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Mad Max: Fury Road |OT| What a Lovely Day | RT: 98% | Metacritic: 89

I'd trust friends. I went to see it with some friends and they all thought it was crap as well as everyone I talked to about it afterwards. I swear Neogaf is like a whole different world, I don't get it, like are we watching the same movie?

-Shit visuals, looked fake/greened screened as hell
-Shit story
-No character development (Max grunting for more than half of his lines)
-Action got really dull and boring after the first chase (same shit over and over)
-Score was decent

Wow, so much color.... ooouuuuuu so many explosions.... What an awweessommme movie..... just so mind-blowing
You're the very first person that comments this, considering that part of the praise is because the movie relly on practical effects, stunts and filming in a real desert (Namibia)
Just got back from seeing it. I....I just don't know what to say right now. I think I'm still putting pieces of my mind back together from this movie blowing it away. I may have even left a few behind in theatre. I loved all the characterizations & how well each person played off each other. Such a beautiful film to look at & insanely wild to sit through. Will be visiting the cinema for a second viewing.
Okay. Apparently im the only guy on Earth who didnt think Mad Max was the best thing ever. I'm trying to figure out if I watched a different movie then everyone else. How people are calling this the greatest action movie in decades I'll never understand. I mean seriously, is it because there was more practical effects than CGI? Is it because it wasn't a comic book blockbuster? I enjoyed the movie, but I didn't walk out of the theater pissing myself over what I saw.

I thought the action in Mad Max was great. The vehicles and stunts were pretty awesome. But everything else wasn't all that great.

I think critics were just happy to see a movie that wasn't CGI filled, wasn't directed by Michael Bay, or didn't have the word MARVEL in the title.


Just got back from my second viewing. Fucking awesome and better the second time especially in D-Box.

Holy shit at D-Box. It was my first experience using it and it was so fucking perfect. From the moment the WB logo crosses the screen with the engine roar your seat goes nuts and when Max fires up the old V8 Interceptor and the blower roars to full speed, you feel like you're in the damn car with him. Loved that when the camera pitched following the vehicles your seat would follow too and when collisions happen...jesus you felt every impact.

It was pretty much Fury Road: The Roller Coaster Ride and I now cannot watch it unless I have D-Box seats. The perfect experience and my buddies loved the film.
I think critics were just happy to see a movie that wasn't CGI filled, wasn't directed by Michael Bay, or didn't have the word MARVEL in the title.
Same thing happened with "Mouline Rouge", but to be fair Mad Max has enough merits to stand alone (Unlike Mouline Rouge that's now bargain bin fodder)
You're the very first person that comments this, considering that part of the praise is because the movie relly on practical effects, stunts and filming in a real desert (Namibia)

The very beginning of the film where the Joe and his crew were releasing the water for example looked like they took a pic and added a fake looking background behind where they were standing. Or when they are driving into the sand storm, it looked like a still image painted in the back.Yes the visual style was neat, but looked fake like this throughout most of the film. It often took me out of the film.
Okay. Apparently im the only guy on Earth who didnt think Mad Max was the best thing ever. I'm trying to figure out if I watched a different movie then everyone else. How people are calling this the greatest action movie in decades I'll never understand. I mean seriously, is it because there was more practical effects than CGI? Is it because it wasn't a comic book blockbuster? I enjoyed the movie, but I didn't walk out of the theater pissing myself over what I saw.

I thought the action in Mad Max was great. The vehicles and stunts were pretty awesome. But everything else wasn't all that great.

I think critics were just happy to see a movie that wasn't CGI filled, wasn't directed by Michael Bay, or didn't have the word MARVEL in the title.
Cinematography, insane stuntwork, world-building, the subtle "show-don't tell" storytelling, the intensity, etc., etc.
The very beginning of the film where the Joe and his crew were releasing the water for example looked like they took a pic and added a fake looking background behind where they were standing. Or when they are driving into the sand storm, it looked like a still image painted in the back.Yes the visual style was neat, but looked fake like this throughout most of the film. It often took me out of the film.

what do you think are the best looking blockbusters by any chance? i thought this looked great tbh, really well shot. especially the night-time scenes.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Saw this earlier today. What a lovely day indeed.

Absolutely adored everything about it. So... Smooth.
Just saw it not knowing exactly what to expect, and man was it awesome.

It's the film equivalent of using every part of a small, meaty, badass buffalo: everything serves a purpose, nothing is wasted. It didn't try to go beyond what it set out to do or needed to do.

Tom Hardy did exactly what needed to be done, no more no less, using the perfect balance of unintelligible mumbling and actual dialogue along with great facial expressions and ticks.

Charlize Theron was just a complete super-badass, owning that character the whole way. My favorite part of the movie.

Go see it if you haven't. Everything was amazing, already want to see it again. Also want to find a large print of this poster:


Again I cannot recommend the D-Box experience enough. It was like it was made for this film and only made the viewing more intense and my best viewing experience so far. And was in 2D to boot!

To the gaffers who recommended this earlier in the thread: Thank you! That was well worth the near 2 hour roundtrip.
what do you think are the best looking blockbusters by any chance? i thought this looked great tbh, really well shot. especially the night-time scenes.

Yes the night time scenes looked much better...

hmm if we are talking about recent movies I would say interstellar, dawn of the planet of the apes.. I haven't seen to many movies in the past year or so on the big screen so I would stick with these two for now. But my all time would be LOTR are the best looking/most realistic looking movies. If I were to go with an artistic style similar to Mad Max, but much better, I would say Life of Pi
And yet the vast majority of the movie was real, actual, practical stunts, no green screen

There was many green screen shots, and they all were very jarring. Practical effects were fine though. Don't get me wrong, this movie looked fairly good for the most part, just not nearly as mind blowing as everyone seems to be claiming
Hell, the only fake-looking thing in the film I saw was Rosie Huntington's rubber belly bump, especially in that quick shot when she's clutching it in the vehicle.
Hell, the only fake-looking thing in the film I saw was Rosie Huntington's rubber belly bump, especially in that quick shot when she's clutching it in the vehicle.

When this comes out on disk, I will remember to come back here and post screen shots of a few of the many shots that looked fake so you guys can understand where I am coming from. I just think that I was so bored, I was able to notice these things more than I would have if I was actually interested in the film.
When this comes out on disk, I will remember to come back here and post screen shots of a few of the many shots that looked fake so you guys can understand where I am coming from. I just think that I was so bored, I was able to notice these things more than I would have if I was actually interested in the film.


80% of the film's effects were practical, with the rest devoted to stuff like Theron's prosthetic arm greenscreen, the digital removal of stunt rigging and background touch-ups.

You want to double down on your claims and point out exactly where it's "fake"?


Would you say that unlike other FILMS, this is CINEMA?

Because you might as well go all the way in forcing my eyes into the back of my skull.

I think in 50 years we'll be talking about the Mad Max Fury Road period so we can fairly judge what came before it, and what follows.

It has altered the entire language we use when we talk about films. It is the very essence of the human experience, and yet, it transcends the whole of existence. Are there words enough to describe what it means to have lived during the release of Mad Max Fury Road? I doubt it.
When this comes out on disk, I will remember to come back here and post screen shots of a few of the many shots that looked fake so you guys can understand where I am coming from. I just think that I was so bored, I was able to notice these things more than I would have if I was actually interested in the film.
Perhaps you could list a few now? Besides the big
scene that was in all the trailers
I think in 50 years we'll be talking about the Mad Max Fury Road period so we can fairly judge what came before it, and what follows.

It has altered the entire language we use when we talk about films. It is the very essence of the human experience, and yet, it transcends the whole of existence. Are there words enough to describe what it means to have lived during the release of Mad Max Fury Road? I doubt it.
you joke but I'm feeling this post IRL


Perhaps you could list a few now? Besides the big
scene that was in all the trailers

I think I know what he's talking about. It's literally like 3 seconds long and it's when Joe and his cohorts and looking over the crowd in the cliffside.

Blink and you miss it.
is there a screencap of max's face just before the title of the movie shows up? it's covered in cloth really tight over his face and makes a screaming expression outline

thought that was such a striking image
I mentioned a few scenes in particular a couple posts back
You listed two scenes, including the one that was obviously CGI-heavy. Considering they filmed the chases on location, with real vehicle and stuntmen, really can't fathom how you can think the movie has a 300-esque CGI feel
I mentioned a few scenes in particular a couple posts back

You mentioned two, both of which would fall under the background touch-ups I mentioned.

It's telling that you think the night scenes looked better, even though they were shot in daylight and post-processed to look that way. Likewise, your comparison to 300 is flawed - that film clearly looked and played like it was shot on a soundstage. You can see in this film that the vast majority of the stunts and situations are using real vehicles in real locations.

Sounds like you're just trolling at this point.
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