What did Mark Wahlburg do btw?
I find it more amusing that you think someone in their late teens and even early 20's can't be immature and can't
he was 19, why do so many people make excuses for adults
who said he was severely beaten, dragged with a hammer and had his pants lit on fire.
What did Mark Wahlburg do btw?
I find it more amusing that you think someone in their late teens and even early 20's can't be immature and can't change.
I did some real dumb shit in my late teens and early 20s and i am 110% different then i was back thing because as you grow you mature. Just because you are considered an adult doesn't make you a fully grown mature adult so stop being silly.
People enjoy projecting their outrage on the internet as a means of reassurance of their own superiority."Man he did something a bit shitty to someone over 20 years ago I should look down upon him!"
Not saying what he did was ok mind you but holy fuck people change over the course of 20 something years.
Yes. You're supposed to boycott Mad Men and speak ill of Jon Hamm every time you hear of him.Ok. Sucks and hazing has no legitimate place in any organization. But it was 25 years ago. And he was actually caught, was punished, and the organization shut down.
Am I supposed to be mad at him now or something?
Unless he blinded the kid, no, it doesn't.
It's a good thing you specified 'the women Tina Fey' because I'm always getting her and the Macross mech Tina Fey confused for one another.
That's terrible...He tried to steal some alcohol and assaulted a couple guys in the process. It was long thought that he blinded one of them in one eye, but turns out the guy had already been missing the eye and suffered no lasting damage. Still a shitty, violent, racially-charged thing to have done tho.
If she did it with the malicious intent to hurt someone else in the process, then definitely.Pretty fucked up. I think her driving drunk and nearly killing is worse than setting a liar liar pants on fire?
thank god for Gone Girl
Jon Hamm has a big head? And it's bigger than Matt Damon's? This has to be explained to me.
Jon Hamm is the darling of podcasts because he's actually funny. Where is it that he has a big head?
he was 19, why do so many people make excuses for adults
Boozy, red faced over the hill men are my fetish.If it's any consolation, Jon Hamm is in the midst of a messy breakup with his longtime partner, just did an (unsuccessful?) stint in rehab for alcoholism, is aging like a slice of unrefrigerated Hamm...
...and will never win an Emmy.
Excusing him would imply he didn't deserve punishment. Nobody seems to be making that case
he was 19, why do so many people make excuses for adults
Because adults make mistakes and change too. It's dumb to sit there and judge them as if they don't. It's not making an excuse. It's saying that he did something wrong, but he hasn't done anything wrong in a while, so I'm not going to sit around holding a mistake he made 20 years ago over his head, especially if he learned from it. That would be a really petty and immature thing to do. By your logic anyone who gets in trouble with the law should be judged as a criminal for the rest of their
he was 19, why do so many people make excuses for adults
Emphasis on seems.I feel there's a huge difference between doing stupid shit when you're young and doing malicious stuff when you're young.
The former feels like a marker of immaturity while they latter seems more indicative of personality.
I did plenty of stupid shit as a young man,but none of it aimed at hurting others.
oh god
you're trying to tell me a 19 year old doesn't know any better? come the fuck on
assuming this is all true, dude is a fucking asshole.
I feel there's a huge difference between doing stupid shit when you're young and doing malicious stuff when you're young.
The former feels like a marker of immaturity while they latter seems more indicative of personality.
I did plenty of stupid shit as a young man,but none of it aimed at hurting others.
That hairstyle, of course it's from the 90s. I had that hairstyle, everyone had that hairstyle in the 90s.
FYI: That pic comes from his appearance on The Big Date, a Dating Game type show from the 90's.
Yeah, that all makes me feel so much better, thanks.If it's any consolation, Jon Hamm is in the midst of a messy breakup with his longtime partner, just did an (unsuccessful?) stint in rehab for alcoholism, is aging like a slice of unrefrigerated Hamm...
...and will never win an Emmy.
LmaoHannibal Burress.
It worked, lucky for him he straightened out. He was given a slap on the wrist as far as punishment though.Yeah but if it worked and he never did it again then mission accomplished. That's the whole point, right? Unless punishment for a crime is supposed to accomplish something else?
LOL. Hey, setting people afire is a part of growing up in America.Yeah, I don't know anyone who didn't light someone else on fire when they were twenty. That's pretty common during that age.
He never paid for it. And no it shouldn't ruin his life forever though the topic coming up during one's job interview would get a prospective employee laughed out the office.Why? Why should he not be hired? Should a past mistake you paid for ruin your life forever?
Is there anything redeeming about fraternities?
Of course people can change. El Hajj Malik Shabazz went from pimping at 19 to being one of the greatest Americans in history. No one's going to sugarcoat pimping women though. The same mentality displayed here is why frats continue their shenanigans to begin with.
Y'all went in on some children for climbing a statue but a 19yr old setting someone on fire is just "lol we were all immature at that age DUH".
It worked, lucky for him he straightened out. He was given a slap on the wrist as far as punishment though.
LOL. Hey, setting people afire is a part of growing up in America.
He never paid for it. And no it shouldn't ruin his life forever though the topic coming up during one's job interview would get a prospective employee laughed out the office.
Everyone deserves a second chance and he didn't escape prosecution.
Seems like an article meant to discredit his acting ability(which admittedly has only been "guy in a suit").
I'm sure there are plenty of people posting in this very thread hiding some very dirty laundry and are being hypocritical as fuck, but hey let's jump on the Emmy-nominated actor for shit he's done 25 years ago and was punished for.
Only a guy in a suit... Firstly, Don Draper - fantastic character and performance. Second, he's been Emmy nominated for comedy too. Plus he was great in Black Mirror...
So he did it, then got punished for it.
And from everything I have seen of him and heard about him in the past decade, he is a super humble guy and hard worker.can't comment on whether its an act and he is still a diabolical asshole.
What he did was extremely shitty, but he was caught and punished. I mean, not sure what else people want. It has been over two decades. Who knows...maybe he regrets it everyday, maybe he doesn't. I can't say.
One thing I can say though, is how people act like bastions of morality and ethics when something like this comes up. As if they have done nothing wrong in their life.
Celebrity dedense force is shitty indeed, and I won't deny that I am a huge john hamm fan, but until I find out that he is still a jerk and hasn't changed, and that kid has been scarred to this day due to what he did, I won't hold this against him.
He was caught and punished. Seems like a non story. I will promise to eat crow if more racta come out and we fins out he is Satan incarnate.
It's funny that we love watching characters on TV shows grow and change and learn from their past mistakes but we can't seem to do that to real people who did something 25 years ago and clearly aren't the same as they were before.
I never said that. The amount of projection in this thread is so bizarre.I find it more amusing that you think someone in their late teens and even early 20's can't be immature and can't change.
I never said that. The amount of projection in this thread is so bizarre.