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Mad Men - Season 7, Part 2 - The End of an Era - AMC Sundays


Nice call back to when SCDP was forming in that hotel room. Joan practically built that business, and now she actually gets her own. Her paramour couldn't appreciate her awesomeness

Easily one of my top three favorite episodes in Mad Men history. That season 3 finale was great.


Honorary Canadian.
Yeah I'm just gonna say that the finale was great. I'm not sure if iI like it as much as Justified this year, but still, great job.

I thought it was just sad that Don wanted to step up and not be a shitty dad and was told that it would be too shocking for the kids lol.


Yeah I'm just gonna say that the finale was great. I'm not sure if iI like it as much as Justified this year, but still, great job.

I thought it was just sad that Don wanted to step up and not be a shitty dad and was told that it would be too shocking for the kids lol.
You're not gonna find much that's as good as that last scene in Justified. I'm liking this the more I think about it though. Took time to sink in.

You racist.
Aw, maaaan. :(


Greenwald also hated True Detective, liked S2 of House of Cards, and bags on Silicon Valley, so I'm fine with not being in his camp.


contribute something
Upon rematch, just noticed the "personal touches" that Peggy made to her tentacle porn


This episode had so many little touches. I'm going to need all the screen caps.


I liked the finale. I love that it all led to the Coke ad, which a lot of people view as a cynical recontextualization of the flower generation to sell soda.

It totally fits Don's style. He made peace with himself, but he still went back to what he does best. That's pretty much it, and I'm satisfied with it. I feel like people wanted him to pay all the things he's done.
Yo so what's cool about this finale is that the character, Don Draper, who took another man's name,
took a real man's name by getting fictional implied credit for that Coke ad.

poetry rhymes etc
Very interesting. Given Samantha flat out told him he isn't family could be another realization that there is no life in Cali. There's no going back to his old life... The door is shut. Might as well fully embrace NY and selling is his calling.
Nah, that would actually be good TV. Here, watch this guy meditate instead.
Haha that's fair. But I think the last scene was just clear enough to make me happy with the prevailing conclusion.
I think the episode was just ok overall, but the last few minutes were great, and the ending on the coke commercial was wonderful.

And with that, it was a great ride, everyone. I'm really glad they included Sal in the periphery of the meditation scene at the end, maybe suggesting that Don will rehire him and that all is forgotten from that night of the hotel fire.

p.s. I made that last part up.


I really liked it. Both halves of season 7 were a huge step up from what I thought was a really weak season 6. I was watching tonight live (no DVR buffer) and was watching the clock thinking "They can't wrap this up in a minute and a half." And then they did.

Bobby failing at making dinner because Betty's too sick and Henry is working long hours to avoid the tragedy at home broke my heart.

Guess Who

Yo so what's cool about this finale is that the character, Don Draper, who took another man's name,
took a real man's name by getting fictional implied credit for that Coke ad.

poetry rhymes etc

Not the first time the show's done that, "It's Toasted" was an actual Lucky Strike slogan that someone else came up with.


Stan and Peggy rescue Don from a commune would have been a great hour of TV. Not a good episode of Mad Man, but just dumb fun.
Honestly, the biggest disappointment for me was that, 5.5 seasons later, we were left with no clue as to what became of Chauncey.

2/10 would not watch again.


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"What's the meaning of life, Mad Men?"

C O C A C O L A I T ' S T H E R E A L T H I N G



Man, I loved it and hated it at the same time. Good fairy tale endings for most, but it was still too ambiguous. Don making the coke ad is brilliant though. I'll have to ruminate on this...
I think the episode was just ok overall, but the last few minutes were great, and the ending on the coke commercial was wonderful.

And with that, it was a great ride, everyone. I'm really glad they included Sal in the periphery of the meditation scene at the end, maybe suggesting that Don will rehire him and that all is forgotten from that night of the hotel fire.

p.s. I made that last part up.
I think I would've enjoyed this more if I hadn't read an article about a week ago noting that the show's timeline was approaching the date that the Coke ad originally premiered. It hinted strongly that Don was the ads creator. Spoiled myself, I guess.
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