Man, this episode was one of the most bizarre things I've ever seen on tv.
Every scene just felt like an excerpt from an anthology about weird people in a weird society, and there was no glue in between the scenes. A scene would begin way too late with a focus on a character who would immidiately start talking with another character. The scene would then progress without the character moving or leaving the room. And as soon as the scene was over, another scene would immidiately begin with another character talking with another character, with absolutely no connection to the previous scene. Scenes need that breathing room where they establish an area first, and then a character, but here they would cut from people sitting down, to people standing up. It felt kind of intrusive and almost like they were cutting 5 seconds of every scene to save time.
Then stuff like the rape-joke, the guy going on the skies, the scene where Don just ignores the woman asking about the wedding, the scene where Megan doesn't ask where Don's been for several hours, the scene where Betty is trying to find a completely random girl in a crackhouse while teaching hobos how to do gulash etc etc.
It had the basic level of disconnect from a goofy show like Children's Hospital, but with like a twang of surrealism from something like Twin Peaks.
Man, I don't know, it wasn't bad, it was entertaining, just... really fucking esoteric, like looking through a glass at something satirical on human society.