that's because everybody knows you are a gaming whore and the moment another new shiny object comes out you'll forget about dotaWow everybody so helpful to Fmt in Dota I bring it up and you fucks don't want to help me at all!
that's because everybody knows you are a gaming whore and the moment another new shiny object comes out you'll forget about dota
bitch pleaseHow about you eat a Sunday morning fresh dick
bitch please
you know it to be true
also it is 1:41 pretty sure that is not what we call morning in MAH COUNTRY
If it hasn't happened yet, put me on AP for this week. I'm not going to be able to play tonight or tomorrow.
Don't you like that trash League Of Legends game.
I am bad at the awesomenauts, 5 games in.
That's only because he can afford to buy his way to victory.
I just unlocked him!don't pick that dude you were using. he's C-tier! learn Ayla or the healing zombie dude!
I just unlocked him!
Wow everybody so helpful to Fmt in Dota I bring it up and you fucks don't want to help me at all!
Wow everybody so helpful to Fmt in Dota I bring it up and you fucks don't want to help me at all!
but then if i don't follow my creeps i can't get any XP because they would be so far away that i wouldn't register any XP for those kills.
i'll play tonight if i can, going to keep practicing against these loser bots!
We should have a coachathon later where I get coached on carrying and FMT gets coached on supporting
It'll be like the 2007-2008 Miami Heat where Ricky Davis was the alpha dog and Kasib Powell was 2nd in charge
You haven't learned support yet.
Is it possible to jump into a bot game with another human or is it always 1 human 9 bots?
FMT: have you gone through the in-game tutorial? It can be a little boring, but it teaches some of the basics.
Create lobby, have whoever else join, then "fill empty slots with bots" and start.
yeah i did. i understand how the game works but it just seems like i get fucked up all the time. although i just had a game against bots where i was warlock and got a double kill with his superpower golem. then right after that some elf girl came out and basically 2 shot killed me. that seems to happen to me a lot! some other character rushes in and im dead in 2 shots
Oh thank god this exists. Thanks!
Me FMT and Smokes aren't going to have to ruin other peoples days now
we will be the most racially diverse team in dota history!
we will be the most racially diverse team in dota history!
Oh thank god this exists. Thanks!
Me FMT and Smokes aren't going to have to ruin other peoples days now
Maybe I'll sit down and watch the three of you play some Dota.
maybe i'll sit down and watch you play.... killer instinct! oh wait you can't because you down own an xbox one lolololollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
maybe i'll sit down and watch you play.... killer instinct! oh wait you can't because you down own an xbox one lolololollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
I guess we'll have to settle things like men...with some Smash!
do you own a wiiU at? that'll probably be the next time i turn the system on. actually no, mario kart comes out before that. wiiU is still better than xbone in almost every way. how sad that wiiU's UI is much better than xbone
Def I'm around now