene with the sand tornado. Hardy is great as Max, reminiscent of Gibson without being an impersonation. Theron is awesome as per usual. I thought they did a fantastic setup for the villain, gave him a great look, only to give him not much to do and a rather lame
. It's a worthy entry in the series, probably behind Road Warrior, but not quite the revelation some people have been claiming.


Kills Photobucket
So, the hype has taken hold, and I want to go see this.

I have never seen Mad Max. I think I've seen a few scenes from Thunderdome.

Should (more to the point do I) need to see the originals to understand this movie? Should I get hold of the originals and just see this next week?


A lot of it has to do with poor character development. Little dialog. Just straight up action which felt very repetitive by the end of the movie. I mean the first chase scene was great, I was into it. But how many times will they show the same stuff?? I mean wtf did I even watch?

So they made a Mad Max movie? Gasps
So, the hype has taken hold, and I want to go see this.

I have never seen Mad Max. I think I've seen a few scenes from Thunderdome.

Should (more to the point do I) need to see the originals to understand this movie? Should I get hold of the originals and just see this next week?

You can just go into Fury Road blind and be blown away. It's set up pretty well for newcomers.

The first two movies are really good though.
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