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Mafia II |OT| Hey Vito, drive me to the other side of town


More impressions by now? Would be nice.

It's great. I think I'm about halfway through, am probably going to take a break now! The shooting and driving are good in my opinion, but the city, holy crap the city is amazing.

* Shocking attention to detail in game's presentation

This is really a great way to phrase it. It is shocking just how much detail this game has, and it is really fun. I was trying to describe it to my fiancee, and the best I could do was say it's Mad Men meets GTA (I know, it's not a sandbox game). Now don't get me wrong, this game's writing, characters, and story is nothing compared to Mad Men's, but its dedication to period is on Mad Men's level, and in my opinion that is one of the best features of that show, and it's one of the best features of this game.
As a huge fan of the first game, I am LOVING this so far. Disagree with all of the complaints.

At the same time I completely understand why others aren't getting into it.
Haven t even played the demo, whats the icons on the map then if there aren't any side missions , are they just like clothing shops and such.
Kayhan said:
Eurogamer slaughters the game, other outlets give it 9/10.

What an incredibly divisive game. Can't wait to play it.

Eurogamer is harsher than most others on all the games they review. You can usually add a point to their score and find the experience comparable.
dreamer3kx said:
Haven t even played the demo, whats the icons on the map then if there aren't any side missions , are they just like clothing shops and such.

Yep. Car repairs, gas, clothes, houses. That's pretty much it as far as I know up to Chapter 3.
Jesus... I'm cursed to never finish this mission in Chapter 3.
The gas stamp one.
Between getting into a wreck on the way back to the mission giver (after a long-ass drive), or accidentally running a stupid pedestrian over which results in the police killing me, and then this...

The checkpoints in this game blow.
Prime crotch said:
The reviews are coming off as they went over bullet point features.
No side mission? Minus one.
No side activities? Minus one.

I don't think it's that straight forward though. From the Eurogamer review, at least, it just come across that the game is utterly hollow - not only from a gameplay experience, but from a narrative, character development and environmental perspective as well. It's not so much that the game doesn't follow the GTA structure, but that the structure it does follow isn't good or entertaining enough to stand on its own.

This is just how I read it, though. It seems some people are having a blast with it and will surely disagree with EG. However harsh they may be in general though, I usually trust their reviews above almost all others. Differing opinions aside, the reviewers' impression of the game fit the score.


Revolutionary said:
The checkpoints in this game blow.

This is really the only criticism of the game I've seen so far in this thread that I can 100% agree with. The checkpoint/save system in this game is awful, just awful. And since Vito is a pretty fragile, you find out just how much they suck fairly often.

And no save system on the PC? That's not acceptable. I know, other console open world ports do it too (RFG, etc.) but that's no excuse.


Rated-Rsuperstar said:
In chapter 3, does anything happen if you load all the crates on the truck?

He automatically quits after about 8 crates and you can no longer interact with the stack.

And is there any option to replay chapters or missions?

Right there in the The Story menu. You lose your autosave, though, so any progress in your current mission will be erased back to the beginning of the chapter.
squicken said:
The Eurogamer review is brutal. Those checkpoints sound awful. I understand the notion that games have gotten a little too easy, but how can you not auto-save after a cinematic in 2010? That's breaking a pretty cardinal rule of modern game design.
Not saving after cut-scenes bothers them? Why? You can skip the cut-scenes, so it really isn't a big deal. Perhaps they didn't realize you could skip the cut scenes?
MattKeil said:
He automatically quits after about 8 crates and you can no longer interact with the stack.
OK, that is kinda annoying. Don't make it look like you have a choice in a matter but then pull away the choice. :lol If that is what they are going to force you to do, they should have put it in a cutscene.
NIN90 said:
Enemy variety is also very low. Only humans.
Racist Joe Robaro would disagree since he would say you also have to go after Moolies.
So I'm playing this on the PC and every 5 seconds the game freezes for me. I have no problem playing any of the new games on at least high with at least 50-60FPS but this? It literally freezes. PhysX is turned off. I have even tried turning of AA, detail quality to medium, etc. Still freezing. Any ideas?


Neo Member
bluedeviltron said:
I love this game because I bought it.

Eurogamer.net sucks and is always wrong.

Quoted for truth.

I mean look at the other reviews, those 4/10 are way out of line. Even inside the Eurogamer Network it's by far the worst review...


Mafia 2 game coupons are now shipping with some GTX 470 and 480 cards. Notice them on Newegg. 480 still too rich for me, might get a 470 w/ the Mafia 2 coupon and overclock it.


Didn't this game get released in the states today? Didn't see much impressions from 360 users at all.. did anyone even buy the game here? :lol
bluedeviltron said:
I love this game because I bought it.

Eurogamer sucks and is always wrong.

I hate this game because I love GTA and I have a GTA avatar.

Eurogamer is good because they think the same as me.

we can all play this game junior


Jay-B said:
Giant Bomb + Games with a PC heritage = not a good mix.
I'll probably skip the segment in this week's bombcast devoted to Mafia II. I love'em, but they can be so narrow minded at times.

Agree with the sentiment on the Giantbomb's guys.
They always have a preset value of how a game should be played, even if the game end up being enjoyable but not the kind of game they expected it to be played like, they will still pan it. I have the feeling their next target to kill is Metroid Other M.
Kayhan said:
HardGame2 review: 10/10
Holy mother of god, the collectors edition is awesome.
I hope I can get it by thursday.


In spanish.

Un paso más allá… y una vista atrás…

Los inicios de Illusion Softworks (es el nombre que vamos a emplear por respeto a lo largo del análisis) fueron duros. Nos sorprendieron primero con Hidden & Dangerous (que también tuvo segunda parte), para después embarcarse en un proyecto de unas dimensiones épicas que, tras muchos cambios y después de 3 años posponiendo su lanzamiento, llegó a nuestras manos en verano de 2002 bajo el nombre de Mafia. Fue uno de esos títulos que sabes que están cuidados al mínimo detalle, pero que siempre nos incitan a tener ciertos miedos antes de instalarlo. Hubo comparaciones con GTA III por aquel entonces, era lo fácil, pero realmente no se parecían en nada más allá de su concepto “sandbox”.

Just reading the intro you know how much they love the original Mafia and how no one has to compare this franchise to GTA because they are not the same type games.

If you know spanish, read it, the hype they make is just unbelivable. Love this paragraph.

The say that Vitto is a great character. but the other great character of the game is the city, Empire Bay. It changes as the story progresses and feels alive in that sense.
I'm up to chapter 6 now. I don't like the brawling combat but everything else is fun. And I love the attention to detail in the city. Like snow falling, dogs in alleyways, and guys working on their broken cars. There are lots of cool scripted background moments to look for.


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
Fuck Adam Sessler and I honestly don't give a FUCK what he thinks about Mafia 2. If I lived the rest of my life without hearing that dude's voice it'd be better for it.
can someone please give me a quick overview of what he said, I mainly just hate the way he talks

Anyways, I've got my fucking bottle of wine sitting here next to me. Just waiting on my quinoa to be microwaved and them I'm going to dive into this bitch.


Sessler's Soapbox: Basically it all comes down to Narrative vs. Gameplay. While it is true that Mafia II is a basic 3rd person shooter, with nothing to do in the open world besides the main mission, the narrative is so good, it sucks you in. He liked that the game was more like you playing through Vito's life, instead of you becoming Vito.

Sessler also liked how the story revolved around Vito and him dealing with his own mistakes rather then someone trying to save the universe/world/people.
I asked in the graphics compare thread but I guess that's dead.

Anyone have a link for the physx tweaks for the PC verison, if they even work for the full game?


BobsRevenge said:
Fuck Adam Sessler and I honestly don't give a FUCK what he thinks about Mafia 2. If I lived the rest of my life without hearing that dude's voice it'd be better for it.
can someone please give me a quick overview of what he said, I mainly just hate the way he talks

Anyways, I've got my fucking bottle of wine sitting here next to me. Just waiting on my quinoa to be microwaved and them I'm going to dive into this bitch.

I really liked what he had to say about it. There were even a few points he made that I hadn't thought about before, especially about the part of how you have this innocent good ol' times world juxtaposed to these awful people doing awful things (not an uncommon theme with projects based on this time period for obvious reasons).

I also don't understand why people are bashing the gameplay mechanics, I don't think they are bad or inferior at all. Cover system works well, driving is good, reloading is not great though.

What he said at the end was really interesting to me, in that people coming to this game are expecting the standard components of open world games: multiple mission paths, distracting activities, etc. 2k Czech decided to intentionally leave those things out, knowing that they would be criticized for it, to instead focus on a single coherent narrative (you know, the thing that every single open world game since Mafia 1 has sucked horribly at). In my opinion they were very successful, and it paid off in spades so far, just like it did in Mafia 1. And I think the open world plays an immensely important in helping to create this awesome world where the narrative takes part. But at the same time, genre expectations are not a bad thing, and there's nothing wrong with players having those expectations and being disappointed by their absence.


coopolon said:
I really liked what he had to say about it. There were even a few points he made that I hadn't thought about before, especially about the part of how you have this innocent good ol' times world juxtaposed to these awful people doing awful things (not an uncommon theme with projects based on this time period for obvious reasons).

I also don't understand why people are bashing the gameplay mechanics, I don't think they are bad or inferior at all. Cover system works well, driving is good, reloading is not great though.

What he said at the end was really interesting to me, in that people coming to this game are expecting the standard components of open world games: multiple mission paths, distracting activities, etc. 2k Czech decided to intentionally leave those things out, knowing that they would be criticized for it, to instead focus on a single coherent narrative (you know, the thing that every single open world game since Mafia 1 has sucked horribly at). In my opinion they were very successful, and it paid off in spades so far, just like it did in Mafia 1. And I think the open world plays an immensely important in helping to create this awesome world where the narrative takes part. But at the same time, genre expectations are not a bad thing, and there's nothing wrong with players having those expectations and being disappointed by their absence.
Why is it that while everybody in this thread seems to understand what kind of game Mafia 2 is, so many reviewers mistake it for a GTA-clone?

Either they haven't done their homework or 2K has done a horrible job in explaining what the game is about. Did reviewers get review-kits?


About two hours in on the PC version, my impressions thus far (no spoilers):

~ Initial reviews complaining about the game not being "open world" need to quit whining. The game is open world, just in smaller chunks, and I don't consider that bad thing.
~ Voice acting is top notch thus far.
~ I enjoy how the cars are handled, being able to collect them a 'la The Saboteur and change their color to your liking are nice additions.
~ The cops, while nearly brain-dead while on foot, do act in certain ways that I like (they'll chase you if you speed, run a red light, etc) which is why I'm glad the game has a "safe drive mode", which basically makes it so your car can't go over the speed limit.
~ Soundtrack is very well done, the licensed tracks (while some repeat more than others) are all fitting for the period. I found something neat about driving through the snow-covered roads while listening to Bing Crosby's cover of "It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas"
~ Shooting mechanics are pretty much the "Meat & Potatoes" of shooters these days, nothing fancy, what needs to be there is there, except for...
~ No blind-fire mechanic >< A cardinal sin for cover-based shooters in my opinion.

Overall I like what I'm seeing so far :D I'm obviously quite a ways from finishing it, but I can sort of tell already it won't touch what I consider to be the benchmarks of sandbox action games from this gen; InFamous, RDR and GTA IV. Right now I'm pretty much aligning it with the original Crackdown & Red Faction Guerilla; games that are missing that extra something to make them outstanding, but I still had a ton of fun playing.

But again, the game could blow my mind or completely turn on me as I go on, so we'll see.


Kayhan said:
Why is it that while everybody in this thread seems to understand what kind of game Mafia 2 is, so many reviewers mistake it for a GTA-clone?
Genre expectations. Most reviewers have a certain expectation on what a open world game should be, in their opinion. Brad highlighted this big time in the GB Quicklook when he said it was fine back then when Mafia I came out to have an open world with nothing to do, but in 2010, he thinks it's bad.
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