I dont agree that following your blocks and being patient is the key to running the ball. Ive looked at some of my run plays VERY closely and there are so many things beyond my control happening that patience is not an option. a lot of times I have people in the backfield hitting my RB as soon as the handoff is made. sometimes my lead blocker is across the line of scrimmage by the time I get the ball and he hasnt touched a soul and Im gettin nailed in the backfield. most of the problem is with the O line just gettin beat badly and guys coming free before theres time to do anything. there are very few times when following the lead block or the direction the play is designed to go is the best way to go. I think it depends a lot on the team youre using as to how successful you can be with the run. Im not even sure if on a lot of the plays that I get stuffed in the backfield that Im not getting blitzed. I think its just the other teams LBs reacting VERY quickly to the run action.