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Mad Max: Fury Road |OT| What a Lovely Day | RT: 98% | Metacritic: 89


So in real life, did the people on this monster truck die when it hit the ground, or were they not really on it? Because it got some insane air. Amazing and incredibly fun vehicle in the movie.



So in real life, did the people on this monster truck die when it hit the ground, or were they not really on it? Because it got some insane air. Amazing and incredibly fun vehicle in the movie.

I'm guessing the people are either digital or they are safely attached but the rigging has been erased in post-production. Either way, it's a really great scene in the film.
I'm guessing the people are either digital or they are safely attached but the rigging has been erased in post-production. Either way, it's a really great scene in the film.

That truck got FUCKED UP on landing, didn't it? I coulda sworn I saw an axle just GO. Maybe I spotted that wrong though. They cut away right afterwards, but it seemed like the bottom of that truck was not in good shape.


I'm guessing the people are either digital or they are safely attached but the rigging has been erased in post-production. Either way, it's a really great scene in the film.

It looked like real people tied down to me. The way the guy hanging off the side flung out then back like he was harnessed to the car made it look real. I don't even want to know. I want to believe.
Also, these will likely be the film's final RT totals:

231 positive, 4 negative, 8.7/10 average. Top Critics: 43 positive, 1 negative, 8.5/10 average


That truck got FUCKED UP on landing, didn't it? I coulda sworn I saw an axle just GO. Maybe I spotted that wrong though. They cut away right afterwards, but it seemed like the bottom of that truck was not in good shape.

Doubt it survived the land lol. The next shot likely involved crumpled axles and a bent chassis. You can see the tyres merging in to the wheel arches.



The nearest DBox is 20 minutes away...I think I'm gonna have to go see it again before it goes to the smaller screens this weekend.
My local cinema didn't get the memo and kept screening the Avengers in their DBOX theater. Made me sad.
Hoping they rectify their error this weekend. I don't want to travel to Toronto to experience MaDBaX.


It's been over an hour now since I saw it, and I still can't calm down. how the fuck did you guys do it.

this is easily the best movie I've seen this year. There have been movies I was extremely excited for (avengers, furious 7) that by all means were really entertaining, but still just a little disappointing. I wasn't too excited for this movie, but it turned out to be everything I wanted and a shit ton more. The tension was amazing, it was hard to breathe throughout the movie and even in the down parts I still couldn't completely calm down, Miller had my undivided attention the whole ride.

This movie, god i love this movie.
My local cinema didn't get the memo and kept screening the Avengers in their DBOX theater. Made me sad.
Hoping they rectify their error this weekend. I don't want to travel to Toronto to experience MaDBaX.

That's fucking weird. I was just listening to a podcast where one of the guys went to see Mad Max in a Toronto D-Box theater and they accidentally screened AOU there.


This movie is FREAKING AMAZING. Best action movie ever.

I was a bit worried at the end when no one clapped because it could mean there's just a lot of people who don't get the lack of dialogue.


You could say the same about District 9.

come on now, we can't use that desperate year where they nominated 10 films to include everyone's PG-13 favs to get award show views as an example of their thought process. Mad Max is deserving, but it is also less likely due to its type of appeal.


One of the best theatre experiences ever. Start to finish, amazing.

edit - thoughts on the other Mad Max book, the Inspired Artists one? I might buy both.


Saw it today. Very surprised by the consensus.

It wasn't bad but I didn't feel it was good either. What it was, was strange.

Those sped up cuts felt very,very antiquated.

He used the same techniques from the old Mad Max movies. I get it, it's an homage of sort but the use of those sped up sequences felt quite jarring.

Also, the distancing from the main character was everpresent.

It's an oddity.
Was absolutely great.

Went in having only seen the latter half of the first one and not really being all that impressed with, but Fury Road was fantastic all around. Almost makes me want to watch the first three films. Almost.


DOOOO IT! My best experience watching the movie. I'd go see it again like that but...I don't wanna drive that distance again. lol

The moment Max starts up the V8 Interceptor your seat starts shaking like you're in the car yourself and then when the blower kicks in full speed and takes off....goddammit maybe I will drive out.

Lol, you'll drive out... Once in a lifetime opportunity this theatrical run!!!

Astral Dog

I didnt thought it was that good, but it was certainly and enjoyable, and fresh action film.

Parents who also saw it and normally tear apart action movies for how exaggerated they are, liked it and thought it was good, that says something.


God damn so glad we went with 3d. That shit was Bannnnnaannas. My wife normally is not into these type of films but even she was impressed and had a great time. She also normally gets headaches from 3D but she her self said that was the best looking 3d she seen yet and did not make her sick.


Saw it for the 2nd time today. Definitely my favorite film of 2015 so far. I don't see many movies having a chance of knocking this off the the top of my favorites. Possibly Star Wars.


Saw it today. Very surprised by the consensus.

It wasn't bad but I didn't feel it was good either. What it was, was strange.

Those sped up cuts felt very,very antiquated.

He used the same techniques from the old Mad Max movies. I get it, it's an homage of sort but the use of those sped up sequences felt quite jarring.

Also, the distancing from the main character was everpresent.

It's an oddity.

Those reminded me of old silent movies an their odd framerates, so in a way I agree, but I don't think it was bad, I actually loved it.


I watched this film for my first time last week Thursday. It was an amazing experience at the Alamo with an amazing crowd. I haven't been able to stop thinking about the film since. Like seriously, I'm almost love sick from it.

So when I decided to see it with my brother tonight we decided to go all in with 3D DBOX seats and at a different theater down the road. Although the sound wasn't as good as it was at the Alamo, and I didn't really care for the 3D or DBOX seats, I loved the film even more the second time.

What an amazing, amazing movie.

Immortan Joe is such a memorable villain for me. I can't help but feel slightly sympathetic for him. I know he's a very bad man, but what a rough life he must have had.
And his undoing was the very device that kept him alive.



I mean what? Did I just witness the best action movie these eyes will ever see? Don't bother suggesting with a "Well you obviously haven't seen [enter favorite action movie here]" type of post. It doesn't matter. It's the best action movie I've ever seen, and I'm having a hard time trying to grasp how any future action flicks in the next decade will be able to top its intricate action set pieces.


I just rewatched it, and I admit, it's definitely not a perfect movie. But it is a movie that the flaws I can't really say there was a way to correct them without missing the point of the movie. The first half hour is rough, but the film does become practically perfect though as soon as it hits the
fight scene.

I still loved it though, although I was sitting next to an asshole who kept on checking his phone and scoffing at the more mad bits. :(


hey gaf .. sometimes I have trouble trusting you..

but the impressions here made me want to believe...

so i decided to watch the movie tonight..

all i want to say HOLY FUCK.. this movie is so awesome..

I am a music and visual dude .. and this movie delivered SO HARD

Thank you so much for all the awesome impressions here. I really want to see this movie do well.

PS: I watched it in 3d Atmos.. but D-box was sold out :(
Will definitely re watch when D box is available...


This movie has been so hyped by this point it will either be The Greatest Action Movie Ever or a total disappointment. I just want to see it already and get it over with but I can't till Saturday :/


Came out of my 3rd viewing!

First time in 2D.

I have to say, that the best experience so far was the second viewing in D-Box 3D. There was something about the immersive factor of 3D that made me FEEL like I was WITNESSING the carnage.

Hard to put a finger on it, but it felt ever so slightly less enjoyable in 2D; though I never thought that I would say that.

I'm pretty sure I'm going to make up for that experience and Witness Mad Max 4 for the 4th time; but in 3D DBox one last time! (After that I'm not sure if I'll want to see it on smaller and smaller screens. Might want to ease up on the throttle and wait for the 3D Bluray.)

I think I'm going to watch Fury Road the night before The Force Awakens to contrast the experiences. But earlier that week it'll be all Star Wars all week long.


This movie is definitely on par with Jaws, E.T, The first star wars, and inception to me.

This for me. It was one of most unforgettable movie-going experiences I've ever had. I want to see it again and own the Blu-Ray. I've already watched hours of behind-the-scenes on it.

It was really incredible. Mesmerizing. The best movie I'll see in 2015 for sure.
I'm a very selective movie purchaser. When I go see a movie, I always ask myself during its run, "Would I buy the blu-ray for this?" Generally, I don't love movies enough to want to own them once I've seen them.

This movie? Fucking. Loved it. Holy shit. One of the funnest movies I've seen in a long time. I enjoyed every minute of it, every action sequence, every decision made. I'll most definitely be buying the blu-ray, and hoping the bonus features are good and lengthy.

Also, why is Tom Hardy so hot? Life is so unfair.


I'm going to watch it again tonight. Now I will bring my parents, not sure if they are going to like it as much as me but this movie needs to be seen by everyone. Such a fun non-stop action movie.

By the way what's GAF's consensus about watching it in 3D or not? Saw it in 3D and really enjoyed it.


I'm going to watch it again tonight. Now I will bring my parents, not sure if they are going to like it as much as me but this movie needs to be seen by everyone. Such a fun non-stop action movie.

By the way what's GAF's consensus about watching in 3D or not? Saw it in 3D and really enjoyed it.

The 3D is perfect.
I watched it in 2D tonight and.. I feel like I watched a comic book perfectly transitioned into life. I need to see it in 3D now. O_O I know it was going to be animated at some point.. and it kind of felt like that. My SO was all "So, umm.. what else is Tom Hardy in? He's hot!"

I'm like.. umm.. he's been in a ton of stuff you've seen..

As for George Miller? This is his best film since Happy Feet.

What. I liked Happy Feet,
especially the dark little twist it takes.

But yeah.. it was pretty funny.. she was all "What's Hardy been in?" I was like.. "Inception, The Dark Knight Rises, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy.." She was like: "He was in The Dark Knight Rises?" I was like "Yup. He was Bane in the movie we didn't see in this theater on opening night."
She was almost on that jury too.. I'm glad she's not because.. well.. I like paying $4.50 a ticket on Tuesday nights.

Also, I really liked the trailer for San Andreas. Maybe I'm just weird like that...
I watched it in 2D tonight and.. I feel like I watched a comic book perfectly transitioned into life. I need to see it in 3D now. O_O I know it was going to be animated at some point.. and it kind of felt like that. My SO was all "So, umm.. what else is Tom Hardy in? He's hot!"

I'm like.. umm.. he's been in a ton of stuff you've seen..

As for George Miller? This is his best film since Happy Feet.

What. I liked Happy Feet,
especially the dark little twist it takes.

forreal. it's a better comic book movie than the comic book movies we actually get every year.

this film was approached with great respect to it's visuals. so much detail that doesn't require explanation.
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