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[Mafia] NX Launch Night |OT| Back of the Line!


Also, side note, I went back to read Burb's PM to check on something and you all suck at scum hunting (I do too but I wasn't really trying as hard as you guys should have been yesterday)

This is placed after his action in the PM which means this is also hinting at an ability as well. Sounds like a tracker role would not have seen Burb doing anything, hmm, why include that if the tracker was also Fun-aligned? But oh well, not important now.

Hey Tim, was this part of Burb's PM actually an ability of any sort? Was he hidden from Roy?

What a jerk :(

To be fair, after roy flipped, I knew it wasn't you.


I feel like a used tampon



Got anything positive to say?

darryl continues to impress me, I thought I'd have a better read on him and I didn't. Sorian did quite well, he did a better job of projecting town than all of the actual townies. Blarg was actually pretty easy to read in spite of being blarg.

It's too bad about timeaisis. I remember making that mistake about him once before, with less disastrous consequences :l


Not all neutrals are bad! El topo for example was a very pro-town neutral in archer if he decided to just not shoot all willy nilly.

yeah but you don't know what their win condition is and even benign win conditions can swing mafia if they feel threatened. You can keep them around and make them useful, even listen to a read every now and again but if you're letting them lead town you've fucked up.


- Fire switched Ouro and Sorian night one. Darryl sent the kill order for Sorian. Why did they do this? No idea. They even asked me what would happen if a watcher was on Ouro, and I said he’d see Fire. Town tried to make sense of this play, but there was none. Mafia had a role designed to get caught, and this plan put their utility at risk.

- Sorian licked himself one due to the switch. Here’s what I said on the matter in the dead thread:

I fucking called this and no one believed me, lol, I said "What if the switch was made to confuse town" and it did.


I fucking called this and no one believed me, lol, I said "What if the switch was made to confuse town" and it did.

Alright, I'm going to pre-face this with I think our biggest clues can be found somewhere in day 2. I do honestly believe that. There could be clues elsewhere but I think, in retrospect, day 2 was where scum had to scramble the most. I think they concocted a pretty good plan for a watcher that they weren't even sure existed but they didn't anticipate really getting caught, and if they did, they probably thought it would be easier to implicate the other player and out their PR instead of getting me, a worthless neutral licker. *slurp* *slurp*


It's kind of sweet of you guys to think that in any point in this game, we actually had a plan and knew what we were doing :) Really, we didn't, we were just bumbling through this whole game, improvising as we went on. This particular incident was caused by a serious miscommunication and Darryl jumping the gun a bit, it was never meant to really do anything.

I don't understand why the kill would go through before your lick, but maybe that's how the ability works. In the end, it's still very possible that Fireblend did a switch and another mafia did a kill. I understand it's super tinfoil hat of me to even suggest that, but I think they're a pretty clever bunch over there. That whole mess plus Blargonaut created a shit ton of confusion yesterday. The lightning rod definitely didn't help, either.

To the actual scum, kudos for playing so well.

Regardless of what happens, kudos to scum for playing so well. If Sorian chooses poorly, then I'm dead. I didn't expect to last this long to be honest.


Again, thanks for these compliments guys! But really, we did suck ass as the scum team. We really didn't had any right to win this game with the way we played, but luckily town also kind of sucked for a big part of the game, so that saved us.

One thing I'll never forget about Darryl, though, is that even though he doesn't post much, he's usually around. He was insanely active on the mafia board in AC, but only posted in the main thread a quarter of that. I'm not going to go into activity talk, but that "Good morning" post from end of D5 was 100% bullshit.

I don't believe this to be true. If he wasn't posting, it was on purpose.


Yeaaaah, that not posting a lot wasn't an act from Darryl this time. He told me that he was preparing a trip abroad so he had very little time to play, he only read about 5 % of the posts in the thread. The only reason he didn't got a replacement was because you guys made it so easy for us to just sit back and watch you destroy yourself that he didn't need to be active :)

I think the final ace in the hole yesterday was roy "suddenly" having the epiphany that I was a neutral and would vote with scum today if they both made it through day 4. This wasn't an epiphany at all.

*Big ass conspiracy theory between me and Time*

That's how I read yesterday, maybe I'm a fool.

Fun fact: that "epiphany" Sorian is talking about here was seriously an epiphany I got while sitting in the bathroom. I almost succeeded in saving myself with it too! It was kind of exhilarating, my favorite moment of this game by far.



It's kind of sweet of you guys to think that in any point in this game, we actually had a plan and knew what we were doing :) Really, we didn't, we were just bumbling through this whole game, improvising as we went on. This particular incident was caused by a serious miscommunication and Darryl jumping the gun a bit, it was never meant to really do anything.


Again, thanks for these compliments guys! But really, we did suck ass as the scum team. We really didn't had any right to win this game with the way we played, but luckily town also kind of sucked for a big part of the game, so that saved us.


Yeaaaah, that not posting a lot wasn't an act from Darryl this time. He told me that he was preparing a trip abroad so he had very little time to play, he only read about 5 % of the posts in the thread. The only reason he didn't got a replacement was because you guys made it so easy for us to just sit back and watch you destroy yourself that he didn't need to be active :)

Fun fact: that "epiphany" Sorian is talking about here was seriously an epiphany I got while sitting in the bathroom. I almost succeeded in saving myself with it too! It was kind of exhilarating, my favorite moment of this game by far.[/QUOTE]

I noted this in the dead thread as well, might as well just always assume the scum are the ones fumbling around in the dark, apparently even more than the actual townies. Also, at least I called it that Darryl really was away and that post about him saying that Fire should have turned things around during the whole Blarg claim was him throwing in some snark.

Tiiiiiiiiiiiiim, I wanna know if Burb would have seen by roy if roy tried to track him.


Sorian, I couldn't watch myself.

//Wait sorry, I'm not sure if I understood that question.

This was a part of your role PM.

Being a younger sibling has trained you in the art of watching others without notice.

And it sounds oddly like a hint that roy couldn't track you which also would have told us that Roy was scum. I'm just curious.



It was too easy, wasn't it?

Nice win there Sorian. I never even thought of the Microsoft thing until i saw the dead thread, and even saw I commented on it.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, you and Retro both brought it up early and I just kind of shrugged it off. It didn't really matter if it got noticed and obviously by the end of the game, I dropped all pretenses as I got closer to a win situation :P


Following this thread was really funny. I dismissed the idea of joining the spectator thread because
spoilers are no-fun
and I wanted to embrace this ride alone :)

Well, what can I say? Obviously I wanted to find out who was scum myself, but town often choose differently and went into other directions than those I thought of. All this time there was this suspense. Kark and Batsnacks "accident", Blarg fake claiming, the most stupid and anti-town mini game I have ever seen, Sorian and Launch talking non-stop. It was kind of frustrating and hilarious to watch.

The last two days had this last stand feeling! Every decision could be the final! Darryl was too obviously rarely joining in, so he wasn't scum in my eyes. It felt more like he had personal stuff going on and disliked the way the game went (which was understandable from the sideview ;))
After Batsnacks AND Kark died, Launch was my top scum until the last day. He really behaved like scum, weaseled himself out of the "I take full responsibility" situation, constantly referred to Tim's mistake and blamed him. Yeah, sorry but that was my impression ~ but I was amazed of how you could convince everybody to not lynch you, kudos to you.
And how did Sorian not get lynched the last day?! WTF? Somebody mentioned the scenario and I thought "YES! Kill him, finally!" But no... Let the claimed neutral, who openly admitted to only think of his win condition, choose the winner.
Since I had no clue and became unsure of Launch, the idea of Sorian as scum came to my mind. Totally wrong, but killing him would have let to Darryl, Timeasis and Launch trying to decide. Those were my thoughts during the last hours...

Once more I want to emphasize I did enjoy the show and hopefully the next games will be as eventful as this mess here :)


havent heard of this mafia role before,

I'm gonna BING it!


Following this thread was really funny. I dismissed the idea of joining the spectator thread because
spoilers are no-fun
and I wanted to embrace this ride alone :)

Well, what can I say? Obviously I wanted to find out who was scum myself, but town often choose differently and went into other directions than those I thought of. All this time there was this suspense. Kark and Batsnacks "accident", Blarg fake claiming, the most stupid and anti-town mini game I have ever seen, Sorian and Launch talking non-stop. It was kind of frustrating and hilarious to watch.

The last two days had this last stand feeling! Every decision could be the final! Darryl was too obviously rarely joining in, so he wasn't scum in my eyes. It felt more like he had personal stuff going on and disliked the way the game went (which was understandable from the sideview ;))
After Batsnacks AND Kark died, Launch was my top scum until the last day. He really behaved like scum, weaseled himself out of the "I take full responsibility" situation, constantly referred to Tim's mistake and blamed him. Yeah, sorry but that was my impression ~ but I was amazed of how you could convince everybody to not lynch you, kudos to you.
And how did Sorian not get lynched the last day?! WTF? Somebody mentioned the scenario and I thought "YES! Kill him, finally!" But no... Let the claimed neutral, who openly admitted to only think of his win condition, choose the winner.
Since I had no clue and became unsure of Launch, the idea of Sorian as scum came to my mind. Totally wrong, but killing him would have let to Darryl, Timeasis and Launch trying to decide. Those were my thoughts during the last hours...

Once more I want to emphasize I did enjoy the show and hopefully the next games will be as eventful as this mess here :)

Glad you had fun watching the show! I look forward to you being in a game from the start and not having to worry about filling some else's (scum) shoes.


One more issue - you all should take a look at this:


Somehow I had the time to read through everything, but damn you two at the top...


One more issue - you all should take a look at this:


Somehow I had the time to read through everything, but damn you two at the top...

When Launch and I were in the game, there was only way that chart was going to look. Plus we both got to end game? GG

Can I point out L_P's post count for also making it to end game? batsnacks had more posts and he died first! The mod even had more posts!


Glad you had fun watching the show! I look forward to you being in a game from the start and not having to worry about filling some else's (scum) shoes.

Yeah, me too. Thanks.

When Launch and I were in the game, there was only way that chart was going to look. Plus we both got to end game? GG

Can I point out L_P's post count for also making it to end game? batsnacks had more posts and he died first! The mod even had more posts!

Don't you think it got a little out of hand? It makes looking back so time consuming :( and sometimes people rely too much on the post count to verify anything. Of course L_P could be proof the opposite works as well (or an exception), but I don't know.


Don't you think it got a little out of hand? It makes looking back so time consuming :( and sometimes people rely too much on the post count to verify anything. Of course L_P could be proof the opposite works as well (or an exception), but I don't know.

You have no idea how time consuming it was to wake up time and time again to see 5+ new pages in this thread. As a town member, that would already be hard to keep up with, but as a scum you have to pay even more attention to what is going on in the thread, so it took even more time.


Don't you think it got a little out of hand? It makes looking back so time consuming :( and sometimes people rely too much on the post count to verify anything. Of course L_P could be proof the opposite works as well (or an exception), but I don't know.

I don't think my own feelings are indicative of the matter for everyone but no. There were several times where I had to reach back to find specific posts and I never once had an issue so the high post count never really had an effect on me. The snowball issue was that Launch and I watch the thread a lot more than others and so I would say something and he would see it pretty quick and respond then I'd see what he said pretty quick and I'd respond etc. The problem here was we may have started on topic A that we wanted Darryl or L_P to respond to but by the time one of them viewed the thread, we've moved off of topic A to topics B, C, and D and they just don't bother responding to that first topic because we may have forgotten about it already.

That being said, verifying anything by post count is complete hogwash and garbage. It's people looking for a confirmation bias to give reasoning for a suspicion that they can't already put into words.


I certainly gave up trying to look through old posts and analysing them after a certain point.

That's the major point against the high post numbers.


In the future, Sorian and Launch should just have a separate public thread to talk to each other. After they've yelled at each other for 20 pages, they can report a summary to the main game thread.


In the future, Sorian and Launch should just have a separate public thread to talk to each other. After they've yelled at each other for 20 pages, they can report a summary to the main game thread.

"Alright, we're done. We think Darryl did it. Launch is going off of gut feeling and I dug back to page 7 of the main thread and found that Darryl made a post on a Wednesday but he never posts on Wednesday."


In the future, Sorian and Launch should just have a separate public thread to talk to each other. After they've yelled at each other for 20 pages, they can report a summary to the main game thread.

Watch the public Sorian/Launch thread be triple the size of the actual game's.
One more issue - you all should take a look at this:


Somehow I had the time to read through everything, but damn you two at the top...

Wow Tim posted more than me. If I wasn't so safe with Becky I would've posted more.

One more thing. Lynching Sorian was in hindsight the best move for the town, but I was slightly selfish in wanting to go for the win without dying.


Wow Tim posted more than me. If I wasn't so safe with Becky I would've posted more.

One more thing. Lynching Sorian was in hindsight the best move for the town, but I was slightly selfish in wanting to go for the win without dying.

Yeah, keeping me around until day 4 was in everyone's best interest. I should have been the definite candidate up for debate that day though but I guess no one really paid mind to the fact that if you guys guessed wrong that day that scum team would win. Then town lucked out with that roy kill (because I didn't care either way and it was almost Launch) and when day 5 rolled around, I shouldn't have even been debated on. I should have been turbo'd to force a 2 town/1 scum final day phase. On top of that, I even posted an evil mastermind post after roy was hammered, I think it got drowned out a bit with Launch pretending to be scum though so it didn't leave the impression it could have.
I don't suppose you have the links to your Microsoft shilling posts. I remember you Binged something.

EDIT: reading through the dead thread. YNNNY said this D1:

FILTHY QUEUE JUMPERS >:O .... i donno who i'd pick as no-fun-scum... they are all so hard to reaaaaaaaad but i'm thinking... mmm maybe fireblend and royroy. mmmm.

And then Tim:

I *really* wish L_P would post more, he could make this game verrrry interesting.

no L_P, use your ability! for the lols!

I wrote the flavor for him killing kark or cab and then he kills bat lol

From batsnacks:

omg not the cop too. You monsters.

Oh man the D2 madness. Why didn't we turbo Fire? lolol

Launch, definitely scum MVP.

Burb has a point on why scum wouldn't kill me. The squid kill was a bad move (and so was the cabot one). But NFA won in the end, so...

Darryl was basically half-invested in this game and still won.
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