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Mad Max: Fury Road |OT| What a Lovely Day | RT: 98% | Metacritic: 89

Loved this movie. I can't get over how bad ass a name Furiosa is. Also I'm planning on preordering the Mad Max game when I get paid. Can't get enough high octane post apocalypse now.

Only one gripe was one that I hope was a fault of my theater. Did anyone else have trouble hearing the dialogue in this movie? I would have gone with the explanation that alot of it was Australian accented and screamed through masks and/or explosions but even in some of the quieter scenes, hearing some characters was a struggle. Was it just my theater's sound mix or something?
Loved this movie. I can't get over how bad ass a name Furiosa is. Also I'm planning on preordering the Mad Max game when I get paid. Can't get enough high octane post apocalypse now.

Only one gripe was one that I hope was a fault of my theater. Did anyone else have trouble hearing the dialogue in this movie? I would have gone with the explanation that alot of it was Australian accented and screamed through masks and/or explosions but even in some of the quieter scenes, hearing some characters was a struggle. Was it just my theater's sound mix or something?

Might've been your theater, I'm slightly hard of hearing and I could hear everything clearly, the grunts, the growls, the vocals..even the Doof Warrior..lol


Man, you all weren't kidding. I can't stop thinking about this movie. I've listened to Brothers in Arms probably like 20 times since I got out of the theater.
So wtf!? On iTunes, there are two osts. The extended deluxe and standard. Most songs are extended, however the ones that aren't (namely Chapter Doof) are not... yet it is extended on the standard release.

So wtf!?


Balls-to-the-walls excitement! Guzzeline and exhaust fumes - pumping through my veins! Can't stop thinking about the amazing adrenaline-fuelled spectacle. Not often a movie sticks with me after watching it. My heart is still racing. :)

The hype is real. This movie is THE REAL DEAL - except no substitutes. How the hell did this movie get made? I keep asking myself this question over and over. It felt like there was no studio interference at all.... so glad the studio had the balls to put this movie out. The film-making that was happening in this movie is beyond words.... not a single scene went by where I was confused on what I was looking at - the viewer sees everything and the movie is chaos - amazing feat! The night scenes are incredible. Everything about this film is incredible.

If your on the fence and want to see movie that will grow hair on your chest, watch this movie!
This is one for the ages, folks. OoooooooWeeeeeee I haven't been that excited after seeing a movie in a long time. That final sequence is GOAT caliber.

If you're on the fence about seeing this, go.

Just an incredible film.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Movie blew me away. I really wanna go back and see it in theaters, maybe in Imax. That's something I rarely feel toward movies. Going to a theater and reseeing it or even doing the IMAX "gimmick."


I wasn't into it for the first twenty minutes; the weirdness was throwing me off a bit. But as soon Furiosa made that turn, the movie became amazing. I can't even describe my favorite bits; I know I'll forget something. I loved the visual storytelling though. Fuck it, cancel the rest of 2015 except for Star Wars and Inside Out; nothing else (and neither of those) is going to top the sheer entertainment and brilliant filmmaking of Mad Max. Best directed movie since Gravity. Best action movie I've ever seen.


I just realized it.

Mad Max is the Terminator 2 of the 21st century. An action movie so fucking far beyond its peers you almost can't believe it.

But it's real.

You have to go back to 1991 to get on MM's level.

The hype is real.


I was thinking something along those lines as well, as I was walking home from the theater. I told my cousin, who I watched the movie with, "I think this is the next Matrix." Absolutely revolutionary, I was blown away.


Just came back from my second viewing, in superior 2D of course. The film looked much better this time around, despite the screen being smaller. It holds up, and I got to notice small little details I missed the first time around. The efficient but thin storytelling made the slower beats drag a bit more this time around, but they go by so quickly that it doesn't mar the pacing whatsoever.

Fabulous movie. I'm a real fan of everything going on here. I wholly agree with comparing it to the action greats.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
I watched it, and I don't think I've ever left so satisfied from the cinema.

God damn, Charlize Theron just got a place in the list of best female heroines in movies. I really liked how Hardy's voice
seemed to change throughout the movie, essentially showing he was starting to trust these people.

I think I'm gonna rewatch it. I feel like I might be able to enjoy it even more.

My cinema was rather packed too, and this is in Colombia, where people don't know Mad Max.

EDIT: And Hoult was awesome too. Great actor.
Just seen this.

Holy shit.

Don't think I blinked once during the entire film.

I watched all of the Mad Max films last year and I loved this film nailing the series theme of Max vs. a ragtag band of absolute weirdos. Nicholas Hoult's absolutely fantastic, there's a guy who seemed to buy into his role 110%. Dude went for the jugular with that shit.

Hoult was incredible. I feel like on paper, Nux the character would be unlikeable until halfway into the movie, but I actually got legit choked up during his first minute on screen because of Hoult the actor's giddy, manic zealotry.


Ho. ly. Shit. How was this movie even made in this day and age? Absolutely incredible.

I mean, what other movie has a dude playing a fucking flamethrower guitar in the middle of an epic chase?

It's been a long time since I've seen a film where I was legitimately on the edge of my seat the entire time. I've been reading people's reviews the past few days and I noticed alot of them mentioned it being "relentless", and they were dead on. Where alot of action movies spend 30 minutes to get going, Fury Road throws you in middle of it all from the very beginning and never lets up. Charlize Theron deserves a best actress nom IMO, she was phenomenal. Stole the show in every scene, particularly
that last chase.

I'm just so glad this movie was made, easily my favorite of 2015 so far.
Tomorrow night, we see if Bobby Roberts stays his normal, level headed self. Or, will he devolve to a drooling mess like most of us were?

My money is on level headed. But, stranger things have happened.
I have a confession. I never saw the originals. I'm moving now, but I'm putting "See the original Mad Max movies" on my to do list like Captain America.


Hoult was incredible. I feel like on paper, Nux the character would be unlikeable until halfway into the movie, but I actually got legit choked up during his first minute on screen because of Hoult the actor's giddy, manic zealotry.

In the TV-special I mentioned earlier in the thread, Hoult noted he barely had to act. The adrenaline rush was doing the job.
I dunno if it will be on sale tomorrow, but Road Warrior was $6 on Blu at Best Buy today.
Although, reviews have said the color timing is off for the Blu.


Just saw this. Pretty much lived up to the hype. Surprisingly effective narrative, too.

I hope Miller gets to make the sequels he has planned with Hardy. He was an amazing choice for Max.

I dunno if it will be on sale tomorrow, but Road Warrior was $6 on Blu at Best Buy today.
Although, reviews have said the color timing is off for the Blu.
The color timing is off from the original and the audio isn't amazing. Easily worth it for 10-15 bucks, though. It's still a solid transfer.


This movie literally is the definiitive example of "less is more".

For how bombastic and over-the-top it is, Miller exercises a ton of restraint, both in the action and the story. The film never lingers on gory images, it never abuses any of its raddest elements (guitar dude is only onscreen for maybe five minutes), and of course the dialogue and the exposition are extremely sparse.


Just got back from seeing this and my mind is still playing catch up. Everything was so fucking balls to the walls it was ridiculous. The sound design was legendary and the stunts/choreography were on a completely different level. Great, great movie. Now I just have to figure out when I'm going to see it again.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Amazing, just fucking incredible. I need time to collect my thoughts it was just so amazing.
Okay, I watched the film last night and feel like it's percolated enough for me to form an full opinion of it.

First off, it met my very high expectations but in a different way than I expected. It wasn't the thrills or the action sequences that made it for me; it was the way they were made and executed. This film is packed with good ideas and is able to string them together in an interesting and well-paced way. You do have to suspend your belief if you want to believe that this film could be plausible in today's world but everything makes sense in the twisted Mad Max universe. It doesn't take time to spell out the backstories of these ideas but they just work. You get sucked into the action scenes and only get pulled deeper when it introduces a new element. I feel like this film is going to be great to rewatch. There's a lot to appreciate about the movie, more than you can possibly appreciate with a single viewing.

The characters were all well-developed with their own story arcs. I was particularly impressed by Nux (Hoult's character). It's satisfying both mechanically and emotionally. You can understand his state of mind and how it changes up until his final scene. Furiosa was amazing as expected. Charlize Theron could carry the film on her own but she doesn't have to. Theron better get an Oscar nod for this is all I'm saying. Immortan Joe is a really satisfying villian. He serves his purpose as the film's villian. You can see why he is the leader of the tribe. In fact, all the characters serve their purpose in this movie. None of the characters bring the movie down, even Tom Hardy's okay performance as Max. Guitar Guy was great as expected. Although I should make it clear that his role is really small. Don't know why I expected more honestly.

I saw The Road Warrior for the first time today as a follow up and it's actually made me appreciate Fury Road even more. It's clear that Mel's Max and Hardy's Max are two different beasts. Mel's Max is a much more controlled and deliberate character. He still is haunted by the ghosts of his past but this is shown in a subtler way through his eyes and his actions. Hardy's Max is desperate and kinetic. His past energizes him to action. And I feel that, although Hardy's Max is less fitting to the original character, it is more effective for Fury Road which is relentless in it's energy and momentum.

It seems that many of the ideas for Fury Road had their base in The Road Warrior. Hardy being strapped to the front of the car and battles on top of the tanker are clearly taken from it. But Miller evolves these ideas in a logical way that is ingeneous and meshes well with the Fury Road universe.

The editing of Fury Road is extremely lean and seems even moreso after watching The Road Warrior. I feel this going to bode very well for rewatches and for introducing new people to the franchise. I admit, I did do a lot of research, basically reading the entirety of the Mad Max thread and watching the first movie, before watching this movie so I could understand the backstory of Max and the circumstances of the universe. I did have a bit of a problem with hearing some of the dialogue so I didn't completely understand the allegiances of the faction during the movie but thinking about it afterwards helped me put it together.

I have a lot more to say about the movie but I'm on mobile so I really just wanted to sit down and unload all my impressions. I think the fact that I've been thinking about the movie so much proves that it is so much more than a summer blockbuster. My grade for this movie is an A- and I'm a pretty harsh reviewer if I do say so myself. Go watch this movie and take people to see it with you. The friends that I took to see this movie really liked it despite having no knowledge or interest in the franchise or the movie. Seriously go. You won't regret it.


Second viewing; first in D-Box; still just as intense!



D-Box mad it feel like a borderline 2 hour roller-coaster truck-rally heavy-metal post-apocalyptic rock-opera!!!



Saw this last night. Pretty awesome stuff, and I've definitely never seen anything like it before. Loved how stylised the visuals were.

Pretty much sets a new bar for vehicular action IMO.


The best thing about this film is how small the stakes are. Refreshing.

It's too bad so many big budget action films conflate bigger stakes with higher stakes.


I think this movie is as good as it is because Max basically couldn't have lived through it all without the women.

He's like a badass damsel in distress.
Some friends watched it yesterday and said it's ubershit. I don't know if trust you neogaf but may give the movie a change.

I'd trust friends. I went to see it with some friends and they all thought it was crap as well as everyone I talked to about it afterwards. I swear Neogaf is like a whole different world, I don't get it, like are we watching the same movie?

-Shit visuals, looked fake/greened screened as hell
-Shit story
-No character development (Max grunting for more than half of his lines)
-Action got really dull and boring after the first chase (same shit over and over)
-Score was decent

Wow, so much color.... ooouuuuuu so many explosions.... What an awweessommme movie..... just so mind-blowing
I'd trust friends. I went to see it with some friends and they all thought it was crap as well as everyone I talked to about it afterwards. I swear Neogaf is like a whole different world, I don't get it, like are we watching the same movie?

-Shit visuals, looked fake/greened screened as hell
-Shit story
-No character development (Max grunting for more than half of his lines)
-Action got really dull and boring after the first chase (same shit over and over)
-Score was decent

Wow, so much color.... ooouuuuuu so many explosions.... What an awweessommme movie..... just so mind-blowing

Joke post? Honestly cannot tell. Especially the bolded.
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