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[Mafia] NX Launch Night |OT| Back of the Line!


As the crowd thinned out, the group desperately tried to determine who the last no-fun-haver was.

"It's him!" shrieked the angry mom.

"It has to be him," cried the creepy guy wearing a Microsoft hat.

"Yeah, sure, man. Whatever," mumbled the stoner.

Bewildered, Timeaisis left the line.

Timeaisis was removed from the list

Ordinary Kid
You are so ordinary, you don’t even get flavor.

You are a Fun-aligned (Town) Ordinary Townie.

Thanks to some RNG bullshit, you have not been given a role even though we all know you would have played way better than the people who got one.

You win if all No-Fun-Allowed-aligned players are removed from the list.

Immediately after, the Mom grabbed the clipboard and crossed another name off.

Lone_Prodigy was removed from the list

Stoner Dude
Yeah, but like think about it, man. If you don’t regulate capitalism all corporations will eventually merge into one giant corporation which will control the government because money is power. See? See? Don’t you get it, man? Communism and capitalism are the same thing! Why did we fight all those wars then it’s total-- oh hold on Spongebob is back on.

You’ve been riding a solid [8] all day. Kid Cudi is blaring. You’re browsing r/trees for the dank memes. And you’re hanging out in this line with mostly cool people. Life couldn’t get any better. You even brought along some brownies to share with everyone! Your own special blend! Now they can enjoy the good life too.

You are a Fun-aligned (Town) 1-shot day vigilante.

Once per game you may give someone a brownie posting in the thread BECKY: <player name>. That person will immediately die from an overdose and be removed from the game.

You win if all No-Fun-Allowed-aligned players are removed from the list.

The Mom, the creepy Microsoft employee, and the man with pee dribbling down his pants remained.

The man holding a Surface broke down crying. "I can't do this any more. This isn't who I am." With that he stripped completely naked and dropped on all fours. He mooed a few times before crawling to a nearby field to enjoy some fresh grass.

Sorian achieved his win condition was removed from the list

Microsoft Guerrilla Marketer
Mooooo. You are a true artist. A painter. Poet. Activist. You stand up for your beliefs no matter how extreme. Moo. All milk should be GMO free. Animals who identify as human should be free to make love to any humans they please. Moo. Humans who identify as farm animals -- like say cows, should be free to eat grass and moo and lick the other cows. And no one should think that’s weird.

Unfortunately, bovine-inspired paintings and poetry do not sell nearly as much as you expected, and your parents have cut off all contact after you threw up Christmas dinner and ate the vomit. No matter how much you tried to explain how cud is totally natural for any creature with four stomachs, they just wouldn’t hear it. To pay the bills you were forced to get a job as a Guerrilla Marketer for Microsoft.

You’ve been assigned to the launch of the NX in an attempt to push Microsoft related products. They may be an udderly evil corporation, but they don’t ask too many questions about your after hours activities.

You are a Moocrosoft-aligned (3P) Survivor with Post Restrictions.

Each day you will be given a Microsoft product to casually push on to the unsuspecting consumers. You must mention the product in at least three posts that day or you will fail. If you fail two times, Steve Balmer will personally come out of retirement to fire you.

Due to a NDA, there are some restrictions on what you can say:

- You may never imply that you have a Post Restriction or that you have to say specific things as part of your role.
- You may never mention that you are a marketer or work for Microsoft.
- You may never say anything negative about any Microsoft product.

Breaking any of these rules is an instant failure and you will be removed from the game when the day ends.

Each night you must cowlick one player by sending me the night action: COWLICK: <player name>. The player will receive the following message: “You woke up with a cowlick!” but that is the only effect. You may not lick the same person twice. Once in the game you may optionally withhold the lick by sending me the night action: LICK MYSELF.

You win if you are still alive at the end of the game and have not failed the guerilla marketing campaign two times or broken any of the NDA rules. If you have any questions about what you can or cannot say let me know!

Alternately you will win if every currently-living player has a cowlick. You don't need to lick yourself to win.

The Mom and the Pee Man remained.

The Mom shrieked with laughter. "You were right all along! You were right, and you couldn't do anything about it!" Her laughter seemed to carry for miles so unsettling the Pee Man that a large wet spot appeared on his pants. He ran from the building crying.

LaunchpadMcQ was end gamed.

Incontinence Guy
Hey, where’s the bathroom?

*goes to the bathroom*

Hey, can you watch my stuff?

*goes to the bathroom*

Hey, hold my spot please.

*goes to the bathroom*

Hey, I’ll be right back.

*goes to the bathroom*


*goes to the bathroom*

You are a Fun-aligned (Town) Sleepwalker.

Each night you will ask a random person to watch your stuff while you go to the bathroom.

You hydrate way too much and constantly go to the bathroom.

You win if all No-Fun-Allowed-aligned players are removed from the list.

The manager returned. "So, uh, there was a miscommunication, and uh... we actually have 15 of these things, so uh... oh." He stopped as he realized only one person was still in line.

"I'll take all of them!" she laughed.

"Not so fast."

The Mom turned to find the return of the Divorced Dad and the fired Security Guard.

"We did this together. We split it evenly," the Dad continued, "My custody hearing is tomorrow."

The Security Guard pipped in, "Yeah, and I could use the extra cash."

Begrudgingly, the Mom nodded.

They paid the manager, who seemed rather disinterested in the whole affair.

The game has ended in a No-Fun-Allowed / Moocrosoft victory!

Darryl said:
Shrieking Mom
Hayden? Hayden, dear, you must finish your kale chips. I know, pumpkin, but we know how you-- oh, okay. If you want Mcdonald's, we’ll go there right away. Mommy always gets her perfect little boy exactly what she wants--


Come on, sweet angel, mommy will buy you chicken nuggets on the way to get your game thingy. I’m sorry mommy yells at the lesser people, but they’re just so... lesser.

You are a No-Fun-Allowed-aligned (Mafia) lynchbomb. Your teammates are x and the messageboard is here:

If you are lynched, you will blow up in a screaming rage causing the last person to vote for you to be removed from the list as well.

You may also perform your faction’s night kill by sending me the night action REMOVE: <player name>

You may only perform one night action per night

You win if No-Fun-Allowed-aligned players hold a majority vote.

It was only when they got home that they realized the boxes were filled with Harry Potter books. Somewhere out there, the game store manager booked a flight to Brazil.

To be continued?




Town: Cabbeh, Sorian, Ourobolos, Blargonaut
Town, but with Scum possibility: Lone_Prodigy (depends on Karkador)
Neutral or Not Enough Info: TheGoddamn, Karkador, Launchpad, RetroMG
Suspecting at least a bit because blending: roytheone, Darryl, Fireblend, SalvaPot

Suspecting at least a bit because blending: roytheone, Darryl, Fireblend, SalvaPot

The Moral of this story is: Day 1 Reads can be useful as fuck :p.

Bigger post later after all posts from Tim :p.


I'm missing the part where this should be game over ?

I assume he PM'd Darryl and asked him what his night action would be. Darryl chose to go with my plan and remove L_P. That means everyone alive was licked and I trotted right the fuck out. One more day phase would have just been you vs. Darryl, tied vote, he wins with night phase. It got end gamed.


Seriously I got my shit together ever since I left the store. My kids like me now, I lost a ton of weight, Sharon is giving me a second chance, and I got a huge inheritance from some distant relative which I've used responsibly to fix all my economic hardships! It's all fine and dandy :)

Also this Harry Potter launch game is damn fine. Almost as good as the book.
I assume he PM'd Darryl and asked him what his night action would be. Darryl chose to go with my plan and remove L_P. That means everyone alive was licked and I trotted right the fuck out. One more day phase would have just been you vs. Darryl, tied vote, he wins with night phase. It got end gamed.

Usual rules are you would leave at the end of the next day


Usual rules are you would leave at the end of the next day

Nope, I confirmed with Tim multiple times throughout the game, I leave at the end of the current phase, day or night, if everyone alive is licked. I even told you guys that at one point because someone asked.


You get a plaque for calling me out so directly on that Microsoft shit though.



Btw Sorian, my God did you today overanalyze my actions in this game. I almost never had those smart ideas and plans you were contributing to me :) I had no idea what I was doing 90 % of the time, I just winged it through most of the game.
You get a plaque for calling me out so directly on that Microsoft shit though.


I'm not saying I had anything to do with your Bing day...

...but I might have seconded that suggestion in the spectator thread.


Btw Sorian, my God did you today overanalyze my actions in this game. I almost never had those smart ideas and plans you were contributing to me :) I had no idea what I was doing 90 % of the time, I just winged it through most of the game.

roy, pls, I had to over analyse today. It was fun but mostly an act. Did you really think any of them were going to have the stones to turn around and vote me out after I spent all of that time combing through such useless crap?


Btw, can someone walk me through night 1? Was I right?

We discussed a switch kill, but in the end came to the conclusion it wouldn't benefit us. I went to sleep, woke up, checked our private forum and saw that suddenly darryl DID want a switch kill and already targeted you. So fire had to switch you with our real target ourob. So that night was basically caused by darryl jumping the gun a bit.


Overall MVP: Sorian

Not only did he play both sides perfectly, he had to overcome a scum team that did not realize that he could vote with them until it was too late. Very nicely played dude.

Town MVP: Burbeting

He did his job as watcher, caught a scum, and went home. Correctly guessing the scum team on day one and two to boot.

Scum MVP: roytheone

Scum suffered a lot from being spread out over timezones. A lot of their plans / actions made the game way harder for themselves than it should have been. roytheone made a solid effort despite of this.


Scum Thread
Dead Thread
Cab and Czar's Awesome Mason Thread
Role PMs
Night Actions


Fireblend was innocent. One of the few thing town did right was be wrong.

Fireblend, I don't feel bad about falsifying that evidence at all. After I clarified my role with Tim, I KNEW you had to be the switcher but I fed you to the wolves and I had no regrets. I'm so damn lucky the switcher was scum-aligned. Darryl tried to point out I was lying but he could only do so much.


I can't wait for you guys to read through the scum thread and realize how badly we played. It will make how badly town played even more evident ;)


Mod Fuck Ups

- I know will be a shocking revelation, but I sent Launch the wrong role PM. His was the last role added and Palmer and I kept going back and forth between commuter and sleepwalker. We landed on sleepwalker, but I forgot and sent the commuter one instead. I realized my mistake immediately and sent Launch an updated one before the game started. He responded to me, and I had no reason to think he thought I was joking. (For the record, I’ll never joke about this stuff, ever.) When we realized the miscommunication on day two, Launch was under the impression his role was anti-town, even though it wasn’t. I felt super bad, but couldn’t exactly PM him and explain why his role existed. Fortunately he figured it out in the end. Sorry, buddy!

- When you guys lynched Fire, I was headed out for the day. In my haste to get his flip up before I left, I simply cut out the “your partners are” line because I didn’t feel like editing it properly. This was INCREDIBLY stupid and I’m still kicking myself over it. It would have confirmed at least two more scum and a the fact that they had a message board. I’m really sorry about this.

Things I’d Do Differently

- Even though it was fun asking the dead thread for suggestions, I wish I had given Sorian a list of products from the start and let him choose the order to do it in.

- Flavor wise I wish I had made all of town kids and everyone else adults with kid fake flavor. This caused some confusion by the scum team since they thought everyone was a kid. I also should have just noted that I gave fake flavor in the OP so everyone would stop asking about it.

- When day vigs are used close to the deadline, there is pretty much always an extension to the day. This is standard stuff. However since we haven’t had a day vig before in GAFia, I should have given L_P a heads up. I don’t think this affected things too much, but it could have been explained better.

Weird Shit That Happened

- Fire switched Ouro and Sorian night one. Darryl sent the kill order for Sorian. Why did they do this? No idea. They even asked me what would happen if a watcher was on Ouro, and I said he’d see Fire. Town tried to make sense of this play, but there was none. Mafia had a role designed to get caught, and this plan put their utility at risk.

- Sorian licked himself one due to the switch. Here’s what I said on the matter in the dead thread:
This created a very weird interaction in Sorian licking himself. I did not consider this a possibility because what are the chances that the ONE switch in the game would redirect his lick onto himself? So we kind of had to talk about how that should play out.

The way I interpreted the rules was this: Sorian's role PM explicitly says he cannot lick the same person twice. If a switch caused him to accidently lick the same person, I would have to send a "Your action failed" report since someone getting the cowlick message twice would be confusing.

His PM also states that he does not need to lick himself to win. If being licked is a binary state, he started the game as 'yes'. Therefore I treated him being switched back to himself as licking a person already licked.

This also made the day the most interesting. If Sorian had proof that a switch happened, they would have believed fire's claim and probably not voted for him. This way allowed fire the ability to talk his way out of it (because a switch still could have happened) but not make it too easy.

- Mario Party game: at this point town was on a losing path setting up a chain lynch of blarg and salva, and since the game was already so weird, I decided to let it play out. With Darryl’s ability I *probably* shouldn’t have allowed it, but eh. It ended up being beneficial to town.


Just kidding it was Burb, but still it's funny how right Launch was for being the #1 scum suspect throughout the entire freaking game.


Just kidding it was Burb, but still it's funny how right Launch was for being the #1 scum suspect throughout the entire freaking game.

this was kind of the problem at the end. he was dead on for two days but had lost all credibility so it didn't matter.


There was a point earlier today, for the span of 10-20 minutes after Time put his vote down on Darryl, that I thought about saying fuck it and throwing a vote on Darryl too to bait Launch into hammering the day early because I knew I had it if the day ended. The only reasons I didn't is because I didn't want someone to realize I should be the one lynched and things decide to fall back on me to buy town their extra day and better odds at hitting scum. I also really felt that I needed to be the hammer today because I did not have faith in the scum team to think through my role and realize who they should kill to get their win immediately. I guess if I had thrown caution to the wind, I probably would have baited an aggressive Launch who was out for Darryl blood, he would have gotten lynch bombed and I would have won with town. Hindsight bias and all that though, at the time, my odds were better at being the hammer. Jesus Christ at that lynch bomb though, I didn't even imagine that possibility.


Scum MVP: roytheone

Scum suffered a lot from being spread out over timezones. A lot of their plans / actions made the game way harder for themselves than it should have been. roytheone made a solid effort despite of this.

Jaay! Not bad for a first time scum!

- Fire switched Ouro and Sorian night one. Darryl sent the kill order for Sorian. Why did they do this? No idea. They even asked me what would happen if a watcher was on Ouro, and I said he’d see Fire. Town tried to make sense of this play, but there was none. Mafia had a role designed to get caught, and this plan put their utility at risk.

I actually also have no idea why darryl suddenly did want a switch kill. Darryl, can you enlighten us on this subject?


Tim are you going to mention the tweaks you made to my role mid game? lol I didn't bother mentioning those because I was already seeking charity on telling the truth and I didn't want my story to be inconsistent.


Jaay! Not bad for a first time scum!

I actually also have no idea why darryl suddenly did want a switch kill. Darryl, can you enlighten us on this subject?

I didn't care. I had to go to sleep and didn't think I would make the day phase. I was scared you guys would grow confused without a response from me and there would be no kill. That's why I gave you guys the option to change it with switching, otherwise I was fine with Sorian going.


Tim are you going to mention the tweaks you made to my role mid game? lol I didn't bother mentioning those because I was already seeking charity on telling the truth and I didn't want my story to be inconsistent.

Palmer suggested the ability to lick yourself so you could hide the ability more so we added that.

The whole "don't mention your 3P" thing was added at the last second was dumb because it would have made it harder to heelturn. We were talking about loosing it a bit, but I just removed it altogether.

I really did not expect you to claim so early. You are really lucky town did not realize how much of a threat you could be. It should have been you getting turboed on day two.


I didn't care. I had to go to sleep and didn't think I would make the day phase. I was scared you guys would grow confused without a response from me and there would be no kill. That's why I gave you guys the option to change it with switching, otherwise I was fine with Sorian going.

Why am I always in discussions for night 1 death? Does everyone hate me that much?


I basically just opened the thread, looked for something Sorian or Launch did wrong, then called them out on it. The idea was when I shifted opinions and saw through the scum later they'd trust me.


I really did not expect you to claim so early. You are really lucky town did not realize how much of a threat you could be. It should have been you getting turboed on day two.

I had jailer and cop blood on my hands. I had to claim something ridiculous to shift the blame to Launch ASAP, luckily my real role was ridiculous so, I went with that. I was also, apparently, fucked anyway if I hadn't role claimed so quick cause I would have been the policy lynch on day 2 when I did action that Burb saw.
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