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[Mafia] NX Launch Night |OT| Back of the Line!

Let me put this in a way that will help you guys understand.

Karkador has made
A totally unnecessary play early on by
Revealing his role with no real need. We
Know that Kark is an experienced player, so

I believe that he would fundamentally be against a role
So soon.

So, I've come to the conclusion that this is some sort of
Coordinated action in order to buy some goodwill with town, making
Us second guess every which way it can be spun and not take action.
Most importantly, these shenanigans, regardless of their nature, should be punished.


The fuck is this garbage? Cabbeh asked for substance and I said that there could have been meaning behind Blargs post. A player posting substance (posts you can draw meaning from) is an entirely different thing from having a town/scum read on a player. You are back to sounding like scum Sorian. Really reaching to find things to talk about.

Gee, I'm trying to find things to talk about? Go figure, it's almost like I'm playing a game of mafia or something. If I wasn't around bugging people for activity then you wouldn't have any ammo to rush in and do your usual votes with no explanation.

Let me put this in a way that will help you guys understand.

Karkador has made
A totally unnecessary play early on by
Revealing his role with no real need. We
Know that Kark is an experienced player, so

I believe that he would fundamentally be against a role
So soon.

So, I've come to the conclusion that this is some sort of
Coordinated action in order to buy some goodwill with town, making
Us second guess every which way it can be spun and not take action.
Most importantly, these shenanigans, regardless of their nature, should be punished.

Tim isn't in this game, you don't need to place coding and bread crumbs in your posts.


I don't think Kark has any chance of convincing us not to lynch someone today. If that was his only purpose I expect he would've dropped his act already; that and Ouro's posts make me think he's moved on to something else.

Coordinated action in order to buy some goodwill with town, making
Us second guess every which way it can be spun and not take action.

How do you suppose it buys him any goodwill? I'm having a hard time seeing how his shenanigans can be spun as pro-town.

I believe that he would fundamentally be against a role
So soon.
I think you accidentally a word.
I haven't done reads yet, so I might as well.

1. cabbeh [m] - Not sure what to think about this one. Seems to be thinking, at least.
2. TheGoddamn [m] - Too quiet.
3. roytheone [m] - Due to the points he's made on Karkador, I can kind of guess they're not on the same side, at least. Curious to see what else he has to say.
4. Darryl [-] - hates me, what else is new? Probably town.
5. Sorian [m] - strong town feel, but I've been wrong before. Active and I think he knows what he's doing.
6. batsnacks [m] - He's on the same page as me. Has been for awhile. If Kark flips mafia, I'd be inclined to trust him.
7. Fireblend [m] - has said some seriously weird shit. I'd like to explore him on another day phase.
8. Karkador [m] - see above post.
9. Burbeting [m] - Too quiet, but seems to be busy.
10. SalvaPot [m] - Feeling kind of townie to me. Not sure yet though.
11. Ourobolus [m] - Oddly quiet.
12. LaunchpadMcQ [m] - Admittedly, I haven't been playing as straightforward as I have in the past. There's a reason why. I sort of touched on it earlier.
13. Lone_Prodigy [m] - Too quiet.
14. Blargonaut [m] - uhm. I have no idea why out of me and Karkador, he thinks I'm the suspicious one.
15. RetroMG [m] - Retiling? That's a scum tell if I've ever heard one.

Tim isn't in this game, you don't need to place coding and bread crumbs in your posts.

Hmm? I don't know what you're talking about.
I don't think Kark has any chance of convincing us not to lynch someone today. If that was his only purpose I expect he would've dropped his act already; that and Ouro's posts make me think he's moved on to something else.

How do you suppose it buys him any goodwill? I'm having a hard time seeing how his shenanigans can be spun as pro-town.

I think you accidentally a word.

yeah, don't take that seriously lol

I was ribbing Tim.


I don't think Kark has any chance of convincing us not to lynch someone today. If that was his only purpose I expect he would've dropped his act already; that and Ouro's posts make me think he's moved on to something else.

I don't believe his purpose was ever to make a point about lynch vs. no lynch.

5. Sorian [m] - strong town feel, but I've been wrong before. Active and I think he knows what he's doing.

I think I know what I'm doing too, luckily if I'm wrong, there's no huge loss (though I'll still be annoyed).
I'm getting voted by the most suspicious player and the nutcase. halp.

hey, I'm the nut, he's the case, but you're the most suspicious

Darryl is the player

Yep, saw that shit coming.

Let me put this in a way that will help you guys understand.

Karkador has made
A totally unnecessary play early on by
Revealing his role with no real need. We
Know that Kark is an experienced player, so

I believe that he would fundamentally be against a role
So soon.

So, I've come to the conclusion that this is some sort of
Coordinated action in order to buy some goodwill with town, making
Us second guess every which way it can be spun and not take action.
Most importantly, these shenanigans, regardless of their nature, should be punished.


Who's L KARK


Okay so lot of weird stuff has been going on around the last 24 hours huh. Should never leave my eyes from the computer, it seems. Well, it’s time to make some sense into everything! Well, at least try to…

Case Karkador:

Okay so Karkador is basically offering himself to being a sacrifice because he thinks day 1 lynching will most likely lead into a town-kill anyway. I can kinda see where he is coming from, but at the same time I disagree, since I think that even though day-1 kill might be town, it still will give us later on good information about people’s votes in that day. I have also played games where scum was killed in day 1 based on the power of deduction alone, so I don’t think going for a no-lynch is undoubtly the best decision.

However, I don’t want to jump the gun on Karkador like three of people in this thread has done pretty quick-ish.

In good and bad the discussion has almost completely shifted into debating about Karkador’s motives behind the whole ordeal. The basic motivations have been mentioned by others lot of times, but what I want to think about hi show Kark’s actions and the actions of others might be related to Kark’s possible alignment.

”In the case that Karkador is actually bad”:

If, like Launch suggests, Karkador is doing a gamble here as a scum, then there is some noteworthy stuff about his behaviour and the behaviour of some players:

1. Firstly, there is just 15 players in the game, which means most likely three members of NoFun-alignment. It would be pretty dangerous for Scum to do this kind of gambit since death of one scum is lot bigger problem to the bad guys if there is less than them.

2. However, what if there is a minion-type of role in the game? I’m not sure if there has been minions in Gafia, but basically they are Scum-aligned players who are not truly ’counted’ as scum. For example if there is 2 scums and one minion left in the game versus three townsfolk, Mafia would still need to get rid of one person. It’s a way to balance games with not much players. Note that mafia usually know’s the identity of minions like this from the beginning.

3. The reason I brought this out is that doing a gamble like this might not make sense for a Mafia member, but it would make lot more sense for a minion, since minions are lot more expendable.

4. If Karkador would act like this as a hypothesised minion, he might do this gamble afterwhich real Mafia might really try to get him killed in the game. After the minion would die, the people who were most trying to kill would get towny-points without actually making that big of a wound to their ranks!

So if this hypothesis is true, then the actions of Launch and Batsnacks would look lot more interesting in this spotlight. Launch is super obsessed with trying to ge Launch killed and Batsnacks is basically saying ”I want to get you killed Kark!” I don’t think that in this scenario the both of these two would be mafia though, since it would be way too risky. Blarg too mentioned the possibility of this thing earlier.

Because both you and LaunchpadMcQ are NoFun and your duel is a mutually-arranged high-risk, high-reward gambit intended to try and solidify both of your positions early as FunTown

I kind of agree in general with this idea, but I don’t think two members of mafia would do this big of a gamble so early. However, Karkador has bigger chance of getting killed tonight, so killing a hypothetical minion would make more sense than killing possibly 33% of the whole mafia force in day 1. I don’t think Karkador would be stupid enough to basically draw a big fat target on his head.


There is a chance that Kark is still actually real scum and is actually aiming for something completely else with this gambit. He basically claimed ordinary kid, which I think is the most suspicious part of his gambit, actually.

5. If Karkador is scum, he might be claiming ordinary kid in order to justify later on why he is never killed during the night. I presume Lauch is telling the truth by saying that Kark is experienced, and Mafia’s tend to (I think not wisely at all) kill more experienced players during the nights.

6. So Karkador could justify him never dying during nights as ”well I am ordinary kid and Mafia wants to hunt PR’s.

”In the Case Karkador is actually Good”:

If Karkador is actually good and is just trying to make us look at the discussion from first standpoint, well…

1. Firstly, I can see where Kark is coming from, but this gambit from a town-perspective is mostly anti-town. If you are a ordinary kid and announce it to our faces, you are just giving mafia a smaller pool of players to pick PR’s from. It’s not really wise thing to do, you know.

2. From his hunter’s perspective aka Launch and Batsnacks, who are most aggressive against Kark, they could be Mafia who are actively trying to kill an easy target since Karkador is basically ready to die at this point.

3. However, would mafia really go for such an obvious easy target from the day 1? Mafia members in this case would more likely keep low profile and not try to act that much on the subject of Karkador. Since you know, if Karkador flips town, the eyes will undoublty look more closely at the people who were most bent on actually killing him.

So TL;DR on case Karkador!
- I disagree with this idea that lynching in day 1 is not a good idea.
- I don’t think Scum would do this big of a gamble since we probs only have three mafia.
- If Karkador is evil, there is a fair possibility that he could be a minion and someone who is trying to kill him is a scum. However, this is just an hypothesis since we don’t know if a minion is in this game.
- Only way I see scum-Karkador in this play is that he is trying to create a justification early on why he isn’t killed during the nights by claiming ordinary kid.
- If Karkador is good, then his actions are just dumb-ish and anti-town.
- Mafia might try not to hunt so visibly good-guy-Kark like Launch and is smaller case Batsy is right now.
- Right now I’m leaning bit more to bad-guy Karkador than good-guy dumb-Karkador.

Alright, I’ll talk then a bit about Blargonaut too so that my post won’t be just about KarkKarkKark.

Case Blargonaut:

At first my only reaction to Blarg’s weird sheaningans was this:


But in reality he has been posting now some legitimate points too, some I agree with some I don’t. At the same time I don’t see the point of his weird game with the pills, and I think it has been mostly distracting us instead. Unless there is some superior plan behind it (which could very well be), I suggest Blargy to keep weird games to a minimum, maybe.

Scum Blarg could use the pictures and weird sheaningans as a way to let him look like falsely active. I haven’t played with Blarg in other games than ONUW though, so I’m not really sure if this is just normal Blarg or even more crazy Blarg.


11. Ourobolus [m] - Oddly quiet.
True (though a lot of today was playing Rocket League!).

To be honest, I'm more suspicious of those that ganged up on Kark right now. I'm convinced that between Kark, Launch, and batsnacks there is at least one scum. My view is that Kark's claim was a bait to see who would jump on him, thinking it's an easy target.

I could totally be wrong and it could be as simple as it may seem, but that's my thought for now.

As for Salva, I know my vote is still on him, but again, that's just a gut feeling more than anything. I don't have anything concrete just yet other than his desire to no-lynch Day 1.


At first my only reaction to Blarg’s weird sheaningans was this:


But in reality he has been posting now some legitimate points too, some I agree with some I don’t. At the same time I don’t see the point of his weird game with the pills, and I think it has been mostly distracting us instead. Unless there is some superior plan behind it (which could very well be), I suggest Blargy to keep weird games to a minimum, maybe.

Scum Blarg could use the pictures and weird sheaningans as a way to let him look like falsely active. I haven’t played with Blarg in other games than ONUW though, so I’m not really sure if this is just normal Blarg or even more crazy Blarg.

This is regular Blarg in all of his glory. That being said, we should never take it for granted, scum Blarg could easily hide in as regular Blarg since regular Blarg is already anti-town with his normal confusion.

I have multiple purposes

Good, then don't disappoint me.


This is regular Blarg in all of his glory. That being said, we should never take it for granted, scum Blarg could easily hide in as regular Blarg since regular Blarg is already anti-town with his normal confusion.

Good, then don't disappoint me.

What do you Sorian think about the possibility of a minion-type of role?


As for Salva, I know my vote is still on him, but again, that's just a gut feeling more than anything. I don't have anything concrete just yet other than his desire to no-lynch Day 1.

Em, I actually want to lynch in this game.

Actually, part of the reason people suspect is because it goes against my usual stance.
Maybe, but if there is one, it wouldn't serve the same purpose. They would support the mafia members, but it's not like we'd be wasting our time lynching them.

wasting our time by lynching them*

Also, I'd like to point out something kind of funny/interesting. I started off playing this close to the chest, then when Kark came with his roleclaim, I've put all my cards on the table.

There are a few people here who were calling me out for playing games, yet they're withholding thoughts and information.


What do you Sorian think about the possibility of a minion-type of role?

I didn't quote that half of your post because I was still thinking on it. My initial reaction was no, I doubt there is a minion in this game but that is completely based on the fact that Gafia hasn't used a minion role before (that I know of) and I didn't see them adding a new role in for this little side game. That's hardly a real reason though and I could see why it would be a beneficial role to have in a game with a smaller number of people. That being said, Kark's MO doesn't fit a minion role. He knew this was shining the spotlight on him and with a weird claim like that so early without any pressure, it doesn't take a Seer (ONUW pun, lol) to know that was going to blow up in his face with votes against him. A minion should be taken out before his or her mafia buddies but just self-sacrificing on day 1 isn't right. Killing a townie would be more ebenficial than dying as a minion and on day 1, we are more likely to kill a townie, so why bring all the attention to yourself then.


What do you Sorian think about the possibility of a minion-type of role?

Burb, I seriously doubt there is a minion in this game. Roles which kind of benefit from getting themselves lynched are rarely, if ever, used in gafia games. Plus, a minion may not count as a full mafia, he will still act and vote in favor of the Mafia, and having that extra help longer in the game will probably benefit the Mafia more than sacrificing him for a couple of town points on day 1.


Yeah, what you said Sorian is a fair point. In my hypothesis the reason why minion-Kark would do this is to give real scum town-points for killing "almost scum".

But yeah, the hypothesis is mostly on shaky ground, but I'll propably look into it. I just don't understand any really good explanation for a scum-Kark to do what he did.


What do you Sorian think about the possibility of a minion-type of role?

I don't see how it'd make sense for a minion to put himself out there this early either. I'm sure a minion-like player would find a better way to make himself useful than by avoiding a scum lynch on day 1, when the chances of that happening are pretty low already.

Not saying there might not be such a role in play, but I'm not sure I buy that it would somehow justify Kark's actions either.


Burb, I seriously doubt there is a minion in this game. Roles which kind of benefit from getting themselves lynched are rarely, if ever, used in gafia games. Plus, a minion may not count as a full mafia, he will still act and vote in favor of the Mafia, and having that extra help longer in the game will probably benefit the Mafia more than sacrificing him for a couple of town points on day 1.

I don't see how it'd make sense for a minion to put himself out there this early either. I'm sure a minion-like player would find a better way to make himself useful than by avoiding a scum lynch on day 1, when the chances of that happening are pretty low already.

Not saying there might not be such a role in play, but I'm not sure I buy that it would somehow justify Kark's actions either.

Yeah, I know too that the idea of a minion doesn't really fot well with Kark's actions either. Neithee does scum or a towner either though.

Ouro said that he figured Kark out right? I'd like to hear about what he thinks about it in better detail.


Yeah, I know too that the idea of a minion doesn't really fot well with Kark's actions either. Neithee does scum or a towner either though.

Ouro said that he figured Kark out right? I'd like to hear about what he thinks about it in better detail.

Check just below your big post.


Yeah, what you said Sorian is a fair point. In my hypothesis the reason why minion-Kark would do this is to give real scum town-points for killing "almost scum".

But yeah, the hypothesis is mostly on shaky ground, but I'll propably look into it. I just don't understand any really good explanation for a scum-Kark to do what he did.

Yeah, I get what you are saying but that seems like such a short sighted use of the role. Not that scum always plays perfect but it seems like someone would have spoken against that plan.
No need to be vague, who are you talking about here?

You and Ouro have theories about what Kark's doing. It's best you not share them, but my point was mostly that I've been forthright since Kark's roleclaim.

Yeah, what you said Sorian is a fair point. In my hypothesis the reason why minion-Kark would do this is to give real scum town-points for killing "almost scum".

But yeah, the hypothesis is mostly on shaky ground, but I'll propably look into it. I just don't understand any really good explanation for a scum-Kark to do what he did.

And at the same time Town-Karkador doing what he did wouldn't make any sense either.

This is why I'm struggling with his claim.


You and Ouro have theories about what Kark's doing. It's best you not share them, but my point was mostly that I've been forthright since Kark's roleclaim.

The writing is on the wall and maybe Ouro is thinking like me? Idk. But that's fine, I wasn't sure if you were referring to someone else.


I'm out and about tonight, but I really want to respond, especially to Burbeting's post.

Thankfully we still have a day or so. There's still more to talk about.
True (though a lot of today was playing Rocket League!).

To be honest, I'm more suspicious of those that ganged up on Kark right now. I'm convinced that between Kark, Launch, and batsnacks there is at least one scum. My view is that Kark's claim was a bait to see who would jump on him, thinking it's an easy target.

I could totally be wrong and it could be as simple as it may seem, but that's my thought for now.

As for Salva, I know my vote is still on him, but again, that's just a gut feeling more than anything. I don't have anything concrete just yet other than his desire to no-lynch Day 1.

Has Kark said anything that catches your attention? Because to me, he's been spiraling for awhile. He's trying to discredit me through lies and slander. I've only taken what he's said at face value and read between the lines, yet he hasn't refuted most of the inferences I've made. I haven't gone and tried to pick apart his posts by blatantly misconstruing what he's saying.

If he was trying to bait us, where's the stick? I don't see it. I just see floundering scum.


Has Kark said anything that catches your attention? Because to me, he's been spiraling for awhile. He's trying to discredit me through lies and slander. I've only taken what he's said at face value and read between the lines, yet he hasn't refuted most of the inferences I've made. I haven't gone and tried to pick apart his posts by blatantly misconstruing what he's saying.

If he was trying to bait us, where's the stick? I don't see it. I just see floundering scum.
I'll admit I don't agree with his argument for no-lynching Day 1. Every person we lose as a result of a vote gives us more information than a night-lynch. That way we can look for patterns and reasoning. Just waiting for a night lynch means we are back to square one on the next day - what if they lynch a quite one? Not a lot to go on there.

As for bait - his claim was bait. It's a ridiculous plan for both a townie and a scum, so why would he do it? If he's scum he just painted a massive target on his back, and if he's town, he's a) lowered the targeting pool for mafia by one, or b) getting himself lynched, which is almost the same thing. But by claiming, it made it so that certain people like yourself and batsnacks would pounce on it, thinking it's an easy lynch. I'm more suspicious of the people jumping on Kark than Kark himself (although he's still up there, because let's face it - it's a ridiculous gambit).
Launch Kark, the infamous no-fun-allowed boy band duo that has been stealing all of the NX pre-orders.

There are others...

It's kind of strange that Blarg has a bone to pick with me. Not sure what that's about.


*whips headphones off*

ew, k they got the looks, but how can y'all listen to that and still tell me L KARK ain't 'N SYNC

and pls, a debut album full of covers? x_x

I'd rather boot the lead singer than the bass support tbh
Is this a hook so we don't lynch you early before you can talk more? :p

Now that you mention it...

I'll admit I don't agree with his argument for no-lynching Day 1. Every person we lose as a result of a vote gives us more information than a night-lynch. That way we can look for patterns and reasoning. Just waiting for a night lynch means we are back to square one on the next day - what if they lynch a quite one? Not a lot to go on there.

As for bait - his claim was bait. It's a ridiculous plan for both a townie and a scum, so why would he do it? If he's scum he just painted a massive target on his back, and if he's town, he's a) lowered the targeting pool for mafia by one, or b) getting himself lynched, which is almost the same thing. But by claiming, it made it so that certain people like yourself and batsnacks would pounce on it, thinking it's an easy lynch. I'm more suspicious of the people jumping on Kark than Kark himself (although he's still up there, because let's face it - it's a ridiculous gambit).

A lot of what I've said up until now ignored his original argument, but yes, I'd like to state I'm pro day 1 lynch, regardless of how I feel about Kark.

There's something wrong with your description here. You say it was bait, but again, what was the bait for? So I jumped on it - now what? He's been trying to squirrel out of this since I called him out on it and it doesn't sound like it's been going the way he's wanted it to. What's the second part of this "trap" supposed to be?


There's something wrong with your description here. You say it was bait, but again, what was the bait for? So I jumped on it - now what? He's been trying to squirrel out of this since I called him out on it and it doesn't sound like it's been going the way he's wanted it to. What's the second part of this "trap" supposed to be?

What part two? I assume he doesn't ACTUALLY want to get lynched - that'd be silly, unless he's like Hobo in the AC game. The gambit was just to put a target on himself and see who aimed at it.
What part two? I assume he doesn't ACTUALLY want to get lynched - that'd be silly, unless he's like Hobo in the AC game. The gambit was just to put a target on himself and see who aimed at it.

Ouro... lol

What I'm asking is, what was the purpose of the bait? He's reeled me in. Here I am. Is it just to attack me? Because it took awhile of me berating him before he put a vote on me and started trying to spin things around.


Ouro... lol

What I'm asking is, what was the purpose of the bait? He's reeled me in. Here I am. Is it just to attack me? Because it took awhile of me berating him before he put a vote on me and started trying to spin things around.

For others to notice? What else would happen during the day?
Now that you mention it...

A lot of what I've said up until now ignored his original argument, but yes, I'd like to state I'm pro day 1 lynch, regardless of how I feel about Kark.

There's something wrong with your description here. You say it was bait, but again, what was the bait for? So I jumped on it - now what? He's been trying to squirrel out of this since I called him out on it and it doesn't sound like it's been going the way he's wanted it to. What's the second part of this "trap" supposed to be?

Candy falls out of you


Nah. I doubt I'm gonna be majority'd. It would be too telling.

Telling of what?

For others to notice? What else would happen during the day?

That's what I'm trying to figure out. Even if I hadn't approached Kark so aggressively, I would still be very much in the boat of thinking that was some weird ass shit that went down, so what changes now that I'm out here in the open? I've got nothing to hide.
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