Madden '25 PS4 Season 2 CCM Thread: Now with 75% less Madden talk!


I'll withdraw my bid if FMT wants me to

Stop cheating Rinse!

bout to vance!

as far as byrd being off limits that opens up a can of worms i don't really want to deal with. you have the cap space so just bid extremely high!
Week 2 Free Agent signings:

What you need to do: Offer contracts to free agents you want. DRAFT SCOUTING IS OPENED.

Next vance date: 2/8/14 @ 6 pm pst

League signings:
Wesley Woodyard - cowboys
eugene monroe - panthers
a. cason - eagles
j. simpson - steelers
devin hester - raiders
l. brown - titans
b. bostick - falcons
l. blount - cards
p. merling - steelers
c. gocong - steelers
tracy porter - panthers
j. dunbar - texans
q. demps - steelers
d. watson - raiders
c johnson - texans
j. fox - redskins
l. murphy - panthers
a. netter - chiefs
m. harvey - falcons
j. hawley - cards
d nevis - cards
d sharpton - steelers
g williams - redskins
l. jeanpierre - raiders
g hayes - falcons
j stanford - bucs
c jones - cowboys
I should get Vontae Davis back because fuck Jeff Ireland and he should never have been traded in the first place

And Brandon Marshall too :(


Hey FMT, ggs in KI. Sorry for the abrupt departure but had to go grab dinner. If you wanna run any games later let me know, I can switch off of Jago to a practice character.
Newb question here: I can't find my created player. I made him on the Giants, but he's not on the roster or in the free agents pool. Where is he?


it counts your offers towards your cap

I deleted all my offers.

The offers I put through the website glitched and were like $400k per year.

So I'm guessing the true number I have to work with are the funds at the top right of my screen huh?

Drizz did you sell tickets for free or something? Lol
Hey FMT, ggs in KI. Sorry for the abrupt departure but had to go grab dinner. If you wanna run any games later let me know, I can switch off of Jago to a practice character.

ggs brah, you really went to town on me with jago a few times. have to learn to block those kicks coming in better! i was trying to figure out how to do spinals shield steal and finally figured it out. you let me know when you want to rumble again and i'll be ready! no need to switch off jago i'll teach him a lesson!


So what's the deal with draft scouting in this newfangled Madden? Do the scouting points replenish in each stage of free agency? And if so, fully or only in part?
So what's the deal with draft scouting in this newfangled Madden? Do the scouting points replenish in each stage of free agency? And if so, fully or only in part?

nope! that's all you get!

you'll see as you go through the first "cost" is just to give you the grade (A-F) of the attribute. then it costs even more to see the specific rating itself on whatever attribute you want.

the best strategy i've found is to pick maybe a few guys who you think you have a good shot at in your draft spot and really find out about them. other than that i just kind of get an attribute here and there for some late round guys. for instance, last year i was looking for a decent KR/PR so i just scouted the KR, speed and acc grade as opposed to spending big points on it.


ggs brah, you really went to town on me with jago a few times. have to learn to block those kicks coming in better! i was trying to figure out how to do spinals shield steal and finally figured it out. you let me know when you want to rumble again and i'll be ready! no need to switch off jago i'll teach him a lesson!

Yea back+LP for the shield absorb. You can absorb fireballs or wind kicks, even shadow versions of them. An absorbed shadow wind kick will fill up all your skulls. Also that slide kick with Spinal isn't safe on block unless you get to the very edge of its range. Keep teleporting and dive kicking though, mixing it up is tough for people to get away or get set up against Spinal.
Yea back+LP for the shield absorb. You can absorb fireballs or wind kicks, even shadow versions of them. An absorbed shadow wind kick will fill up all your skulls. Also that slide kick with Spinal isn't safe on block unless you get to the very edge of its range. Keep teleporting and dive kicking though, mixing it up is tough for people to get away or get set up against Spinal.

yeah its kind of BS that spinals slide isn't protected like other guys down HK is but oh well!

still testing guys out. spinal is my favorite and i'm trying to get things down with thunder but i can't seem to get long combos going with him
ggs live! i can hold my own with spinal most of the time but i am awful with everyone else. maybe i'll hit the training gym with some of these other bums!

i wish glacius was better. its like if you get close to him he's fucked because i dont feel like he has any moves that can punish you up close if you block but maybe i need to test him out in practice mode


ggs live! i can hold my own with spinal most of the time but i am awful with everyone else. maybe i'll hit the training gym with some of these other bums!

i wish glacius was better. its like if you get close to him he's fucked because i dont feel like he has any moves that can punish you up close if you block but maybe i need to test him out in practice mode

Ggs dude. You were getting wrecked by the counter breakers early on but you adjusted pretty well near the end. You even got me on a few. Spinal is very hard to counter as-is so keep mixing it up (and learn his manuals) and you'll be very hard to beat.

As for Glacius, Yea he's definitely keep-away. Mix in the ice crystals with the ice column. I dunno if you played Dormammu in mvc3 but he's very similar.



Shouldn't have played that last game at 3am but I experimented a bit with aghs earthshaker and that was fun.
I agree if you really wanted a fA you bid already!

also how late can we scout? I was going to wait till after fA was up


I agree with the idea that there might be only a few of us who are still invested in free agency but there is always going to be that one guy who will get blind sided by an early advance.



Anyone want to do some Year of the Beast before that dies today? Is it even worth the time at this point?


i've been begging for over 5 years.
Ah shit! I missed the new thread. I just got back in town a few days ago so time to see how shitty my Cowboys are now that I missed free agent signing. I won't be back around my ps4 until later tonight tho


nope! that's all you get!

you'll see as you go through the first "cost" is just to give you the grade (A-F) of the attribute. then it costs even more to see the specific rating itself on whatever attribute you want.

the best strategy i've found is to pick maybe a few guys who you think you have a good shot at in your draft spot and really find out about them. other than that i just kind of get an attribute here and there for some late round guys. for instance, last year i was looking for a decent KR/PR so i just scouted the KR, speed and acc grade as opposed to spending big points on it.

Cool, I'm glad I put the brakes on a bit, because I thought I might spend it all, but better to spend a bit now and adjust after I see how the next couple of free agency stages pan out.

BTW, it hasn't been an issue yet for me, but I don't like the ownership focus (I'm sure there's a reason for it, though). Having "team funds" is a bit concerning, because the last thing I want to do is have my on-field team suffer because I'm either not playing the money management game right, or because I've inherited a mess.


Don't advance it yet! I need to still ned to bid on free agents! I completely forgot to resign my players. lol
Cool, I'm glad I put the brakes on a bit, because I thought I might spend it all, but better to spend a bit now and adjust after I see how the next couple of free agency stages pan out.

BTW, it hasn't been an issue yet for me, but I don't like the ownership focus (I'm sure there's a reason for it, though). Having "team funds" is a bit concerning, because the last thing I want to do is have my on-field team suffer because I'm either not playing the money management game right, or because I've inherited a mess.

I let the CPU do my finance stuff and it has worked out well for me!


Patience on vancin my friends! Draft is Wednesday no matter what
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