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Mad Max: Fury Road |OT| What a Lovely Day | RT: 98% | Metacritic: 89

So, the hype has taken hold, and I want to go see this.

I have never seen Mad Max. I think I've seen a few scenes from Thunderdome.

Should (more to the point do I) need to see the originals to understand this movie? Should I get hold of the originals and just see this next week?
If you want, sure, but it's not necessary.


All I see is a boy flapping his gums. Like I said, you walked in here and made grand claims, then tried to weasel your way out of the discussion by not bothering to remember anything besides a couple of quick shots.

This probably isn't the topic for you.

It's not a Lovely Day for him...
That's a shame...
Maybe he should watch it again since he forgot so much.
Have a big cup of coffee and see it in D-Box if possible; perhaps that might remedy your attention span/short term memory issue with the film.
Many many people so far that have seen it LOVED the film so far, so there must be something different about us and how we process films that we see.

You processed the film differently than us. That's why I'm suggesting a second viewing: so that you can maybe see it through (our eyes).

Hope you have fun if you do! :)


So, the hype has taken hold, and I want to go see this.

I have never seen Mad Max. I think I've seen a few scenes from Thunderdome.

Should (more to the point do I) need to see the originals to understand this movie? Should I get hold of the originals and just see this next week?

Not needed at all. They all stand on their own more or less. Just watch the Road Warrior if you have time and you'll get the gist of it.


So, the hype has taken hold, and I want to go see this.

I have never seen Mad Max. I think I've seen a few scenes from Thunderdome.

Should (more to the point do I) need to see the originals to understand this movie? Should I get hold of the originals and just see this next week?

Nope perfectly seeing this without having seen the others. The film gets you all caught up about the world within the first five minutes.
You should still go watch the others though. Especially Mad Max 2:The Road Warrior.


Yeah there's a pregnant lady who gets run over with a car and has a baby cut out of her
, several nude women, and while it's not excessively gory, it's very violent. I'm not judging you or anything, but I wouldn't take a 10 year old to see it.

I don't mind your viewpoint nor do I feel judged!

It's interesting though what a kid will hone in on and retain and/or expunge/forget about when watching something that has so much action. I'll ask him if he remembers anything horrifying tomorrow morning, but I'm hunching that he's just going to tell me about the cool action and crazy ideas flowing on the screen, and not really dwell to long on the overly drastic or intense gore for long.

But, if tomorrow, as we talk about the film throughout the day I sense that he is acting strange or focusing on the violence and not the visceral "fun" of the film, then that idea of the second viewing goes blasted straight out the back window of the semi into the "wait to see it again when your 14" zone.


This movie was completely out of control. Loved every bit of it.

The War Boys having (in the trailer but just in case)
their own fucking war drums was so good, along with the suspended guitar soloist getting everyone riled up.


the movie made me get very hyped for the game. when is that even coming out?

September 1st. My buddies said the same thing tonight after leaving that they were suddenly super hyped for the game and thought not releasing it with the movie's theatrical run was a big mistake.


When this comes out on disk, I will remember to come back here and post screen shots of a few of the many shots that looked fake so you guys can understand where I am coming from. I just think that I was so bored, I was able to notice these things more than I would have if I was actually interested in the film.


80% of the film's effects were practical, with the rest devoted to stuff like Theron's prosthetic arm greenscreen, the digital removal of stunt rigging and background touch-ups.

You want to double down on your claims and point out exactly where it's "fake"?



Like the movie. Not greatest thing in the world. But it has character. Love every action bit. Song was great too.

I understand the complaint here. It is just a bit weird though. Because most of the time all complaint are from nitpicking on a very small thing or just reason that they dont like this kind of movie. The no character development reason alone make me laugh. It is a freakin road chasing movie. What do u expect. By that fact and we still have the character that clearly serve their purpose. Show their intention. And have some background story which tells by the dialogue. Isnt that genious? Dont know what to say.


This is one of the softest Rs I've seen. It was clear they made this movie with PG-13 being a possibility. The violence is largely bloodless and the brief nudity is non sexual. I think a mature kid that age could handle it fine.

I liked it, didn't love it. For all the talk of practical effects there was a lot of rather obvious CGI, some of it straight up cartoony like the scene with the sand tornado. Hardy is great as Max, reminiscent of Gibson without being an impersonation. Theron is awesome as per usual. I thought they did a fantastic setup for the villain, gave him a great look, only to give him not much to do and a rather lame
. It's a worthy entry in the series, probably behind Road Warrior, but not quite the revelation some people have been claiming.

That right there is the truth.

I'm glad that there are people who understand that not all 10 year old kids are the same as far as maturity and intelligence are concerned; but with that said, I without a doubt would DEFINITELY NOT have allowed my son to see it a year ago before Winter Soldier. Winter Soldier was rather intense for a Superhero movie, so the bar was raised there, but I still wouldn't allow him to see ANY other Rated R films post Fury Road, because most if not all of them are R because their content is closer to what a 16/17 year old and above can handle, and I really don't want to subject my kid to movies like Robocop or Predator or Alien(s) or Terminator 1/2 until he's closer to adulthood.

If language was stronger in MMFR, nudity was gratuitous, or gore was sickeningly lingered on, there would have been No Way I would have let him see it. But as the film currently stands, it's like a ride more than a horrific experience.

My son is pretty mature for his age, and I think rather long about what would be scarring to his psyche before going ahead allowing him to experience something.

When your kid doesn't act out the scenes and understands the difference between real life violence and its severity and the violence that is displayed in a film like MMFR, it's easy for them to not be emotionally scarred by the experience. Also, my son said that he chose to close his eyes (on his own) at certain parts, so he instinctively knew what was too intense or disturbing to want to take part of in viewing them.

Don't get me wrong, it wasn't an easy decision to allow him to see MMFR, but I talked to him about the film before he saw it and explained what type of content was present and he didn't seem worried or nervous about seeing it. I also said that if you do get scared or just don't want to see something that it's ok to not look until you feel like the moment has passed; which reassured him that he wouldn't have to subject himself to things that he didn't like seeing if he simply didn't want to see them. And there is a decent number of things that most 10 year old boys probably would not want to see in MMFR.

Edit: but enough derailing of this thread:

I can't wait to see what kind of BTS footage we get: I want a George Miller Commentary track with Immortan Joe, one with he and his wife the Editor, and one with Charlise, Tom, and Nick, and one with all the

Would love a 3 hour documentary on the making of this film.


I definitely agree that it was a pretty soft 'R'. It wasn't even
all that gore-y until the last couple chase scenes. Then it ramped up a bit with the chainsaws/crossbows/etc.
I appreciate that they went with it being R though. Certainly helped it tone wise.


I've seen it twice. What a blast of a movie this is. Unrelenting from the very getgo, gorgeous to look at, and a real reminder of how fun films are to watch when everything comes together as well as it does here. Superbly done, George Miller. Oh and Tom Hardy's my man!


Goes against the grain of what people have been saying in terms of 2d vs 3d.

I personally saw it in 2d and liked it but now I am wondering if I should go 3d next time....Also considered taking the trek for Dbox but am also wondering if that is worth it.

George Miller said:
In this film, if I had a choice, I'd see it in 3D, but I'm extremely aware that some people can't tolerate it.


A lot of it has to do with poor character development. Little dialog. Just straight up action which felt very repetitive by the end of the movie. I mean the first chase scene was great, I was into it. But how many times will they show the same stuff?? I mean wtf did I even watch?

Sounds like we have the same complaints.


I thought the action was all quite varied and introduced different elements each time we moved into another section of the chase. I wouldn't say it was just more of the same. Generally, I guess it was.


I'd trust friends. I went to see it with some friends and they all thought it was crap as well as everyone I talked to about it afterwards. I swear Neogaf is like a whole different world, I don't get it, like are we watching the same movie?

-Shit visuals, looked fake/greened screened as hell
-Shit story
-No character development (Max grunting for more than half of his lines)
-Action got really dull and boring after the first chase (same shit over and over)
-Score was decent

Wow, so much color.... ooouuuuuu so many explosions.... What an awweessommme movie..... just so mind-blowing

Shit visuals in a movie that is 80% not cgi, take a seat and watch this and learn a thing or two:
It goes through the how's and whys and how you are wrong. It was almost entirely shot on location and if two scenes which composed about 5% of the film too you out of it, I really don't know what to tell you. Especially when you list something like LOTR and the wonderful elephant eating zombie roller coaster.
-shit story?
I've gone through this before, but you apparently need something to work you like interstellar, which you also mentioned. You need the story hand fed to you, which is the direction many of us hate in modern Hollywood. We need more cinema like this. Where the story unfolds organically through the things that happen in the movie. Where I can take my imagination and fill in what isn't told, because as posters had mentioned before: less is more. If you're "bored", which I have no idea how that could happen in a movie like this, but sure, froth at your seat at how bored you were, then the entire visual medium is lost on you. It's a medium that demands attention and imagination, the built to work with someone willing to be taken into a different world and breath the chrome and guzzaline.
-no character development
Please go to the spoiler thread or look at duckrolls earlier post in this thread that puts exactly how deep the character development is in this movie, again look at point B... The movie doesn't hold your hand like a child, the development happens. It's nothing complicated... Just nuanced and subtle... Well one could even argue it's too in your face to be honest...And it's very much there.
Same thing over and over?
I just saw the movie a second time and I have no idea how you can come to this conclusion. Each sequence thorough this movie had hugely different things going on... Every single one... They all revolved around driving yes... But the differences were huge.. I won't spoil but I really don't understand how they were samey!

And please dear god give me a better score than this. Please, I want to hear it. And please don't say Zimmer. We've all heard the French horn at 11 enough.


Totally wronger about Nintendo's business decisions.
Goes against the grain of what people have been saying in terms of 2d vs 3d.

I personally saw it in 2d and liked it but now I am wondering if I should go 3d next time....Also considered taking the trek for Dbox but am also wondering if that is worth it.


Well, the movie wasn't shot with 3D cameras. It was all done in post production. He's just saying that seeing it in 3D is his personal preference.


Well, that was definitely fucking amazing. My girlfriend fell asleep during the movie.. Wtf.

I will probably see this again very soon.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
I noticed something as of late. Too much Exposition, shit story. No exposition, shit story. I guess directors can never win lol.

Film is subjective, no matter what anyone says. It helps if you ignore everyone else's opinion, and see if you like the movie for yourself. I've never read any kind of review and not rolled my eyes at some of the crap people come up with as positives and negatives. It's the most subjective thing in the world, which is why so many people do it.


Watched it yesterday evening. Went in dark, didn't watch a trailer, never watched any of the previous movies. And GAF, I simply don't understand the hype. I loved the setting, the cinematography, the visuals, and that's about it. Didn't care about the story, characters etc... Hopefully the game is better. If this is the best movie of 2015 then this year will be utter trash.
I just got back from seeing this movie. It was pretty enjoyable. I love the visuals a lot and found the overall world to be engrossing. The characters were hard to love but I feel like thats how they are suppose to be. I really want to watch it on blu-ray now >.<


I saw this on Friday and it's had a strange effect on me. I really enjoyed the film but definitely didn't come away thinking it was one of the greatest action films of all time or an immediate classic.

However ever since Friday I've been thinking about the film non stop and am really desperate to see it again. I can't really explain it but I'm just itching to get back in the cinema and see it on the big screen.

I'm finding all the backstory and lore behind the characters and world extremely fascinating too and can't wait for these comic books to be released.

Does anyone have any links to information about the upcoming comics? I knew nothing about them until today and am keen to find out more.


Honestly, I think this movie can teach a few lessons to aspiring action movie directors. It's the clearest, most well shot action I think I've seen in a film.

Robot Pants

I thought it was ok for what it was. I get that feeling it was supposed to be corny a little and not to be taken super seriously, and as that kind of movie it's done well. Just not my thing really. I enjoyed it but I was never really "into" it and cheering it along. I watched it, left, and will probably never think much about it ever again.
I thought the costume and car designs were really great though.


Does anyone have any links to information about the upcoming comics? I knew nothing about them until today and am keen to find out more.



In anticipation of the upcoming blockbuster film Mad Max: Fury Road, 65 of comics’ best artists took to the post-apocalyptic landscape to interpret this gorgeous and desolate world of George Miller’s design. Inspired by images from the film, each of these visionary artists brings their unique style to a double-page spread of part of the world of Mad Max, with commentary from the artists and Miller himself. From breathtaking action sequences to heartbreaking character portraits, Fury Road will be perfectly captured by a one-of-a-kind array of comics legends, side-by-side with some of the most exciting new talent in the industry!

Commentary by George Miller and the artists



In this first issue, witness the rise of Colonel Joe Moore, a war hero turned tyrannical warlord…The Immortan Joe!

And don’t miss the story of Nux, one of the Immortan’s “War Boys,” who knows only the chaos into which he was born.

Art by: Leandro Fernandez, Riccardo Burchielli
Cover by: Tommy Lee Edwards
Written by: Mark Sexton, Nico Lathouris, George Miller



High in the Citadel there exists a bio-dome of clean air and pure water, protected from the toxicity and anarchy of the Wasteland. Here the warlord Immortan Joe keeps his most prized possessions – his wives – imprisoned for his pleasure and his insistence that they bear him healthy male heirs.

Then, amid this cruel depravity, an unlikely rescuer emerges…the Immortan’s most lethal warrior: the Imperator Furiosa.

Art by: Tristan Jones
Cover by: Tommy Lee Edwards
Written by: Mark Sexton, Nico Lathouris, George Miller


MAD MAX: FURY ROAD – MAD MAX #1 (On Sale 7/8)

Max. The warrior Max. Haunted by his past and fated to wander the brutal Wasteland in search of his better self. To do so, Max Rockatansky enters Gastown, the only source of guzzoline for thousands of miles. Here he finds the final piece that he needs to rebuild his Interceptor – the powerful Boss 351 engine. But in order to acquire the fabled V8 in a world where car parts are worth more than a man’s life, Max must survive a gladiatorial battle in a place called…Thunderdome Plus!

Art by: Mark Sexton
Cover by: Tommy Lee Edwards
Written by: Mark Sexton, Nico Lathouris, George Miller

In addition, Mad Max Fury Road Mad Max #2 should be out in August to complete the prequel stories, and there will be a collected trade for all 4 prequel comics (not including the guest artists collection) coming out in 8/26.
MAD MAX: FURY ROAD &#8211; MAD MAX #1 (On Sale 7/8)

In addition, Mad Max Fury Road Mad Max #2 should be out in August to complete the prequel stories, and there will be a collected trade for all 4 prequel comics (not including the guest artists collection) coming out in 8/26.

Saw the movie yesterday.
First of all, i grew up watching movies like The Road Warrior. And watching for the first time this movie after all this years of waiting its was like a wish come truth.

I must say the hype is real...Fury Road is the greatest action movie I’ve ever seen in my entire life.

Jesus what a roll coaster of emotions. The world is amazingly well done, i cared for all characters, heck that second chase, that ost, the emotions...... Almost jump off the seat.


I understand that you liked the movie; I have a different opinion than you alright. I was so damn bored that I can barely remember any of the movie let alone specific scenes where I thought visuals were bad. The two I mentioned are the ones that are most fresh in my mind for now, if I were to sit down and watch it on disc, I would list them as I go. I mean I saw this movie this morning and haven't really thought about it until now looking at this thread, so I cannot remember every bad looking scene. I cannot even remember the point of the movie to be honest, mostly because the story itself was so poorly developed.

Most of my issues with this film aren't with the visuals themselves anyway, I mean they are pretty good for the most part, just a few scenes that took me out of the film. This being said, why is this even worth discussing?
Your problem is that you complained about a movie having too much green screen when it has very, very little(you compared it to a movie filmed ENTIRELY in front of a green screen). You brought the backlash upon yourself. It also doesn't help when the examples you site are two very small parts of the movie.
Though you may think otherwise, opinions can be wrong. And yours is.
What does that even mean? A 98% RT score means that 98% of reviewers liked the movie. So what you're saying is "Yeah it's good, but I don't think that many other people should think it's also good" which is really stupid. Lol.

The actual average for the movie now is about 8.8/10 across all reviews. So maybe you're just confused as to how RT works. :)

98% simply means 98% of the reviews were positive. The average rating is actually 8.8/10

Edit: Beaten by duckroll

You miss the meaning of RT score.

98% RT score for Fury Riad means that 98% of reviewers liked it. Not how much they liked it, but just a percentage of how many of them liked it. Their personal scores [1-10] matter only for determining if they give the movie thumbs up or thumbs down.

Additionally RT offers "Average Rating" which looks at the average of individual review scores. Fury Road has veeery respectable 8.8/10.

LOL, come on guys - I know exactly how RottenTomatoes works. I don't think it's that odd to look at the tomato-meter and measure it against other movies to get a rough idea on how good or bad a certain movie is.

I guess saying the 'average rating' being too high would have made a bit more sense, but whatever. The movie still rocks regardless.


The film was amazing!

However, at first, I was impressed by the chase with
the sandstorm and shit
and then, I was like "eh it's okay". But the fight at the end was "woaw"! I liked the atmosphere and characters a lot too, really had a good time, I would watch it again.

the flamethrower guitar was my favorite thing in the movie, that was insane lol

But there is always somebody in the audience that wants to know something like The Man With No Name's name/backstory, but they don't realize telegraphing every detail would take away from the character.

Being able to convey story, character moments and emotion without tons of dialogue is powerful in its own right.

I feel like these days if the good the bad and the ugly was a success we'd then get a few movies like:

the good the bad and the ugly origins: man with no name
the good the bad and the ugly origins: angel eyes

followed by a huge crossover event with the man with the harmonica lol. god bless miller by giving us so much information with visual details and a few lines of dialogue. movies used to be like this, now massive amounts of exposition is seemingly required for everything.

his justice league film was prolly gonna be like this too, just throw us into a well-established world.

But there is always somebody in the audience that wants to know something like The Man With No Name's name/backstory, but they don't realize telegraphing every detail would take away from the character.

Being able to convey story, character moments and emotion without tons of dialogue is powerful in its own right.

This is so accurate on the comments being made about the lack of story/dialogue.
I was at a party today and I convinced everyone to go watch this. Like ASAP.

Fuck man I haven't loved a blockbuster like this since I was a child.

George Miller is a fucking god.


Just came back from this. Movie was fucking amazing. 5/5. The world-building is so good in this. Charlize Theron and Tom Hardy were great and the action was spectacular. I loved how it took a while for the audience to catch their breath from what is happening on screen.
I only kinda recovered after Max wakes up after the thunder storm thing.
I want to see it again.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
I have been out of the country all week without Internet. I thought this had "stinker" written all over it. Will definitely see it now.

But why though? The trailers were good. The film is basically the stuff you see in the trailer for 2 hours straight. If you didn't like the trailers then you won't like the film.
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